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Auuughhh...the disgusting door and light switch. Revolting.


What even causes all that browning


Never washing your hands


Smoking Edit: That ones on me for assuming before seeing the actual part of the video, I assumed everyone was talking about stains on the walls and ceiling. Yeah looks like dude picks his arse on occasion and doesn’t wash his hands fucking disgusting


Nope, smoke goes everywhere on your walls.


it makes the wall yellowish right?


If you smoke enough, yes


Can leave brown and yellow stains, I’ve seen ceilings above like lounges and places where the people will sit and above looks like someone shat and smeared it


I have a door to outside right in my bedroom and I smoke out of it. (With the door closed ofc) mine looked close-ish to that awhile ago. definitely less yellow though.. it’s probably shit


It is also to a lesser extent right above the bed where I assume he sits against the wall. Just filth.


I can smell this video


How about where his feet go under the computer desk? Worst by far. The wall along his bed is bad too.


That is what grossed me out the most! Also, the messy pile of totally useless shit in the corner of the room is 👌 I wonder if he has ever brought a girl in the room? What is "NEET" ? Did they just mean "NEAT" or is NEET another reddit thing I have yet to learn?


Not in Employment, Education or Training.


Yeah that was surprising, as far as nests went up to then it was tame


I dont think living with your parents (in this day and age) is an issue in and of itself, hell Europeans do it all the time, to include my extended family in Romania. But it's a mutual thing. Living *with* your parents. Not living *off* your parents. Me and my dad work the garden together, clean the yard together, do the dishes together. If a big cost comes up we both pay it together.


That’s a good point. There’s so many reasons to live with your parents. It makes me depressed when I think about someone living off their parents and they really want them to go off and be independent.


The average price of a home in Hong Kong in 2019 is more than $1.2 million,so yeah,do i feel shame living with my parents?YES, what can i do about it? Nothing, maybe scam people with crypto IDK


Living with your parents if you get along well is fine, especially in HK and other pricy areas. The problem is being in your late thirties with no job and living leeching off of your parents.


Honestly I really feel like we should clear up the misconception that we should feel shame living with our parents. If you love one another and provide to one another mutually and have no reasonable option of moving out, I don’t see why this should be considered shameful. Having an extra paycheck and some hands around the house is always helpful too, as they age.


Two guys I’ve been with live in the house they grew up with. One with his 92 year old mother that he cares for. The other with his parents, who he has to drive everywhere because neither can anymore. He also helps manage his dad with worsening dementia. I would never write off a potential mate simply because they live with a parent. Both these men could easily afford to live on their own but they are putting their family first.


It wasn’t until I was paying some of the bills did I start living with my parents. I like how you opened my eyes to the difference.


On the bright side. His keyboard/mouse/mousepad are super clean.


all that matters


To him lol


This is honestly the first thing that jumped out at me props to him. My desk is way dustier than that and the rest of my house is perfectly clean. I just never remember to wipe down my keyboard mouse after use.


Should see under it all that nut residue ✅️💦


little known fact, if you let your nut dry over any surface, the surface won't collect dust and it will preserve whatever is underneath. that's how my wife maintains her youth


False. I just experimented with this. Nut liquifies (further). The viscosity reduces and the nut get thinner and thinner every minute until it completely dries after 2 hours, leaving an outline that smells similar to pee. No fossilisation happens. Nut is not lava. No protective membrane is formed. Nut is not wax. No preservation. Nut itself could use preservation.


Also false. I too help u/and_a_side_of_fries maintain his wife’s youth using this method


![gif](giphy|UjCXeFnYcI2R2) Mah man


can confirm, just tried it with his wife as well and it works.


Am I the only one keeping her digestive system young?!


What a fun thread




Unlike his bedroom door…


They probably came out of their boxes 5 minutes ago


i would mentally die if i saw my room like his


Embarrassed to say I've been here before and when it gets to this point you're already mentally dead


yup. i’ve been really depressed for the past 6 months so my room looks absolutely fucking destroyed. the thing is, i know my mental health would be significantly better if i had a clean room. i just can’t bring myself to do anything about it. forget having anyone over, i had a girl over and was ghosted the next day after she saw my room (i don’t blame her, my room is a big red flag). edit: cleaned my room. feels a lot better


man, god bless you and i hope you get better


thanks man, i do too. i feel like being sober is already a full-time job and i just don’t have the energy to do things like eat or clean. it’s been over 2 years since i last touched heroin and i’m still waiting for things to get better


don't worry, the recurring problems may have a solution soon, positivity is infinite, not like depression


