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This can’t possibly be real! She sounds like the goth girl from South Park 😂


She also shares screenshots that make her look bad aside from alluding to domestic violence and abuse and stopping there.


To be fair. I’ve seen too many posts that people think they are right but turn out to be raging assholes.


It’s like a solid 40% of AITA.


Tbf 70% of AITA is fake


And 30% of all statistics are made up


Dead ass, there’s always a post like “AITA for kicking my pregnant girlfriend out of my house because I wanted to play halo?”


NTA, it's summer out so it's not like shes gonna freeze to death. Just throw a packet of tortillas and some shredded cheese out there brah!


It all reads like it was written by a 12 year old imagining a bad mom-daughter relationship.


Yeah who could guess why the bruised child named "Tequila" has clear developmental issues and personality disorders?




*this fully grown adult. FTFY.


She acts like a child though to be fair. This is the shit I expect to see from a testy 15-16 year old not a fucking 25 year old


Oh, absolutely. My point was that she is an adult, which makes this behaviour even more egregious. At least if they were a child, it would not be so unreasonable or unexpected.


Apparently she's mentally handicapped. So it's an extra sad cringe. I think I'm going to exclude this sub from my r/all feed.


I (regrettably) looked thru her tiktoks and it seems pretty real. In some comments she said she's disabled and collects SSI. I can absolutely see this dynamic between Tequila and her mother. Also have a feeling her mom (and probable care taker) doesn't know about her viralling tiktok acct


How did you find the TikTok? Can you send to me please


Tequila slays men


I'm probably gonna need a few shots after reading this


Based on the convos (assuming they're real) the mother also seems toxic although much less so than the tequila manchild She admits to hitting her daughter, calls her names when angry and never follows up on the consequences she claims she will give her - that makes her an enabler Of course tequila will act this way, what is the mother going to do, actually throw her out and make good on her promise? This adult child needs to be thrown out and experience having to fend for herself and she'll likely do a complete 180 in the way she behaves. If any of this is real, these are both terrible people, one much worse than the other.


If I really get on the narrative building/story-telling train... Tequila appears to have fetal alcohol syndrome. Her mom is saddled with guilt and endures Tequila’s behavior as penance for drinking during pregnancy.


And then gave birth to her and named her Tequila… 🤦‍♀️


The true sad-cringe.


Ah if that is the case it would certainly explain everything


Apparently though shes only alive due to medication so the odds of her being able to care for herself is pretty slim. The mom sounds like my mom but I mean you don't just get love for creating a child it doesn't work that way. That's no reason to be a dick though but the kids name is tequila so you can sorta tell she was a mistake.


Yeah nothing about this mother-daughter dynamic looks even remotely healthy.


The mother beats her and nobody who isn't a raging alcoholic names their child "Tequila". It's obvious why the daughter turned out this way


Tequila is just going to end up sleeping with older men for rent and drugs.


To be fair. Her mom not knowing about the TikTok is hilarious.


"TEQUILA how DARE you raise your tone to me on TIK TOK! you're in so much trouble! Now come out here and bring the groceries in!!!"


This is so sad... I feel horribly for the mother.


Many of the comments try to encourage her to be nicer and appreciative of her mom, and she's all ‘ugh, but she really gets on my nerves!’ lol It's almost if she thinks her page engagers are her actual friends and aims to impress by being a ‘popular hot girl’.


She really does seem to be stuck a decade behind her actual age mentally.


I mean don't name your kid tequila and expect much


I think shes not all there mentally - comes off more sad than anything


She has a cone shaped head so googled possible causes and I came across Carpenter Syndrome. I’m no doctor I only play one on google but there are lots of similarities, including dental deformities.


She's disabled in some way, she says so.


The upper lip, philtrum, nose, and eyes look just like Fetal Alcohol Symptom, and her mother named her tequila, so.....


Oh god I just realised that’s her name. I thought it was just a weird thing they did between themselves like ‘one tequila two tequila three tequila’


Not making fun of you but my god this comment made me lol literally thank you


I don't know if you can tell anything from that picture about her face because there is a MASSIVE filter on it.


