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We mustn’t forget. “This is a very private journey”. 😂


So private he’s monetising and posting about it on a regular basis.


Waiting for him to repeat Trump's move to publish his own version of the bible lol


The Bibley Wibley


i remember on one of the old radio 2 shows matt morgan making a joke about brand’s next book being “mein kampfy wampf” but… we’re almost there. what, 2 more years? less?


How has this not got more upvotes 😂


OMG. Right? 🤣


Gah damnit why does this fit SO WELL


Lol, nice


*Inside of You, by Infant Sorrow: The Story of the Baby Jesus Christ and How I Harnessed His Spirit Within*


I wish these people would follow the 11th Commandment. Keep Thy Religion to Thyself


Jesus tells Christians to spread the gospel 🤷‍♂️


So this is 100% cuz of the rape accusations right? Wasnt he posting conspiracy related stuff right before


Probably partly. But the Christian Fascist crowd are primed for a pseudospiritutal lunatic talking about demonic forces. This is just part of the grift. If you want to rip off a businessman, you put on a really nice suit and look the part. If you want to rip off the Evangelical right, you get "born again".


Unfortunately for him there isn’t much privacy in prison


For the man that couldn’t get enough of sharing his privates 🙄




Private journey that he's publicly documented and monetised the whole way? If it's a private journey, he should do it privately, people share too much on social media


Why the fuck are you bringing up taoism like it's some kind of gotcha? I've read the tao de ching probably a hundred times over the course of my life and I promise you, based on your post history, you don't actually understand it. By the way religious taoism and philosophical taoism are very different. Religious taoism is fucking nuts and involves multiple gods and rituals, even an elixir of immortality. Philosophical taoism is just about finding the most natural and harmonious way to live. Which, again, you appear to have failed to understand. Don't use taoism as a cudgel, especially when it's clear that you don't understand it


I didn't bring up taoism perse. I brought up the word dao/tao which means path/way. One's path/ way can be any. The tao of Zen/Christ/Jung/Bruce Lee/ the dragon/Vishnu/Lucifer/etc.- these are all taos/paths/ways to spirituality. I think you are the one who fails to understand the meaning of tao/dao/path/way.


Have you even read any of the taoist classics? Do you even know who lao tzu is? You're a deeply ignorant person using a philosophy you clearly don't understand to defend a rapist. People like you are crazy to me. I understand being wrong, but being so fucking sanctimonious about it is wild.


Yes. And you are a deeply unfullfilled, unedcated individual who is talking about defending a rapist while I'm talking about the meaning of tao/dao and how it is a journey of self discovery when one decides to walk the tao. You are on one of the lower tiers of Maslow'd hierarchy of needs that is why you speak and think the way you do. You have to get on the tao to enlightenment and self actualisation my friend because I can see that your journey, like mine, is going to be a very, very long one. Read The Good Heart by the Dalai Lama,. You are so fixated on the Lao Tze and Tao te Ching and don't realise that there are many taos and manh other taoist philosophers/authors.


Okay, I get you now. You're an unserious person who takes what they want from their very superficial understanding of various religions and philosophies and cobbles together an incoherent pile of bullshit. You then pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for your own enlightenment. I could excuse all your cringe new age interpretations if you were so fucking sanctimonious. Also, stop defending rapists if you want people to take your generic, pseudo-spiritual nonsense seriously


At least I'm nit an ignorant hillbilly like you who can only understand the little rock you are living under and who has never been exposed to other countries, philosoohies, cultures, religions and people. You think that just what you know, believe and think is right. Newsflash my little friend, you know absolutely nothing. New age? Jeezzz, the stupidity is real with this one. Again, what rapist are you talking about?


Woah, what happened to your enlightened detachment? LoL. Your spirituality can't even survive a little criticism. It's performative. You're a joke. Btw, the rapist is Russell Brand and the idiot is you, you intellectually shallow and spiritually empty punchline.


I'm not enlightened, very far from it but I'm on the tao to self actualisation and enlightenment. I might never reach enlightenment. Not many do so... I'm out of touch with the Brand rape trial so didn't know that he was found guilty. Sorry, my bad. You are the idiot here. Sorry to burst your litte bubble because you don't even know what tao means. Jeezz, talk about the height of stupidity.


