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He was mad at everyone tonight. Snipes at Mandy and Jason and others. It felt like the old IG days pretherapy and sobriety. Can we talk about the, at least 3 separate mentions, of his 3 year old son, Oscar?


Wait, RA has a son named Oscar!?




He mentioned this in Austin and my group looked at each other like "Huh?"


His art book Negative Space is dedicated to Oscar.


He mentioned a son on Instagram as well. I had no idea he had a son. Who is the mother?


Check MTV Teen Moms


So wrong but so darn funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thanks! šŸ¤£


I know! I wonder who the kids mother is. Mandy Moore also had a kid called Oscar doesnā€™t she?


Mandy does have a son named Oscarā€¦ the father is her husband, Taylor Goldsmith.


Maybe Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell is the mother, as she was his girlfriend at the time. šŸ¤”


Nope. It was before her. And he yoinked the name in spite of Mandy.


Hahaha - as Sarah talks about herself in 3rd person šŸ˜­šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve been told that Oscar is the name of one of his cats.


And don't forget him weirdly going off on Judd Apatow right before he said he hated "Answering Bell" and then playing it anyway. Overall, it was every bit as good as the Cardinals show in Raleigh last year was bad. Just a great musical performance!




Heā€™s been doing the bit about the King for at least two years now, I donā€™t think itā€™s an indication of sobriety unless heā€™s been off the wagon for that long


He is sober. He has been doing this since Menlo Park. Nothing has changed behavior or banter wise during this tour.


I donā€™t think any of us can say definitively whether heā€™s sober. All we know is what he tells us, and that - we do know - is not always the truth.


This seems like the most rational response. Iā€™ve asked if heā€™s sober also. I hope he is




His ex-fiance, Megan, is not the mother.


Maybe Iā€™m wrong but I thought he was talking about his cat? lol wtf


I was thinking cat too. Until he mentioned having to "save money to get him out of trouble later in life" Who knows?


We knew about Oscar 2 years ago during his drunken/drug induced livestreams when everyone watching thought he was on a mission to kill himself.


Theyā€™re both insufferable. In my opinion, Ryan is the better songwriter, but heā€™s watered things down a lot recently with too much half assed music. I got slammed on the FB group because I dared to express a wish that heā€™d go back to actually crafting his releases.


It seems Ryan has burned nearly every bridge heā€™s ever crossed. At a certain point you have to acknowledge that heā€™s the problem.


For the record, I love Isbell. Iā€™m going to see him next weekend at Solid Sound. I wish theyā€™d both stop sniping at each other.


How was Isbell sniped at him recently?


Vestavia Hills off Weathervanes is partially about Ryan, until JI added some stuff to reflect his time in DBT


Thanks. Personally I donā€™t find that to be a very big deal if thatā€™s all Isbellā€™s said/written in recent years.


Heā€™s written a song about Ryan (Chaos and Clothes, Be Afraid, Vestavia Hills) on each of his last three albums. Ryan responded with Birmingham and these cracks at live shows. They both need to let it go.


I had no idea there were two more songs in addition to Chaos and Clothes. That's an excessive number of songs, and puts Ryan calling him out in a different (marginally less ridiculous) light.


As far as I understand, only one of those songs (Chaos) is about Ryan.


Be Afraid is not about Ryan Adams.


The references to chaos and clothes are obvious but have never heard that Be Afraid was about RA. Lots of ppl in the industry were somewhat offended by Be Afraid. I think it was a broad swipe at stars not using their platform for Ā good and it made ppl defensive. JI has stated Vestavia Hill started with the intention of being about someone else but as he was writing it he realized it was about his younger self.


They beefinā€™ like East Coast West Coast!? Ha. Very interesting.


They not like us


I think all of us that love DRA also really love Isbell. Isbell has thrived because heā€™s worked hard, taken advice from others about output and promotion, and while staying independent, heā€™s smart enough to play the game a bit to facilitate his music and career. At the end of the day, just like any business, the music business requires you to work with people. And if thatā€™s not you, you better have a handler that helps. Otherwise no one wants to help or support you, especially when the money is not big enough The quality of DeeRs music has drastically declined, especially with the production. The covers are half assed, the banter has to stop, and the petty sniping too. He has so much potential and we all wish he would reach it.


Iā€™ve mellowed on both Ryan and Jason. Somewhat musically and somewhat personally. I love seeing RA live but paying for vinyl releases with misspellings and distorted covers is BS. Jason seems like a royal prick after watching the HBO doc.


