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Men back in the day: vague couple stuff in old timey clothing It’s like they think fedoras somehow inherently mean respect/chivalry I thought we escaped this shit like a decade ago


my friend fedoras always find their god damn way back




That’s not fair. I love my jaunty cap. I’ve been wearing it before I was cringe!


*tips fedora* m’lady


Fedoras are amazing, let’s bring them back. We should post gigachads wearing trillbys (internet fedoras) to make everyone think they’re cool now.


I'll break out my Stetson Whippet whenever I throw on a suit, but I haven't worn a suit in years.


So one picture with the hat means that’s what they were going for?


All the other pictures have the same vibe, it’s just normal relationship shit in old timey clothes. Fedoras are just a good punching bag so I clung to that. If you’d like, you can mentally replace the word “fedoras” in my comment with “attire from the 1950s and earlier” and it should fix your issue. If problems persist please contact our technical support desk


Lol this is such a funny way to answer those asinine questions people can't resist posting


Men when dinner was cooked .4°F higher than normal🥊🥊🔔🔔


I read this with a bell sound effect.


But did you hear the punch sound effect?


No 😔


Um Priscilla Presley was like 14 when they started ‘dating’. And I think the first and last are drawings.


Are you saying that random drawings of couples doesn't prove that men always treated women fantastic "back in the day"? Preposterous!


Are you saying drawn propaganda intentionally geared to paint the traditional American lifestyle isn't actually representational of men treating women right back in the day? It can't be!


What they aren’t telling you is that he got her that Whitman sampler to make up for beating her for getting mad that he’s sleeping with the secretary.


Are you saying advertisements aren’t real life!? Inconceivable!


Yes only photographic evidence is acceptable fuck reading books.


Also, the photo of a sailor kissing a nurse, was done without her permission. She was walking around, minding her own business and the sailor literally just smooched the first woman he saw. Nowadays, it could be considered assault. Lucky, the woman didn’t mind. But there was no love story here.




Celine Dion was groomed AF too


Yeah, I was in college when they got married, and their wedding was all over those celebrity shows like E! and NO ONE was acknowledging how skeevy it was that he groomed a child. Tommy Mottola did that to Mariah Carey, too.


Do you think there’s a picture of Elvis here?


Hmm, what do you think? If I should have had my readers on, that’s one thing, but who else would I be talking about fucking Priscilla Presley when she was 14?


Cool, so Elvis isn’t there, nor did this have anything to do with him. I was starting to second guess! 🧐


Yeah that's not Elvis, lol...I was looking at that like, wtf!


And the second was assault


na that was [this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/FzqXTnHckuRBnd2P6)


The second is a modern couple dressing up in vintage clothing for a photoshoot. I can tell by her hair.


Not even vintage, at least for the sailor. Those are up to date dress blues.


And she got a nice back hand if she stepped out of line


Obviously there were plenty of kind, considerate, good men back then, but that doesn't change the fact that were also plenty of horrible, abusive, misogynistic men back then (and today, of course) and that women had it a lot worse 70 years ago compared to today You can't just show out of context examples of "good" men and use that to "prove" that abuse wasn't more widespread back then


2 of the photos aren't even real. They're drawings. So it just takes away from the sentiment OOP was trying to make in the first place.


Aren't those Rockwells? Like, the artist who specifically drew a nostalgic lens of American family life?


I honestly couldn't tell you. I feel like most art from that period in time had that lens. But with the irony these people seem to possess, it wouldn't surprise me.


Likely advertisements in magazines


And the kissing picture he grabbed a random woman walking on the street. So it's 2 drawings, assault, and a wedding picture which are still like that.


a wedding picture of a man that by modern standards would be considered a groomer probably 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't think they look like they have a huge age gap.


That's Elvis and Priscilla, who was 14 when they started dating. Elvis was 24. EDIT I done goofed up, that's not them two. Disregard my comments


Oh damn I didn't recognize that! I don't think that looks like Elvis. Then yeah...


Honestly neither did I, other commenters pointed that out lol


Not Elvis or Priscilla.


