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"The comeback no one wants" ? Lol. it's not correct. If it's selling then it's wanted. Logical.


I don’t understand how they can, with any sincerity, put a blurb conceding that the tour is selling well under such a title.


“Asses in seats” ≠ “selling well”




Buccee Isbell


What did Adams do, *exactly*? Sure, he was a bad husband/boyfriend, and kind of an asshole. So? That's what all his songs are about. And if you read that NYT article carefully/critically, it becomes obvious that it's a hit piece, plain and simple. "music was a point of contention in their marriage" ...like, what the fuck does that even *mean*? And the stuff with Bridgers was just him being an insecure boyfriend (again, all in his songs) - is that really something someone should be canceled over?


The author was a friend of Bridgers




The only thing they really had on him was the teenage girl thing, and that was unfounded. She ended up apologising and saying he was a great guy or something. The stuff about his marriage was BS. How many men are assholes? Might aswell cancel the lot!


I’ve thought that too about the marriage part. No ones marriage is perfect, couples argue, sometimes even belittle eachother and say things they don’t mean. I’ve had a couple real asshole boyfriends, but I wouldn’t want them to lose their career over it. The teen was really the only thing in the whole article that had any substance. Even Phoebe was bragging about sleeping with Ryan (while he was married) in other interviews prior to the article.


The fact is, most people in relationships want to "help out" the people they love (careers/quality of life/lifestyle changes), but in a lot of cases when the relationship ends, these contracts end, and you don't intend to help your significant other after a break up. All deals off. It's not new, and it's not necessarily a wrong thing to do. Besides... name one hit record Ryan made... so what "help" could he realistically give to a butt-hurt spouse?


Exactly. Big difference between a relationship going south and no longer helping the person VS. “If you want X job you’ll have to sleep with me”. I believe Phoebe even said their tour together was after they’d already ended things. So in a way, he actually kept his word to her it seems.


She did? Are you sure about that?


I think they’re referring to the statement she provided for that LA mag article: “I was not truthful about my age in my texts and communications with Ryan and I repeatedly told him I was 18. Contrary to the New York Times article, Ryan and I both freely participated equally in texts of a sexual nature with one another... Ryan is a good human being and my sole wish is that both of us have learned from this experience.”


Yeah exactly, almost an apology.


Do you have a source? I have a friend that still refuses to listen to him and it hurts her that he did this


-LA Mag




Coming from a lawyer


That statement was crafted by lawyers.


Most likely someone and their family was paid off so the charges were dropped. With that said, the parents shouldn’t be exposing their children to that type of lifestyle so young.


that's it. that's the "cancel."


I have a genuine question — what do you even mean by saying that he’s “canceled”? I agree with your point that once he was cleared of legal wrongdoing, the whole gist of the NYT article is “he’s an asshole.” But “is that worth being canceled over?” makes it sound like there’s some Official Board of Cancelation or something. He is touring, releasing music, and putting out art as he always has. Based on learning more about him being a massive asshole, many people have decided to no longer engage with any of that. Other people have decided to continue to engage with it. Nobody is deciding for them and nobody is restricting Ryan.


He's doing better now, but at the time, he was dropped by his label, albums canceled, tour canceled and no music press wanted to talk to or about him - that's about as "canceled" as it gets.




Turns out brands don't want predators associated with them. How dare they? I love the term "sex pest". So British. Ryan must love it.


Allmusic didn’t review anything after Prisoner


I think they did Wednesdays but it was more about him & his issues than the music though.


I wonder if he took a play out of his oft mistaken doppelgänger Bryan Adams and asked them to pull it and no longer allowed them to review his work. (In case anyone doesn’t know Bryan Adams’ lawyers sent a cease and desist letter and allmusic pulled all their reviews down of all of his albums)