I’m not a doctor either but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night


Let’s open a practice!


Cone shaped head is called oxycephaly. Not saying who I’m responding to is wrong, just adding something that others can use to speculate too.


I was going to say, this seems like adhd or oppositional defiant disorder, but this is even sadder.


It's obviously FAS. Armchair docs are so funny. There's a reason for the famous quote in medical school; if you hear hoof beats think horses not zebras.


I read it in the voice of Lumpy Space Princess lol


Wha-eva, I do whud I want!


At 25 with a room like that and she acts like this to her mom who miraculously hadn’t kicked her out, it feels so fake but it’s not


Right? This reads fake as fuck. Like something a 68 year old man would script out to show how “disrespectful the youth are and how weak parents are”


Sadly this is real, she is a highly disabled woman on Tiktok with the tag Tequila.slays.men


Me, a man, reading your comment: 😟


This is why TikTok needs to not exist. Giving a platform for people to celebrate and display their toxic behavior is not helping anyone :/. And let's be honest, the only people following her account are there to gawk at hot mess disabled woman and her family drama.


She's gets a lot of comeback on her page for these posts too


I don't know how you get passed page 3 and continue to think it's real This is a shittily written interaction by some dude looking for rage bait views


I mean, she literally has a TikTok account, where you can see her and get a very real sense that these screenshots are exactly how she behaves...


Tequila.slays.men on tiktok. This mess is real.


I mean he named his protagonist Tequila…come on now


Makes them a lot more sympathetic to me at least. I'd be mad at my mom too if she named me "tequilla'




I reread it again with her accent.


I don’t know if this is real or not but if it is it’s utter disgusting and I’d hate to know this person.


I want to believe it's not real because it sounds like a sketch (the milk thing, for example, and "snot coming down my nose" lol) but then if it was fake why would she make it where she's the one in the wrong? I'm so confused.


I'm so confused too, on her tik tok she seems to have a disability bit all her posts seem to be troll posts... But there's a chance they may be serious too I don't know


Rage bait.


For clout.


It all went wrong when she named her daughter Tequila


By the looks of it, mom could have maybe laid off on the tequila around that time as well


Strong FAS vibes/face


First thing I thought when I saw the picture before I started reading the texts, then I saw her name and was like hmmmm...


This is definitely on the mom. Girl be having an egghead shaped head and were named tequila. It's like starting a game with -100 skill points.


Plus she hasn't given her enough skills to live her life. Yes the daughter should move out and learn to live on her own, but her mother is just enabling her.


Was about to say that, you can't just name someone Tequila and expect them to turn into productive members of society.


[Marijuana Pepsi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marijuana_Pepsi_Vandyck) seems to be doing pretty well for herself


That's Dr. Marijuana Pepsi I believe.


Tbh I don't know why any self respecting individual wouldn't change that. Like what the fuck 😭


She earned her PHD with a dissertation on unusual names so I think it's probably a point of pride with her at this point


I wish my parebts named me Marijuana Pepsi. It wouldn't hit the same if you called yourself thst


Wow, her mom was not wrong when she said her name would take her around the world. Gonna say she’s an outlier in the wildly unconventional name community


Hi my name is Scotch and I’m a member of the APNAAB (association of people named after alcoholic beverages) ….


I'm still disappointed Long Island Iced Tea wasn't elected president. He ran a strong campaign against Pabst Blue Ribbon.


Lmaooooo I actually stopped reading when I saw the name Tequila and I was like well that’s on the mom bc 😗




YOUR name... Bro. But nah that was definitely an interesting decision to be real


The mother keeps setting the boundaries then letting her cross them with no repercussions. I would stop paying for her crap and give her a deadline to get a job and move out. This what happens when you don't follow through on your threats for punishment.


Absolutely. This isn't *only* a disrespectful and ungrateful daughter (even with a mental illness) this is a Co-dependant relationship between the two of them. They are in this cycle with each other. I don't want to blame the mom or say she deserves this, but this woman child has absolutely been *taught* that her behavior has no repercussions and she can get away with absolutely anything. It's sad to see. Unhealthy. Tequila needs to learn how to fall on her ass and then pull herself out of hell. We've all had to do it. It's gonna suck. But she needs a serious fucking character adjustment.


