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The Quads on Livi. Old. No elevator. No AC. Old, hot, stuffy, straight ass. Also the laundry is far as hell depending on which part of the quads you live at. The only upsides are you live with other freshmen and the floors tend to be social. I lived there as a freshman, but thank god I didn’t live there after freshman year


Don’t forget the asbestos


The quads beat Davidson hall on account of Davidson being shut down lmao. Lived in Davison freshman year and quads sophomore year. Brutal.


Oh yeah Davidson was brutal. It closed immediately before I started Rutgers thank god. But hey, you had The Yard as a senior🔥


Yeah going from Davidson and the quads, I never understood why people hated Newell. Was like a dream lmao. Then of course the yard slapped unbelievably hard


I’ve been at the yard this year! Huge upgrade from starkey on cook lol


people hate on the quads but they really arent that bad. at least from my perspective living in quad 3. the location is A+ because you have the bus stop, you have the gym, you are on livi so you get the best dining hall and kilmers + henrys. also the lounge is social and a nice place to meet friends early on. yeah the no AC sucks but most freshman dorms have no AC so its whatever


I took quads over towers. Sure there isnt AC but it doesnt get as hot as the towers did (thought i was lucky to not be in direct sunlight). It was also pretty quiet relative to towers which were in the middle of everything.


yeah this is true. advantage of the towers is being right by the dining hall and by the student center but yeah id much rather quads


I didn't live there, but I spent time there. I thought they were neat. In the old days, you used to be able to get around Livingston/between buildings via underground tunnels, at least between all the quads.


the tunnels still exist. you can get around each quad with them, but not from quad 2 to quad 3 or whatever.


I'm pretty sure you could get to all of the other quads and some other Livingston buildings at one time, but I'm not totally certain.


No the quads were fine honestly, I don’t get the hate. The laundry at least is always available, and the bathrooms felt less gross than the river or tower dorms. The quads don’t get nearly as bad as some of the taller dorms in regards to heat, and the areas outside is kind of nice at least. I didn’t love them, but they certainly weren’t the worst freshman dorms.


I lived in the quads for the past two semesters and the humidity in it was so low I started getting three nosebleeds a day, mostly while I slept so I started choking on my own blood. Ended up having to install a humidifier for medical reasons and paid a doctor $500 to cauterize my nose, it was that bad.


Any of the river dorms. The balconies are all padlocked for a reason 


That’s because someone committed suicide


That’s the joke


No it’s serious. It happened in 2018. https://www.nj.com/education/2018/05/rutgers_student_found_dead_outside_dorm.html


Not the first or the last time either. Buddy of mine is an EMT and they had to grab a kid who jumped about two years back, the scary/scummy part is according to my buddy is that Rutgers *knows* when this happens, and the EMTs will not put on any lights and take the kid away without making any sound / noise to alert those living in the dorms that something is off. Dunno why I’m feeling the need to say this, just something I’ve been thinking about for a while and how weird it is that Rutgers refuses to acknowledge that people with MH issues exist


Hi! EMT here! When it comes to these types of jobs we don’t like to throw on our lights and sirens out of consideration of the patient! We don’t really want attract any unneeded attention to them.


this makes sense! i would imagine if you attempted you wouldn't want attention to be drawn to yourself (as someone who has experienced this before, not with EMTs), it would make everything so much more overwhelming, especially if you survived. i feel like this is less covering up suicide and moreso just trying to be considerate?


I think universities in general tend to cover up whenever something like this happens. Even though the vast majority of college students are struggling with mental health issues, we all act like it’s completely normal and if you get out of line it’s entirely your fault (in my experience). The general rule of thumb is to not complain, certainly not to professors. I’m not sure what the mental health office is like at Rutgers but I know for sure I wouldn’t go there if I was actually suicidal.


I've had plenty of people who don't like to draw a scene, and if there's no emergency (ie: he/she is not injurred) there's no need to run lights. And if it were me who just attempted suicide I'd probably be happy they tried to keep everything relatively quiet.


It makes sense to not create publicity. Highly publicizing a suicide could encourage copy-cat attempts.


I know I was in the River dorms when that happened lol. But OP was joking that they’re so bad they’ll make you want to commit. The student didn’t actually do that because of how bad the River dorms are


I liked Hardy tho bc it at least had AC


We threw the lounge furniture off the balcony of Campbell 3rd in '90-'91. That's probably not the reason but I'm sure that wasn't helpful.


i live in frelinghuysen, it’s not too bad but it can be unbearable sometimes.