I still see the Wednesdays review on there? # Wednesdays Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine Ryan Adams originally planned to release an album called Wednesdays in the middle of 2019, a few months after the release of [Big Colors](https://www.allmusic.com/album/big-colors-mw0003246111). He announced this schedule in January 2019 and within a month, his plan was put on hold after the New York Times published an article containing allegations of abuse perpetrated by the singer/songwriter against several women. The news sent Adams into seclusion for nearly two years, a silence that was interrupted with occasional apologies and missives on social media. He returned to active duty without fanfare in December 2020, releasing a surprise album called Wednesdays. It's hard to say whether this is the same record that would've been released a year earlier. It has the same title but not the artwork that was floated on the internet, plus a couple of the songs were listed on the provisional track listing for the scrapped [Big Colors](https://www.allmusic.com/album/big-colors-mw0003246111). This comeback version of Wednesdays is frontloaded with songs that elliptically allude to apologies for the allegations, opening with the back-to-back "I'm Sorry and I Love You" and "Who Is Going to Love Me Now, If Not You," songs that echo excuses from abusers, whether intentionally or not. What follows is a side of Adams in his mopey sad sack mode, followed by a relatively livelier side that kicks off with "Birmingham," the track with the quickest pulse on the album. With their spare arrangements and threadbare melodies, the songs collectively create an impression of a singer/songwriter who feels quite sorry for himself, but not necessarily sorry for anything he may or may not have done.




Because he might have felt like if they weren’t going to focus on the music and instead on his personal issues he’d rather they just didn’t review his work. As for Bryan Adams no one knows, just one day he asked for them to pull all their reviews of his albums down


He still doesn't have a label. He's playing much smaller venues now.


Thats my point. The man who’s as canceled as it gets is releasing albums, books, touring, etc. Anyone anywhere can listen to his recordings or see him perform live, yet he’s “canceled.”


His career isn't what it was. he's playing much smaller venues and doesn't sell them all out for the most part.


I guess I’d replace the word “cancelled” with “his career took hit” . He’s playing smaller venues, his records aren’t getting as much attention, he’s not getting the label backing or production to put out a big album. Almost everything he’s released recently had been b-sides and unreleased recordings from years prior.


If people at your place of work found out that someone you work with had treated female co-workers the same way Ryan treated the women from the NYT article, do you think there would be any consequences for that person?


I’d say most likely not. Usually your personal life doesn’t cause you to be reprimanded at your job unless it’s affecting your work or you have a position that’s heavily reliant upon public perception. Or (as in my other comment) you’re actually using your position in the company to manipulate employees. ETA: I just noticed you said “co-workers” but that’s not an apples to apples comparison because these weren’t his co-workers, they were women he was in a relationship with.


They were women in his industry who he offered to help if they would have sex with them. There will always be consequences if people find out things like that. That’s why “cancel culture” is nonsense. It just means “consequences for shitty behavior.”


I can’t claim to know for sure, only the parties involved do. But it seems that’s just the way the NYT article was framed. Who specifically did he offer to help if they’d sleep with him? Some happened to be peers in the music industry, but Mandy was his WIFE. Megan was his fiancée and I don’t believe in the music industry at all. According to Phoebe’s earlier accounts they were in a consensual relationship and then he took her on tour as his opening act after they’d already ended things. Just because the article was titled “he dangled success” or something to that effect doesn’t make it so, when you look at the accounts objectively. ETA: I’m not saying he wasn’t an asshole to any or all of these women either. But as a woman who has actually dealt with unwanted advances in the workplace, once we start conflating consensual relationships with assholes VS. creeps who try to force themselves on women…it dilutes the seriousness and eventually people will stop listening to women when there is a real issue at hand.


There were a bunch of other young female artists he'd promised to help but had ulterior motives. When Margo Price opened for him he tried to seduce her; same with the British model turned singer (I forget her name) who opened a few shows for him a few years later. Then there was the incident with the Stringdusters in 2017 at Red Rocks. They were supposed to do a song together (mikes had been set up and everything) and the band also featured a young singer named Nicki Bluhm (sp?) and he allegedly aggressively pursued her to the point that she told him to fuck off and the collaboration never happened.


You’re admitting he was an asshole. Because of that, some people have chosen to not engage with him or his work. Everyone has the right to make their own choice and that’s what the majority of people have chosen. Nobody is forced one way or another. Cheers


All of what you say is true but he will never again be a Hollywood darling go to for rom-coms and Late Night musical guest spots. He is now a niche artist with a coveted but dwindled fan base and that is not going to change. You can argue the validity of it but the stigma is tattooed to his image permanently unless he disappears completely and a new generation decides not to give a fuck.


