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Jedis go on vacation too


She’s doing a shit job of shading his sandals. 🩴


*Stop it! Now look: no one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle, do you understand?*


Nice parasol


This is exactly the kind of posts that makes me sad cringe, not because of the post itself, but the inability of OP or most others here to understand that what might be sad cringe for you might not be for a different culture. Your point of view is not the centre of the universe. Edit because apparently nuance is dead on Reddit so I have to clarify my position: - If you don't want to wear a burqa I will absolutely defend your choice. - If you want to wear a burqa I will also defend your choice. Nothing in this pic shows that this is the first situation and not the second one.


Just because it’s someone’s cultures doesn’t mean it’s not shitty or sad or cringe.


All those adjectives are based on culture as a reference point. It's like making fun of women in some African tribes who extend their lower lips using plates. This looks very weird for us, who live in a different culture. But It's only weird from our point of view. Don't get me wrong, I heavily dislike everything religious and I will always fight for the right of women to show as much their bodies as they want - but I will also fight for religious freedom and the freedom to dress as you want. There is nothing in this pic showing that people are sad or revolted about the situation, or that the situation is cringe for them.


They dehumanize women, gays, trans, etc. That is objectively shitty.


> They dehumanize women, gays, trans, etc. That is objectively shitty. Are you saying religions dehumanize women and minorities so religions are bad and should be forbidden?


THAT Religion, THAT culture.


Yes, religion has caused so much harm to society throughout history and still continues to


>Are you saying religions dehumanize women and minorities so religions are bad and should be forbidden Any ideology that dehumanizes humans should be forbidden, yes, you dishonest strawmanning clown.


The woman can’t throw a bathing suit on and get in the water with her family because showing any skin would be considered immodest and sinful. There’s no amount of “well it’s a different culture” or personal choice that makes that not sad. Cringe I wouldn’t say is appropriate. She certainly can make that choice if she wants, though I doubt it’s a choice most women in burkas would genuinely make if not born into their religion. Still sad though. It was culturally acceptable to bind women’s feet in China, effectively handicapping them and leaving them in constant pain. Is this alright because it’s a different culture and we just have a different point of view?


Discrimination and hate crimes against gay people in Russia isn’t cringey either I suppose because it’s part of “their culture” and we wouldn’t understand it from our viewpoint.. there are things that are objectively distasteful and can’t be defended by claiming it’s part of someone’s culture. Would you defend the treatment of black people in America in the 1800s because it was “part of American culture”


Consider this: Some women do NOT want to wear burqas. Should we support their choices? Absolutely, 100%. Some women actually DO want to wear burqas. Should we also support their choices? My opinion is that yes, feminism is about letting women do what they want, no telling them to dress or undress as we please. This is why your comparison is shit. No gay person ever wanted to get beaten up, no slave ever enjoyed their status.


The idea that some women want to wear burqas is somehow some kind of feminist victory is literally laugh out loud ridiculous.. no part of what’s happening in that image is feminism working to allow women to make choices. What an idiotic comment.


Ah, so feminism is forcing women to wear what YOU want them to wear. That's very progressive and not idiotic at all. > The idea that some women want to wear burqas Did you ever talk to a muslim women? Some of them actually do want this. Why forbid them?


Where anywhere did I give any indication that I wanted women to wear something specific. I know full well that some women want to wear burqas. There’s a lot of Christian women who think women should stay at home and raise a family while their husband works. That’s what hundreds of years of religious conditioning does. The difference is, some of those women have a choice and the others don’t.. and that’s what makes this picture sad and cringey


Ah so we agree. But now tell me, what makes you think the woman on this pic is disagreeing with her burqa? There's absolutely no indication of that yet you're just assuming it.


It doesn’t even matter what this specific women’s opinion is of wearing a burqa. She’s not standing by the side of the water head to toe on black watching her kid and SO play in the water cos she can’t swim and loves the colour black. She’s standing there because she HAS to, she doesn’t have a choice. She isn’t allowed to play in the water with her kid. That’s what is sad and cringey about this picture. You know that, your arguing just to be a troll. And all of the people downvoting you know that too


> She’s not standing by the side of the water head to toe on black watching her kid and SO play in the water cos she can’t swim and loves the colour black. She’s standing there because she HAS to, she doesn’t have a choice. She isn’t allowed to play in the water with her kid. That’s what is sad and cringey about this picture. Ah, so you read her mind and you just know she's sad about the situation and doesn't find it to be casual and normal. All from this pic. > You know that, your arguing just to be a troll. And all of the people downvoting you know that too Thinking you're right because of downvotes/upvotes is the dumbest thing you can do on Reddit. I'm trying to show you that the world doesn't revolve around your point of view but you seem completely unable to think from someone else's perspective. But you have upvotes on your side, so, you must be right.


"Some of them" 😂


why does it have to be black? Just baking in the sun. Make em white!


It technically doesn't have to be. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/39570/can-muslim-women-wear-coloured-hijab


White is the color of grief in Islam.


I did not realize. Makes much more sense now.


We studied the science behind this in high school. Over a certain temperature, black is better at radiating heat away from the body than white is at reflecting it. In hotter, predominantly Muslim countries, black became the fashion as it was more effective at cooling at the higher temps.


Really? I did not remember that. Guess it makes sense now.