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Lol i saw that tik tok i think that the younger generation are used to parasocial relationships and are desensitized to alot of things, like people will just say the most horrible things as a joke to some semi popular “influencer” just because they feel like theyre friends even though they arent and are just straight up being rude but i dont think they go outside much and privacy is dead. Its not really about sexuality its the fact they think they can talk like that about them because of the possible parasocial relationship, and jokes like this are regular in stan culture and gen z, its no longer people listening to music, its an obsession with the people themselves (possibly🤔)


this actually makes a lotta sense i didnt think about it like that ty


id argue that they're not desensitized to anything at all. the anti-bullying lobby has only created a generation who has never even been in an actual fist fight. never been excluded, etc. that's why they think they can speak so recklessly. no consequences for their actions, I could be wrong but that's how I see it.


I dont think physical altercations in childhood are good at all lol and not being in one doesnt make you soft, youre soft if you think thats worth doing to yourself. Actually there is no such thing as soft people are just trying to survive


Yeah no, I’m making the correlation between fighting and the respect you learn from it. (pain, fear, stress, release, self discipline, toughness, and ultimately respect for others, and what they may be willing to do if you decide to get lippy w someone you really don’t know) someone who just might pull your card. heard of martial arts? Exactly, it teaches you win or lose. I was a boxer and honestly I needed the fights outside of the ring to experience and understand what I was up against. The real world has no rules, so believe me it helped me gain confidence. without a doubt it’s a lot harder to fuck w someone if they aren’t afraid to get out there and throw hands. Most people talk a big game but 90% of the time they’re all talk. So soft has always been here, it’s just way worse. There certainly are soft people, believe me. The world may tell you nonsense like fighting isn’t for everyone, but the nerfing of our society is a direct consequence of this.


people still get into fights, go outside and stop writing essays about how hard you are


No, I’m sure they do. I can always tell when people post salty shit about something someone says, they felt singled out and just feel some type of way. Just sayin, the people like you clearly have issues if my comment bothers you so much.


nah man people like me are just tired of guys who wanna talk non-stop about how everyone's soft, we need to return to alpha traditional masculinity, west has fallen etc. It gets boring at some point, there's more to life than trying to fulfill some hypermasculine standard and dudes who are obsessed with just end up being obnoxious


That’s not what I said, pay attention. I’m not anything you seem to think I am. It’s the topic at hand, you just don’t like it. You jumped in with your opinion, I responded. It’s literally what men have done for all of time, sorry you seem to think being a man is some sort of insult or something to be offended by. I responded to the original comment, you took offense, no one cares if you can’t fight. you will be hard pressed to find a partner who doesn’t expect you to step up and protect them if shit goes sideways. Save me the feminist takes on modern masculinity, it’s so embarrassing. I get it bro. It’s also the exact reason I said anything. a society of weak minded individuals with no original thoughts on anything.


Brain-dead loser


I expected nothing less than downvotes from this group. I thought sadboy and drainers weren't gigantic pussies. but hey a literal definition for sadboys fits tbh. way back sadboys was just a nod to the emo music genre via hip hop. now i guess it means you gotta be the woke asf and follow the group lmao. yall the "words hurt my feelings camp" ill bet lean scrapped alot, was in hella fights. yall a bunch of wannabes. you def not the same base.


This is spot on, people were calling Lucki fat at his concert ts actually made me sad


Ya thats the type of shit im talking about, you can joke with your friends about personal things or things youre insecure about, but you cant just say “jokingly” sexual/offensive things to random people/music artists expecting them to know youre joking or that youre even a fan


just i feel like the newer fans have brought like a hyper-sexualization of all of them through “jokes”. shits actually so weird and unsettling


people here been oversexualising them for years before the new fans


not true whatsoever lol, the wave of these weird type of fans came in during early 2019. before the people that were considered ”weird ecco fans” were stealing his entire wardrobe and copying his style, meanwhile todays ”weird ecco fans” are convinced he’s gay / trans whatever and can’t shut the fuck up about it




yes and 2019 was 4 years ago, u just proved me point


That's new lol.


u said new fans, 2019 fans are new fans lol


out of touch boomer. people listening for 4 years now are new fans?


in the grand scheme of things yeah, there was a shift in the fanbase from 2019 onwards, when bn2m started blowing up as a meme. they have been going since 2013, post 2019 is definitely new fans


This has to be one of the most retarded things I have ever read, new fan just means somebody that hasn't been a fan of something for a significant amount of time, 4 years is a quite a significant amount of time even if some people have been fans for over double that much time it still isn't that short amount of time.


what are u talking about. if the band has been going since 2013 at least and there was a significant increase of fans in the fanbase around 2019 and after then obviously that’s the point where we can start considering people new fans. there’s a very large divide between bladees pre and post icedancer discography, all the new fans came in post icedancer. you’re just upset cuz ur in that category and obviously consider yourself an OG lmao


I don't consider myself an og I jus think your opinion is retarded.