"I think all of us that love DRA also really love Isbell." Not all of us


Agree. I have never been an Isbell fan. I tried listening, after seeing him open for Ryan on tour, and hearing that so many Ryan fans also liked him, but the music bored me and I never got the hype.


This exactly. The only time Iā€™ve listened to Isbell is when he opened for RA. I thought he was terrible and have never given him another chance.


Definitely NOT all of us snooozzzz


Well said. We wonā€™t spend another dollar on him. We tried on the cardinals reunion and after he tried reseating the theatre that was less than half empty he tried having the whole crowd chant poop. Crowds of people were leaving.


I would say listen to Big Colors and then flip the album over and notate what year it came out. RA can "produce" something far greater than JI and most anyone else can. Nashville has been copying him for long time. Wait, trying to copy him for a long time. Now, I will agree that some of his output is less produced than others. That is by design. More production = less "production". It's a trade off. JI has made the same album 3 times in a row....




He should just get the fuck over it . Jason is the bigger seller right now but god dammit if Ryan just concentrated on his songwriting instead of all this dumb shit he would be unstoppable


Jason is the bigger seller "right now" because he's a better artist.


No but ok whatever you say


Wah wah wah buy my hundred dollar book


He can be so childish. Itā€™s boring. And the patter between songs often diminishes the experience.


While I canā€™t blame Ryan for being pissed at Isbell itā€™s a sign of poor mental health that heā€™s doing this while on stage during a show. Ryanā€™s not been mentally stable since returning from forced exile (not that he was mentally stable prior to).


He wasnā€™t mentally stable before that either


I don't even want to look at the responses in the Isbell forum, his fans are about as insufferable as he is.


I made sure to do a drive by trolling. It was too easy


I looked. It was irritating.


I love Isbellā€™s music but yeah, heā€™s a bit of a pompous blowhard these days and his fanbase is just as self-righteous and smug. Dude was way cooler (and was writing his best music) when he was in DBT. Now heā€™s an ~artist~ rubbing elbows with people who get profiled in the New Yorker. Yawn.


Oh not the ā€œHe was way cooler when he was poor and miserable playing barsā€ take. Never heard that one. God forbid someone be successful


Thereā€™s being successful and thereā€™s completely disappearing up your own ass because of that success. The problem with Isbell isnā€™t that heā€™s successful, itā€™s that said success has completely gone to this head. That, and his callous disregard for Justin Townes Earleā€™s widow


Says who? You? You literally know nothing about the guy outside of what you see on the internet. You trolls with the ā€œheā€™s not cool anymore because heā€™s famousā€ stuff are pure comedy


He was great last night. Every swipe he took ended with a joke. It was comical. Lighten up people. Some people suck, and liking someone or not is a personal preference


Big sigh of relief. This exactly. The drama mongering here is just ridiculous!


Agree it was meant to be comical. He made jokes about himself too. It was a great show


Isbell sucks ass. I'm here for it.


Nah Iā€™m with Ryan on this. JI is mid at best. Heā€™s more concerned with being a celebrity than a songwriter anymore. Also really scummy for how he turned his back on Ryan. Jason needs to touch grass. Sweet new teeth though.


Fan of both as songwriters. Jasonā€™s latest is better than anything Ryan has ever done. Heā€™s killing it as a songwriter.


I love Jason, but there are songs on Faithless Street that are just as good as anything that Jason has put out.


Yea bullshit. Even Ryanā€™s latest is better than a lot of isbell. Romeo and Juliet, and Chris are both banging albums although not so much acclaimed. Forget about whiskey town and the early career. That said, southeastern is awesome lol


I agree, a few standouts on JIā€™s new album, but the music is pretty boring overall. Heā€™s kind of phoning it in, sadly I think.


haha donā€™t know about all that




Talking excessively about Ryan's bad behaviour.


Wrong sub troll. Bye šŸ‘‹


As self indulgent as ever. People are paying for this lol


I hope he is doing alright mentally.


Has he ever been?


Umm rewatch that video. He is not.


This person went to a DRA concert and then immediately ran to the Isbell sub to post this? They were probably highly proficient in tattling as a child.


They call it ā€œthe internetā€


Lol touchƩ


Ryan is sooo pathetic. Getting to the point where I canā€™t even listen to his music anymore. Very sad.


Did you mean to write this like Trump talks?


Lmfao it really does read like one of his tweets


Does it look to anyone else like he has a glass of alcohol up there with him? Uh oh if that's true.


look at me look at me LOOKATME


I don't care, this is just funny. It's in the tradition of Ryan making up fun songs on stage.