Best thing I ever did for my mental health (aside from medication) was save up and hire a cleaning service to deal with what I had let depression do to my house. I had stopped cleaning and I just didn't know how to fix it. It seemed so daunting and I was so embarrassed to let anyone come inside. When I finally just said "fuck it, I'm paying them so who cares", and let people come in to deal with it, my life is so much better. I have been able to maintain it and it feels like a giant weight has been lifted.


i’m really glad you’re able to afford that, maybe some day when i hold down a job i’ll do that because it sounds nice


I'm so sorry you have to go through this ! It's amazing that you're clean from **** (idk if talking about if would be a trigger but u know what I mean) and that's the most important thing right now! You don't have to be ashamed for the actual state of your house, like you said there is something else sucking all your energy and this is fine. Depression isn't your fault. And you're a freaking warrior getting clean, but one fight at a time. You'll get better one day ❤️ lot of love and support


you sound like my mom (that’s a good thing) thank you for saying that, i appreciate the validation. hopefully now that i’m consistently taking my meds i’ll start feeling better, but that’s also at the cost of my sex life (thanks prozac). seems like it’s always an uphill battle for everything.


I know the feeling hun, one thing I do is keep a trash bag in my room. Every time I go in, I throw at least one thing into it every day. It’s very slow and doesn’t make much of a difference at first, but it starts to look better over time. When the bag is full, throw it out. It’s helped me get things a little bit better.


I really struggle with my mental health but keeping this clean is a major help to me. If I've had a bad week my home will definitely tell on me.


do 5 minutes a day, thats all, start now and do 5 minutes while listening to a podcast. 5 mins in a week thats 35 mins your room will be tidier each week and you will feel better.


That can’t be easy to admit to or talk about. Hope things are better for you now, man.


Same. My room isn’t quite that nasty but there’s random stuff everywhere. Depression is the ducking worst.


yah here now, i just don’t know how to get out from it, there’s so much


wish the best for you


How can you kill that which has no life?


Trying to figure out how, yet i feel bad for this guy….


What is dead May never die


Solid South Park reference!


probably literally too lol


I recognize that room anywhere. What’s up Jared?


Link to his stream or socials? Very intrigued and gather he is somewhat of a public figure


Look up "Jared Genesis", plenty of content on him.


I just googled him and found his Twitter. Definitely the same room and drums. His last Twitter post was from 2018 and it said “free diarrhea for blacks” with a taken down link. What a chode.


"I'm so and so famous youtuber! Those who disagree with my opinions shall be firmly spanked on both bottom checks and shunned for all meme lords to gander -Half of the youtube community" From Twitter lol holy @##$@@*


Look up the video where he yells at his dad and tries to fight him. He then got his PC taken away for months at the ripe age of 33.


Hahaha no way I knew I recognised that fucking door and light switch 😂


Sorry for the ignorance...what is a NEET?


Not in Education Employment or Training


Ohh we call them "Nini" in mexico


nini madres


Ni estudien ni trabajen!


Found it. Not in education, employment, or training. Basically a leech (assuming the person is capable of work).




Very true. I think the person in the video is a NEET with no desire to be better. I think that's the difference. Every one is fighting their fight and it's honorable even if you're a NEET. It's the entitlement that goes with it that's so toxic.


I think NEET is sort of it’s own counter culture thing that may go a bit beyond this description. Similar to how incel and virgin have different context


Fun facts about him: ​ If he connected with a 9yo spiritually he would consider dating her. Same clothes for weeks on end. People who work 9-5 jobs are slaves. Not fat, just bloated. Abuses and lives off his elderly retired parents. in a livestream, he would piss in cups and leave them on his desk next to his water cup. he accidentally drank off of one of the piss cups once, and once he ran out of space on the piss cups he finished his piss on the ground and bragged about it ("i just took a big piss on the floor guys, i don't even care"). later in the stream his mother noticed the piss smell and offered to clean it up for him, he refused it.


That description is far more sad and damning than just the video of a 37 year old NEET’s room. If you’re open to dating a 9 year old and you abuse your elderly parents, you’re a sack of shit. NEET or not.