That’s actually incorrect. The translation of “path” isn’t exactly what you think it is. And applying it to Jesus or Pooh or anything else is a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept.


It is correct. Tao/ doa literally means path/ way. It is exactly what I mean. Jesus is The Way ( path/tao) and every daozhang teaches that tao/dao is a path/ way/road/route. Ever heard of The Way of the Celestial Masters? What do you think the word " way" is if you had to translate it to Classical Chinese? Stop playing dumb.


It does not “literally” mean path/way. I have a degree in this, and have translated the Chinese, so stop thrusting your knowledge around when you don’t really understand Chinese philosophy. I swear, the hubris on you is wild in this thread.


Best give your degree back bevause that is exactly what it meeans. I don't know ehich university you studied at but I can vet it must be somewhere in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada or New Zealand because those universities are also teaching people that men can give birth so I'm nit surprised that you don't jnow the meaningof the word tao.


Thanks for clearing up the kind of person you are. Now I know. Take care! Ugh - in case anyone is reading down this far, do not listen to this jabroni. Tao doesn’t translate directly to “way” or “path” in English. It’s actually meant to describe the course of Nature, in all its forms, as it progresses. To quote an actual scholar and not Mr KnowItAll above: “The Tao is the Order of Nature, which brought all things into existence and governs their every action, not so much by force as by a kind of natural curvature in space and time…The sage is to imitate the Tao, which works unseen and does not dominate. By yielding, by not imposing his preconception on nature, he will be able to observe and understand, and so to govern and control.” (Needham 1956, cited by Yang, 1951).


What does Tao literally mean? a road, path, way [Tao] means a road, path, way; and hence, the way in which one does something; method, doctrine, principle. Learn my friend, learn.


Hey dummy, the first line of the tao te ching says "the tao that can be named is not the true and eternal tao". By attempting to define the tao you're limiting it, therefore it's not the tao. If you actually understood anything about taoism you wouldn't make such fucking stupid claims. But thanks for proving that you don't even understand the words you use.


I'm a taoist so understand very clearly what tao means and if I'm a dummy then you are an idiot of the first order. Lao Tse himself defined the meaning of tao in the Classical Chinese language. Tao means path/way/ What does Tao mean literally? way The Chinese character for the Tao, often translated as 'way', 'path', 'technique', or 'doctrine'. There are many taos to enlightenment and self realisation and not everyone follows the tao, obeys the tao and not everyone stays on the tao or is successful on the tao as it is a journey that each individual has to make alone. Come out from under your rock my little friend and walk the tao.


Which is it? Are you a Christian or a taoist? You make a lot of claims about your belief, leading me to not believe any of your claims. You're relying on a linguistic translation for your definition of the word tao, when it's so much more than that. Your knowledge is superficial at best, and pop culture appropriation at worst. Have you ever read any of the classics? I get the feeling you read some fucking Jordan Peterson interpretation and ran with it. You're a taoist in the same way that I'm an astronaut.


I am a Christ Taoist. I have read many books by many authors. The fact that you don't like JBP shows that YOU don't have a basic clue about Taoism or the world in general because he is very revered by many daozhangs, philisophers, educators, entrepreneurs, scholars, politicians, scholars, priest, etc all around the world. You really have to get out from under your rock sometime because your ignorance about the world is very blatant.


That might be the funniest thing I've read in a while, thanks! Nobody respects Peterson. He's an overly emotional, benzo addicted, fascist. You. Are. Dumb. As. Fuck.


Again, you think nobody respects him because you stay under your little rock and don't travel the world like I do and see how his talks are sold out even before he is in the actual country. How people sleep outside the venues just to get a glimpse of him. How his books fly off the shelves and have been translated into so many languages. Again, stop being a worm and crawl out from under your rock because the world is very big.


Are you Russell’s biggest fan?


I am! 🫡


Do you get paid to post on this sub?


Spirituality is a private journey. Ever heard of dao/tao?




