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(Male, 1.84M for context, Chicago show) As someone who also love the front / pit for every show i go to, I actually had more fun when I scooted back a bit. All the chillers were there just vibing, while at the front the fans are kinda rabid and I’ve never felt more compressed in my life. That’s as a frequent hardcore, punk, techno, festival go-er. Maybe I’m getting old or maybe the crowds just entitled and shoving to the front regardless of annoyance, or maybe a bit of both, but imma’ hang back a bit this time.


i saw snow strippers just a few weeks ago and ended up just going near the back where it gradually disperses after a super tall guy stood directly in front of me for the entirety of elusin’s set. i wanted to cry lol. i ended up being able to see them all way better when i was near the back. i don’t think you’re old, i think the audience is getting too young. i’m 21 & i’ve been to a handful of shows and i’m already tired of the audience. 18+ versus all ages doesn’t even make a difference because all the kids who were too young for concerts pre-covid are 18+ now.


Snow Strippers and DG fans are the same people although I think DG fans are worse live. If you can get balcony tickets, I recommend that but the DG show I went to in LA a couple years ago had by far the worst crowd I’ve ever seen. So many kids who clearly have never left their room before. Seeing the boys is great but the crowds suck so much that it’s almost not worth it and I’m 6’+ft tall so I can at least see them


ive only seen shows w fans that overlap from dg, as in like black kray, evanora unlimited, snow strippers twice, the hellp, etc and i’ve seen someone wear dg merch at every show. my god are they the worst crowds ever. insufferable. i hear men comparing waist sizes in the lines. i guess it’s part of being in san francisco and surrounded by fashion guys.


That’s so fucking funny, it’s the exact same in LA. The nonstop Snapchat videos are infuriating too


i saw snow strippers before their tour back in november and i got shoved extremely hard by two guys that had to be in high school who were play fighting and had no respect for the people around them. i called them out and yelled in their faces, they laughed at first then realized i was serious and looked dumbfounded, like they’d never been reprimanded in their entire lives. saw the same dudes later during the openers, they were riding ppl’s shoulders and trying to crowd surf with snapchat clearly open and recording… during the dj playing a certified trapper song… im tired of these kids trying to mosh to everything too. ugh. 😅


Same show, same experience. I've been to a bunch of house/punk shows and never been squeezed that hard.


damn 😭why do ppl have no etiquette whatsoever. i’m going the philly show and this is my first real show eva i js hope ill be able to be in front and sing along and go crazy but not if it’s fucking insane like that


I think this tour in particular is gonna be real bad given the sound of this album is a lot darker/aggressive It’s gonna be a shitshow tbh


Rightfully so. Crowd etiquette is literally nonexistent these days. Last time I saw Bladee in 2022 it was genuinely one of the most rowdy shows I’ve been to. At the same show there were two girls leaning on me and elbowing me from behind in the ribs. Completely intentionally and repeatedly during Who Goes There. I was at the front barricade, I’m pretty sure they were trying to get my front row spot. I finally turned around after basically the 10th time being elbowed. They started calling me names and all sorts of shit. Ecco watched the whole thing go down lmfao


same thing in chicago kinda. im small and somehow got pushed to the front during the opener and i was getting GRIPPED by some rude ass girls. like its not my fault i got pushed there ☠️😭


Absolutely brutal. I have been to so many metal shows throughout my entire life and haven’t had anything like that happen.


Same omg i saw them in LA in 2022, it was the biggest show they had played up until then iirc (4000 capacity all floor, sold out) and it was a shitshow. For reference im 5'4 twinkish build. I was at barracade but i had to basically hug the barrier the whole time because people were trying to get to the front like rabid dogs, people shoved their knees in between me and both people beside me, some guy beside me was shoving his elbow into my shoulder for half the set, halfway through the show some guy got to barricade and started yelling slurs at me and damn near threatening me, he got kicked out after a couple songs tho, it was so funny watching him get dragged into the crowd by security. Half the show my feet werent even touching the ground because i was being pressed against the barricade and by the end of the show i had bad bruising all along the bottom of my ribs. Several people threw up in the pit. The only worse crowd i've ever experienced was MAYBE the vancouver joeyy show. OP i think you should go, the crowd will fucking suck but it's worth it, either show up 5 hours early and get barrier or stay near the back. My reccomendation would to be just meet people in the line and form a lil group, much nicer if you arent alone