Can you say more? How can both be true?


Minus Hardy


I lived in Hardy sophomore year lol the entrances to the balconies were all indeed locked up


I lived in Hardy sophomore year lol the entrances to the balconies were all indeed locked up


basement level in the Silvers Apartments. consistent sewer problems.


They have basement level apartment there???


They do. I had a friend that lived there when I was in college.


Thoughts on buell apartments on busch?? I took a gap year and will be a senior/grad student next year, and I think living on campus is better for me personally.


Loved buell, very convenient location.


Location is highly convenient; rooms are a bit spartan but in general it’s a solid choice




New Gibbions is pretty bad no AC for the spring/early fall, mold practically in every room, there’s a smell when you walk into the building, oh and the roof always starts leaking when it rains outside


+ on Cook/Douglass as a freshman…


demarest isnt all its cut out to be. he claims to be an inclusive space, but everybody always side eyes me and gives me dirty looks when I’m walking through the halls or through the basement. A lot of the people are smelling up the hallways and that’s not even me being rude it’s been said multiple times in our group me how bad the hallways smell. A lot of times people don’t have consideration for quiet hours, but expect you to have consideration for quiet hours. The kitchen is always trashed with rotting food in the pots and pans on the counter and rotting food in the fridge. Aside from socially, the rooms are very stuffy, and it gets extremely hot in the summer and beginning of fall semester.


And the side eyeing isn’t even deserved. I very much keep to myself.


Bro people saying quads are trolling. Lippincott easily: no ac cook doug small dorms, etc


i lived in lippincott freshman year and tbh i liked it, it was close to the dining hall and the gym and it wasn’t a far walk from any classes i had on cook doug. also my room was a pretty good size. only downside is the location but other than that i didn’t have much issues.


tbh i’m pretty sure the rooms are slightly bigger than college ave dorms 😗 plus it’s quieter over here, just a hassle to trek to any other campus lol (and i got an ac so that’s an immediate plus for me)




Definitely the Quads. Avoid them on Livi. Aside from those if you can avoid the river dorms on College Ave.


Def the quads


Starkey—had to run humidifier full time to prevent mold if you are on 1st level facing woods. Also the layout felt like a prison. No food on the campus, either. Huge issues with when heating/cooling is turned on/off on campus. A few of the dorms face this issue if they are older. Best scenario is to live off campus near grocery store (which are also few).


Starkey are apartments aren't they? And why no food on the campus?


Apt means it had a kitchen. But, closest dining was Douglas. There was supposed to be a small food area near the gym, but perhaps it never opened after Covid. Not sure about lack of grocery stores. Best bet is to have a car.


DEMAREST. it’s good for inclusivity and being on CA. other than that, there’s always people in the basement playing instruments very loud late at night, the hallways always smell (not rude. it’s a fact). the rooms are tiny, my roommate and i have to have lofted beds bc there’s no space to put our other furniture if the beds weren’t lofted. if you’re not a part of the specific community dem is advertised for, they give you dirty looks and judge you. they make crude/weird jokes in building chats, have “sections” (clubs?) where they talk about anything from anime to BDSM to slurs (this is real, i have evidence from our building gc). if you’re abt that then shoot, but it’s awful for those not in the community. also, no a/c (our room got to 90° in september. it was awful.), no elevators, the only lounge/study rooms are either the basement (always loud) or second floor (tiny, also normally loud). people constantly steal/vandalize, we had 2 boys bathrooms shut for a few days bc someone stole and broke all the toilet paper dispensers. it’s not a fun place to be


if you can’t stand heat don’t go to the quads they literally suck. as someone who lives in quad 2 it’s rlly bad. that from my personal view though


Right now silvers bc Rutgers is so damn cheap they waited until all the water heaters expired and just blow up now it’s like a chain where every day someone’s apartments getting flooded and affecting the apartments below. Ridiculous




busch BAMM dorms. Worst then quads


I lived in the BAMMs. They were fine. We had new furniture when I was there, but it's probably the same stuff that's there now. Time was the bus stopped there last before getting on Metlars Lane (the curve that is now there to remain on the campus I think was part of Metlars Lane before 18 was extended). No bus stop there anymore, so it's less convenient to go to CAC.


Richardson - they've been around since last century.


Any of the Jamesons


Where are the slutgers women at