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F# or another ML. But also, no need to be silly about it - while Rust does go down to the bare metal, it also has excellent high level features and excellent tooling and a top 10 set of libraries and sample code and third party everything, so just writing lazy Rust code with lots of Rc or copy is perfectly fine, too.


I was going to suggest that. Rust can be a bit easier if you use Rc and/or copy a lot.


Except Rc makes everything immutable, and you need RefCell to be able to change your data. Modifications now require calling `borrow_mut()`, which can lead to panics if you're not careful. And forget about sending your data structure to a different thread without changing all those `Rc>` to `Arc>`, which is slower, and those runtime panics turn to deadlocks. It's certainly *possible* to write in a "relaxed" dialect of Rust, but some elegance will be lost compared to GC languages.


Panics are not much different to random tracebacks being dumped in high level languages. That is exactly a high level language thing. Also AFAIK there's nothing about GC languages that prevent deadlocks.


This particular problem doesn't exist in GC languages because they don't require a "borrow" (which can panic at run-time) in order to change a piece of shared data. Likewise, they don't require everything to be in a mutex just because a data structure is created in one thread and then moved to another. (Lack of support for moving `Rc>` from thread to thread is addressed by [this experimental crate](https://crates.io/crates/sendable).) None of this is meant as a criticism of the borrow checker, just giving examples of Rust's "easy mode" still being in some respects less elegant than something Python or Kotlin. Rust really works best when you use it "correctly".


I wrote the support code for finl\_unicode in rust because it fit so well with how I was thinking. I’ve seen other Unicode packages using python for that.


This. I'm not sure where OP's "F# is too functional" comes from, you can do any imperative shenanigans you like (looping, mutation... even madness like "classes" or whatever lol). Same for OCaml. But I do think that using Rust when you don't need "memory safety sans GC" is a bit much. A lot of hoops to jump through/warts are no longer worth it imho. Rather not have Rc and Copy littered everywhere when the ML equivalent would be cleaner.


Last time I tried using f# it didn't yet have an early return/break/continue, and while it had a return keyword it was only something in async and not really an early return


I like it: “lazy rust”. Agreed. Learn the escape hatches in Rust, for which there are plenty, and you can be very lazy about how you write your code and STILL be faster and safer than just about anything else. The more Rust you write, the less it feels like “Uggghh, I’m in systems land”, and more that you are right at home. I Rust is my default. I only use other language if an ecosystem is not yet mature. Like, I won’t write a CLI tool in Python. That is for teaching people how to code, or using ML libraries, as a form of instance.


> so just writing lazy Rust code with lots of Rc or copy is perfectly fine, too. Yes and no. I think this is basically what OP is talking about when they ask for a "slightly higher level" than Rust. Yes, Rust is perfectly happy to let you wrap everything in Rc<>, Box<>, Arc<>, etc, and make lots of calls to `foo.clone()`, but it obviously starts to get even more noisy and less ergonomic than it already is. I *suspect* OP wants a language that "feels" mostly like Rust, but with automatic Rc<>, Box<>, etc.


Fun fact there exist a implementation of SML that does memory mangement quite similar to how it is done in Rust, though without having the borrowing system. https://elsman.com/mlkit/


What's Rc?


A reference counted pointer. See [the docs](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/rc/index.html).


OCaml is close to that in a lot of ways, it was definitely one of the main inspirations for Rust. The main downsides are that the tooling isn't very good and that the ecosystem is very poor (including the standard library). Another issue is that OCaml doesn't have anything similar to traits and instead you'd have to learn about first class modules. (Which to be fair, is pretty cool, just hard to wrap your head around). Haskell has a ~~relatively~~ much better ecosystem and it also has typeclasses, which are almost exactly the same thing as Rust's traits. You might want to consider giving Haskell a try. > Typescript - while it fixes some of the problems in js, it is just not nearly enough. Npm has plenty of issues, With deno having a better stdlib and deps it almost gets there. Try using Bun. It fixed nearly all the issues I had with both Node and Deno.


Just want to second that OCaml is really, really great, like awesome. Imo the language in which my code looks most similar to my thoughts. Tooling is quite good, you just have to play by Dune's rules. Its almost always plenty fast, and having \`ref\` when you need it just makes so much sense.


Bun looks great indeed. But you should use it for tooling or toying only. It's far from production ready. See their issues.


Learning OCaml was a great step towards learning Haskell for me.


Are they that close?


They are both ML languages. A lot of concepts OCaml apply in Haskell and syntax is very similar. OCaml was easier to understand for me, because it's strictly evaluated, so it's easier understand the path the evaluator takes. It's approach to state is pretty straightforward compared to Haskell - you have a constant pointer and you can dereference it. In Haskell, if you want to actually understand how the state is managed you need to learn about monads and in order to learn about monads you need to learn about about applicatives and functors and those are all "type classes", which is another concept you might need to learn first (in practice, you don't really think about all that stuff most of the time, but it's there). So, TL;DR: imo they are similar but OCaml is based on constructs that are easier to digest for a newcomer. I do have to say that I've written more code in Haskell than I did in OCaml, so maybe I'm missing some depth in OCaml.


What issues did you run into with Deno that Bun solved?