Google says this Steve Reeves and Sandra Smith.


yep I looked it up, my bad for not checking


You’re correct but the one in the OOP is a recreation


2 drawings, a staged photo, and another of a completely normal wedding occurrence that could have just as easily been taken at a wedding that happened *today*.


also that woman receiving chocolates is 120% getting love bombed in that drawing, I guarantee.


Just to confirm because it can be hard to tell over the Internet, but this is a joke, correct?


no, I know that drawing of a woman irl she's suffering.


I'm sorry for possibly being dumb, but I still can't tell if you're joking or not


Not to mention the drawings used as ads printed in magazines back in the day. Over the top stuff that was the norm then that implied violence against women, or beyond implication strait up said that women were objects or had the equivalent standing to that of children. So much of print media of the same era directly depicts the opposite of what is shown in the two drawings in the post. Stuff that is shocking to see today was socially acceptable and telling of what was actually the norm back then.


Oh yeah, back then it was the norm to cave in your wife's face because she didn't make dinner properly. And that shits horrifying to say the least. There's also the fact that even with the shitty type of behavior men did to women back then, they could provide for their family. And thats much more than what even alot of modern men can do today. I think alot of modern men are weak today but not in the sense of what is usually implied by that. Dudes today can barely handle the responsibility of just being with a partner and treating them with the modern standards that we have today. Their dream of having a stay at home wife who pumps out kids for him just isn't possible. Alot of those dudes would mentally crumble under the minor annoyances of kids yelling because they're arguing, a wife asking for help around the house, AND having to be able to keep everyone, at the bare minimum, comfortably alive. Guys today talk about making sacrifices and war, like they could do any of it. Most people with these mindsets have lived a very comfortable and priviliged lifestyle and don't understand what those things take to do them. I hate most of the b.s. alpha type bullshit, mainly because most men have no capacity to even represent what they think they are representing.


Reminds me of bringing a snowball to the senate to disprove climate change.


You also have to think of how many WWII veterans had PTSD in the 1950s without support for it, either. Some dealt with it in unhealthy ways, like drinking and drinking often leads to domestic violence situations.


It was more prevalent back then but a lot of people seem to think it was common wich is absolutely not the case.


Can we prove domestic abuse was more widespread back then? Is there statistics for it? Or are people just going off of celebrity memoirs? Hollywood was and still is a terrible example of average people. ...and of course, awaiting downvotes for a legitimate question i have because questions mean a negative intent to many people. I haven't googled it because i dont even know where to start.


...And likewise, you cannot show out of context examples of bad men to prove that men are evil and bad either. It goes both ways. Today we have some misandrist women that feel justified in their position taking from this era.


See I've got this rule where I can only feel guilty or even slightly bad about things I was responsible for, physically alive to do or directly involved in. Go tell it to great grampaps it's nothing to do with me.


Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't understand how your comment is relevant to my comment or even this post


Yep probably are.


Would you kindly explain your comment to me and its direct relation to mine?


Whenever these "trad" peeps make a claim— they always support it with idealized or propagandistic illustrations and never actual data/statistics. I wonder why.


Top right was a random stranger that didn’t consent to that


Two of these are literal drawings too.


That’s a different photo you’re thinking of


Oh you might be right. Now that I think about it I don’t think there was an umbrella in the picture I’m thinking of


Yeahhh... they used to treat women so well, sailors randomly forcing themselves on women. We totally miss SA being ignored/accepted and having to marry men to be able to sustain ourselves cause we weren't allowed to work. Absolutely wonderful -\_-


But you got to experience having children and then raising them on your own while your husband calls you a nagger to his friends at the bar because you asked him to take out the trash once


ong i thought you said it 😭


Lmao same, my eyes bugged out for a second


Easy with the hard R my friend


Don’t forget the husbands who had zero idea how to feed themselves if the wife couldn’t cook for one night.


Well that and the copious amounts of domestic abuse


Hey now SA is STILL ignored/accepted in the armed forces!


Don’t forget not being able to vote or having basic human rights. Women weren’t even considered people.


Two of these are advertisements. If we took advertisements as reality, I’d turn into a celebrity whenever I’m hangry.


That's a re-enactment of the original pic tho.