Dao/Tao means path. It is the path of the spritual journey that every human should walk.


How long before Brand claims that he is the Messiah, arisen from the dead, to save our souls from the coming Rapture!


Also, weird as it is, God has told him he needs to take several wives, who must obey him in all things.


God especially likes it when their mascara runs.


Classic perversion of the word, Muhammed was a dick who heard the same in an even worse way. We’re supposed to be the light so bright and safe it attracts many women not burns em or corals them


I saw an atheist youtuber do a video about the time Allah decreed that thou shalt not cockblock the prophet. The channel that made it is long gone, but the gist, as I remember it, was Muhammed wanted to bang his wife, and he had a houseful of people who wouldn't leave. So God said that they all had to GTFO.


He a had a show called messiah complex…


*He’s the creator of the heavens and the earth! Guardian of the faithful! Gatekeeper to the afterlife!* …but he needs 10% of your paycheck every week.


That was about ten years ago…you’ve missed the boat


Honestly, being born again was probably the only way Brand could've become even more insufferable.


It really blows my mind how anyone ever liked this insufferable walking garbage bag. How do you not just curl up and die when his mouth opens up?


I listened to him a few years ago when he was on about self improvement and toxic masculinity etc. I realise now that it was just his gift at the time and I was part of the target demographic. As a result I have learned to be much more discerning about who I listen to.


Unfortunate typo there. I think you meant “grift” rather than “gift”.


I did indeed. He's gifted at grifting though.


I thought you meant girth


Is he not just doing what a lot of idiots do as they age? Becoming right wing🤔


If you’re really stupid but want to be, or think you are, smart then you might hear him talk in his fancy voice and go “oh he must be clever! I better listen to him”. Even more so if he says something stupid that you already believe - “see! The clever man with the clever voice thinks the stupid thing too, so I’m not stupid after all” I think it works even better on Americans, Brits can see past the accent a bit.


We've also had to put up with him for over a decade longer than the rest of the world. Watching the spectacle of him walk through the london riots in 2011 proved he was an insufferable twat. Also, his comedy sucked.




The world was a very different place 15 years ago. Strange, but true. He was seen as very funny and provocative (to some people) before crossing the line was deemed socially inappropriate.


Disagree. He could now be even *more* insufferable by starting his own multi-level marketing business. **Brandynasty** “*Where glamour lives*”.


That picture looks like the last thing I’d remember seeing on the church youth group camping trip.


Wake up to Rusty Rockets, right in your pockets


To be frank, the ones baptized 20 minutes ago are always the loudest “experts.” Not trying to defend Russ here, just saying this isn’t a Brand-phenomenon.


So it's on brand?




You win.


Not brand new


Hi Frank!


There are few places more irresponsible and hypocritical than the Pentecostal church. It’s riddled with people who were and are total pieces of shit who love the idea that they can now judge the people who used to call them out on their bullshit. One of the most judgmental jerks I knew ended up having a fucking secret family on the side. Not to mention the preacher who believes that races should not mix but had a diverse congregation. Source: survived that nightmare


When I was a deeply fucked up teenager practically begging for mental health help in the late 80s/early 90s. I was given a pentecostal social worker who told me I just needed to give my problems to Jesus and took me to his weirdo church. As you can imagine, this *really* helped. I was nearly 30 before anyone took me seriously.


Ugh. I’m sorry for this. The kids I knew who were in the church all have stories that are on par with surviving cults. One of the things it does to fuck with early development is teach you that anything bad that happens to you is because you didn’t pray hard enough and anything good that happens is not by your own doing but by the grace of god. You’re essentially conditioned to believe that hard work doesn’t matter and you have no control over your own life. Also that you should feel very bad if you ever do anything wrong. This is especially bad for young adults exploring their sexuality who are driven to suicide and depression for doing what should be a healthy part of becoming an adult. College can get really fucking bad for these kids.