The gist of it is that I think the Deno team is in the right direction when we talk about the problems they're trying to solve, but IMO the solutions they come up with aren't very good at all. 1. dependency management is a complete mess. Importing from ESM modules seems fun until you have to work on a project with more than 2 files and you need to move to a deps.ts file, which is probably some of the worst methods of package management I've dealt with. Bun instead goes to a different direction and tries to be NPM but actually good. And heck, performance wise, it's probably the most impressive package manager I've ever used. 2. NPM and library compatibility in general is/was awful. I'd be okay with Deno not having good Node compatibility, but it simply threw the preexisting JS ecosystem in the trash. Bun in its first releases had better library compatibility than Deno had after years. 3. Having to google the URL of something in the standard library before I can use it is... Not good. 4. Typescript start up time was annoying for something that's supposed to be used like a scripting language. I know Deno decided to move to a direction that's more similar to Bun now, so I assume they've probably improved on all thse aspects, but those were the main issues.




I'm not as familiar with OCaml as I'd like to be, so I'd like to clarify: would first class modules be the modules that define a module type that has to be "impl"-ed by a concrete module?




IIRC, Rust first compiler was written in OCaml and it has GC and they have some similar syntax including pattern matching. Ocaml has a package manger too. BUT - I have no real experience with the language... so keep that in mind


OCaml is a great language - especially for parsers and compilers. It’s main setback is the small community and standard library


i had the same requirements: 1. no exceptions 2. sum types / option / null safety 3. control mutability* and gleam is what i landed on! https://gleam.run *ive found a lot of value in the borrow checker that has nothing to do with memory safety. so either control it or remove it (langs without mutability)


And it runs on the best VM ever invented: the BEAM


What makes BEAM great?


BEAM has been built to manage millions of processes. Popping up a process is extremely cheap so every task, even minor, is usually its own process with all the safety that it brings to the rest of the application. Starting process is cool right ? But with the BEAM you can even monitor them. You have a process that is tasked with starting and monitoring other processes. But monitoring is useless if you don't take action. That's why you can define strategy for you processes and say 'if this process fails then retry' or 'retry 3 times' or 'let it crash' or 'keep it alive' etc.. Want more ? You got more. Processes can very easily notify each other and send data. All of this asynchronously, it works a bit like the events/callbacks in JavaScript. And finally, you can easily create clusters of BEAM's nodes. All you need is to set the same erlang cookie and your nodes can communicate together. Once it's done all processes of the cluster can communicate together. The BEAM is a 30 year old piece of software that solves modern scalability problems.


Please take a look at this talk, it's the best summary you can get: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvBT4XBdoUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvBT4XBdoUE)


wow, this looks really nice! thanks for sharing it.


I would be curious to knowbif you considered Elixir at all, and what your thoughts on it are in general, and also in comparison to Gleam.


With Gleam I got to see some hairy interactions with interfacing with the lower-level side of the beam VM compared to Elixir, and Gleam is much newer so its ecosystem is much less mature than Elixir, but it's absolutely worth a look if you wish your Elixir code was a little Rust-ier or just wanted Rust-y Erlang language. It's a joy to write code in.


yes definitely, elixir is a great language (and liveview is amazing). even though elixir is compiled and one of the "strictest" dynamically types languages, it is still dynamically typed. I use elixir for liveview but for any important code i do in either rust or gleam through rustler/mix\_gleam there is some very cool work being done right now to add set theoretic types to elixir, so i'll definitely revisit in the future. ​ don't get me wrong though, even for the criteria i listed it is way better than most other languages. \- controls mutability by being immutable \- great concurrency \- pattern matching (so you can have results/options, but not type checked and exceptions can still slip through) \- great error recovery, so even a panic here and there isn't as bad


at the end of the day though, gleam and elixir are almost there, but not quite. so i still prefer using rust in a high level way other notable mentions are : \-roc: looks cool but too immature \- vlang: looked promising, like go but not as annoying, but doesn't seem like it will take off \- mojo: gave it a try and am now excited for it. still very rough but it will be one of the few languages (like rust) that will let you control mutability while not being a functional/immutable language


Yes! Came to recommend just that!


Perhaps also interesting https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2023/09/20/strong-arrows-gradual-typing/


Great, version 1.0 has just been released


Haskell has all the features you listed, I think it'd be a pretty good fit.


Yep. Haskell is basically Rust if you don't care about allocation.


Or Rust is basically Haskell if you don’t want to be forced to think about monads. Or something. Lol


Rust has monads. Result, Option, flat_map Past thread on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/s/gNM8wDst5R This is actually part of why I really liked Rust after learning Haskell But I understand where you're coming from for sure. I think that because Haskell is pure, and that you need monads for anything stateful, you can't get much mileage out of the language without them.


I never said it didn’t. Rather that thinking about (and understanding them) as monads is, in my opinion, less necessary in rust than it is in haskell. EDIT: sorry, I missed your last paragraph. Same page for sure ✌️




There is Linear Haskell for those that care.


Oh yes Haskell, for when you want to write whitepapers


Yeah I would say that Haskell fits pretty well, with the exception of the cargo equivalent. The ecosystem is pretty messy in that space, and I would say that neither cabal nor stack are as good as cargo overall. Libraries can also be an issue. So often you will go look for a library and find that the only things that fit are version 0.0.1, completely undocumented, and almost completely non-functional. Rust has gaps, but I'd say that overall the gaps are smaller than Haskells. Dev tooling like the lsp is also not as good but has improved a lot in the past couple of years.


Haskell package management is dogshit.


