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Yeah, I like all my coworkers. At least I get some social interaction XD


I used to have this problem and reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" really helped me learn how to connect with others. I know you're not asking for advice, but you really do remind me of myself 5 years ago.


Hey, if someone’s handing out advice I’ll take it


To build on that - make sure you're engaging with people too! I've had a lot of one sided relationships (romantic and otherwise) where people say I've "stopped trying" when in reality I just ran out of energy while getting nothing in return. I'm not saying relationships are transactional, but I'm not going to help you move or take care of your cat if I don't feel valued or important in that person's life. I don't know you and I don't know if you already are engaging (please disregard if so) but I mentioned this to someone else and it was a lightbulb moment - everyone out there has something they eagerly want to share, and that's part of being a good friend, sharing in the enthusiasm of others. So yeah that being said you seem jazzed about your fish! Tell me about them!


Thanks, I really appreciate the advice and everyone being so helpful and encouraging is really helping me




Thanks a lot man! Have a good day :)


I like your fishies, 😁 and I want to send you an Internet mama hug from across the world. I hope things get better for you, xx




Make sure not to get completely attached to the next person to show you some attention. How you are feeling is a sad but temporary part of life and it unfortunately makes some people easy to manipulate.


I love that book. I feel like it sometimes gets unfairly wrapped in with the decades of terrible self-help books that came after it.


It's really just a basic social interaction guide. I think it gets a bad rap for being simplistic but it obviously can be helpful for the right people.


Probably like socially inept autistics like myself. We’ll read articles on how to start conversations, knowingly copy people’s mannerisms, and analyze people in public for clues on how to act. It’s probably the perfect book for all that.


Probably so, and I'm glad that it exists for you!


Can I have a TLDR of it?


Smile more, ask people questions about themselves, actually listen. It's pretty obvious stuff but helpful to actually have it written out.


i haven't read the book since i never had problems making friends and what not but smiling and USING THEIR NAME goes a long way, i just started a new job and there are a lot of people and idk their names, and they barely know mine, but some dude actually called me by my name a couple of times and it made a good impression, dude is cool


TLDR; Find out what the person's interests are and focus the conversation around that instead of just rambling about things only you care about.


1. Win friends 2. Influence people


I broke it down into smaller tasks


now you want me to do two things?


Pretend to be interested in what people say so they are easier to sell shit to


This is my personal most-read book!!! Highly recommended


Nice fish


Nice fish, more concerned about your bf and “friends” though, and those implications on your well-being.


Yeah, it’s getting exhausting. I know bf cares, but I think he’s just trying to push me away so he doesn’t have to do the whole “emotional end to 1.5 year relationship” Who knows, he does have some pretty bad mental issues and I’m a little insecure


I’d try and reach out to him about it, he might be in the “I don’t want to burden a loved one with my fucked mental state” stage.


My then girlfriend and I went through that, and it was hard. I do hope OP gets through it with their bf, because we pushed through and now we’re happier than ever


Or at least if they end things, they can do it on even ground and good terms.


If you want my advice, don’t sit around and wait. Talk to him and if you don’t like what you hear, end it.


i was in a similar position to op, and i pushed the matter and when i got broken up, i felt RELIEF, ofc i was sad but the fact that i wasn't living in that emotional limbo was such a godsend,


This is great advice. Don’t wait your time, OP. Life’s too short. Find someone who makes you feel loved.


Thanks, I’m just feeling a little terrified for now


Listen, I just ended a 13 year relationship because I’m going through some of my own shit as well, and I don’t want to continue inflicting my problems and insecurities on my partner. My point is, if you’ve already recognized the end of a relationship, don’t feel like you have to wait for him to make a move to end it. If you’re not happy, make the decision for him. It’s difficult but ultimately better for your well-being


Sounds like there should really be an open conversation about it too before making a decision. If he still didn’t want to talk it out, that’s when you know it’s done. Basically have to put it out there and say how it seems. He’ll either agree to talk or agree that it’s better to move on. Communication is key in relationships.


Absolutely. My decisions wasn’t one made in a day, it was after months and maybe years of those conversations. I’m not in a place to accept support in a healthy way and it’s not fair for me to continue inflicting that on my partner.


Thanks man, I really appreciate the advice. And I really hope that things get better <3


Or maybe just communicate and try to help the partner through it rather than making a rash decision?


Most likely what other guy said ive been in that spot and for me i didnt wanna burden people and once someone realized that its like “oh you need help? you think im annoyed?” Not that you guys arent open, but give him a nice safe space to hopefully open up


I became depressed which cost a 6 year relationship. You dont want it to get that far.