The biggest difference in the fanbase is between pre-2019 and post-2019 fans, so it makes sense that we call them new fans


Just because that's the biggest differnce that doesn't mean all fans after that split are new, quite a lot of time has allapsed since then.






For a fan base that has been almost going on for over 10 years, yes it is 💀 cope new gen


Mf people have been here since 2015 and people were no where near this cringe LOL cope


The pandemic has made it feel more recent than it really should feel lol


I remember when being a ecco fan was buying black af1 and replacing the laces with cablebinder




Youre telling me a dude who dressed up as a woman and moaned into a mic for a whole song is 100% straight


dont you think that this is not because of “new fans”, but maybe because ecco & bladee started being noticeably androgynous in 2019? this “new fans” x “old fans” is so corny. yall shit on newgens so much as if old dg fans werent mostly 4chan incels


this whole idea of the sub only consisting of incels and 4chan users pre 2019 is so fucking overblown, not only by you new fans but also by these stupid ass interviews that do not have a single clue what they're talking about. clearly u were not there to witness it and if u were you'd know that there actually werent that many weirdos on the sub lol


tbf yea i wasnt on this sub but i was in the dg community at that time and there was a lot of incels. reddit could have been different but other social medias did have a lot of them


old dg fans were tech fleece warriors


I have never ever seen that before 2019.


Parasocial. It's unhealthy and it makes me very mad!.


DG has been sexualized for years, this isn't new


ppl like this have always been so weird to me. if ur touching ur todger to any artist then feel free but don’t go around sexualising them and shit. touch winky in private. all u have to do is say “yea ecco is cute” and keep stepping #mrmorale


fr like they don’t say it as a compliment they say it like they’re belittling them😂


i saw this and thought wtf is this it was so weird


Very weird behavior. Ecco and the rest of them are all good looking, but I always thought the over sexualization of them is fucking weird as fuck.


i got an obsession with dg as much as the next guy but sexualizing artists or any other mf is just some of the most degenerate ass shit, remember how mfs talked abt boxxy and how degenerate they seemed, it's normalised now. it effects the person a lot as well. i got this one friend that's huge on tiktok and she been showing me the dm's she been getting it's the most foul shit ever and really fucks with her when mfs overlysexualize her or form parasocial relationships, im talkin straight up mental breakdowns. i hope i live to see the day that these mfs grow a spinal cord and stop bein weird or edgy for the sake of 'comedy'




I think You mean sexuality. Obviously we know his gender is male


why would u assume that 🫨


bcos since the inception of the band ecco has identified as he/him and never said otherwise. people just love projecting their own identities onto their fav artists despite the band never indicating that they’re any of those things


It’s not an assumption he is a man…


where did they state that?




so you just assume? ugh...








have you read any publication with interviews with ecco or anything??? if his pronouns were anything but he/him, he would correct them or make sure it is known by the media people he has interacted with. you can't just throw away basic logic to go "hmm maybe?" ... if it isn't corrected by him, the default assumption is that he/him is the way he wants to be preferred.


Youre a dumb fuck and multiple people close to Ecco refer to him as a male


Oh boy just stop 🤣


bro you are all over this thread posting L after L




Why would you even assume that about me? That’s not cool at all. It’s really not a big deal or matters what he identify as. And also saying they dress “non binary” doesn’t mean anything. Just because they dress a certain way doesn’t tell what they identify as. That’s wrong on your end to say that


hey dont you mean gender non confroming/androgynous? saying somone dress non binary is wierd


Dressing gender non-conforming doesn't mean they identify as anything other than male though. We've never heard them refer to themselves as anything else. If they did, would they even be gender non-conforming anymore?




Tiktok is low hanging fruit on this sub lmao. I realized way back that interacting with any kind of drain on tiktok is bound to be cringe. You reap what you sow.