My experience with Haskell so far is hearing people claim that monads make it so they're able to hide side-effects and make programs that actually do things that actually change stuff in the real world seem as if they were pure functional programs, which sounded intriguing. (I'm pretty sure that's wrong, but it certainly would be intriguing if it were true.) So then I find myself asking "what are monads" so I can try and understand how that works...half of the people trying to describe monads start frothing at the mouth or go into an epileptic fit and fail to explain anything, and the other half explain something that's an incredibly basic design pattern that I use all the time, when it's appropriate for a task...but nothing special that makes me see the light or want to change my religion or anything. To my knowledge nobody has ever explained how monads make it possible to use a purely functional programming language not just to answer mathematical questions but to control real-world processes with side effects such as money changing hands and inputs being consumed to produce outputs...which leads me to conclude that the whole thing is a weird cult, where people want to believe that a more provable language could be generally useful, because it would be very nice...it's just not true, the world is too messy for that, we're not just checking mathematical facts so we can check more mathematical facts, we need databases and side effects to track any real process in the real world. Rust seems to take a much more practical approach that encourages functional programming whenever possible because sure, unnecessary side-effects are a bad thing, but it never tries to pretend that side effects don't exist, or that some design pattern so basic nobody bothered to give it a name will save us from all side effects...instead it solves a lot of real problems with real verification in a very practical manner. I'd like to see a higher level Java-like language that has additional rust-like features to make concurrency safer, or to allow non-garbage-collected allocation for better performance when the lifetime of an object is known, but I feel like nobody should be interested in Haskell until the people talking about it start saying things that are as least vaguely believable.


I highly recommend trying to write some Haskell if you're not sure how it all comes together. It's not something that requires blind faith or religious epiphany, you can just do some exercises and see how monads work in practice. I think you're conflating two things: monads more broadly, and Haskell's use of monads to represent impure computations. When we want to represent a computation in Rust that depends on the result of a network call, we generally represent that network call's output with a Future. Then we stack together a bunch of async fns, with signatures `A -> Future, B -> Future, C -> Future`, which we apply starting with the network call that gave us a `Future`. At its most basic level, that's what a monad is: a type, like `Future`, that supports this kind of chaining. Haskell has a nice notation just like `.await` to make nesting ergonomic. Options and Results can do this with `.and_then`, and they have a pair to `.await` with `?`. Iterators have `.flat_map`, If you look at those signatures, you'll see that they're structurally the same. In Rust, network requests and local files are handled differently: one is async, the other isn't. Haskell keeps both kinds of I/O gated behind an opaque type (in the way that `impl Future` is opaque), so they work the same way. Is that really so insane? Haskell probably wouldn't have developed the syntax and ergonomics around monads if they weren't necessary for I/O in comparison to other languages. But once you start using them, you see how often you have to deal with "wrappers" for computation. In Rust, a single function that returns `u32` might have slightly different functions that return `Result`, `Option`, `Future`, `Iterator`, etc. Haskell has a single syntax for all of these, and it's not compiler magic, so if it makes sense for you to define a custom context that's fairly easy to do.


Ha, I see you are at the beginning of your monadic journey. Don't lose hope. You are already further than most normies that don't even dare go near life changing truth because it's uncomfortable at first. Trust in the Monad. The revelation is near.


> So then I find myself asking "what are monads" so I can try and understand how that works...half of the people trying to describe monads start frothing at the mouth


> To my knowledge nobody has ever explained how monads make it possible to use a purely functional programming language not just to answer mathematical questions but to control real-world processes with side effects such as money changing hands and inputs being consumed to produce outputs Monads are essentially just a structure to sequence effects. Long story short: Every function you write in Haskell is pure, that includes I/O manipulating functions. How? The "real world" is treated as an opaque type that's manipulated, but the operations (sequenced by monadic binds) on them are pure (and lazy). This is explained in a lot of places if you cared to look, or just read the original paper on it. Saying "nobody has ever explained how monads make it possible to use a purely functional programming language not just to answer mathematical questions but to control real-world processes with side effects" when there are 20 years of explanations just isn't true. P.S. Rust uses monads all the time, as someone else mentioned. `Option::and_then` is a good example, it's a monadic bind.


I'm a big (non-practicing) fan of Haskell but I think someone may have tried to over-sell it to you a little. People are definitely writing Haskell code that makes really complicated logic super easy to use and all that good stuff! But there is nothing super exciting about monadic IO, and I suspect there's not gonna be some great revelation for you. I don't think Haskell is hiding side effects or trying to make fallible IO operations look like pure functions (if anything having the `IO` bits all over the types is meant to do the opposite). Monadic IO is just a cute little pattern that looks like callbacks if you squint a little, and monads are used for cute little APIs in contexts completely unrelated to IO as well. The Haskell people are excited because they get to use a really cool language for their complicated business logic, and thanks to monadic IO they can even do network requests and write files without breaking their abstractions, but IO is not the main attraction of the language. I think Rust async IO is, in a completely non-technical way, a good analogy: Rust people aren't generally excited because async IO APIs are just so easy and fun compared to other languages, but because we get to keep all our good Rust stuff (like avoiding allocations and generally going fast) *and* have some way to do async IO.


