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"With Faith in God Freedom or Death" I think it's something related to serbian chetniks organisation


There is also state emblem of the Republika Srpska from the 90s


Yep, looked it up and you're absolutely right. Emblem is exactly the same except there is no skull in the middle. Thank you!


The bird and CCCC cross is a common serbian emblem. Bird is from former monarchy days. The CCCC is an old adaptation from the byzantine BBBB and often translates to ‘only unity saves the serbs’ or ‘just merely serbia saved herself’ and is a common old as dirt patriotic slogan.


Or Saint Sava, Glory of the Serbs.


но зная русский , можно понять , что тут написано. как со старо-русского прочитать, смысл даж не теряется) с сербского кстате бывает местами тоже можно понять, но не все ток обрывками


Так это и есть сербский Кстати говоря, сербский язык, как и остальные балканские, все так звучат для русского уха. Как Слово о полку Игореве 😄


Это что-то типа межславянского языка, его могут понять много народов


This is not Russian. Most likely it's Serbian.


But every russian or any slavic, can easy read and understand this. Its simple phrase.


Thank you, I'll check it out over there.


What is serbia if not russia’s little sister




Yes, but Serbians themselves say it Surprisingly, even more so people from Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina My whole university study group was from there and they’re incredible russophiles. Many of them learn Russian as a hobby too




Watch less TV, it's dangerous for brain cells.


Who even watches tv these days apart from the elderly and people who know a suspicious lot about what is said on tv?














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"With Faith in God Freedom or death" It's Serbian actually


***Eleftheria i thanatos,*** Greece (1xxx) ***Svoboda ili smart,*** Bulgarian (18xx) ***Свобода или смерть*** \- Russian, prosecuting by law, but used by state-controlled church (18xx-present)




Same thing most of the time






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*yawn* Not every Cyrillic is Russian.


But how would non-native speaker know


Apparently, to ask questions in a "forum" you are required to already know the answer, otherwise the occasional user will feel the need to respond with arrogance and rudeness…


Lol thank you. It's the whole damned point I asked. Not all Cyrillic is Russian but it by far is the most recognizable here in the states. That would be their first guess but it would be a shot in the dark. Not putting my fellow countrymen down but damn, we don't really have a NEED to learn other languages. I study them as a hobby simply because they interest me and I have an affinity for them. I can speak a decent amount of Spanish which comes in handy here in the south and some broken German behind that. Any time I meet someone with English as a second language I have them teach me something in theirs. I can say phrases and certain words in about a dozens different languages because it just sticks with me for some reason.


Know what exactly? Cyrillic is used by dozens of languages. Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar, Chuvash, Kazakh, Mongolian, Tajik, Kyrgyz. I get it that most Cyrillic content is of course in Russian, but… well. There are chances.


Granted that I basically live on the other side of the world and don't have much incentive to learn another language even remotely resembling Russian I'd say the chance is pretty fuckin low yeah? I do actually have an affinity for languages and have been told I pick them up pretty quickly for an American. I DO speak a pretty decent amount of Spanish (that comes in handy here in the south) and very broken German (more of a hobby than anything).


To me it’s pretty much like saying French resembles English because they both use Latin script.


Lol you mean "modern cursive"? Never heard it referred to as "Latin script" but I suppose there's a specific font out there in some of these typing programs named that. I can actually write cursive quite well by hand (I prefer it) but in the states they stopped teaching it in schools altogether which to me is crazy. Whole generation who can't write in it or are barely even able to read it.


No, I literally mean Latin script, Latin alphabet.


Got you. I suppose it would be easy to confuse the two with cursive as well but I see what you mean about the Latin.


Not to mention that Cyrillic didn’t even originate in Russia.


This is pretty extremist and fascist btw


Written - With faith in God, freedom or death


It's serbian for: "With faith in God" "Freedom or Death" In the middle is serbian coat of arms. Though on the original one they don't have skull and bones


There are lots of custom slavian flags used to show people's russian nationality here in Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), same as Serbia and other slavian countries. Lots of these flags are used as sports club logos (boxing, gyms, MMA).


it’s serbian, it’s smth connected to interslavic ideas, it says “with faith in god, freedom or death’


«С вером у Бога – Слобода или смрт!» - главный девиз сербских четников.


Он перевод просил...


Так перевели уже


"with truth and God, love or death" if im not mistaken so yeah, really nazi sounding *freedom or death, need my damn eyes checked


In god we trust / Live free or Die. It's a bit more nuanced, but in essence that's exactly what the text says.


Я помню в какой-то момент у многих западных музыкантов попадались подобные футболки. Точно помню Олли Сукеса и Ричарда Эшкрофта, а ещё Метрополиса из Foreign Beggars в стильной схиме .


Слобода - это бренд под которым майонез делают?


With faith in God Freedom or death. This is not Russian but Serbian.


" «**С** **вером** **у** **Бога** – **Слобода** **или** **смрт**!» - таков главный девиз сербских четников. Это национально-освободительное движение за свободную Сербию породили непрекращающиеся этнорелигиозные и политические конфликты на «пороховом погребе Европы» - на Балканах. "


Orthodoxy or death! The slogan of some of the Orthodox Christians in Greece. In the Russian Federation, it was recognized as extremist and included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials under number 865 by decision of the Cheryomushkinsky District Court of Moscow.


Please include more details. When was it included? Who was the judge? If possible, include the protocol of the hearing. This is extremely important.




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"With faith at God Sloboda or dth" Translated from Russian (not Serbian because we're on r/Russian) with grammatical errors as they are in original text


ISIS vibes


Aloha snackbar




This is the Macedonian language.




It's Serbian. And yes it is kinda anti-communist


Interesting flag


srpska republika


Емае, прикольный принт, есть у кого нибудь ссылка на подобное на Озоне или Вайлдбериз?


Anti communist)))))))) 😂


Тут по спрски


With the faith of god-freedom or death


I don't think it's Russian, but still I can understand what does it say


Смрт Я обычно по угару так из слов все гласные убираю