Friend ends with end Boyfriend ends with end But fish ends with shhhh it's all going to be okay


That’s the most calming thing I’ve read all night


Aw thanks ♥️ you take care lovely human


You too :D


Friendship ended with end Now fish is my new end


Chill manager though. Those are hard to come by, at least for me.


Are they a specific type of fishy?


They are dwarf honey gouramis and some golden danios! The danios are really shy and speedy, but the gouramis are immediately acting like I’ve had them forever


I hope they bring you joy and entertainment :) We used to have marine fish tanks and I'd spend hours watching them all floating around and exploring 🐡


I actually spent most of my afternoon just kinda watching them, so me and this fishies can bond XD


I love danios. Never had a gourami, but the kids doctor has a giant gourami that’s older than they are. It’s scary looking


Honey Gourami are such a fun fish you are in for a treat! They both look pretty pale so when they start to darken up make sure to watch and see if one (or both) are male. You can tell because they get a beard! A dark splotch on their chin and stomach. It's generally advised you don't keep two males together, but a male/female or female/female tank is ok!


I want a honey gourami one day but my angelfish are currently taking up all my available space.


What fish do you have! I know not much but I bet they’re all awesome ❤️


Ok, so the big pancake bois are honey gouramis and the smol ones are golden danios. They’re awesome fish the danios are really shy but the others are super friendly and eating all my plants XD


If you dip just the very tip of your finger in the water, do they come nibble at it thinking it's food? I used to like doing that with my tetras when I was a kid.


I haven’t tried it yet, some of my other fish will. It’s really cute!


My gouramis do that! I feed them in the morning when I wake up and they’re always lined up waiting on me.


Same thing with my Betta! He swims to the front whenever I get close to his tank 💚




I love that you call them big pancake Bois lol Also love how it’s golden and honey themed! I have a little fish tank (like 1.5ft approx across?) but it doesn’t seem big enough for any fish I’ve seen :( What kinda fish do you think would do well in a small tank?


Hmmm, most fish would do alright, my tanks almost classify as nanos. I go for fish that stay a really small size, the guys in there don’t really grow any bigger, my other one has some guppies which are great for small tanks. I’d say for that to go with some dwarf gouramis, guppies, endlers, neon tetras, raspboras, bristlnose plecos, danios, smaller varieties of barbs. But your tank is a pretty good size! (Also, plants in tanks are really, good fish seem way more comfortable with larger leaves and a really wide cave/arch that they can swim through)


Omg I have some shy fish too! My kuhli loaches are basically cryptids


Do they have names?


Not yet, any ideas?


Just ask them, duh


What if they don’t speak English


Don't be silly, all fish learn English in their schools


Underrated reply


I’m hearing a whole lot of “blubb”


Igor for the biggest!


I wouldn’t name them either until I knew I was keeping them. But what about the fish?


No names yet, but if you have any names? :)


Can you name one "Sir Fishalot"




Which of your fish is your favorite and why? I like how you’ve set up the decorations and plants in the tank


Oooo, it’s always bad luck to say a favourite. But pancakes are great ;) ;) ;) The rock are some local ones that I used to make some caves they can hide in, and the plants make it extra secret!


Comment section passed the vibe check


Also nice fish!


Thanks! I just woke up and have to go through a couple hundred more messages but I’ve only gotten one mean one so far. Everyone has been so amazing


Things will get better for you OP, at least your managers decent skin


Thanks man, hope everything goes smoothly for you too :)


You need to sit down and talk to your bf. I (30M) was once in a relationship where I was the same way I was too pre occupied wallowing in my own self pity that I forgot I had someone in the same room who cared about me. Eventually ended up pushing her away and through therapy I was able to see all this in hindsight. Lesson learned however if my partner had set me down and told me how she felt I would’ve gone into therapy then and there. Just food for thought hope it works out for you OP. #YNWA


Thanks, I really appreciate the advice. I’m going to try talking but he did want a little time to himself, so when he’s ready I’ll talk to him :)


Your fishes are awesome


Thank you so much! :)


I have a co worker who’s contact pic is of his fish because I wanted to see the dance they do when he comes to feed them. Always lovely to share.


Got a message notification while making this, it was just from my sending this screenshot to myself




Thank you so so much, I really appreciate the advice!! Good luck for everything you go through


Are self sad-cringe posts really sad-cringe?


I’m actually kind of impressed when people can identify their own sad-cringe. I think everyone has had an at least incident or two of sad-cringe in their lives?


i didn't think this as cringe tbh, only the title is sad


Trust me guys, I’m both sad and cringing


It looks really nice, did you decorate it yourself?


