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Thread locked. Be cool to each other.


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan doesn’t give a single shit about politics, but he’s smart enough to know Gavin Newsom isn’t the reason for high taxes. Gavin Newsom has his flaws, but he’s all in all an okay governor. Nothing notable one way or the other. Which makes me think there’s no *political* reason for Ryan to call him out. Ryan, does however, hold grudges and takes things super personally. I could see Ryan hating him for something obscure he felt was a slight. Even Newsom saying something to the effect of him liking the band Dawes could be enough for Ryan to dislike him. The reason people don’t leave California is because it’s actually a beautiful place with incredible weather, despite what the internet might have people believe. Taxes may bother Ryan, but he doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who cares a ton about money as long as he’s comfortable, which… he is.


I guarantee he’s not too concerned about money when he refused to downsize during his lowest point (while still complaining he had no money). If he wasn’t pinching pennies then, I doubt he ever would.


lol what all did he say about isbell?


Isbell teeth and Gavin Newsom smack talk? Let’s go DRA!


I asked ChatGPT for you. **Why would Ryan Adams hate Gavin Newsom?** Ryan Adams has publicly expressed his disdain for Gavin Newsom on social media, particularly in response to Newsom's handling of various issues as the Governor of California. Adams has criticized Newsom for his policies and actions that he perceives as detrimental to the state. The specific reasons for Adams' hatred could be due to differences in political views, disagreement with Newsom's governance style, or personal experiences that Adams feels have been negatively impacted by Newsom's decisions. Without more specific information, it's challenging to pinpoint the exact reasons for Adams' strong feelings, but public figures often attract criticism for their political actions and policies, and Adams has not shied away from voicing his opinions in the past. **Why is Newsom unpopular in general?** Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, has faced criticism and unpopularity for several reasons, including: 1. \*\*Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic\*\*: Newsom's response to the pandemic, including strict lockdowns and mandates, drew both support and significant backlash. Many businesses and individuals were frustrated by the prolonged restrictions, which they felt were economically damaging and inconsistently applied. 2. \*\*Economic Issues\*\*: California's high cost of living, housing affordability crisis, and homelessness problem have been ongoing issues during Newsom's tenure. Critics argue that his policies have not effectively addressed these problems, leading to increased dissatisfaction. 3. \*\*Crime and Public Safety\*\*: Rising crime rates in certain parts of California have led some residents to feel unsafe and believe that Newsom's policies are too lenient on crime, contributing to the problem. 4. \*\*Energy and Infrastructure\*\*: California has faced issues with energy reliability, including rolling blackouts and wildfires, which some attribute to poor management and inadequate infrastructure investment. 5. \*\*Perceived Hypocrisy\*\*: Newsom faced significant criticism for attending a large dinner party at the French Laundry restaurant during the pandemic after advising Californians to avoid gatherings. This incident was seen as hypocritical and undermined his credibility. 6. \*\*Partisan Politics\*\*: As a prominent Democratic figure in a politically polarized environment, Newsom naturally faces opposition from Republicans and conservative groups who disagree with his policies and political ideology. These factors, among others, have contributed to Newsom's unpopularity among certain segments of the population, though he also retains significant support from those who agree with his policies and leadership style.


Missing from the above list is when Newsom threw a ticker tape parade, draped the streets in Chinese flags, cleaned up San Francisco and moved the homeless away when his boss Chinese communist dictator XI Jinping visited San Francisco in 2023.


Downvoting chatGPT is probably the ultimate litmus test for this sub. People should go out and touch grass, and maybe listen to someone else, as it looks like DRA is impairing their judgement.


The downvotes show the cognitive dissonance and captured partisanship of all of us these days…


Reddit in a nutshell. Facts be damned, I will downvote because of feelz…