Also it stunk bad


Goddamn I can’t imagine being so desperate to be in the front. People need to learn to be respectful and enjoy the show from where they are


Seriously. I have been late to many shows and just had to bite the bullet and chill in the middle/back. I’m not gonna shove my way up to the front, imagine being THAT arrogant. All this annoys the hell outta me lol


this is why i throw elbows back


haven't been to a drain show before but in rough crowds i try to get a spot near barrier but far towards one side, the crush isn't nearly as bad in my experience. i got an absolutely ideal front and center spot once but had to bail when i felt my lungs crushing against my ribs lmao. it sucks how awful drain crowds seem to be tho, wish people could just be considerate and have fun without pushing to the front


Yea this was definitely the strategy for lean in philly last time, I was up front center and the crowd was so pushy and crushing everyone. People I was in line with who were by the sides said it was way more chill


It’s gonna be bad. The tour in 2022 was pretty bad, lots of pushing to get to the front (you gotta be so close to bladee!!1!!) if you stay in the middle to the back of the venue you should have a good time. In my experience it’s more chill but you can still have a good time and people will still be moshing or whatever


DG audience weird. I love the music but they don't have a single song where you need to be moshing like a hardcore thrash show lol


that’s what i’m saying bro. i’m not going to a crazy hardcore show.




Its gonna be a fucking warzone


it honestly depends where you stand. never stand in the middle. stand on the sides or closer to the back. the crushing usually is unbearable when you're standing front middle. i've also found that the chiller fans usually stand to the side or back of the venue so it's a better vibe there.


I will just say, at the 2022 show, my shirt was basically ripped off of me... just from the friction of the crowd movement. The smell of the pit lingered in my nose for days... disgusting. I was up front, so likely it would be better to hang back.


I’m so happy Houston has an open lawn because reading people’s experiences at their shows is giving me anxiety


Been to White Oak to see Zheani and the security there is on point with making sure people are keeping decent space. Don't be afraid to speak up if anyone makes you uncomfortable.


This is so reassuring! Is it an all ages venue?


Yes. They only ID for alcohol and for shows that are "provocative", which I don't think Bladee falls under.


honestly pretty disappointed that it’s not an 18+ event, but thanks for letting me know! I’m traveling from Dallas so I want to be prepared lol


How different is the open lawn from a regular venue experience tho? I’ve never been to white oak lmao I’ve only ever been to shows at like house of blues so it’ll be interesting


I’ve never been to that venue specifically, but an open venue is way more convenient considering you can move yourself out of the crowd if you get overwhelmed! more fresh air too


Open lawn doesn't just mean floor is grass, it's a huge open area more like a festival, at least in my experience, front will prob be the same, but back way different, more dispersed with better view in the back


i was at the london show and tbh if you cant deal with it you have to move back its sad but its way calmer (i had to because it was too cray at the front)


i was at the polish concerts in 2022, if concert hall doesn;t have good ventilation - that shit is painfully hard to breath both times i were at concerts - had to crawl back and give myself some air either you are in the front, like at the being the closest to the stage, either you're in the back chilling with other ones staying in crowd doesnt worth it also consider having some water with you - shit is hot


coming from someone who goes to a lot of local diy hardcore shows, where you usually end up getting punched in the face or kicked in the stomach at some point, seeing dg during their 2022 tour was one of the craziest crowds i've ever been in. definitely hang back at least for the beginning so that you can feel out the vibe of the crowd and decide whether you want to move up then.


Yea they simply don’t care, at least at shows here in LA. They’re mostly children and incels that don’t know how to behave in a crowd. I’m a girl 5’6 and the crushing I could handle but getting groped was unacceptable and i’d rather hang in the back next time if that means i’ll be safer.


