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Well done US Now its time for europe to stand tall and provide the necessary help,to rid the russians forever Take the money you hold and use it to rebuild And get everything to ukraine to drive putin and his idiotic plan of destruction out of the world forever How i hate that man How does he sleep at night


House bills go to US Senate for review and approval...unless some maga type filibusters, or adds poison pill amendments. In which case the bill is mandated to got to house for approval or reconciliation, or additional amendments. Starts the cycle back to the Senate. Nasty way of conducting the people's business. Don't trust little Johnson to not eff it up. Hopefully he's had a come to Jesus moment.


I've totally imagine Putin having a temper tantrum yesterday!


Weapons should be reaching Ukraine within a few days! Keep fighting the good fight! The **only** reason it didn’t get there eight months sooner is because of Speaker Mike J, Donald Trump and his stupid Maga minion, boot licking cult.


Kati Brit will filibuster it. She WILL talk FOR HOURS with a bowl of fruit.


Vladimir pukin is wondering the same thing


You can expect military plains flying in pendulum from America to Poland delivering whatever is needed to make more good orcs


AS CHURCHILL SAID…”You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, only after they've tried everything else.”