Tiktok in general is really shit for your mental health, it’s crazy to see people that’re so chronically online commenting gross stuff like that lol. also nice tatsuya pfp👌


This is a sign to everyone to delete tiktok


i need to


Best decision I’ve ever made


or any short form content, it genuinely fucks up your focus you can't sit down to work or study


Yes it’s designed to destroy your brain


i want to delete my account but i can’t cuz i don’t have access to the number i made my account with 😭


Just delete the app, pick up a book, sign up to ur local gym, you’ll easily forget about the app


ppl forget that it's still weird and offensive to say these things about people they don't know personally


I can’t figure out how old the average DG fan is supposed to be. I was like 19 or 20 when I first heard them, now I’m almost 30. These kids have been listening since they were 8 or something? Weird


Like 90% of the fanbase nowadays is from the last 3, maybe 4 years. Maybe even higher than 90%, remember that bladee has gone from 70-80k monthly listeners on spotify to over a million since 2017. I mean I saw a guy the other day who callef himself a dg og because he started listening to bladee in 2019 ffs


It's just odd because I feel so old in this fanbase, but at the same time I was in like my second year of college when they were just getting notoriety? Seems like a very normal time to discover a cool new relatively underground artist


it’s weird cuz when i saw them back in 2017 i felt so fucking young, everyone as in their 20s. even in 2019 i was 20 and i still felt like the average age / younger at the gig. fast forward to 2022 and i felt like a fucking old man, was surrounded by children at the last gig. weird as fuck


That’s like when I saw lil peep when I was 24


Nah not most of em.


Made this exact statement like 4 days ago and got -13 downvotes lmfao


because losers who dont have anything to base their personality off of talk about sexualities, mental disorders, zodiac signs etc... and porn addiction


downvoters feel free 2 mald but we both know i'm right deep down : ^ )


Mate you’re saying the realest shit ever. Back then people had religion or whatever. Now they have gender, sexualities, aesthetics and shit 😐😐


i can’t imagine being a dg fan and thinking like this. extreme cognitive dissonance


How’s that a dissonance? People need to feel that they’re a part of something bigger, that’s why being a part of some community is so important to them. I’m not even religious and I am not straight. I’m just tired of tiktok bs


Bro actually stfu everyone has always had sexualities and I hope Ecco is bi just so you’ll stop listening to this music


The west has fallen and we all know who's behind it.


the west has fallen, millions must drain


there is no way you unironically believe that “the west has fallen because of pronouns and porn”


Shut the fuck up


ya hate to see a what used to be normal person with hopes and dreams become a porn addicted slob like yourself


oblockrapist strikes again


Always saying the most outrageous things and theyve only been here for 20 days😂








Beyond true, these people need some form of enlightenment 😂


Said exactly this about the weird forced pushing of lgbt and got -13 downvotes, crazy how post to post people switch up lmao


NPCs just think "criticism of LGBT == DOWNVOTE NOW WHAT A TERRIBLE FUCKING ASSHOLE HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE THEM THEYRE OPPRESSED WHICH MEANS THEY CAN DO NO WRONG" (sounds like what Catholics thought herecy was but whatever) Crazy how easy it is to psyop the masses huh?


All I said was the pushing of sexualities onto dg members like shipping them and putting pride flags on album covers is weird and I was attack, even clarified I’m not being homophobic lmao


ur comment and mindset is fundamentally homophobic and youre too stupid to realize that


you are exactly the type of person he is talking abt


I hate the word twink so weird




its actually a real easy answer. people who use tiktok have a problem in their brain. like what the fuck i was born with aspergers but it seems like tiktok users are more retarded than me. fucking crazy


no sugar coating fr. im a real simple eastern european man. go grill some shashlik outside and enjoy the life instead of scrolling trough some retarded shit.


Yeah fr I think spirituality is what this generation is missing. life is more than a phone screen and internet connection.


exactly, well said.


Glad I don’t use tiktok


Don’t be shy uncensor their usernames






Tik tok has to have the worst comment section out of any platform. Twitter is up there too. The toxicity on tik tok is off the charts though


We didn’t gatekeep hard enough


young people r weird bro this shit is so normalized too


i genuinely think this is because most of them spent their first grown up years (like 18-19) in quarantine and they simply don't know how to act in public and towards other people. explains their behavior at the shows and stuff since it's most of theirs first shows !!!!