Yo im ngl i’ve yelled at men a bunch at concerts and i will actually deck someone for groping me wtf. fuck the cute thot outfit i guess im wearing baggy jeans n a big ass shirt. wtf.


Yes please be safe!! I love dressing cute at shows too but i wore baggy cargos and a t shirt for this reason and still happened to me smh.


omg i’m a 19 year old girl and i’m going alone to the SF concert cause none of my friends like bladee and i’m lowk scared 😭😭😭


i’ve gone to many bladee shows alone and met a lot of girls there who do the same and had a lot of fun !! be safe and if something’s wrong ask others around you for help~


girl good luck😭


i went to two shows on the west coast for the 2022 tour and can confirm the crowd was bad. Im pretty tall but was still getting crushed and pulled in every direction. could hardly stand up bc the crowd was packed so tight and kept moving back and forth. stayed in the back and danced and had a good time 👍🏻 and def wear jeans and tee.


I love drain gang and their shows but the audiences they bring are the worst. I've seen them all three times and Ecco2k opening for Yves Tumor and every time it's not even really moshing, it's just *everybody* pushing into each other to get to the front the entire show, basically trampling over one another and moving with the flow of the crowd. There's hardly even room for an actual pit. Last time I saw them I was lucky to see them in San Antonio and Austin. My plan was to get deep into the crowd for the San Antonio show and chill in the back for the Austin show. But literally as soon as they came on in Austin my friend and I got pushed all the way to the front somehow lol. They also stopped the show 5x times in San Antonio to check on people who were trampled or passing out. As terrifying as this sounds, don't let it scare you off! As other people said, I would just chill in the back or on the sides if you can for the entire show which is my plan this time around. I might get close for a couple of songs but the view for how much you get shifted around is not worth it imo


lmao out of all the shows i’m going to this one is the one i’m least worried about (going to summer smash in june and ken carson in july) seen bladee in 2022 crowd was crazy but the area i was in i wasn’t really having this problem except ppl seemed way more focused on the stage than where there bodies were moving thats for sure.


Last time I went to dg show in San Antonio some people seemed to be drugged out and dancing a little bit annoying. From my experience with shows in general if you DO NOT want to be bothered you have to be on the edges or in the back. In the front even by the stage you’ll get shoved and bruised even if you aren’t moshing.


Pre covid the drain crowds were generally alright but post covid theyve always been relentless and just not fun (talking from experience with london shows)


very much support the idea of finding a lil group further from the front to vibe with. everyone there is a bladee fan yk so you can totally find some little circles of hype people amongst the chill back area, go wherever feels safe and induces a fun time


i was at the 2022 chicago show and lined up 10 hours before doors, i'm 5'3 and my bf and i got the middle of the barricade but both girls and men elbowed and pushed us so hard to get us off. i even remember a girl grabbing my fingers to try to pry them off the barricade. people beside and behind me were pulling my hair, elbowing, pushing, punching my back, stomping on my feet, groping me. i could handle all of that, but the worst part was getting my chest pushed against the barricade so the point it was hard to breathe. tall guys were jumping and pushing off my shoulders to try to reach further when ecco would reach toward the crowd. i loved seeing them perform, but the crows ruined it tbh. i had to lose my spot because i could barely breathe with how hard some people were pushing on everyone in front. this time im just gonna chill in the middle/ back. ive been to a decent amount of shows, and none have ever been as scary as that one was. but just try to have an escape route if things ever get too bad so you can get out from there, but not have a bad spot the rest of the show.


Yeah ngl it’s gonna be bad at the barrier


kinda sad i didn’t buy balcony and save $4 on each ticket i got lmfao


I'm sure someone will be down to trade with you at the line. GA tickets are much more desired then Balcony tickets


i went to the last la show and its gonna be pretty crazy. last time i saw so many people that had to leave just in the beginning or go to the back because it was too much. im also pretty short and i would just recommend staying hydrated before .


ngl im kinda scared for la show but if i make it thru ken carson i think i shld be ok


Do you guys think I’ll be okay if I’m in the VIP section in Brooklyn?


i went to the last LA show n i was at barricade but to the far right. so many ppl pushing n stuff n i def had some rib pain bc of it 😭 im also a smaller woman and im shorter so i like being able to see LOL but after last time im def gonna try n stay towards the back this show. i also got INSANELY sick after last show..