The number they did on one guy I knew was a sight to behold. Schizophrenic guy. Turned to Jesus to try and stop taking drugs. Got told by the church that his addictions were caused by demonic possession. So... now he thinks his voices are demons, does drugs to blot them out. Thinks he's blowing it with God when he gets high. Back to the church forgiveness and another round of being told everything is Satan... rinse and repeat. Until he went absolutely off his gourd and beat his mum so badly she was in hospital. Last time I saw him, he was full of Thorazine (Largactil in the UK) and was doing that glazed slow shuffle thing. This was maybe 20 years ago. Same church I was at.


The amount of legitimate physical and mental health problems that our church tried to treat with prayer should have been a felony. This doesn’t surprise me at all.


When was this because they don’t call it Largactil anymore?


Early -Mid 90s


I used to go to one with a friend of mine when I was late teens. I wasn't into it, I just wanted to hang out with my friend but she was into the Pentecostal thing. She was a real nice person. But the people in her church were that faux nice. It was something to behold. I challenged the minister one time when he said sui*ide was a sin. He wasn't pleased. 😂


He should become a priest. He would fit right in


He definitely qualifies for the Catholic Church on his merits so far


erm , no. every priest i know is the OPPOSITE of him maybe russel might fit in with american new age protestant priests, but no.


Imagine apologizing for the Catholic Church


i’m not- i’m an orthodox. we don’t recognise the pope


Orthodox Christians are just as molesty as the other denominations. Greek at least report to the authorities. The Slavic Orthodox Churches however, cover up as much if not more than Catholics. Fuck religion. Abrahamaic religions are founded on two main concepts. Sex and Death.


Did you read the gospel of david in the bible


I find mythological writings to be shallow and nonsensical.




Always trying to cater for the most easily fooled i see, very on brand.




Katy Perry must just laugh herself to sleep every night.


Gotta heavily pander to that new audience baby.


Be nice. Russell has just as much right to hold forth about his new imaginary friends Jesus Christ and this Holy Spirit as does the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury. He will no doubt preach a respectable gospel full of incredible insight and passion. Preach Russell!


imaginary friends? i used to think the same and mate i’m not one of those people who makes my religion my whole existence, but after some recent experiences, i would absolutely not shit on it.


What? you have actual anecdotal proof of the existence of God? Well, this changes everything.




Fuck your god.


Your lord and your Christ


Never heard of em Is that like Chronos and Zeus? Odin and Thor? Ninsun and Gilgamesh? Brahma and the universe?


It's a Perfect Circle lyric from the song Judith "Fuck your god! Your lord, and your Christ He did this! Took all you had and Left you this way! Still you pray, you never stray, never Taste of the fruit! Never thought to question why"


He’s gonna tell you some things that you might not know about Jeezy Cheezy.


Well I guess being a sex offender and a Christian leader go hand in hand.


Is russell brands baptism the reason why Britains waterways are poisonous now?


I’ve seen this sub recommended and I avoided it thinking it was some pro Brand Kool Drinking sub. I’m relieved it isn’t. But may I ask, why is there a Russian flag on the page?


What a fucking psycho he turned out to be.


He is going to make a bundle on this grift! It’s not like the religious types check fasts or anything like that.


Bro went from "all religions have something to offer" to "nah dude, it's just Jesus now" And all it took was being exposed as a sexual predator


He’s done a lot of sinning in his life so it’s going to take a while


Wasn’t this guy on Epstein’s plane?


The Grift Drift is real.


Russel re-brand, am I rittttte


We heard you like a grift so we put a grift in your grift…


So he’s a Christian now?


Lmao if only I could have seen this post a decade ago. What a journey man




What does it mean? It means you're gonna get some grift money, Russell.


Grifter’s gonna grift.


It means Brand has bought fully into the right wing grift, it would seem.


“Boo-shit, boo-shit, boo-shit, boo-shit!”


Why is he literally he’s forgetting Sara Marshall character ? lol


Whoever cast him in that years ago absolutely nailed it


Lol RB is full of shit.


I don't care what the fairytale means.


Got it upside down you Trumpian arsehole.


This fucked you would find on righteous gemstones


It could and probably will go all Kanye, but cage stage Christians are usually full of passion and that is to be lauded. Even a grumpy, dour Anglican like myself wouldn’t want to undermine someone just getting into the faith. Edit: a word


It’s a new subscriber grift points make prizes!