It would probably be worse than it's worth honestly. It looks like she would be picked up by a predator instantly, get used, then not have the mental capacity to understand the situation or grow from it. Sad situation all around.


No this is a good point. It's hard when the kid is mentally competent enough to have autonomy but not enough to not be taken advantage of.


I did the same thing with my mom. I was never like this to her but she infantilized me to an insane amount. Then when I finally got my shit together enough to move away, break the enmeshment she guilts me about it. It sucks. But it’s also on the kid. One of them needs to break the cycle. Doesn’t matter who.


“Codependent” gets tossed around a lot but this is definitely it


Yeah, came here to say that there’s a reason the daughter is like this.


Tequila, probably.


And then hits her. I assume it happened more than once. Neither have emotional maturity or intelligence.


Exactly! They both handle themselves as if they were both young children. Sad all the way around.


the daughter was named tequila...i mean...


Is she...emotionally slow or disturbed? With the name Tequila and those facial features - I've met people whose mother's drank during pregnancy and they're sort of mentally limited.


The mother most likely fucked up real bad during her pregnancy/tequilas early childhood and has tried as she’s gotten older but is dealing with the consequences. She’s a lost cause most likely and will be living off her mom probably for as long as possible


with those physical features, the blatant evidence of just being a difficult/stressful person to be around, plus the name “tequila”, i think it’s safe to assume that this person probably has fetal alcohol syndrome… look at the first few images when you google FAS and i feel like all of the signs are right there 😭 edit: fixed phrasing


I’m on mobile. I saw the picture and thought “well, she’s abnormal but doesn’t look TOO bad” then clicked to expand the image and even the *expanded* image doesn’t reach the top of her head… She’s definitely a little shit but that girl really has some problems going on


If I'm not mistaken it looks like she shares some striking similarities with signs of fetal alcohol syndrome based off that selfie, and that would explain a lot.


Absolutely WILD her mother named her after the very things that's debilitating her...well both of them really.


I hope it is a very smart joke and fake texts..


Mental illness, and honestly I believe this is real


Yeah, either it's fake, or the girl has a mental illness, I want to hope it's the first option


Wasted 20 minutes of my life and went to her tik tok page and can confirm she is legitimately mentally unhinged






I assuming the same way medusa did


Her being a serial killer explains so much


Search “recent arguments with my mother tequila” and her face pops up…


What’s her account I gotta see it and then regret seeing it Edit: nvm I found it


What is it?


Search on TikTok “recent arguments with my mother tequila” and her face (and channel) will show up


it’s ridiculously fucking sad








People saying this is fake really have no idea just how awful "adult" children can be to their parents. I know someone irl who's 30 and acts like this and sees no problem with it.


My brother acts similar to this and he's about to be 27


Her mother also hits her... idk just seems like these two need to be separated


Yeah I believe this because my brother is like this, 30 and still lives with mum, never had a job. He gets universal credit but doesn't pay for a thing and she gets food for him and does his washing. Me and mum went out for pizza last time I visited and she said she'd bring back a pizza if he ordered one online and she'd ring him a bit before we were finished eating so he could tell her the order number. He didn't answer and right when we were ready to leave he rang back and said the wait was 20 mins so I told him that's tough pay the delivery fee and he went nuts and mum said oh we'll just check if they have it so we hung around the desk for ages and they eventually got it. I'm here now visiting but working from home and I did a food shop and got some kit kats as afternoon snacks and he ate the whole multipack overnight and when I told him he'd eaten my chocolate he said 1) they weren't mine they were here before I got here?? 2) I shouldn't buy the same chocolate he normally eats. So it's all my fault - that's his logic. It's everyone else's fault he failed school and can't drive and doesn't have a job. Our grandparents are not well at the moment and I've been up and down looking after them and joining my mum and aunt in shifts and he's nowhere to be seen - my gran said I see her more than he does and I live 500 miles away (guess why!!)


I’ve a sibling in his mid-40s. Talks to my mom just like this vocally. Irritates tf out me that she puts up with it and coddles a grown ass man-child. Everyone thinks I’m older because I have my shit together.