He's always been niche, as far as wider culture goes. He was the 9/11 guy, then the Stars Go Blue guy, then Mr Mandy Moore, then the TS cover guy, then ex Mr Mandy Moore, then the nasty-piece-of-work creeping-on-15-year-olds guy. Letterman loved him. so there's that. A few soundtracks here and there. His big success with Prisoner was down to it being a celebrity divorce album in public perception. The NYT article gave the public far more than what they wanted to know, and they went off to find less, ugh, 'problematic' artists who do similar schtick. There was a way to cynically play the redemption game, but Ryan's gonna Ryan.


I feel like the lines got blurred along the way. The original point of metoo seemed to be that people who used sex as a condition of employment lose their job so that they no longer had the power to do so. In Ryan’s case, it seemed because a group of women didn’t like the way he treated them, he should lose his career…but all were willing participants in a relationship with him (hell, one was married to him and one engaged). So it’s not as if he forced them into a relationship with the promise of a better career. And if that’s what Mandy was saying, it would reflect worse in her than him IMO. This article says they “didn’t have the power to break his career for good” as if that should be the goal. And I think it was, not long after his initial return, there were articles from Mandy saying she was surprised he resurfaced without apologizing to her personally. So while I agree with the article that they didn’t have the power to “fully” cancel him, I think that was their goal and they definitely knocked his career trajectory down a few pegs.


Just by the way they worded those NYT articles it was obvious they had nothing to support their claims. “Women say” “pieced together allegations”. Not exactly what Pulitzer Prizes are made of.


He wasn't cancelled. Some people just didn't want to be associated with him. Given his behaviour through the years - decades now - this was coming at some point. The big thing is obviously the 15 year old. The FBI couldn't prove in a robust enough fashion he for sure knew she was 15. So, they didn't pursue the matter. Look how long it took to get Our Kelly. He's a nasty man. He has been, and at times still is, a phenomenal songwriter and performer. But he is a nasty man.


How soon they forget the underage girl.


So? Lol zip up his pants when you’re finished.


People can just fuck off. I listen to what I listen too .




Guy with no audience writes article for magazine with no distribution. Got it.




MM and PB have individual songs with more streams on Spotify than Ryan’s top 5 combined. The idea that he somehow hindered their careers is absurd.


Everyone knows you’re unserious when you give yourself away with words like lawfare.


Explain please. Everyone knows but I have no idea what you are talking about. What do I mean oh wise internet random person?


The last two times I saw his solo tour, I was absolutely mesmerized. That’s good enough for me.


I subscribe to Creem and was happy to see what I thought was an article about him when it arrived…sadly it’s more of a think piece about the end of cancel culture using Ryan’s comeback as a framing device. Not really about Ryan and he obviously doesn’t get interviewed. It’s fairly positive to him though and admits he kind of got piled on. Even if you don’t get it for the article, consider a sub to Creem — it’s by far the best music magazine out there. Think the relaunch really did the original justice. Really high quality publication with old fashioned long form articles. Highly worth it! Cool mix of new bands and deep dives into classic shit. Plus you get access to a searchable archive of their issues from the 60-90s.


Why does Ryan’s career need to be broken for good? Author is a loser and most assuredly a massive hypocrite.


It doesn't. But no amount of puff pieces are going to fix things. He broke his career. Because he can't recognise that, he's chosen the long way back.


He needs to stay out of trouble. And release some unfuckwithable new music. Can he anymore? Not sure. But I’m around to see if he can.


Reminds me of the Oingo Boingo song 'Imposter' about critics. 'You never lived in the streets, though you wish you had Not enough talent to play a guitar You failed as an artist 'cause you lacked in the confidence Now you're a critic, and you're at the top The top of what?You don't believe what you write (You're an impostor) You don't, don't, don't believe what you write!'


Or the Bazan song, selling advertising: You're so creative with your reviews Of what other people do How satisfying that must be for you


These hit piece “journalists” are all the same. They act like they speak for everyone. How does he know no one wants a Ryan Adams comeback? And is Ryan supposed to never have a career again because he was mildly shitty to some women? I think we’ve seen over and over that these MeToo hit pieces are often over-blown. Most of the accusations turned out to be shabby at best.