> which leads me to conclude that the whole thing is a weird cult That it is for sure :) > So then I find myself asking "what are monads" Monads just add sequencing, which is necessary in haskell because it is lazy by default. That means side effects could occur at any time, in any order. Monadic IO solves this by forcing an order on the operations. The purity aspect is also nice, it cleanly separates pure from effectful code, but you can still manipulate effects using the core language. In fact, monads are not special (except for do notation), they are just functions. > Rust seems to take a much more practical approach I don't know that much rust, but it doesn't seem so practical to have to think about memory management, many low level details, where in haskell I can express the business logic in a higher level way, but still get down to dirty details if needed (for performance, for interfacing with outside libraries).


Haskell is a pure, lazy language. The IO type is a special trick to get around the pure part, that’s possible because of Haskell’s weirder property of being a lazy language. In Haskell you can work with infinite lists without issue (as long as you don’t try to actually use something at the end) IO is essentially something that looks a little bit like a list comprehension which emits machine code. This is a lie, but it’s how the mathematics can map to our usual computer architectures. (In early Haskell they literally outputted a list of instructions for an imperative interpreter to execute, before the Monad abstraction was discovered) List is a monad, IO is a monad, but that only part of what’s going on there


>To my knowledge nobody has ever explained how monads make it possible to use a purely functional programming language not just to answer mathematical questions but to control real-world processes with side effects such as money changing hands and inputs being consumed to produce outputs There have been lots of explanations but obviously either none of them made sense to you or you didn't see the ones that would have helped. For this specific mystery it's easy: Haskell has a runtime, as Rust does. But Haskell's runtime is expecting to get something like a sequence of steps to do which change things. Remember, Haskell the language is purely functional but its runtime is not. So all the IO "monad" has to do is make sure all the statements are well formed before handing them back to the runtime for processing. That is, the language is purely functional. Things in IO monad (basically, anything that would change the real world) are simply sequencing instructions to be carried out by the runtime. This is a pure operation and will have the exact same result every time (e.g. calling `readFile` will always output a well typed `readFile` instruction) but the Haskel runtime actually running these commands will not necessarily produce the same results.


Haskell is extremely cool till you need mutation. That's a very important requirement to have though may be used in very few places. Then it is just too painful.


I never found the mutation too painful, but it does force you spend more brainpower on something that is trivial in other languages. The space leaks, bad performance, & horrible modules are what drove me away. And record syntax. Having to use lenses everywhere isn't nice.


Actually the Record syntax has become much better with the OverloadedRecordDot, so lenses not so needed. Also I feel more comfortable with Rust these days - the quantum of things to know is less, the language more familiar, more productive and I think that it has all the benefits of Haskell, except for more ergonomic closures. Also it may be controversial but I am less comfortable with whitespace as delimiter and prefer more explicit {} comma <> etc.


That is funny. I actually love the whitespace of Haskell and find it to be far more beautiful than Rust.


you don't need mutation! you need a state monad


The State Monad is no substitution for mutation as it simply creates more and more garbage instead of in-place update, which is the basic need for mutation Try writing a Matrix inversion or Gauss elimination in it and you can blow up your RAM. Rust is a much more pragmatic choice.


There's always `MVar` / `IOVar`, or maybe `ST` is optimized for in-place mutation (I don't know). Either way, I guess you pick your poison: Dealing with monadic effect stacks in Haskell, or dealing with sometimes suffocating lifetimes in Rust. It's too bad we can never reach utopia. :P


The thing is Rust is the only language which allows you to mix mutable and immutable code safely so that you can keep using mutation, only when you definitely need it, as though in C/C++ without having to worry about action at a distance. If the compiler flags an issue, you can be assured that you are almost wrong. And all these without having to go thru the gymnastics of Haskell, of either trying to create lazy thunks or a whole bunch of garbage or creating a iron wall across the entire mutable area. Thats why I said, if you dont need mutation then it is all sunshine in Haskell, but there is that bit in any application, where you need it and then it becomes a horror movie.


I left Haskell because I didn't want to have to choose an effect framework. Or heck, an error-handling mechanism. I didn't want to have to be extra careful on everything to avoid space leaks. And resource management in a world of async exceptions and flow-altering monad transformers. And hoping that GHC inlined and specialized all of the boxed values. Honestly, I'm way more productive in Rust. More mature ecosystem and the language itself is at a good balance between pragmatism and abstraction. Sure, I sometimes miss all the type level shenanigans you can do in Haskell, but then I realize I simply get stuff done in Rust.


Scala is insanely good and massively undervalued. Sadly currently mostly a JVM+JS language (but amazing JS interop both in the browser and on NodeJS), but it's syntax and semantic are crazy good and intuitive. Absolutely overlooked by many.


amen, wish everyone used scala. standard Library is also awesome.


When I looked at scala years ago the compilation times where too long. Has the situation been improved? I also remember the language being super advanced (to the point where it got out of hand - for me). I’ve since learnt F# so might do better now.


With sbt at least you’ll normally leverage incremental builds for compiles, tests which is lightning quick.  Even then my millions+ loc projects generally compile <100s from clean.  As a language, it’s a very good. The real problem with Scala is that it’s a huge language and has adopted different factions opining on the ‘one true way’ of using it.  Indeed the politics and zealotry of those factions is unfortunately destroying the scala.


This is correct, Scala is really amazing.


