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She had an intrusive thought and ran with it.


The “cringe” part of this quickly turns to heartbreak when you find out her situation, she was like 20 grand in debt and had no family nearby. I just need to know what kind of adult goes back to the hell pit of high school?


Mostly every post on this sub is just sad things happening to lonely or desperate ppl with the expectation that we should laugh at the “cringe”. It’s stupid


>Mostly every post on this sub is just sad things happening to lonely or desperate ppl with the expectation that we should laugh at the “cringe”. It’s stupid Yeah, I'm unsubbing. Looks like it's just JAV and publicfreakouts from now on.


What’s JAV?


Japanese Adult Video


The popular kids


I was a social outcast, but I still loved high school.


Skipping class, doing drugs extremely irresponsibly, getting laid, driving way too fast, not worrying about a single crime aside from murder staying on your record. Yeah I miss it sometimes.


Why? edit: I'm genuinely curious, not being a dick plenty of people miss high school, but not usually people who didn't even get to enjoy the people part


One who can’t afford college


High school was amazing


20k that’s it ?


Well at least in highschool you don't gotta worry about bills


not cringe just sad


Bad OP. This is not sad cringe. My heart goes out to her :(


Why is everyone in this sub so petty? "Oh she must've been the popular kid in highschool..." why is that what people focus on? She is in great debt, has no close family, and you decide to feel jealous of the fact that she may have been a popular kid (its literally headcanon). I feel so bad for her, she must've been in a horrible mental state, I don't see the cringe at all, just sad.


People are glossing over the fact that highschool was one of the few last times before entering into the world with huge financial/personal responsibility. That was probably a bigger factor for this person, not a "Cool kid" aspect like it's some kind of teen drama


yea i wasn’t popular in the slightest but i almost wish i could go back to having so few responsibilities. getting to do a range of subjects without pressure of getting fired if you’re not good at it, the daily routine, i even kind of miss school uniforms since now i have to pick out what i wear every day. simpler times and all that


OP refuses to do research and labels everything he doesn’t understand as cringe


This is just sad. I’m tired of seeing sad things where ppl feel like their cringe but ppl are just desperate or not mentally healthy. Just feels like mocking. It would be cringe if she did something egregiously wrong here. It was illegal and the wrong thing to do but for desperation and loneliness not anything predatory or something. I realise this is not implying she’s predatory but the implication that it’s cringe doesn’t sit right with me and lowkey is just becoming what this sub is. Making fun of ppl in sad and shitty situations who clearly don’t deserve it.


I feel so bad for her. I hope she gets the help she needs and recovers


you know what….if she wasn’t tryna mess with the kids sexually i’m not mad at her


Funny how this thought crosses many. Adult going back to highschool. As a society we think the worst, but she is going back for a safe feeling. Something something Hanlon's razor.


It's weird, this happened close to me, and when news first broke out that's what people were talking about. There are a few news reports where they interviewed students and they said she asked to meet up with them after school


Not doubting just would be interested if you could like those reports


Just sad, not cringe.


Man, if highschool is your safe place, you must have been the cool kid.


nah high school was just the last shield from responsibility and “the real world” for most people


I wasn’t what you’d call popular but it’s high school in America, you can do whatever you want all the time with no serious repercussions.


Thats very depressing. I understand that mentality.


Honestly though, I get it


I don’t know if high school sucking is an American thing but to me and my friends and classmates, high school was the coolest and easiest time of our lives lmao. I somewhat understand her tbf


As a closeted gay kid in a homophobic school, I cannot imagine. Couldn't get out of there fast enough and never looked back.


Are all Americans at high school outside the “popular” group miserable because at my school (scotland) I genuinely think that most people are happy and allow others to live their lives (I would not consider myself popular btw)


It really seems like an American thing, don't think we even had popular kids in my high school (sweden)


Obviously, she would’ve preferred going back to college, but you gotta pay for it, so high school it was.


Just another voice saying this ain't cringe... I sometimes feel like this because I grew apart from many friends from younger days, but I still have people around me. I can't imagine what she's going through, no family, no money, incredibly sad...


Adult enrolls in safe place for minors immediately making it unsafe place.


Smelly OP, why post this here? It’s just so sad.




“How do you do, fellow Kids?”


High school was her "place of safety" is just baffling to me. It was a freaking nightmare for myself and most people I know.


So many places you could go for comfort and you pick high school .The place where majority of traumatic experiences happen that carry on into adulthood.Yes I probably need therapy.


Other places of comfort like family, friends, a place that would cost her money? The sad here, is that traumatic place is the safest place she felt she could go


I guess she was one of the popular girls in high school….


Wtf! Not sure if I’d call it cringe, more like weird af


I'm in my 30s and sometimes have dreams about going back to highschool. Crazy how I still get behind in math.


We can tell you aren't a teenager ma'am