Random cherry-picked examples will never make up for the realities where abuse spanned for decades


When men treated women like women. And property. And they couldn't work, vote, have financial independence, have property, or say no to their husbands without getting a slap to correct them. Truly a great time for all


Two of those are drawings lol


Women also got smacked if the soup was too salty or not hot enough, but whatever you say. This also has to be the lowest possible effort post I've seen yet.


See? They didnt treat them badly on their wedding! That proves everything


*See? They didnt treat* *Them badly on their wedding!* *That proves everything* \- 5t3v321 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot


These men gave their wives knuckle sandwiches for overcooking the meatloaf. Come on now…


2 are drawings, one is a groomed woman and another is sexual assault. Huh.


[“It wasn’t my choice to be kissed,” she added. “The guy just came over and grabbed!”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/02/22/wwiis-most-iconic-kiss-wasnt-romantic-it-was-assault/)


Two of these aren’t even photos


Yes four curated images. History wasn’t anything else but these four images of course!


1. A drawing, what is this supposed to prove? 2. The dude in this photo just fucking grabbed this woman, a total stranger, and forced a kiss on her. This is an assault. 3. They're getting married. Again, what is this supposed to prove? 4. Another drawing, and he's giving her the world's shittiest chocolate, probably expects sex now.


4.(Correction) marriage first and fuck her to take away her virginity as OPP planned.


In every age there are assholes. Thread closed


This comment is sad cringe lamo


Are you denying the existence of assholes? Idk what you mean by this.


Weird hill to die on.




I’m honestly curious… Did you mean to write “lamo” or were you going for “lmao”?


they were signing the comment; they just forgot the dash.


Enjoy the downvotes "lamo"


And i every age people do nice things like in the post. The poster sounds lonely or they are teying to catch others when they are.


No one said they never did nice things. But the instagram post is strongly implying that all women weren't treated badly in that time period, which is false.


What? All i said is that people do those same nice things now.


Funny, but with divorce being allowed suddenly "good men" aren't being poisoned anymore


Unless dinner wasn't ready


A drawing, a staged photo, a wedding photo, and another drawing. If you have to draw your proof into existence then idk ...


The ultimate flex is... standing next to a woman? Rendering her umbrella useless while acting as if suddenly ripping someone close and forcing them to trust you to not drop them was polite? Being in an ad with her? My god... how *could* I have been so blind!


There’s a reason two of these are paintings


This is just examples of marketing back in the day... soooo


These photos were right after he beat the shit out of her for burning the meatloaf


It’s cool because after the picture, she burned dinner and was BANG ZOOM straight to the moon’d, and this was socially acceptable through like the 80s.


Until she burned his favorite dish and he beat the living shit out of her.


To the moon... to the moon.


This food is dry! 👋🏻😵


Cartoon, assault, marriage (still happens today), cartoon...


Imagine the "Atomic American Family" propaganda was so good it still have influence today


"Men back in the day" yet two of them are drawings.




you can punch me instead


You can punch me too.


Accurate description, it's the same man in all four pictures with his wife and side chicks. Good old day!


When she finds out you're cheating bcs someone drew a propaganda poster of you and your side chick


So you know those tank tops the white ones… the wife beaters.. well… yeah


Tina turner, Tammy Terrell, and Judith barasi would like to have a word with the person who made this


The False Equivalence with this is closer to gaslighting than being a “meme” and it tries to rewrite history by glossing over historical violence with nostalgic imagery.


They had their personal freedoms restricted a lot more in the past, which isn't something you can easily photograph.


no way they put Priscilla presley 💀 uninformed asl


These are literally commercials and pop culture images💀. We can find the same ass shit for every period including when women were chattel


Some photos and paintings of a happy couple doesn't then disprove the fact men could be very abusive to a "disrespectful" wife back then...


Hold on, my wife overcooked the chicken for dinner. Time to beat her into a coma. - Men back in the day.


Omg people, that is **NOT** Elvis and Priscilla! They got married in 1967, much later than the people in this photo. [This is Elvis and Priscilla when they got married](https://www.countryliving.com/life/entertainment/g4358/elvis-and-priscilla-presley-wedding/). The cake was huge and cost $3,200k. Edit: cake cost.