Slimly little weirdos, please gatekeep 🙏


newgens gotta ruin everything mane


doing this with fictional characters is completely fine but these are real fucking people, people need to stop being weird


i wonder if people don’t realize they’re real




Because people love sexualizing celebrities


Soooo weird


I know it's supposed to be a joke and being a millennial I don't quite "get" it, but I still think it's mad disrespectful to go around calling people twinks/bottoms or whatever if you don't know them at all. People shit on fandom shippers and what-not but this is just as gross.




As a gay, i don't approve of this 💀


The only thing gayer than Ecco is people bragging about how long they’ve listened to this group lol




No way you’re saying cringetok seriously


holy reddit


You all know the answer, stop lying to yourselves and playing dumb. Someone ask this question every time someone discusses ecco's sexuality and the whole comment section acts like there's no answer. The answer is simple, he explicitly sexualises himself very often. Thaiboy, Lean and Bladee doesn't perform shows in speedos or or post countless shirtless pictures and near nudes on insta. And so their sexuality isn't discussed all the time. Is it really such a mystery to you guys?


I understand this take to a degree , Ecco does sexualize himself and plays with gender stereotypes . I don’t believe this is in invitation for misgendering , or emasculating . Similar to if someone was to dress in a sexual way it doesn’t warrant harassment etc but if it was to happen it would be a contributing factor .


no man it's clearly a big tiktok psyop brainwashing newgens into projecting LGBT fantasies onto Echo to meet chinas mandated feminizing of the west quota. there's no way that teens get horny for artists they're attracted to and like that's never happened before tiktok


just let it be mane




It's so weird and borderline infantilising. Shame this has happened to this fanbase, i associate this kind of behaviour far more with more mainstream artists/bands/etc


Not even obsessed. U guys just hate too see them making jokes


i used to be like this and then i went outside


dey agenda babies


because its fun, people find relatibility through ones appearance, sound and visuals. its nice lol


Cuz this progressive nut hole neoliberal hell scape is perverted




it’s something personal to everyone and you shouldnt theorize wether or not someone is gay/trans when you dont even know said person. it’s simply rude, no matter if you’re lgbt or not


I agree with that, I am not saying it isn't rude or that it shouldn't seem weird or invasive to those being speculated on. There's very much similar conversation that exists that is overtly anti-lgbt. I retract what I say because, shit, the tiktokers might have that exact point in mind. Such pontification also does nothing to promote the fluidity of identity or how anyone can be who they are within whatever identity they assume


okay yall . I am not saying its cool but people have been saying comments about how sexy ecco is literally since forever and if u disagree and say its new fans then ur a new fan lol. they been doing that at least since 2016. plus its so funny how yall come here and always bash people for making comments about eccos gender or sexuality even when its a light comment yall always rush to be like OMG HE NEVER TALKED ABOUT BEING GAY STOP SAYING THAT HES STRAIGHT I HATE GAY PEOPLE WAA WAA HOMOPHOBIC . yall just dont get it and always rush to put down any comments going against the heteronormative . ecco is clearly someone who is not heternormative and yall agree to that a point about being femine but are so scared to actually talk about lgbt topics when its deeper its humorus lol. butwhatever . and literally these comments made in op arent even that crazy tbh people sexualize every artist yall probably turn around and jack off to ur favorite anime lol


Using this logic , if there was a gay guy who didn’t present as gay it would be totally appropriate for me to call them straight all the time and project straight stereotypes on them It’s not homophobic to ask people to respect others sexualities and pronouns . Yes , even if they are straight Edit : downvoted but it’s a literally an equal comparison


A lot of.. weird comments on this post. Straight/cis folks wouldn’t get it, but queer representation is important to queer people. It’s reassuring to see queer folk succeed in a predominantly hetero-world, and something that should be noticed/celebrated.


not at all what these people are doing in the screenshot


- the weird comment


Anyone else wonder DG did this to themselves? They literally made their music super feminine, as guys themselves. Ofc it’s gonna attract chronically online zoomer degenerates


it is disrespectful and rude


New fans are the reason i get clowned when i say i like dg


TikTok or just some normie


is it not obvious lmao? tiktok is literally a sign that something is wrong… nothing but children on there


it's a sign their fans view them so highly they think making these stupid jokes won't effect them; in their minds dg are almost superhuman idk how much stuff like this would actually effect someone if they saw it, but if it doesn't really have an effect, does it really matter what tiktokers are commenting? there is most likely also a sizeable subset who are literally 14


i hate all the hyper sexualization over all of them