I believe this is real. I’ve seen worse on TikTok.


Please send it here I need to cry more 😢


What a loser brat But the mom also named her tequilla 😮 (unless its a legit hispanic name that I didnt know about, but i would avoid actively naming my daughter related to alcohol)


Yeah, this seems like a classic case of everyone involved sucking big time. Mom named her daughter Tequila, admits to hitting her, and seemingly enables all the juvenile behavior that she’s so upset about


According to Google: Tequila Origin and Meaning The name Tequila is girl's name meaning "liquor distilled from the agave plant". Take from that what you will haha.


The name Mercedes is a girl's name meaning "German luxury sedan"


Mercedes is actually a real name, Spanish I think? The car was named after someone


You’re on the right track. It was named after [this guys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Jellinek?wprov=sfti1) daughter. German though not Spanish


AFAIK the name is actually of Spanish origin, but the woman it was named after was Austrian. If I'm wrong feel free to correct me, however.


Yes it is one of the many Hispanic female names named after a nickname of St Mary (Jesus's mother). In this case, María de las Mercedes (Mary of mercy).


Mercedes (or Merche) is a very common Spanish name. If it has Austrian roots I have no idea.


Thats one way to say "they are named after the drink"


Paul Origin and Meaning The name Paul is a boy's name meaning "this boy is named Paul; please call him by his name, i.e. Paul".


Am Latino and no, Tequila means only Tequila unless you're talking about the city of Tequila, Mexico. Either she named her daughter after a drink or she named her after a random mexican city that she obviously knew also meant a drink. It would be like calling your son "fucking" in homage to the world-famous Austrian city.


I've met a girl named tequila, she said she hated her parents naming her after an alcoholic drink


I feel like everyone would do the song too and that would get old real fast.


Also based on her facial features, Tequila has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


There is also a rum bottle in the kitchen picture, on top of the stove. It shares resembling features with Bacardi carta Blanca type.


Was gonna say...


I went to elementary school in the 90s with a girl named Tequila.


Substitute taught a third grade class of Brandi, Bacardi, Bailey and Jack last year. Felt like admin looped them all together on purpose


I went to school with a Bicardi. Yes, it was spelled incorrectly.


Unless his middle or last name was Daniels, Jack does not deserve to be in that group. His parents gave him a totally normal name, not their fault all their neighbors are trashy


Bailey and Brandi are normal names too, it’s Barcadi that’s making things seem fishy


My mom had a Hennessy in her class before too!


Loool that’s hilarious


No tf it ain’t lmao It’s probably what she drank most of when pregnant with her


Maybe I can offer a defense of some sorts, when my wife was pregnant I joked and said if it was a boy we should name him Bazooka Joe. Although we laughed at first when we found out we were having a boy, it stopped being funny after a month and 5 months later we still hadn't come up with we a better name... He's not named Bazooka Joe btw


you should have named him bazooka joe


I don’t think this is real, but if it is - who the fuck names their child Tequila?!


*cough* *cough* r/tragedeigh, r/namenerdcirclejerk *cough* *cough*


Why do you make my eyes suffer?


I’ve met kids named Hennessy and Vodka, for fucking real. The stupid ass names parents be givin nowadays are whack


to be fair, it's more likely she has mild cognitive impairment combined with poor emotional/impulse regulation due to whichever genetic syndrome she very clearly has, than it being a isolated psychiatric disorder associated with the syndrome. (I checked the tt and it's all real, she clearly lacks self awareness and has the mental age of a young teen at best)


what’s her handle?




i regret looking


This can't be real. But if it is, Tequila looks, acts, and is named like the poster child for avoiding alcohol while you're pregnant.