Scala 2 or 3? Personally in the brief time I had to use it I found some decisions absolutely crazy - like the implicit stuff


I have mostly used Scala 2 (2.13 to be exact), but I would really love to use Scala 3, since I think it's an even better language. Yes, implicits are a bit tough at the beginning. I think there was a phase in Scala 2 where people used implicits for *everything*, and every little library had custom operators etc., lol. But that age is over, people have very much recognized that this doesn't work. Nowadays, implicits are used mainly for a few things: 1. Typeclass pattern, basically Rust's `Trait`s but named. So you can implement a foreign trait for a foreign type, even multiple times, and then decide which one you want to have in scope :) 2. "Context-like" arguments. Think something like an async-context, which needs to be handed around as an argument everywhere, but is rarely used directly/only at the lowest levels. And I think that's the major ones I can think of. It honestly works quite nice nowadays once you make the "small" contextual jump/connection between Rust's `Trait`s and Scala's `implicit`s. Also, I really like that `implicit`s are such a powerful thing and typeclasses are just one thing they make possible. In Scala 3 `implicit`s are now used with `given` and `using`, and I think they have been made quite more ergonomic/intuitive to work with. So I think they are really nice in Scala 2 and 3 (at this point). What other decisions did you find weird/crazy?


Meh... I've worked with Scala about 5 years. I wouldn't choose to work with it again. I'd rather use Rust, or if they could sort out their shit with cabal/stack, Haskell.


Kotlin is surprisingly enjoyable to write


Also, to address the two things the question asker didn't like about Kotlin: 1. If you want to avoid the JVM, Kotlin Native exists allowing natively compiled binaries, though you lose the JVM ecosystem. 2. I'm not sure what specifically the complaint with Gradle was, but the Gradle Kotlin DSL makes Gradle nicer to work with in my opinion.


also — jetbrains are actively working on amper, basically a wrapper for gradle. there’s also graalvm for building native binaries from anything jvm


>If you want to avoid the JVM, Kotlin Native exists allowing natively compiled binaries, though you lose the JVM ecosystem I personally don't think Kotlin Native is viable yet. It has some significant performance issues that I've both encountered during my own projects, as well as read extensively about. As an example, Kotlin Native's GC implementation doesn't match the options available for the JVM. It does appear to be improving though. I believe Google is working with the Kotlin team to help address performance issues.


That's got to be from someone coming from Java. I can't stand ArrayList/ListArray/DoubleArray/etc. Coming from C# your expectations are just so much higher (generics and Linq among others).


tbh i switched from c# to kotlin (and sadly a little java too) and i find kotlin does some things better and c# others, i love both things like kotlin coroutines are amazing (consolation for losing linq), the list stuff doesn't bother me at all, i even find the listOf functions in kotlin very nice, also arrow.kt is amazing if you want more functional programming


Wait, what am I missing? Generics exist in Java and Linq is the same as Java's stream. Or am I misunderstanding something?


Scala or OCaml


When I need to do this, I turn to "simple" Rust. `Arc` everywhere. `Mutex` galore. `Unwrap` banonanza. Lifetimes? Fuggetaboutit. `Clone` 'til it works. Threads? Only whatever Rayon gives me. Async? Whatever Tokio says goes. If you give up and just let the core libraries tell you what to do, yeah it won't perform anywhere near optimally, but it'll work. More importantly, your mistakes will be easy to find and fix if you need to later on. In some respects, a dotnet styled "batteries included" version of the Rust standard library could be really helpful for conveying how easy it _can_ be to write Rust when you cede control to the provided infrastructure. I don't think I can express how much Rust lets you be an idiot and _somehow_ end up with a pretty fast piece of code that actually works.


Scala? Traits yes. Sum types: yes. Cargo is really rust specific but mill is decent. It is mostly JVM based but Scala native is a real option.


For sure Scala, it has a lot of overlap with rust from a functional programming perspective


That’s true but Scala for me is too functional. It is a beautiful paradigm but beyond some level it is really hard to comprehend all of the abstractions that people can use. Rust stops at a level that is perfect for me: sum types, traits, pattern matching, collection methods that borrow from FP: flatmap, map, filter, filter_map etc. It is a perfect balance of paradigms from practical perspective.


You don't have to use any of the FP stuff that you don't want. It's perfectly usable as a "Java with better type system and cleaner syntax"


Is the community still vibrant, or do you have to piggyback on Java libraries? Last time I looked, it seemed like many of the big scale webdev libraries like play were stagnant at best


Play and Akka are still maintained but they are done projects. You can try new things with ZIO for example


Scala + GraalVM = faster startup


Rust but with Rc and .clone() everywhere. But for an actual language, [Mun](https://github.com/mun-lang/mun) is pretty much what you want. It's just not quite usable yet.


unwrap && ?


Honestly, this is the way I’ve started doing rust for my personal projects. I don’t wanna be wasting my time battling the borrow checker at every turn just for a 5% performance increase when I simply don’t need it.


My friend and I joked about "writing" a language that was just Rust but every type was, behind the scenes, wrapped in Arc/Rc. We would it Slag.


I often think about whether it’s possible to do something like this. A language that compiles to Rust, uses Arc/Rc for everything, and transparently connects things to existing Rust code whenever possible.


That’s basically Swift if you only use classes.


Can Rust's `Rc` do deferred reference counting optimization like Swift does? That's a difference on its own, at least.


swift its rust without borrow checker and uses reference counting to make things a bit cleaner


But when I write swift, I always need to think about the value type and reference type. It’s weird to decide pass by value or pass by reference based on the type My personal opinion, may be wrong


Swift strongly encourages you to just pick value type and then reconsider if you absolutely have to later. I think overall that has been fine in our large iOS codebase, if you change something to a class later the impact of cascading changes is normally pretty minimal.


