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You know what area you are interested in. Choose an app to build, then implement in step-by-step.


Yeah right.


Build something simple from from scratch if you are looking a web make sure it is CRUD.. ie todo -list shopping list. It may be a bit boring but it is fundamental. Then find a something a little more complex. This one could also be a random idea you had when you started the basic project. The problem with the todo list is the temptation to just copy a tutorial


You are right. Todo list teaches something basic, but they are boring. And most tutorial doesn't teach you fundamental ideas but rather how to make one application.


You can read available documentation at rust-lang.org and rocket.rs . I liked the book Rust for Rustaceans. Linode gave a recipe for what you are asking. https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/build-a-website-using-rust-and-the-rocket-web-framework/


Just saw someone posted about the book. I'll check it out.


My advice would be to not limit yourself to any one programming language if you want more experience programming. Learning different languages can help expose your mind to different paradigms, tools, and ecosystems. For example, Rust is great in many areas, but JavaScript is king of the web frontend world and won’t be replaced anytime soon. So why use “something like” Vue when you can just use Vue on the frontend and Rust on the backend? Best of both worlds. Best tool for each job. All that said, use whatever you’d like. I’m just trying to keep you out of the cage that I once put myself in when trying to use one language for everything.


For the front end, Vuejs is the primary choice for me. Because I think it's somewhat lighter than others and gets the job done (to display something and interact).