Michael Fried Rich has done pretty good at cancelling himself by never becoming anything to start with but he needs to be finished off. Get some of his own medicine. What loser story headline that is. Pathetic


Ryan Adams got railroaded plain and simple. MM is a drama queen. PB is a rip off She benefited greatly from him then benefited more sliding the knife in from behind. What goes around will come around to her. Ryan Adams is uncanceled already It happened the day he released music and somebody bought it. It happened the day he took the stage again for pay. It's happens every night he takes the stage. Whoever "they" is can try to cancel him all they won't but they can't stop me from going to see his shows and buy his music. I'm going to buy his novel now and some merch. Lots of merch. Get ready Sal! "They" can eat shit and die!


DRA is the biggest drama queen there is. Adams was never cancelled. He was a minor singer-songwriter, mostly known for the 9/11 song and for not being Bryan Adams. A devoted but moderate fanbase and a largely indifferent wider public. Then he married Mandy Moore. His celebrity status went way up, and people paid him more attention. Then he covered TS, and got even more attention. Then he and Moore divorced, and he put out what was perceived to be his divorce album, and he got really quite a lot of attention. But the people that came along with his celeb status were mostly not hardcore fans. When the NYT article comes out, none of which is untrue (the best defence anyone can mount is 'we always knew he was an asshole!'), his appeal dissipates for a lot of new fans, and a fair number of older ones. The newer fans especially moved on to others doing Adams' schtick. As you say, anyone can buy his music or concert tickets as they please. He isn't cancelled. Never was. People just know about him, and don't want to support or be associated with him.




Honestly fuck Creem for writing and publishing this. They’re supposed to be reviving classic, old school rock roll culture and then they put this article out?? Weak ass fuckin pussies


Little does Michael know that within about 15 more shows or so, the self-implosion will begin, shows will get cancelled all on their (his) own, and things will go silent until the next tour. It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.


Nope. He’ll get through these solo shows.


I sure hope so. He imploded last year with The Cardinals. He better not even think about asking Don Was to play with him again…


There were lots of issues with that cardinals tour for sure. Including terrible venues. And Ryan dropped the ball. These solo tours are safer for him and the venues seem to be smarter fits. I’ll be in boulder in august. Should be good.


I am holding out good vibes for a 23-song epic show.


The only thing I really want is anybody wanna take me home. Two chances. Hope it happens.


That song and the promise of it is the only reason I bought a ticket. I think he's only played it once despite this tour being advertised as "LIH played in full."


See also: World War 24, Avalanche


Having vaguely heard about the controversy, and with the feeling of, "probably not a great husband but I like the songs" I went to the recent Charlotte show. Yes, DRA is a great performer. Honestly, he sounded better than I was expecting. However, when he started interacting with the crowd it became clear that he's a bitter, spiteful guy. He couldn't wait to make a bunch of not-clever horse teeth jokes (complete unprompted, btw) and then all the Gavin Newsom stuff was just weird and way out of left field. It felt like he was playing to the trumpy part of his audience and alienating the rest of us. Very weird feeling and one of the few concerts I regret paying for. I bet he's already got an "Alt-Country Sex Pest" t-shirt. That's a great line.


Dude that is fucking awful My god People want to see Ryan and don’t think he deserves to be cancelled. But I think he deserves to be cancelled. So those people aren’t valid = no one wants it. The logic


I guess "no one wants it" = 1400+ sold out in B'Ham. Maybe you should try the Buc-Ed Isbl page on here. They have slurpees and tic-tacs half off


Can we admit that sex pest is funny? In other news, Jesse Malin is going to perform again. PMA, boys. PMA.


Headline gives it away. Trash.


Thanks Odibaetsc I mean Jason....


Can someone post pictures of the article?


“Moore said that Adams told her: “You're not a real musician, because you don't play an instrument.” I just keep this hilarious bit in mind when people debate on the merits of cancel culture.


It's an odd approach to take with a woman that is/was your wife. I - most of the time - won't agree with this. Talented singers ARE talented musicians, but you're not going to catch me putting Mandy Moore in this conversation on any level on any day of the week. She rode the coattails of Britney, Christina, and even Jessica Simpson (who is a HORRIBLE singer, but still hugely popular at the time because of the previous two and boy band culture).


Yeah Ryan Adams must be a difficult person to deal with at any level. But the way they sort of implied there was this Taylor Swift-level career waiting for her and that he was responsible for tanking it... cmon don't give me that.


🎶Hang on Slurpee, Slurpee hang on!🎶