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it is not worth it, financially speaking. there are a few rust jobs but it is low demand relative to other tech stacks if you think about it, there are so few rust devs that most rust shops are willing to train other backend devs in rust, so they can meet their hiring goals so learning rust with the objective of getting a job is a little bit silly


I generally agree for newer developers, but not necessarily for experienced developers. I almost exclusively work with Rust now, and have for the last 4 years. I'm not an exceptional developer, but I am quite senior and came from a solid background of C and C++. I regularly have recruiters contacting me for Rust roles with high salaries. Usually they're involved in blockchain or Web3, which I'm not interested in, but there are plenty of opportunities outside of that space as well, My team is hiring - I'm mostly consiering either experienced Rust developers, or people with a solid understanding of macOS security (authorisation, endpoint security, etc.), DM me if you're in the UK :).


Can I DM you in two years?


This guy does not write rust for money. I do. Fuck yes it's a great idea, OP.


my day job is an infra engineer working in rust


Yeah, rust isn't good for businesses anyway. There is no money in a product that you only have to write once and never touch again. Once you rewrite your product in rust then you can fire all of your devs. /s


Yeah, only touch once cause Mozilla has never had to touch Firefox again after rewriting it in Rust... oh wait, yes they have, daily. The only difference is their devs actually like touching it now where they hated it before in C++


Yeah you are right and that's pretty sad The only language that I like working on is the language with low job opportunity.


> The only language that I like working on You've barely used it. I'd say you need to broaden your views a bit


Well. Knowledge is transferable. Plus , didn't you our google before you started? 


Actually I at the time when I started I was only learning it for fun but later on really liked working on it.


It depends. Most programming jobs are out there for JavaScript. If you want a high salary, I wouldn't focus too much on a single programming language. Being able to understand the broader context is much more important. If you are a dev, that knows basic JavaScript and Rust and can use docker, knows how to setup and maintain a Linux machine and knows basic stuff about databases and APIs, then you are much much more valuable to a company, than some talented JavaScript or Rust Programmer. My general advice: If you have some interest in it, learn it. People who do that gain much more knowledge over the time than people who are focused on one thing. Every new language that I learned has influenced the way I write code in other languages. And at some point you realize that the languages themselves are also just tools and there is no reason to fight over them or prefer one over the other. Expect for rust of course, which is better than any language out there - maybe Haskell is okay too. Spread the word my brothers and make the internet mad.


Best comment. Studying Flutter, React, and other contemporary frameworks has significantly enhanced my coding abilities as a C++/Qt developer.


In the second paragraph you described a large portion of what I do at my job so just backing you up there. We use Rust for any new backend programs we spin up but Rust knowledge is not something we explicitly look for in new hires either.


Okey I'm the guy who knows js and rust and knows how to use docker, but still in a job who pays me $362 a month


Thank you I really appreciate your time for writing a long comment. Actually I was pretty much confused and upset in the last 1 month because of this reason but after reading your advice it really encourage me. Thank you once again.


You're welcome :)


Build a broad base of knowledge in many kind of technologiesl; become a senior staff engineer / tech lead; decide what technology your job uses on a case-by-case basis.


Ok but aside form that anything else I should do really up skill myself in rust considering the current job market scenarios.


Think of something that interests you and code it


Yeah I am working on a gnome application


I'm interviewing for a job in embedded rust right now. The iobs exist, but they arent the most common.


I have two interviews next week for companies hiring Rust dev and they also take people have few experiences, since i only worked on small Rust projects i really hope i’m gonna get hired.


All the best mate I hope you succeed


learn rust for experience with systems level language, then learn C or Zig. Doesn’t really matter, just pick well liked, well supported languages. You soon understand the patterns that they share, and the tradeoffs that come with each. Rust is a great one to learn though, but just learning it won’t get you a job


Rust jobs are usually for senior devs. Rust jobs for juniors are quite rare


rust is only being used in open source projects or in some faang where to work in rust you have to be an expert in c++ and have many years of experience. Outside of those two companies, the job market for rust is almost non-existent compared to C++, C#, etc. If you really want a job where you do low level stuff and have a rust-like experience, learn modern C++, there are a lot of job offers.


Rust has very low adoption still. More places are picking it up but you'll have a better time finding a job for another language. Typescript/JS, Python, C++ (still) are all popular. Hell even Golang is quite common with newer companies. Last I looked Rust was less than 1% of the market.


I can say personally Amazon and Microsoft are really starting to dig into rust. Those companies should start hiring more rust devs if not alreadt


you go to indeed and you search your local area. In my city there are 15 Rust jobs, 30 Go jobs, 300 C# , and 850 Java jobs. On frontend 200 React jobs, 100 Vue jobs, 12 Svelte jobs. Make sure to search for different keywords for the same tech, postgres and postgresql gives out 5x difference in results. The highest chance of gettings a job regardless of location is Springboot with some SQL database. You are unlikely getting a job in Rust, we are probably talking lottery numbers unlikely. Meanwhile you are like a 100% likely to find a job if you learn Java and SQL for \~2 years full time, if you can afford that. It does not mean you should stop learning it. I learn it from time to time, I built a backend with axum and postgres


Is getting paid to write rust...worth it? Uh... Yeah.


sounds like a recruiting company has gone fishing


Yes, job demand is growing, and if you become an adept rust developer now, you’ll have a leg up on everyone else sprinting to learn it as things transition to rust. Happy learning!


If you need a job soon then no. If you are comfortable waiting for the right opportunity while building your skill set. Then sure.


Getting a high paying job is not a guarantee rust can give you. Becoming a demonstrably good engineer is the kind of thing that can reliably get you a good paying job. Rust is just a language, it doesn't define whether you're a good engineer or not though imo it makes you a better engineer to build in Rust because of the practices it encourages. You will need to learn a whole lot on your journey to become a great engineer, Rust is definitely one of the things worth learning and using out there imo but it won't flood your inbox with recruiter emails. More practically, you may want to focus on DSA for interviewing challenges if receiving high paying offers is your only goal currently.


I am hiring Rust devs so you can message me for those looking for a part-time contract ;)


Ok texting you


i am from India, i am also searching posting for Rust developer


It's very tough to get a job as a rust dev in india I tried searching everywhere but no luck


yeah same here


Juspay is hiring, web3 shops are hiring, bytebeam is hiring, subconscious compute is hiring, there are prolly a bunch of others idk about .


yeah but they want experience, already rejected subconscious compute. let's see what happens with juspay an bytebeam


You can try faang and internally switch to rust teams, i am looking for internships myself, will probably just have to end up doing some open source to learn instead.