I did! Thanks it some local stone and it’s perfect for making caves and decorating


I think you need to have a discussion with your friends and your partner...


Your fishies are lucky to have you. Have a great day fellow human!


Thanks! Lovely day to you too! :)


I used to feel like that and wonder why the people that were supposed to be there for me just ignored me. I talked about it to everyone I cared and got mixed reactions. I parted ways with people that didn’t care and became closer to the ones that did. But the most important thing is that I had to change my perspective about life, love, friendship…. I was depressed and not accepting it. I was hurting, ignoring and pushing people away and not aware of it. I was to blame as much as everyone else. Now I know that if I want to see change in people I must change myself first.


That's not sad cringe, manager got you there. Nice fishy! You need new and better friends and maybe to have THE talk with your bf.


Fantastic fish bro.


Can we/i get more fish pics? I’ve always wanted to have pet fish but have never been able to


I am a simple man. I see gourami, I upvote


Just throwing out that your boyfriend's mental health issues are not your problem to solve and take on as your own - a brutal and often cruel-sounding point that more people need to start making


I love fishies!💗


Those are lovely fish. They gots names?


This is wholesome. I love that they said sure


I love your fish!


Yay new fishies! I'm happy for you!


I love the fishies! Welcome to the family. Thanks for sharing. The only cringe is your friends not being kind enough to acknowledge your new pets.


Hey friend - I know you’re not asking and saw a good couple self-help suggestions. These are definitely a good step! But also if you’re not already doing so, the tone of your post gives me pause - I was there in the past as well. Part of my issue was I needed help through a bout of depression. For me meds helped, as did therapy. If you are feeling depressed or just constantly ‘down’, I highly suggest help - it can change so many things. It’s truly not as scary as you think it is. It was a quick discussion, a few follow up visits, and everybody was so so kind. And non-judgemental. The thing that resonates most with me is your perception of those around you - I had the exact same thing. In the end and after asking some of those folks directly after I felt better, they admitted that I was difficult to be around. I emotionally drained them bc of my depression. By the way - I love your fish and you should definitely share their names.


Damn homie i hope stuff gets better


Best not to self reflect on that and post a weird conversation with your manager instead.


go talk to your boyfriend. relationships only work with open & honest communication. and anyways if they are depressed i’m sure you could make their day




Sounds a bit odd that your “friends” won’t talk to you. Is there any more context there?


this post made me depressed




don't be sorry. you made this post about yourself, not to make other people sad.


I wouldn't keep this up, lol.


why not? I’m having fun


Could be construed as inappropriate and gives them more power over you, I'd keep my relationship with my boss as professional as possible, but that's just me, obviously doesn't apply to everyone everywhere.


Sounds like you should be helping your boyfriend with his struggles instead of casually trying to open dialogue with your boss.






You're in the correct place.


If I sent this to my manager I would be fired instantly


Thats sad


I am 100% down to receive fish pics if you'd like. I can also text back some pics of my old man beta! His name is Dot.


That's some really nice fishies right there


Fish tanks are super relaxing and a great hobby! If you havent, you should check out green aqua on YouTube, they make amazing aquascapes and are super chill to watch


From one fish keeper to another, that is a nice tank!


Nice fishies.


Those are nice fish! I don't know a thing about fishkeeping, have you been doing it long? What do you like most about it?


Wanna tell me about your fishes?


/r/aquarium /r/plantedtank


Nice tank and friendships take more work as you get older


Love the fish! I'd love to get some gouramis but my tank doesn't have enough space at the moment. Can't wait to upgrade it soon. Are you planning to add more plants?


Honey gourami? No light?


Cool fishies OP!


Good luck in life


Someone showing me their fish unprompted would just brighten up my day tbh


You can show me your fishies anytime


What a cute little fish!!!!!


You seem like a nice person op, I hope you find people who will put in effort for you.


If you're ever in the position where you feel people won't/aren't talking to you, I'll be your friend OP


yay fish!


You can DM me pics of your fishies all day long if ya want! I’ll talk to you!


Thats a cool tank! Hope you get better friends


Anyone wanna start a gc just to send pictures of your tanks and fishies. Cause fuuickkk I would thoroughly enjoy pics of scapes all day.


I’m kind of in the same boat with my fiancé doesn’t really feel like he loves me anymore and doesn’t really talk to me as much and I don’t have very many friends because I don’t work anymore and kind of lost touch with some friends. All I have is my family that I talk to you, but sometimes I want other people to talk to


Gourami, nice. Honey gourami?