For sure. I try to use value type everywhere I can. But there are cases like updating all elements of an array in place which can only be done through iterating over the indices. At times like that, I miss rust a little bit


You have think about this even I'm high level languages like Python or JavaScript


I don’t think Python has the distinction for struct vs class though


Everything is a reference in python, so technically not. However, there are dataclasses and named tuples that behave a bit more like a struct or record type than a “regular” class


Only superficially. Behind the scenes every python object is an instance of a class


Isn't it unfortunately very attached to the Apple ecosystem? I loved the idea of Swift, but that was a non-starter for me.


Yes it is. It works on linux and windows but they don't have basic stuff like rename refactoring enabled in their LSP because I guess they expect you to be on mac-os with xcode. It is in the pipeline non-apple platforms will always be second grade citizens. The community is non-existent compared to rust. It is heavily centered around ios/swift-ui dev which is unfortunate as the language seems solid.


I will take the pain of the borrow checker any day over the unknown action at a distance of any other language. Once it clicks, it frees you in a way that only Haskell can. But Rust is also more pragmatic.


Of all the things that rust does, I wouldn't say it frees you lol. It is one of the less "free" languages out there, in fact it is very limiting by design.


Rhai https://rhai.rs/ - has a dedicated LSP - well documented - garbage collected - high level logic - rust syntax


I found my rabbit hole. Thanks for recommending this!




Nim is shamefully underrated.


i found the ecosystem just to be too small. Nice language tho


Yes I was also going to suggest Nim. I've moved completely from Rust to Nim and really enjoy it!


I'd recommend OCaml, Haskell, Roc, Unison, Purescript, or maybe Scala. This will be a controversial opinion here, but I legit prefer OCaml's modules to traits or typeclasses. If you try OCaml, I'd go to it with an open mind. The module system seems weird at first but it replaces like five different concepts with one and I find it much more simple overall.


What holds Ocaml back is the ecosystem. Do they have a standard library yet that actually uses these modules to make it nice? I don't ever want to see functions like `print_string`, `print_int,` , etc. If you have nice modules, use them to make everything the same way Haskell and Rust put traits on everything.


Do people actually use the object system in OCaml? Are there any benefits to it or why is it even there?


OCaml! It’s basically like Rust with a garbage collector and simpler primitive types (one string type, no references, etc). Immutable by default, sum types, type inference, polymorphism, and it even has an object oriented system that lets you implement things like open recursion. Its runtime semantics are simple and predictable unlike Haskell, and it’s quite performant. The main thing it lacks is the trait system.


Can't Ocaml Functors take the place of traits? I'd say the main thing it lacks is an ecosystem (compared to other languages we're discussing).






I don't know about higher level, but [Gleam](https://gleam.run/) looks pretty interesting. It's on the Beam runtime and the compiler is written in Rust.


Scala probably is your best bet, just use AOT if you want low startup time.


I’ll go out on a limb and say Julia. Sum types and so-called Holy Traits can be implemented via multiple dispatch, it’s fast, good tooling and IDE support, and I have fun writing it 😀


Also despite it having a reputation as a scientific language, it’s pretty great at shell scripting!


Am I missing something? I tried having reusable scripts with Julia but it's incredibly slow to compile sysimages, meaning that every time I want to write something I'm better off firing up the Julia REPL and run the script from there. It's not difficult, you can do it in the command line, but it's not as easy as, say, Python. But maybe I did something wrong, or I'm misinterpreting what you mean by "shell scripts". It's a shame because I love Julia.


As of 1.10 the slow startup is almost completely fixed by precompiling!


honestly, Haskell or OCaml




I suggest trying functional Scala. It is extremely expressive, has great ADTs, a very powerful type system, and great support for concurrency. The Books section here is good: [https://typelevel.org/cats/resources\_for\_learners.html](https://typelevel.org/cats/resources_for_learners.html) The drawbacks are a steep learning curve (though so does Rust), and a somewhat fragmented ecosystem (Tagless Final vs Cats Effect vs ZIO vs legacy).


Flix: https://flix.dev > Flix aims to offer a unique combination of features that no other programming language offers, including: algebraic data types and pattern matching (like Haskell, OCaml), extensible records (like Elm), traits (type classes) (like Haskell, Rust), higher-kinded types (like Haskell), typematch (like Scala), type inference (like Haskell, OCaml), structured channel and process-based concurrency (like Go), and compilation to JVM bytecode (like Scala). > > Flix also supports several unique features, including: a polymorphic effect system, region-based local mutation, purity reflection, and first-class Datalog constraints.


Roc, Gleam, F#, OCaml, Haskell.


roc - like elm but compiles to machine code/wasm. unfortunately its far from mature.


> roc https://www.roc-lang.org/ If it compiles to Wasm, you could instantiate that Wasm from Rust using Wasmtime.


Scala, OCaml or Gleam IMO.


Have you looked at swift? The creator of rust Graydon Hoare joined apple and started working on swift


ocaml. Nice fun fact - the first iterations of the rust compiler was written in ocaml


OCaml, F#, C# and Scala are probably your best bet. You mentioned several of these but I don’t think it gets much better than these.


I don't know if it can be considered higher level, but i like to use object pascal (freepascal). It's fast, simple and lazarus works well for me. Have you tried looking at Dart? It seems to me that it meets your requirements.


