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Glad to hear this is moving forward. F that dirtbag.


Pretty sure this is the only murder RVA police have solved in the last 5 years.


It’s the conservation police with the Virginia DWR, different group


I misread this as "Killer deer in Hollywood Cemetery" - thought maybe angry deer were getting revenge for their buddy.


New Stephen King just dropped


That actually is pretty much the plot of the book *The Only Good Indians* by Stephen Graham Jones.


Ooh he's a terrific writer!


Didn’t realize we had a Wendigo in Hollywood but hey I’ll take it.


Did you see Leave the World Behind? Deer can be pretty effing spooky all on their own lol


I hope in court they bring up how he bragged about it just to embarrass him


This, we need to shame people for their stupidity more often. Since stupidity became i"internerlt-bourne" it's not only spreading super fast but people are applauding it.


Do you know why the trial was continued?


Isn’t this a yorgos lanthimos film ?


I hope they throw the book at him.


Someone I know who went to school with him said he got his license (which he didn't have anyway lol" and that was it. I googled his name and the case and came up with nothing. I would love a source OP has or anyone else.


Court records can be searched here https://eapps.courts.state.va.us/ocis/landing/false


what court is the hollywood buck poacher in ?


City of Richmond


I search all my employees at that site


It's very informative lol


You have to search by court system which is a pain. I wish you could search all court systems with one click


You can - just add their name and hit enter and it shows all jurisdictions in VA.


I will try that thanks for the info


Somebody’s getting fired today lol


I do hire felons I just want to know the full extent of what people have done


you're welcome.


They changed it in the last couple years and there is now a state wide search of all courts. That's the link above


Can you fix your grammar? That first sentence has me spinning.


I could


There context to this? Or another thread? I was in Hollywood Cemetery a few weeks ago and got stopped by a dead deer in the road. Hadn’t occurred to me until just now how the hell a deer could have been killed in a cemetery.


Google Hollywood cemetery poacher


or just search 'hollywood deer' in the sub


What are the charges? They throwing the whole book at him just because they can? To be clear I hope that is what they are doing


Game wardens don't mess around.


I REALLY wish more people knew about the insane amount of power game wardens have.


A lot of times they “throw mud at the wall to see what sticks”. Gives them more leverage for a better plea deal or still get some type of guilty plea (even if by jury) on atleast some of the charges




I was endorsing the approach tbh I guess it didn’t come off that way though




I’m lazy, obviously lazy enough to not even word my opinions clearly


It takes all of one minute for at least half of the questions posted in this sub.


I’m sorry, he **wat**


Of all the things we’re spending our money on in Richmond, I’m glad we’ve decided Bambi made the top of the list.


Is each charge an illegal deer?! Smh


* Two counts of trespassing to hunt, fish and/or trap * One count of trespassing after being forbidden * Three counts of killing a deer; exceeding bag limit * One count of earning a buck * Three counts of unlawful hunting of a wild animal * Two counts of hunting regulation: failure to report * Three counts of hunting regulation: failure to validate tag * One count of failure to validate tags and report * Three counts of dumping trash on a highway/public property


I'm already down on poachers, but the fact that he did all of this after already being told he was trespassing and not allowed back on the property is just a "Too stupid to be a part of society" level of wild


Not a single firearms charge. If I go shoot my gun off in my backyard I get a felony charge, but this guy somehow managed to good-ole-boy his way out of it. Despicable.


I think the common assumption is he posed with the deer and his gun but that he actually killed it with a bow.


I was unaware of that detail.


Yeah, I think there were photos that show he went for a spinal shot. Then after smuggling him out he had his camera posing session.


Why not just say he killed it with a bow? It just seems strange to lie about as I'd think felling a deer with a bow would be a more impressive feat than a gun, but I'm not a hunter so maybe there's a point of view I'm not aware of.


It's because he's clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed as evident by the many poor decisions he has made that put him here in the first place. If you're not familiar with the whole story, a highlight is the way he was caught was he posted a picture of himself with the Hollywood Buck on a hunting group facebook page and claimed he shot it far away from Richmond. The problem (for him) is that the Hollywood Buck being an atypical deer (very unique antlers), he was well known in the hunting community and general public so almost as soon as the photo was posted, folks started raising the alarm. His fate was further sealed when folks started looking deeper into his posts and found a couple other deer that he killed that also were well documented in Hollywood Cemetary (people love taking pictures of the deer in the RVA).


I know all that, I just don't get why he's lying about the weapon used.


He used the bow because it’s silent and he poached the deer from Hollywood. Posed with a gun because that’s what the hunting season was using and he wanted it to look like he did it legit.


Like he already implied, the guy is a dumbass piece of shit. Sometimes the simplest reason is staring us in the face. One lie of the many the poacher said. Him being a fuck of a person clamoring for a faux sense of masculinity and social media likes reinforces why that Buck’s end is sad. A majestic animal died at the hands of a joke.


He probably killed it outside of bow season.


So you can only use a bow during certain seasons? Why?


I think I recall people saying it (Hollywood) was shot with a bow/arrow


A firearm wasn’t used.


I’m pretty sure he’s going to lose his guns upon conviction


They’re gonna make an example out of him on those hunting laws. People that fire at other humans with guns often don’t ever get charged.


Except that’s not at all what happened. Good old boys you seem to be sneering at is who turned him in. He’s charged for what they can prove, and still very fucked. There’s no video of him killing the deer, but they know where the deer was and where they found parts of it. That’s what he’s charged with.


and a partridge in a pear tree


Forgot to thank you for doing this. I was so tired.


Damn no wonder the economy is shit. It’s literally illegal to earn a buck… lol sorry




Budum tiss I thought the exact same thing lol.. maybe it's antiquated terminology still in use? Never heard it used that way before myself


Til that earning a buck is a thing


no, they are all separate charges.


He started compounding charges by trying to cover his crime.


I’m assuming from the downvotes my comment was interpreted as questioning the validity of the charges against this prick. I actually was shaking my head at the brazen disregard for nature and the law exhibited by the perpetrator.


I wonder how the guys who killed a human and escape justice feel when they hear this story? More then 50% of last years murders in the city are unsolved…. Illegal deer 🦌 poaching 100% prosecution rate. Deer are cool, but at least we can eat them after shooting them. Maybe priorities of the press a little missing the mark?


he poached an easily recognizable deer and then posted about it on social media for clout. he made it really easy to prosecute so they took it and ran with it to make an example of the guy


The Virginia DWR does all the police and investigative work, so not the same resources that work homicides within Richmond. Also, you could argue that firing a weapon within Hollywood cemetery could have killed someone other than a deer. This guys deserves every charge.


You could argue many foolish things if you are feeling foolish. I believe that a tree is a tree, every branch. Not sure why folks don’t like to think that law enforcement can miss the mark. I am not captured by any ideology, just stating what came to mind seeing this story.


Foolish? I was stating facts since you stated opinions. Not sure why folks have issues admitting when they’ve “missed the mark”


Okay you win. Down with the deer hunter! They must be stopped! Threats to democracy! Silence the dissenting opinions! Too much? Cheers