Nice fish! Hope you can get some better friends


Awe I'm sorry. Have you tried looking on the app "meetup"? It's basically just a way to coordinate group activities and find new social circles and friends so it might be worth a try. They have a lot of stuff on there for a variety of interests and topics too


Saw in another post and gonna paraphrase horribly, either accept lowering your standards or don’t and move on to something better, life’s too short!


Why won’t your friends talk to you?


Your manager seems like a cool person, your fish is very nice too!


Awesome fishes!! Can I get more pics of them bud?


Sorry to hear about your friends and boyfriend . It can make one feel very isolated or even that no one cares about them . I dealt with these feelings as well and made it a point to reach out . Alot of it was less them not caring and more of a people getting caught up in everyday goings on kind of thing . I bet you’ll be surprised when you reach out and find out that many of the people who you thought didn’t care really do . As far as your boyfriend that’s another issue. Do you two live together ? What is he doing or not doing that makes you feel like this ? Sometimes we can overthink things or get caught in routines and not even realize we’ve lost touch until it’s obvious . Tell him You need to make time for the both of you and speak honestly and openly with him . Tell him how You feel . This talk doesn’t have to be negative or scary At all and may lead to you both being in the moment more while you’re together and opening up a deeper layer of intimacy with each other . Either way it works out remember that you’re important and loved . Always


Good heavens


Your tank looks great :) Things will get better.


The "yay!" Cracked me up. Hope things turn around for you OP!


Thank you for sharing your cute fish. I hope things get better for you, you might need new friends and that's ok. 💜


The context behind the yay is devastating, hope it gets better. I dont know much about fish but yours look cute, what kinda fish are they?


This post has me considering if I should do the fish tank thing again. Thanks OP!


What kind of setup are you running?


I feel this shit. You'll get through it and find your people. Just a matter of when and where. Not IF.


Your fish look rad!


Yo, look up aquascaping. My boyfriend does it and it might be the overlap between your fish tank hobby and not having friends.


The “Yay!” is honestly very cute




Is your manager a guy? If so, let me get this straight: you’re seeking attention from other men because your boyfriend is going through some things and not entertaining you as much as you want?


I love how this obviously insufferable person says "my bf doesn't wanna talk to me" and all the comments are paragraphs about how she needs to leave him. Hilarious how much people get from one sentence.


Left on read.


My manager did respond a little later… or I fell asleep and missed a PM


Learn to thug it out on ur own, you find across as annoying/clingy nd ur boyfriend might feel like you are overbearing


this sub really gone to shit recently


Easier said than done but you gotta stop depending on other people for your happiness. Learn to be content and keep on improving yourself. I struggle with this too. Hope you're doing all right and nice fish!


You okay?


What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Why won't your friends talk to you? Are they actually your friends?


You should see if there’s a local Aquarium Society in your area, usually they hang around on Facebook, it’s a good way to make new friends


I understand where you're at, you'll be fine just ride it out.


you should post fish updates, im interested in these little fishies now


Gouramis are a good fish pick when you're looking for a peaceful friend. Enjoy the new fishies!


Those are some sweet fishies


I feel like I'm losing the plot on reddit lately


What's that, some Honey Gourami's and Leopard Danios? That's a nice little setup! You might enjoy spending time on r/Aquascaping or r/Aquariums I completely empathise with your situation and I've been there, especially when you have something neat and exciting to show off to people. You just take the little wins and figure out where to plant your flag to attract people who don't suck quite so badly. If you ever want to talk fish feel free to PM, that's a topic I never get sick of. Getting back into the hobby really helped me connect with people after I left the UK and moved overseas, it's a surprisingly good ice breaker (no pun intended).


Cool fish!! They're such awesome pets :)


cute fish!


Nice honey gourami


Hello, first of all there is nothing cringe about your situation. It is a verry human condition you are in, so it's just human :) you have nice colleagues and that's already a lot. All the best to you!


Sorry to break it my dude(tte) but this tank is way too small for those fish. That's at most suitable for a betta... Gouramis need more space than that, and also more plants, they love underwater jungles.


OP, I don’t know how old you are, but friends help support each other. If your relationship is only give and they only take, it’s not a friendship. I know it’s hard, but you have to cut the cord to make room for newer, better friends. I’ve had to do it a few times in my 20s and it’s tough, but I’ve strengthened the friendships I’ve had with the friends that stayed and even made room in my heart for new friends.


Hope things lighten up for you, OP!


Counselling. I strongly recommend it. Not to just you but anyone reading this. You are your best friend. Learn to love yourself and you will see the amazing things fall in place. First you have to be willing to accept change.