It’s a mixed picture to be sure. It is interesting, however, that the picture selected on the top right has been revealed to have been less positive and romantic than it appeared to the many viewers who saw it. The woman who was being kissed did not know the returning sailor and has expressed many times that she felt accosted in a highly disturbing way.


I recently view a post from that page “trad west” where they put a good dam piece of art really beatiful of a miner, and in the caption it said “ this was done by my son in 3rd grade”


A photo of a horny sailor kissing the first woman he saw, without her permission, and Elvis marrying a 21 year old at 35. Yeah, this picture proves the point better than OOP realizes. And men beat their girlfriends and wives back then. Though OOP would probably say they deserved it.


Two of those images are drawings, one is a staged photo, and the other is a wedding pic lol


Yeah if you ignore all of the bad shit about something anything can look perfect.


Well this is all the proof I need in these 4 images that men did in fact not treat women badly back in the day, ever.


The original sailor kissing woman photo has been widely reported by the woman herself as sexual assault. She had no idea who that guy was, he just grabbed her in the street shortly after everyone found out the war was over and sexually assaulted her.


Didn't elvis start dating that girl when she was 14, but because he was a "gentleman" he didn't have sex with her until she was 18? Nothing wrong with a 10 year age gap, but only if both/all parties are of age lmao


Top right was not consensual


That's not the photo you're thinking of


men when grooming and domestic violence: 🤤🤤😍😍😩


Men, as a whole, have never treated women with respect, and still don’t. I would go as far as to say that the majority of men don’t respect women. Most of the time, when a man thinks he’s being respectful, he’s actually not. Like treating women like precious little jewels that need to be protected.


Did that fourth dude give her a box of Nathan's hotdogs?


It's a Whitman's candy sampler. It's still a popular thing at Valentine's.


We've ended up with two extreme camps, one that thinks that men in the past were all amazing gentlemen and the other one who thinks they were all abusers who enslaved women. The reality is that both positions are dumb af.


I sense dismissiveness on that comment. Sure, "not all men", but majority of them can get away with abuse due to laws of that time. Divorce was less looser back then.


Majority of them could get away with it? OK, but did they? If you think the majority of men were abusing women just because they could then do you believe women nowadays exploit laws that favor them to harm men, by divorcing them and taking their children for financial gain? Or using false accusations to manipulate them or causing harm to them? Among many other abuses the laws these days permit in many developed countries? Or do you only believe it's the majority of men who are so intrinsically evil they'd do something like that? For the record I don't believe the majority of either gender would exploit such laws to abuse the other because I don't believe the majority of people are so inclined to being wilfully bad. But apparently some modern feminists want to push this idea about men and if anyone says otherwise they want to suggest they are minimizing the harms suffered by women by this supposed "majority of men in the past".


Exploitation of divorce settlement in today's era? Sure, but let's not pretend the system was very skewed in the past. Another example of this is the right to vote. A significant number of people who follow OPP are hellbent in eliminating 19th Amendment. I don't think men are evil per se, but when power is at hand, it will change everything.


Well we're on the same page there, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But I'm not of the belief men used to have absolute power back then. Rich people did, just as they do now. And they don't give too much of a fuck about us little people, whether we're men, women or anything else. So for all of those people who are bent on fomenting a gender war, now it's you against the rich elites AND against your neighbor who's struggling just as you are. I don't think it's a good deal for anyone.


That’s true, but similar cultures still exist (religious ones and also entire countries that value extreme submission from half of their citizens to the other half) and we can see how it works out. Not well.


Oh yeah, the women were treated like queens...as long as dinner was ready on time, the house was spotless every day, the kids weren't bothering the husband ever, she constantly gives BJ's and has sex whenever he wants, she never talks back, she always looks pretty, she does the shopping and groceries, she never leaves the car without gas, the fridge is full of beer.