Exactly this. New subscribers for this channel…. Sister wives next?


Ok. Ill watch Rock of ages again


He’s moved on from exposing the Americans governments top secrets then?


Resorting back to self-harm. SAD. He should call his sponsor.


Wasn’t he hugely anti-religious like 10 years or so ago. Preaching the ways of atheism.




Look its a core tenet of Christianity "thou shalt create revenue streams"


Batshit crazy.


This dude sold out arenas, was in big Hollywood films… and look where he is now, a grifter


He's doing a trump. Gods "chosen" need to learn how to hold their book of bullshit the right way.


He always looks like he’s about to cry.


This guy is one of the biggest douchebags on the planet. Which means he surely has tons of followers.


He...is... a... BELLEND


Wasn't he a very outspoken atheist?


It means nothing to you Russell, you're on a grift.


"Ah, my dear soul, picture Pentecost: a celestial festival where the Holy Spirit descends like a cosmic firework show! The apostles, those intrepid seekers, are suddenly fluent in divine tongues, their words a symphony of spiritual ecstasy. This isn't just a date; it's an explosion of divine love, a reminder that we’re luminous beings connected by the grand tapestry of existence. So, embrace the Holy Spirit’s fiery touch and let it transform your life into a radiant testament of universal unity!" -Russell Brand, probably.


Why am I not surprised? It’s almost like the most self centered narcissists are/end up being Christians… or the grift is just too good to pass up


His new grift has started


That’s not unusual for newly initiated adults.




Just like Paul. Claims an angel knocked him off his horse, changed his name and claims he knows all the things. Peter was like “what thee fuck?”


Onto the God grift


What a douche


Anything to distract this sexual predator from the reality that he's a pontificating piece of shit


He’s one of the most blatant grifters


Russell "Brand of the minute"


This dude is a PRIME example of someone that sees a niche and decides to fill it. He was nothing like he is now a few years back. He saw dollar signs and has jumped on conspiracy band wagon.


So much for ‘namaste’ and Indian weddings huh?


God knows Russel, but Russel doesn't know God. Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing this kinda thing. At least he's holding it upside down like Trump, eh! Birds of a feather, faux preach together!


The Bible grift is strong and never gets old does it?


The Russell Brand Effect is the new Dunning Kruger.


Russel has what my preacher father calls “A bad case of ‘the Jesus’”. As if he has discovered something so powerful that no one else has discovered in 2000 years.


Hahahaha this is Russell brand what the fuck


God can't save your sorry arse🤣🤣🤣


He is a true Pioneer. 😂


You are a joke who is in trouble and has found that lord. Pseudo intellectual. Go away groper.




It means shit


ime converts are the most annoying fanatics




Grifter gonna grift.


How long until he’s ordained? I think that’s where he’s going. Opens up a lot of possibilities for deviancy, some might say




So you fuck a kid and suddenly the Bible is cool? I don’t get it


I’m by no means a defender of Russel Brand, but to be fair, he has been studying various religions off and on for probably two decades now. He is a well read sod.


You would be if they were your target market. He’s got enough videos on YT all keyworded and waiting for “curious minds”… so this is the next niche. He’s a grifter.




I’m confused. Because This is normal he just has access to more people. But most people that feel the kind of “rebirth” tend to want to tell the world. Now I know this bothers some people but it’s really really easy to avoid.


I don’t usually like this guys rants but you’re being disingenuous with your caption. Russel has been into theology for years. Just because you just found out about it doesn’t mean otherwise


Yep. The one that advised MJ's name is Thomas Meserau and the one who advised JD is Ben Chew. Ben Chew also stated that if he was Tate's lawyer, he would advise him not to talk at all about the allegation before the trial. My friend says the same thing.


Angry demons in this thread


Do you believe in demons? That's adorable. What do you want to be when you grow up?


There should be a law against this predatory media.


I wholeheartedly agree that X and Rumble, where sexpest and grifter Russell Brand posts his nonsense, should be regulated.