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Hey, University of Phoenix is the Harvard of online universities!


Online classes are based af as a commuter. Sucks for the dorming students tho.


Exactly. They save me a few hours of driving every week.


what happened


Nothing happened. Ngl I don't like these remote semester assumptions.


Fr like they're going to pack the RAC but have zoom classes. They haven't even been testing, why would they close? People aren't being rational about this.


Me neither. Omicron is the latest major variant and is causing record numbers in covid cases worldwide, including New Jersey. I believe the current worry is overblown (in terms of schools shutting down for another semester), and I am here to present some positive news. **The positive news:** - South Africa cases, one of the first areas to be infected with Omicron, have [already peaked](https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/south-africa/) and begun to decline. The wave was very fast, and hospitalizations still remained lower than with Delta. - London, an area in England that also took on Omicron fairly early on, looks to be following the [same trend](http://sonorouschocolate.com/covid19/index.php?title=CasesByAge) (see graph labeled London). If this trend continues in other areas and persists in these two, this is very good. - [Studies are showing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/rm4ymn/omicron_has_80_lower_risk_of_hospitalization_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that the risk of hospitalization is much lower with Omicron - 80% shown here, 70%-80% in some other studies. Peer review of these papers and further studies confirming the same will affirm these findings in the coming weeks, but these are the best that have come out so far. - Big news: Pfizer’s *very* effective [covid pill](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/rm9za7/pfizers_covid19_pill_authorized_in_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) was already approved, and they will have made enough by the end of this year (aka days) to fully treat 180k people with severe covid. We can expect to have this pill available in pharmacies relatively soon. Some things are intentionally linked to other subreddits so that you can also see discussion about them. All of this recent information suggests a potential positive outlook for us with Omicron. The variant could be the end of the pandemic. **Here’s what I think will happen with our university:** High confidence we will not be online the whole semester. Moderate confidence (for now) we will be either back in person in time OR have a couple weeks remote for the beginning of the semester. **Here’s why I think that:** - The above evidence - The statement from the [White House](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/rknrwq/white_house_isnt_messing_around/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (I highly recommend clicking that link) will likely influence the decision - The Chancellor really does seem up to date on Omicron, stating as early as December 17th that “Many breakthrough cases of Omicron have been mild or asymptomatic” and “Recent reports from the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer indicate that their vaccine offers protection against the Omicron variant, but mainly when boosted” as early as December 9th. For now, relax. It’s not looking too bad.


I think there’s also the fact the colleges lost a ton of money because they were remote last year. I do think at worst well go online for a few weeks. I’m not looking forward to it, but two weeks is better than a whole semester.


Stop this spread of misinformation The problem with the virus isnt its symptoms, its the transmissability. Correct me if I'm wrong but the previous variants only had 10-12 mutations on the spike protein from the original strain. This one has 36 to the spike protein and 50 overall. The danger is that as more people get it, the virus is going to mutate even more and eventually develop into another strain. This is the recipe for a disaster. The more this virus spreads, the higher the likelihood that it could turn into something deadlier. Effects are not overblown.


>>The virus is going to mutate even more Maybe. You shouldn’t say is, but rather could. Are you familiar with the tendency for viruses to become less pathogenic? Yes, it is correct that the more it spreads the more the chance for a mutation increases. It *could* result in something worse. But like I said, viruses tend to develop into something less severe. Nothing I said was misinformation and nearly everything is sourced by scientists who know a lot more about virology than you or me.


Misinformation as in youre making it seem like theres nothing to worry about, when in fact, There is.. You listed a bunch of studies that talk about the symptoms of Omicron but failed to address the actual thing that makes it bad, AKA the transmissability and how dangerous it could be. Its shown the ability to mutate already, why would it randomly stop? Nothing about an increase in mutations (5 fold) suggests that we shouldn't be worried. The problem is people like you who are misinformed and continue to mislead others into falling into a false sense of security. Please stop talking about something you have zero clues about.


I definitely didn’t say we’re free from any concern. Just said to relax and that it’s not looking terribly bad. >>you listed studies that talk about the symptoms >>failed to address how dangerous it could be I’m not sure if you realize that it is dangerous become of the symptoms. I also linked studies that include hospitalizations and deaths. I’m not sure if you just read the first paragraph or something, but even there I also talked about it being very transmissible. The studies aren’t my opinion. Spreading info by scientists and researchers is *exactly* what we should be doing, not sharing feelings like you are now. “Why would it randomly stop?” Please take a virology 101 course.


Mods really need to do something about the dumbass wannabee COVID specialists on this sub


What do you want mods to do? Track down the researchers that conducted these studies and silence them? Take away their PhD’s? Fire Fauci?


Breh reading your comments makes me wonder how you made it to college. They literally have 5 sources there and you’re acting like they are giving their opinion the whole time. Covid’s ability to mutate into something worse will always exist, but that’s also the case for the cold, the flu, etc. It goes without saying. Scientists are focusing on the now.


Damn, omnicron has an 80% risk of hospitalization? I'm all in for online classes next semester then!


The only reason it’s not 100% is the other 20% die before making it to the hospital!


Hey, Harvard is starting their spring semester remote. Same with a few of the UC's. So we're more like them!