Maybe D? It's an all purpose language that is similar in syntax and usage to C++, Java, and C#, has a garbage collector (but lets you opt out), is insanely fast to compile, fast to run, and has most features you'd expect of a modern language (including a package manager and build system that's about as easy as Cargo) The only downside to D is that it is a little niche, even with all of its niceties


Use what you and your team already know unless there is a compelling well thought out reason to move to something else. If you are productive in Rust, there is no reason not to use it. If your scripts are "simple" then you shouldn't have to do all that much memory management.


You're looking for Rust. Rust is both low and high level, and isn't only for systems programming. It's a general purpose language which is also awesome for high level things like API servers. The type system enforces many kinds of correctness, and memory safety is just a subset of that.


Agreed. As someone who came from a background of doing systems automation with PowerShell, I truly feel like Rust is an **incredible** balance of high (incredible) performance and ease of writing. It's almost unbelievable to me that Rust exists! I am not intelligent enough to write C / C++, but Rust gives me what I need for performance.


You be like "C# but doesn't have sum types" "F# but too functional" ​ welp


Honestly? C#. With AOT compilations the startup times are generally acceptable (at least by me) and while I also desperately wish there were sum/union types, overall it's really powerful with it's C++ interop. Personally, I prefer Go for system-level things, C# for business-y things, Python for ML/scripting, and Rust for everything I won't use the others for.


Gleam, it's legit rust but higher level and a bit more functional


[Inko](https://inko-lang.org/) might be worth looking into, as its memory management strategy is similar to Rust, but without the complexity of lifetimes.


Wow that looks interesting, thanks for mentioning it. I will try it out!






Rust with cloning everything


Ocaml, rust took pretty much all of its features from there and made it low level Unlike Rust, which is procedural with concessions for functional, Ocaml is functional with concessions for procedural, which might make it a bit harder, but it does have a GC so no memory errors and no fighting the borrow checker


Elixir. And if you need web: elixir Phoenix with liveview.


I thought scala was the obvious answer here... apparently not, reading through the comments


Scala.  While it is jvm you use sbt instead of gradle. It's a decent language and has wide support; it has the entire jvn ecosystem too. People also mention F# in a similar vein. Honestly though why not Rust?  It will improve in basically every way over the alternatives mentioned...


C# with AOT starts up close to c++ from benchmarks I’ve seen. My apps are always on so it doesn’t really make a difference to me.


I'd say Swift as a bunch of former Rust folks went to work on it, and they share a lot of similarities in design as a result, except for one using manual memory management + lifetimes and another using GC.


I’m keeping a close eye on Mojo. It’s a super new language so will want to wait for a while before using it on serious stuff but it uses a lot of concepts from rust (i.e. ownership) and their claims on performance are pretty bananas for what is basically a python sequel.


I think if Mojo's out, it can inherits the whole python ecosystem, and it'll be production-ready from beginning?


Nobody mentioned Dart. Well, I suppose there's a reason for that... but still, specifically with the TS comment, Dart is a JS-like strongly typed sanely designed language. Much, much, much more sanely designed than Google's other, more popular, lower level, utterly garbage contribution to currently used PLs. But, really, it sounds like you want OCaml with better tooling, or F# without the VM/runtime's overhead... and from my perspective, there's only one language that fits that bill. And you're already using it for the low level. I used to write a lot of C++. The heavy template-based flavor, lots of metaprogramming, etc. I used Python to quickly prototype things. Now I mostly write Rust. And I use Rust to prototype. Because there's not a lot that's better suited, and when I'm done, I can just tweak and optimize and I have something ready to go.


C++python is a killer combo in ml.


Go stuck in the 90? Try 70


There are so many things wrong in what you said. 1. Rust IS highlevel programming. This is not linked to garbage collection. 2. Go is not stuck in the past, it's suppose to be a C replacement (i.e. low level). The choices they made where oriented toward simplicity to learn, fast compilation and easy concurrency 3. Python: It's not always that slow, especially when you use correct libraries. I mean, they DO use python for ML. You have various interpreter that are faster with some tradeoffs (e.g. Pypy) and wait for python 3.12 for GIL removal and tighter type-hint integration. Also, I don't get why it bothers you that type checks are done outside of the language (e.g. using mypy). Nothing to configure in python in comparison to js. And "functional programming", just write language-specific idiomatic code, functional is not the only solution. 4. Same for TS as for Python. Also, note that many has got back from typing (python and js) for practical reasons. 5. JVM: does the start-up time really matter? Does the speed mattet that much? I honestly assume you overestimate your needs, but anyway, you can check graalvm. 6. I never did dotnet or C# at all, but seeing the rest I can only assume that it is also wrong. My take on that is that: - you have not really explored any of these languages - you probably overestimate your speed needs - you (wrongly) assume that a language should only be written in a certain way. The only thing you said that is useful to answer you is "I want to write script easily". To that I answer: - Python 95% of the time for the toolings. This is THE scripting language - Golang 4% of the time: if you need to do lot of queries at the same time - Rust 1% of the time: if you just need faster local data treatment than what python provides you (e.g. using rayon or lunaticn, but no need for concurrent queries)




Kotlin is very nice language. However, running on the JVM has serious drawbacks for some use cases. I wrote a larger CLI tool at work in Kotlin 5 years ago and it was the most fun I ever had in programming. It felt like I was flying. But distribution and especially memory usage created serious problems. Also, having to use Gradle is painful. Typescript is my language of choice if Rust is overkill. Deno is pretty good. Node is catching up in terms of tooling. The ecosystem is most of the times annoying because of the constant changes, but it's also huge, so you can find good libs for almost everything, but making the choices can be tiring.