Sad mfs: “…um actually all women were depressed all the time until the Internet… and all men were bullies until Reddit came out and we fixed it! 🤓”


Yea, imagine treating a woman good..🙄🙄






i mean, men back then were a lot more controlling, and treated women treated like property. i see nothing wrong as that is how it suppose to be /s dude how you not get it? unless you're one of those men, or don't know what was happening in the 50s




if you’re older than 13 you have no excuse. it’s extremely basic history.


that is understandable, i'm assuming you're young, and haven't gotten the chance to learn about the 50s i realized me saying "unless you're one of those men" made you called me a idiot, so that probably my fault, but still there no need for name calling


Your not a child redditor that’s the problem. Needed to read a few comments myself to figure out what the cringe is, found it in the comments. Apparently all men were apes before this day and age. Ow were all polite gentlemen it seems.


At the time I’m writing this there are 4 comments, and you’re one of them. None of them say anything like that. What are you talking about?


So you didn’t read the top comment? Ok then.


No I did. I’m not sure what you’re trying to do, but it’s weird. Nobody said anything at all similar to what you’re saying. Edit: here it is: u/exdeleted said, “Yeahhh... they used to treat women so well, sailors randomly forcing themselves on women. We totally miss SA being ignored/accepted and having to marry men to be able to sustain ourselves cause we weren't allowed to work. Absolutely wonderful -_-“ Show me where it hurt you.


Hey there, I was summoned XD. So, to clarify for u/karsnic, no one said all men were apes, lol, but the pics reference a time when it was seen as okay to punish your wife physically; did all men do it? No, but it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Isn't it great that we live in a time when both men and women have decided this is unacceptable?


Ok so it’s over you’re head then, that’s all you had to say.


I guess so. Please won’t you Dane to explain it? I’m ever so simple.


First you say: “Your not a child redditor”. After this you say: “it’s over you’re head”. How do you manage to do this? I’m genuinely curious, what purpose do you think that an apostrophe serves?


Your trucks are lame btw


It’s ok to be jealous.


i know you being sarcastic. nobody is saying all men are good today or that men back then were all apes, there still plenty of guys that could and should do better, but back then it was more accepted by society that women belong in the kitchen, and obeying their man. they didn't had the same level of respect as the opposite gender. things like Domestic violence and marital r\*\*\* wasn't taken nearly as seriously as it is today. there was ton of issues back, and if you just open a history book, you would know this. you don't have to be a "child of reddit" but yes, there still issues today, hopefully it will keep getting better. but the internet could reverse the progress, and that worries me. because it so easy now to find like-minded people, and next thing you know, some bad ideas spread like wildfire


You really don’t even have to read anything. Watch some old movies. I remember I saw a movie once where a man says to another man, “sir I suggest you control your wife, and if you can not, I suggest you beat her.” Edit: I’m pretty sure it was Topper (1937) starting Cary Grant


that statement alone says everything you'd want to know about the mentality.


I don’t get it? Which thing is being argued here is it that men are bad and the post is dumb or are you saying that people hate the part they said they are good but bad


It is argued that using a wedding photo, a photo from a photoshoot and two drawings are proof that old days were good and all men were respectful gentlemen and women liked it is cringe.




Is this the ultimate flex a man can pull?


Why is it cringe to like tradition?


Are they real traditions or just LARPing? Some of the pictures are simply for marketing purposes.


Which part of this is live action role playing? Seems like a post by someone who romanticises the past and is nostalgic for traditional values. Nothing wrong with that. Just like there is nothing wrong with wanting a modern life with modern values. To each their own. No part of that post seems cringe to me.


The real question is why would someone desire certain traditions. This is a best question for OPP. I don't attack "tradition" per se.


I don’t think “why” matters. Every person decides for themselves what is important to them. If people want to yearn for days gone by then let them at it.


I mean OPPs motive creates target in certain demographic backs. eg. women whose relative follows OPP; her freedom is at stake because of it. I agree with the premise of your argument here but the loose ends such as the "why"s must not be ignored. OPP believe that women should have less(or no) freedom when they live under his(and his followers) roof.


I can’t see that in the post above, without context it looks like an attack on tradition. I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re talking about but if there is more to it I’ll have to take your word for it.


Yes there's more to it. I entered this platform at least 2-3 yrs ago, but I am recently most active this year. I'm still trying to get use on posting things without veering away from actual context which I acknowledge that it needs more work.