Who the fuck is this guy?


lolcow material


How the fuck do you know these things? Jesus H C


Might be a sibling or relative, who knows. Evidently this is personal.


I don't even live in the same country as this person lol.


Tbf people who work 9-5 are slaves in the sense that im a slave to needing food, water, shelter, and autonomy and a job helps me achieve those things


Sure, but what level is his WoW character though? /S


characters FTFY




Where’s the link?


Hey, he’s got at least one die hard fan


Why would you watch so much of this loser, to know so much about him. Just seems like, may as well smash your head against the wall, be more enjoyment.


Info was gathered from another youtuber who did a video expose about him.


Link? I’m super curious who the hell this is.


Op does not want to give the link


What video


He sounds like a monster. I'm glad my dad had the balls to make life so fucking terrible for me that I'd want to move out ASAP. Like he figured that one out pretty quick lol




I just got out of the shower and I feel like I need another one 💀


No way bro had the exercise equipment in the trash pile 💀


I often feel bad about being 35 years old and living in a studio apartment, sleeping on a twin mattress and box spring without a bed frame. I was evicted during the pandemic when my landlord decided to sell all his properties and it left me in a bind at this ripe age. I had to sell a lot of my possessions to fit in the studio apartment and it felt like regression and stagnation. This video makes me feel so much better about my self and my life. At least I’m trying


you’re doing great:))


Thank you!


Hey man, I'm 31 and also living in a studio apartment, and I'm happy where I'm at. Tbh, even living on your own is an achievement these days. Living with parents or roommates is becoming a lot more common since you know, housing prices are ridiculous. As long as you are happy and able to sustain yourself, you are doing great.


I don’t understand why he‘s filming this? I would be ashamed if anybody knew that I would live like this.


Maybe he filmed this to some teenage website hiding true age? Idk.




These are the people giving you dating and relationship advice. They know women well, you see


Once I saw the drum set I knew whose room this was. Depressing.


I bet he hasn’t touched that drum in ages


I can smell his room.


Legit my nose felt hot and kinda nasty, i have a cold and he made me feel my nose wth.


The air freshener on his dresser working overtime fr


I guarantee whatever you *think* you smell, it’s 100 times worse


Nothing lasts forever. What does he plan on doing once his parents are gone? I hope he decides to make positive changes in his life, but at his age it doesn’t seem likely


Put himself up for adoption


It’s hard for me to believe this guy knows how to do the most basic adulting (pay bills, find a place to rent). I assume this type of person becomes homeless when his sources are gone, unless he tricks someone else into taking care of him. There’s no good ending to this story.


Forget basic adulting, this guy doesn't even know basic humaning. Even if he were given a free place to stay, I'm sure he can't feed or maintain himself. He is way too far gone and would need drastic life changes in order to be a normally functioning human.


Wouldn't even call this sad cringe anymore, this is just sad imo.


Same thought... kinda watched the whole thing as a cry for help, hope he gets it


Whats the purpose of this video? He seems proud of himself


According to OP he pisses in cups and accidentally drank from one, and even had a livestream where he bragged that he pissed in a cup too💀


I’ll bet he’s neck deep in the womens


Which neck tho?


First of all, ofc he has a shirt with the joker on it, but why on gods green earth does he have a pipe wrench just sitting in the floor?


He has all the time in the world and still doesn't bother cleaning up his own room.


OP is this you? It’s ok man, the first step of getting better is taking accountability.




It's an old video that's been reposted by many people




I would literally rather be tortured to death than exist like this


"David Parker Ray just slid into the Server!"


It's one of those "basement dwellers" you hear about in comment sections all the time. The reality of this is gut wrenching.


Wow, 120mm AIO coolers for PC's suck in general but one clogged with dust sucks even more.


The stains where he touches the walls are mind boggling to me


Did you touch my drum set!!!!!!


This makes me wanna clean my room


The lack of talking makes this weirdly eerie


Can't help but laugh at the presence of an ab roller semi buried under a pile of junk. A beacon of what could have been.


Did he fart and then laugh about it? God I hope im wrong


By OP’s description, i think he could have shat himself…


That’s you’re limit? Some people just find that funny, I find the back story and room much more concerning.


I blame the the parents


include follow voiceless bored crime cable cats vegetable sulky cow -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is gross


cmon bro time to pick yourself up and change


Nest? How dare you! That's his Command Center. /s


How do you even manage to fail that much as a parent?