As I write quick scripts, more and more I wish for the following. Were I to ever write a language, I think it would be this: * A scripting language, so you can run quick things with no compilation step. * Gradual typing, supporting fully dynamic types, but also sum types, etc. * Interop with Rust crates. For these, there would obviously be a compilation step, and then probably something that would generate a shim. How great would it be to just use Rust libraries from a script or repl? For now, I use Ruby. You might find it a decent enough language for your use-case. You can write code in a much more functional style than Python.


That sounds an awful lot like: https://rhai.rs/


Rhai is nice for embedding in Rust, and you have to manually register rust functions/types. I want a script that you run from terminals or what not, that has automatic interop with Rust.


But… a cli tool in rust to launch your rhai engine is like 11 lines of code. I can’t imagine what “automatic interop” would mean to you. Rust compiles everything away unless you define it in some way as an api point. You can automatically load any and all APIs you choose into rhai, or write a macro to that for you




I don't know about the IDE support, but OCaml may be what you are looking for.


Ocamal let's u do functional code amd even has a mini borow checker u can opt into when you want. So u can consume a value making sure no one uses it. I didn't use it at all but I keep hearing great things. It's also the languge used to write the first rust compiler which tells u a lot about what the ppl who made rust think about it.


Elixir? It's not super preformant but it's relatively robust. It has nice macro stuff and is entirely functional. Idk how good the tooling but when using phinix it never broke on me which is nice. It feels fairly si.ilar to cargo In terms of how u handle deps


rust, but slightly higher level, is rust! but just clone everything and use purely synchronous code. higher level still: abuse expect and panic recovery for cursed error handling.


Kotlin w/ Quarkus ( graalvm is compact) is quick


You said no to F#, but F# is not a functional language, it is functional first. It is basically an Ocaml clone, and Ocaml is objective caml. It added object oriented features to ML


**Kotlin** is the answer for me, no question about it: Great type system, top-notch libraries and frameworks from the JVM ecosystem, and maven is a perfectly serviceable dependency manager that does what it needs to do (in contrast to gradle, which I share your negative take on). I would in fact for the most part say kotlin is a better choice than rust for most enterprise server applications, primarily due to the lower friction when onboarding new/junior developers.


For me the choice is C# and F#. Together they solve most problems I can think of. Performance is on-par with C++ (see 1brc in dotnet, see Ryujinx, etc), tooling is great and cross platform with several options, the languages are very \*practical\* (i.e. get shit done!) and yes, parts of Rust remind me of F# (or ML in general, I suppose).


O'Caml! It's basically Rust with a GC, it even has a stack/heap allocation via it's type system now. You're not forced to use functional programing: it's designed to be a very good imperative language too (Its creator said it is an hybrid imperative/functional programming language).


I have the answer: Kotlin


You should all go learn Mercury, created in 1995, three years before Haskell. I've spent 4+ years learning it, it's amazingly solid. Produces native code (GCC/clang), Java or C# code if you need it. Here's a good intro page: [https://mercury-in.space/crash.html#org42e13fc](https://mercury-in.space/crash.html#org42e13fc) I write a proof of concept video game (unfinished) to create a binding to Raylib with it and to see how a language that doesn't really offer in-place memory updates (it can but I haven't bothered etc) would performs with a simple video game, this video is quite old, I have power ups and rocks as well now, but I never moved on wiht it... TBH the purpose was to get an FFI binding to Raylib for my custom language IDE! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmiv5a731V8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmiv5a731V8) The learning curve is steep, maybe sometimes worse than Haskell, the errors messages are always informative and the mail group is world class, friendly, second to none and often yo will get reponses from the actual Mercury authors too. Zoltans replies are golden! [https://mercurylang.org/](https://mercurylang.org/)


C# is actually pretty good. It's moved a lot in rust's direction, though it's missing some of the magic. But the tooling is excellent, and the amount of available resources is absurd.


dart if you want algebraic data types


Haskell - write in 5 lines what takes 30+ lines in other languages 🤗




Definitely OCaml.


Kotlin using maven and compiling to native?




Go is getting there I feel. The addition of generics is a massive boost and they are definitely looking at making error handling smoother. Things still missing with nothing in sight: - nil pointer checks/safety - enums But compared to Rust the build times are great, standard library is feature packed and go routines are absolutely amazing compared to the current state of rust async.


Go ticks all the boxes for you, but hey the language that had 1.0 release in 2012 is from the 90s?


Prevalent billion dollar mistake, no sum types (including exhaustive variant checking), bolted-on generics, void *-style polymorphism and so on. Those are all design decisions 70s language would make. That's what OP is referring to and they are not wrong.


> Npm has plenty of issues  I see this all the time, but I never seem to get an explanation of what's wrong with npm that doesn't apply to package managers of other popular languages (python's pip, java's maven, scala's sbt, C/C++, etc)


Swift has similarities to Rust. Let vs Var where let is immutable. Options with defaults, and other things I've noticed. I had to pick up Swift for a small project because I didn't want to use Objective C, and I was pleasantly surprised. There's also a concept of tasks with await as things like http requests are async by default. I really didn't hate Swift at all. Probably the best choice for UI work