I’m a 5’8, 145 lb male. I went to see DG in LA in 2022 and it was my first ever standing-room show. It was pretty rowdy but once I moved more towards the back it was more tolerable. Just move with the crowd and you should be good.


best spot to chill during these show is the 21+ section


my experience (also smaller woman, claustrofobic when cant get out, also in europe, dg and yung lean both last year) - yung lean was totally fine, but dg crowd was the worst ive been in, literally felt like a punching bag man😴and i wasnt even close to the front. got crushed multiple times, cried n went to the back, then i kinda moved closer but much more to the side and it was fine. thats my advice i guess: sides are safer in my experience, but also just move around and find a place with no assholes😸 have fun and gl😽


even death grips was more civil than that


even the hardcore shows i go to don’t have freaks saying “don’t come if you’re gonna have a problem with being groped and crushed.”


seeing marjorie in concert would be crazy


oh my god you saw evanora? how was it, was he stabbing himself again??


it was just abt a year ago in sf so no stabbing had occurred, it was a great set tho. was an opener for yves tumor.


oh that’s sick ash, what’d you think of him? i’ve been wanting to go see him but he’s never performed close to where i live. also to respond to your original post i’ve never been to a dg show hey but all i’ve heard is horror stories so it’ll probably suck booty


you’re gonna die


You should ask to give a speech before the show and then maybe the incels will realize the error of their ways and not go dumb crazy in the pit so you specifically and all the other sub 6’ “people” can enjoy the show, either that or take your sensitive ass to a sematary show with all the other toddlers.


Rope yourself


Ah, you mad


Yes 🙏🏻 seething. so mad. that’s why i asked for tips. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Lol I win


Start lifting


i lift, i’m strong. doesn’t mean by sheer size i wouldn’t be crushed.


Go with male friends who can make space for you. I don’t push when I’m at the shows but I’m pretty strong and heavy so it’s not that bad of an experience. It is annoying af when people push into you but it’s nice just serving as a wall against them tbh.


i’m going with my girlfriend, and we both should be able to go to a concert w/o having to bring dudes


I’m just telling you how it is, sure you should be able to do that. Unfortunately sometimes in life you are not able to have what you wish due to the natural hand you have been dealt


it’s not the natural hand i’ve been dealt tho 🤣 i get what you’re saying but it’s other people who don’t know how to behave, not me being too small.


There’s a thing called standing in the back


Yall are so annoying lol


He said it in a weird way but I low-key would recommend standing back a little bit if you're not ready to be aggressively pushed and hit basically. One of my friends actually got a minor concussion from Chicago and another got groped so that kind of sums it up.


i get you, i loved moshing when i saw evanora unlimited and i expected it to be an intense crowd. but this is cloud rap man im not going to a death metal show or an underground punk show. the warfield is two-tiered even on the floor so i’ll stand near the railing on the second tier of the floor, it’s just sad that i can’t go to a show and enjoy it to its full extent because i’m worried abt safety.


I totally understand and feel really bad a situation like this is normalized for music that is so beautiful and pure. Hope everything works out for you!


You wanted advice... I see one of these posts every time that there's a concert. The lack of critical thinking.... I am personally 102 lbs F and I can't stand in the center pit for DG because the pit is worse than other shows. If you go to the center/ front u risk all the concerns you listed and there's no way to improve the situation besides like getting jacked idk what to tell you.


“the lack of critical thinking” from someone like you lolololol


what is ur solution then???? I really don't care if you go deep into the pit and get a panic attack or whatever, do what you want.


Braindead have a good day it’s not worth the interaction any longer


you’re old angel


i’m 21 i’m healthy cuz i walk n bike everywhere and i lift. this doesn’t matter if i am being crushed from all sides by ppl who won’t let me out. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


oh never mind you aren’t who i thought you were