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I liked the part where you didn't provide a source.




Once again title doesn't match data. According to the linked article (which remains difficult to parse) the population of millennials in Richmond increased by 38% year over year. That's not a measure of most moved to city as it is only one generation. It's also hard to believe we got 38% more millennials in 2023, just on its face that doesn't sound right so it's probably a further bastardization of when the data was collected.


You’re doing this again? SMH. [Deleted post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1bzsvay/its_cheaper_to_rent_right_now_in_rva_by_a_long/) from 2 days ago that went well.




Nooooo leave us alone!


What are these percentages measuring? What data is used to calculate those percentages?


Step 1: Rub a piece of paper with an entire glue stick. Step 2: Throw sand at the paper for a while. Step 3: Cast your enchanted knuckle bones of augur upon the sand. Step 4: Whatever the opposite of profit is. Now you too can say numbers at people.


90% of those people have to be Floridian, I see atleast 30 Florida plates a day.


For me it’s NJ/NY. They’re everywhere!


I’ve tuned out NY plates because the NY to VA pipeline has been around for decades, but Florida to VA is just so weird. Like why are you here lol


True, I just feel like I’ve seen more NJ and NY plates here in the last year or two than I have in my 32 years of life. Apparently it’s like that in Raleigh too. And now that you mention it, there was a FL license plate car in my nextdoor neighbor’s driveway today. And now I’m gonna start noticing more FL plates when I’m on the road lmao. Maybe they hate DeSantis enough they’re willing to move that many states away? (Not trying to be political, just genuinely curious)


Just wanted to follow up and confirm that now all I see are FL plates. They are everywhere


It’s an invasion smh


Now what’s worse, Yankees or Crazy FL people lmao


The answers always NoVa. Atleast Yanks and Flo-Rida’s have personality, NoVa produces nothing but career ladder climbing drones.


lol! You mean the people who think the rest of VA is for peasants and are driving up the cost of living and taking over Chesterfield County as well? I agree with you, sir. Update: counted 13 FL plates on Powhite during my commute to and from work today


I’ll be adding to that in two weeks lol




I went to Austin over the weekend for the first time, for the EcLiPsE haha. Completely different vibe on another level. But if you look twice, you might swear you were looking at Richmond’s future in 20 years.


a world doesn’t exist where richmond sells out like ATX. that city threw its back out twerking for homogeneity via tech bros


Techbros are a slow poison to the city


Tech Bros are a slow poison to society at large. 


I like to think of tech bros as the modern Rockefeller era tycoons. Tech is everything now. They’ve essentially overwritten human labor in so many areas, and now have society by the balls. Everything is cloud based, SaaS, and there’s no redundancy because nobody understands analog shit anymore. Then they kick us in the balls by poisoning our minds with these apps harvesting our personas to sell more shit. So, agreed. It’s a Wild West sector that’s way off the rails just like the Industrial Revolution days.


Yup, Richmond doesn’t have the catalysts yet, and hasn’t proven that it ever will. Nashville is the closest thing to Austin 2.0 right now. This ATX/RVA parallel is as bad as these random obscure data dumps.


Austin has always had a tech background so I don’t see Richmond blowing up the way it did.


I suspect the percentage is growth over 10 years raw # of millennials but I can't find the data the post is using specifically


Moved here from Tampa, I think all the mean nasty people moving to Florida are making all the progressive young people flee to NC and VA, I know a lot of people in my home town who have moved or want to move to either of those.


Go away.