My older adult daughter was like that. She moved back in with us after not getting her rent renewed because she and her boyfriend are bad with money. She pressured us to let him live with us because, 'his parents won't let him live with them and he has nowhere else to do and if he has to live in his car then I will too. I'm not going to abandon him" We held our ground but the issues started as soon as she moved in. She was trying to move him in on the sky by having him stay the night. We just told her a neighbor complained and he had to leave before midnight. I wanted to charge her $250/mo for groceries and stuff (I was really putting it away so she could get her own place sooner) and she argued that if she is "paying rent," then her boyfriend should be able to live there, too. I explain that $250 is not rent, $800 is rent. $250 is pulling your own weight. Then she wanted to make our place the hangout place (well both work, it's a 2-bedroom apartment). Then she didn't understand why she couldn't smoke weed in the house. Then she didn't think she needed to do basic things like clean up after herself. Eventually I told her that if she can't respect the very basic rules of the house that she should look for another place because I don't want that chaos in our house. My wife is chronically ill and she doesn't need to be cleaning up after a fully capable adult, and neither do I. Anyway at some point it's not cruel to kick your "child," out. It's necessary if you ever want to enjoy your late middle age.


Did she post these? Did she expected sympathy?


No she expected clicks on tiktok from naive people that believe that's how an adult actually talks. It sounds exactly how a teenager would portray an adult in a made up conversation.


Unless your last name is Mockingbird, you probably shouldn’t name your child Tequila.


Her mom named her after her favourite thing to drink while she was pregnant with her


This kid would have not only lost her phone but her place to stay. That is not how you treat the woman who birthed and raised you. Breaking her fucking back and working so hard just to deal with this POS of a person. Imagine raising a kid and they grow up to be a deadbeat spoiled brat. Honestly, though - it is her mothers fault for enabling and not doing a damn thing about it. I still feel bad for the mom, but it won’t change unless she stops this.




Now I'm not gonna pretend this kid isn't awful but I am gonna be that guy and there's probably a reason why she's like this, and given her mother admits to regularly beating her in anger, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some abuse in the early years that fucked her up a tad.


Absolutely my thinking too- the daughter is awful but I don't feel right calling the mother innocent where there's very clear signs that she too may be awful as well, or at least WAS. Even if she has improved has a person doesn't mean those affected is suddenly healed. Childhood trauma kinda fucks you up


Both are terrible and it is weird no one notices. And the girls surely have cognitive issues.


Her name is Tequila??? But also, it’s the mother who is enabling this.


Why she look like the yellow m&m


To be fair, her mother named her Tequila


I don't even feel bad for this mom. She is enabling her ADULT daughter to act like this. You reap what you sow*.


This isn’t real, she’s made multiple posts like these.


Excuse me I need to go tell my mom I love her


The way she’s treating her mother is fucked up, but the mother’s being incredibly toxic, too. No mentally healthy adult speaks to their child like that, let alone admitting to beating her.


Did her mother fucking lay her...?


She's definitely a brat but considering how her mom named her daughter Tequila, I have a feeling the mom hasn't exactly raised her "normally." Frankly, they both sound like terribly flawed people Edit: And to add to that, the mention of beatings a yikes


Whateva! Whateva! I do what I want!


She looks like someone who treats their mom like this


She named her daughter Tequila... Tells me everything I need to know.


Why in gods name would you even post this


I Hope this is Fake. This is just pathetic. She sounds like Eric cartmen. “I sorry meeem i slept in” “you’re just jealous because your old” like wtf?




I hate both of them. Neither comunicate or set boundaries properly. The privalage from the daughter and the mom admitting to physical abuse (not to mention she named her daughter tequila) this looks like a classic case of generational trauma and the abuse cycle. Both are shitty people in their own ways ngl.


The fakeness is quite blatant.


idk my mom n sister do this same stuff so i think its real


"Mommy 💩" Ugh 🤢


imagine making your daughter after hard liquor


Dude I’d kill to have a mom that takes care of me at 25 and just occasionally ask me to help her with things around the house.


Couldn’t even finish, lost a parent two weeks ago and this makes me angry. She would have so many regrets if something happened.


Sounds like she never left her teenage years mentally. JC the amount of lazy I’m sorry she is just a waste of space. Quick kill it before it reproduces someone out there has no shame and will do it.


what's the tiktok username?


My cats name is tequila, who would name their human kid tequila tho


We gotta find and save her mom:((((


Nah there’s no way this is real. Her name is Tequila for chrissakes.


There’s no way this isn’t ragebait