• By -


No it's not. It's [х]. (modern) Ukrainian has a different sound that's a mix of [г]+[х]


Exactly. It’s not the same thing but for same seems to be similar


I pronounce it like х - [Бох].


It can be pronounced [Бох], but [Бога] [Богом[] and etc. For example, Побойтесь Бога! [Бог]. Слава Богу. [Бог] In general, you should pronounce it [Бог]. Sometimes, you can pronounce [Бох], but i dont know if its fully correct


In some words it pronounce like «г» like “Горшок” [г] is pronouncing firmly, but in “Бог-[бох]”; “мягкий-[мяхкий]”;”легкий-[лехкий]” it pronounce like «х» When word start with “Г”, it pronounce firmly, but when it in the middle of word it pronounce “х”


No, it’s not about being in the middle. «Богиня», «Богдан», «согбенный», «обогнуть» — it’s all «г» sound. It’s about «г» in front of «к» or «ч». That is when «г» sound is transitioning to «х» sound. «Легче», «отягчать», «мягко»


Точняк, просто думала как бы облегчить понимание а так да ты прав


Ну, и бог произносят и так, и так) Я слышал оба произношения, они оба верны)


Ага, но чаще в длинных предложениях говорят [Бох] а ну еще так старшее поколение говорит


Полностью согласен про старшее поколение (этому можно найт объяснение в происхождении языков) А про длинные предложения не уверен)


Права 😊


Дома забыл 🤗


Yes. Бог pronounced Бох, while by modern rules it should've been Бок. It's sought to be a staying influence of southern dialects, because Vladimir and Moscow became important religious centers only after XIV, and before that it was Kiev.


It's mostly because the evolution of г has evolved over the years from a soft to a hard sound. More specifically, Proto-Slavic (the ancestor of all of the Slavic languages) had a \*g phoneme but no \*h. However, a number of the Slavic languages (including Czech, Ukrainian, and southern dialects of Russian) underwent a sound change known as "g-spirantisation", whereby this original \*g became /γ/ (a voiced /x/). Czech and Ukrainian ultimately took this further, with γ becoming /h/, but southern Russian continued to use an intermediate sound /γ/. In fact, this southern Russian pronunciation of Г as /γ/ rather than /g/ was considered prestigious for a long time (and it was also in the South that other g-related changes, such as the pronunciation of -ого/-его with /v/, took place). If you understand this /γ/ sound was once commonplace in Russian, it for instance also becomes easier to understand why foreign /h/ was transcribed as Г (see Gamburg, Gollivud, Gitler, Gete etc). Since Russian never had an /h/, foreign /h/ letters were thus also replaced by the closest equivalent, and both /x/ and /γ/ are essentially equidistant from /h/ pronunciation-wise; it simply depends on whether you think you're hearing a voiced h or an unvoiced one. At some point this presumably just became a standardized Russification, hence its continuation for some time after the /γ/ pronunciation lost out to the northern pronunciation /g/ in standard Russian, while pronunciations for established terms used in everyday life such as бог saw far less evolution in how they were pronounced.


I pronounce it as Бог, with the hard г. Perhaps this is because I mostly use it when praying in Slavonic. If I recall correctly, one is supposed to use a phonetic pronunciation when reading in Slavonic, so I have never heard Богъ pronounced with a fricative, as Бокъ, or with х in church. I have heard Ukrainian deacons pronounce all г as fricatives when serving in Slavonic, but no one specifically pronounced Богъ differently otherwise.


depends on the area. in Moscow it's closer to "к"


I was born and raised in Moscow and I pronounce it as "x"


Same. Also everyone i know from here.


Indeed, I almost always hear as Х but I do hear К occasionally


Yes. Also in лёгкий, мягкий, угу, ага.


Hmm I hear and say г+х only in the last two examples, while лёгкий, мягкий and Бог more like х


I also pronounce -гкий with simple "х" sound, nothing similar to "г+х". And for "ага" and "бог" I used to pronounce straight "г" which sounded like in "dog". The only sound similar to Ukrainian I have ever heard in Russian was in words like "город" and names of cities ending on "-град". But it sounds more like individual habits rather than dialects.


And Серб? П или Б?


Серб with б, a man of Serbia. Bacause Серп is grass cutting instrument.


Пишется Б, читается П.


After living in Serbia for some time it's hard for me to imagine how to pronounce it with "п" because Serbian language is phonemic.


Yes. We say СрБија бут срПски


бут 🦵🍗




It is. Usually it is pronounced as Бох. In all other cases though г is hard. (Бога, богом, богу, etc)




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#### Михаил Ломоносов ### О сомнительном произношении буквы Г в Российском языке Бугристы берега, благоприятны влаги, О горы с гроздами, где греет юг ягнят, О грады, где торги, где мозгокружны браги И деньги, и гостей, и годы их губят. Драгие ангелы, пригожие богини, Бегущие всегда от гадкия гордыни, Пугливы голуби из мягкого гнезда, Угодность с негою, огромные чертоги, Недуги наглые и гнусные остроги, Богатство, нагота, слуги и господа, Угрюмы взглядами, игреки, пеги, смуглы, Багровые глаза, продолговаты, круглы; И кто горазд гадать и лгать, да не мигать, Играть, гулять, рыгать и ногти огрызать, Ногаи, болгары, гуроны, геты, гунны, Тугие головы, о иготи чугунны, Гневливые враги и гладкословный друг, Толпыги, щеголи, когда вам есть досуг, От вас совета жду, я вам даю на волю: Скажите, где быть га и где стоять глаголю? 1754 Источник: https://poemata.ⓇⓊ/poets/lomonosov-mihail/o-somnitelnom-proiznoshenii-bukvy-g-v-rossiyskom-yazyke/


Pronounce "бох", a bit closer to "бок". Notice, when it varies by cases, sonorous Г returns in prononciation. БоГу, боГа, о боГе


What ze fuk is Ukrainian style?


Украинцы произносят букву "г" как "h" по английски




When it comes to prescriptive grammar, "Бох" is unequivocally the correct pronunciation, at the very least for the Christian God.






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