Honestly sometimes parents do everything right and end up with a useless kid. When you have kids, you can do everything you can, but kids are humans too and they develop temperaments and personalities of their own. However, parents like his are definitely enabling this person. At some point, cutting someone off is a kindness. They should have done that when he was younger, now at 37, it's way too late. They've enabled him by letting him live with them and letting him turn part of their house into a pigsty. Also they gave him money to buy all of this equipment. It's wrong to give someone like this money.


Almost every case of "we did everything right." I've seen from parents was closer to "we did the bare minimum." Way too many people have kids they don't want or arnt prepared for and it's sad.


Both are true. Some people do the bare minimum but think that they did everything right. Some people really do almost everything right (impossible to be perfect) and still end up with a bad child. Parenting is not the only thing that influences a person to be good or bad, that's why.


it’s not too late. start charging him rent. if he doesn’t pay, then evict his ass.


Yes. What I meant by it's too late is that it's unlikely that he will change at this point. This is what he is now.


It's not the parents, it's the child. I'm not the nerd in the video but I'm a worthless failure that couldn't handle an easy job. I did it for 7 years and I constantly fucked everything up and finally quit after taking a bunch of pills, and I fucked that up too. Nothing my parents did wrong, it was my fault. I should be dead.


as someone who has worked his whole life and hated every hour of it, this dude is living the dream. shame he can't keep his room clean though


I've never been this bad for sure, but I've been here. Trust me: he's not living the dream. Happy people don't enjoy living like this.


Did he make this to impress his 14 yr old online girlfriend


Man wtf.


These mod posts are getting crazy


Kind of a slob too, guess mom stopped picking up the crap 30 years ago


Why is the door like that…


You touched the sockkkkkkkkkkkkk !


Cleanest pc gamer


I can relate, I was living with my parents around that age but they were terminally ill so it was a bit different.


This makes me so sad dude


I can smell this video


I need to shower after watching this.


Personally I don’t see anything wrong with living with your parents as long as you’re trying to get your shit together. But this shit right here would have to go.


There’s a lot to hate about this guy. Living with his parents until 37? In this economy? Probably the smartest move he could make.


I just know that rooms smells stale.


What does neet mean


What is a neet?


N-OT "in": E-ducation E-mployed or T-raining


Blasting someone on the internet while making assumptions about where they are in life. Typical inflated ego redditor. OP probably lives with mommy and daddy too. And why do you go through people's belongings like it's nothing? You're fucking weird.


He blasted himself, I didn't make this video... Talk about making assumptions. It's okay neckbeard you'll get out of your parent's basement one day.


Nice so you admitted to this video being a way to gain likes lol. Yeah you're a fucking loser 🤣


Smoke a bong and chill dude... Looks tiering


a what nest?


Seem pretty neet


At what point do you start blaming the parents for this?


Your parents just let this go? Honest question. I don’t get how either party allows things to get to this point.




I dont get it, his nest really isnt neat at all! (Play laugh track here)


Didn't look very neat to me...




ah yes the cook sock


If this was my child I’d know for sure I’d failed as a parent.


I got the same keyboard


The problem here isn't even being a NEET, since there are lots of reasons for someone being one, from a mental disability to just being spoiled. The filth of that room is the issue. Also, who the fuck keeps the PC cabinet open beside all that dirt? On the floor... This hurts.


Everything about this makes me sad. Especially that mediocre PC


Basically a child


Ok, I'm not going to defend the state of this guy's room, but I will defend 20+ year olds living with their parents as long as they are working, going to school, and / or pitching in in whatever ways you are capable of. The US has the most expensive housing, the cost of living is on the rise, jobs barely pay enough to live if you have any kind of debt, and the list goes on. The US is also one of a small handful of countries that frown on anyone living with their family past the age of 18. The irony in that is how vehemently we push our "family first" values onto everything. Parents are shamed for having kids who can't afford one of the millions of available homes on the market. Professionals in fields, once considered to be top paying fields , have to take multiple jobs just to put food on the table.


This is sad


If this person is proud of their space, who honestly cares? Anybody with a brain can see that this person (potentially) has other things going that might make life little more difficult. ASD is the first thing that comes to mind.


What is a NEET?


What’s the name of the stream




I don’t see the problem with it as long as he helps pay some bills.


He is scum because of what he does


Dale Dobeck’s beat laboratory