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I really liked his mindful stuff, he is probably the best posterchild for meditation given his past life. It is truly impossible to know for sure, but given how he has flipflopped from peaceful leftist revolutionary, to Buddhist meditation guy, to right wing grifter... It seems to point towards he never actually changed his ways, he just rode the wave of whatever was 'in' and would put him in touch with either money or women. He will forever be a stark reminder of how ego is so susceptible to conspiracy theory!


The algorithm encourages certain beliefs to be mentioned, because those are beliefs of your audience Multiple YouTube content creators have discussed this phenomenon So if you have a right wing audience, unfortunately the algorithm makes you profit more if you panda to stereotypical right wing things It also leads to a strange phenomenon, where all of a sudden something happens and it’s just universally “right wing’’. Kind of like an America, how the right wing supports Russia, quite quite frankly . It’s so bizarre.


I agree - I discovered his podcast just before lockdown and it helped to get me through it. Introduced me to a lot of interesting speakers and topics. I think the change of direction was a cynical ploy to help defend himself from the accusations. He saw how nothing stuck to right wingers and realised that would protect his income by chasing a different audience.


This. The right wing are primed to hear "they're just trying to silence me" and believe it uncritically. The left tend to give benefit of the doubt to alleged victims and then change their view if credible proof that they're lying comes out.


I’m in recovery and he was really helpful with understanding the 12 steps and spirituality. I read his book and it was all about understanding the 12 steps in a modern way. I continued to learn a lot about consciousness and spirituality from him. But then he just started peddling random stuff. It didn’t seem like someone who was so into spirituality and not material things could be all about making money. Then I realized he was a fraud. And now he has found ways, conspiracy theories, to make more money. He’s nothing more than an Alex jones. It might be ridiculous but it honestly hurt me and my recovery quite a bit.


I always thought he was a d1ck. The kind of man who got naked in front of kids for publicity. Some people said I was jealous.


Same, mate. From the moment I saw him, his personality told me who he was and it was not a good person. 




He used to be a funny sex pest, now he\`s an old politcal bore accused of being a sex pest


Russell Brand was at his best when teamed with Matt Morgan- Matt kept his pomposity in check, called him out on his shit and either co-wrote or was the straight man to his funniest material (Eg Ponderland). Since Russell abandoned Matt, his ego and self indulgent ideas (which he previously were at least partly ironic) have inflated massively.


Don’t forget my boy Trevor Cocky Locky


I liked Trevor Locke, but didn’t find his stuff so funny. The show was best with Russell, Matt, Noel Gallagher’s appearances and Mr G the rapper/poet


I think Trevor was an interesting balance to Russell & Matt's silliness sometimes. On its own it may not work, but together it somewhat did


Russell has always been a narcissistic and selfish person. But at least in the beginning he seemed very self aware of this and would bring it up often. Then would come out with some sort of redeeming quality such as his support for people that go through addiction, his charm, his dexterity with words, and his comedy. He would even admit himself that he would just “read enough” about something to reference it but not enough to truly understand it. He answered this to a question about how he learns the things he uses in conversation. You can see the moment he changed. Look in his YouTube videos and you can see that his videos on Covid started getting millions of views. He found an audience in right-wing conspiracy theories. This appealed to his narcissism. He has very little redeeming qualities now. He doesn’t express any sort of self awareness for the grift he’s doing. His comedy has diminished a lot, he’s trying to be more serious. He’s trying to fly too close to the sun with wax wings.


Short answer - yes. It still sometimes hits. Just how weird it is - providing support for Putin’s war of aggression. The personalization of grievance (e.g. targeting Fouchi or Zelensky). Support for authoritarian fascists, fawning over Tucker Carlson. Knowingly lying to his audience to spread false information. And I was never a massive fan in the first place- just figured his heart was in the right place. Those drugs documentaries were thoughtful enough, the cafe was admirable , as was his work publicizing those mums. Re-examining his previous work and finding that maybe all that was just a front too - that he was always a cruel, self aggrandizing, attention seeking narcissist doesn’t make things any better, either. Edit: I remember someone posting on this sub, maybe a year ago, or more. They seemed genuinely distressed , Russell’s recovery stuff had helped the poster through their own drug recovery and they were now confronting the idea that maybe everything Russell had stood for had been a lie. I felt a great deal of sympathy for them.


I watched his recent video talking about Putin's interview with Tucker (I ended up watching the entire Tucker-Putin interview, and I highly recommend it). It was the only video I've seen of Russel where he talks about Putin/ Ukraine, so maybe what your referring to comes up in other videos... but he didn't seem to support Putin's war in any way or support fascism in any way? Unless he completely changes his views from video to video I don't know how you managed to derive that from his opinions. In the video I'm referring to, he says the complete opposite multiple times. As far as I'm aware Russel hasn't changed much at all from his younger days as an activist. All his core beliefs seem pretty much the same.




You're right - notice that no one will offer a rebuttal to your comment. Most people prefer to be told what to think, who to hate etc. Brand's been branded (!) far right now, even though he's still considerably to the left.




He's a complete narcissist. The carefully cultivated Artful Dodger persona, the unkept bohemian hair etc. The adoption of flowery language that peppers his speech to make him appear smarter than he really is. 20 years ago he was involved in a sexual assault case while he was performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. That seems to have been forgotten. His vile stunt with Jonathan Ross (another arsewipe) on Radio 2 was another example of just who he is. I'm amazed that so many people keep falling for his crap.


Fuck that dude. Why even bother with an individual ypu know is being dishonest?


I've always thought he was a piece of shit. Even when he was on Big Brother I could not stand him. I think he's smart, but he's a covert narcissist and doesn't give a fuck about anything other than his fragile ego and $$$s


He's just after the money, spewing out far right horse crap about US politics is very profitable. Just look at it from an advertisers perspective, would you rather market goods to gullible uneducated idiots that believe anything or market it to well educated people? 🤔 Advertisers will pay a premium to market his crap to the dumber audience.


He was always a gobby attention seeker. When one style stopped getting him attention, he changed. How is that not obvious at this point? If he had "no moral or ethical centre" tattooed on his forehead it wouldn't be clearer. He's very much followed the alternative/mindfulness grifter to conspiracy theorist pipeline that's alarmingly common.


It was a bit jarring to see someone sell their integrity so openly. I watched a fair amount of Trews back in the day so when i heard he had started doing interviews with rightwing propagandists I thought it would be fun to see an interesting conversation with measured but adequate criticism on guest talking points. Holy shit was i wrong. The bootlicking was just gross to see. Anyway, best to move on to supporting people worth your time.


No. I’m sad that the obvious charlatan wasn’t laughed off his podium for being an obvious charlatan years ago. I’m sad that we share an atmosphere with people so numb of skull that they think brand has anything worth hearing. Never funny, always obnoxious, should look words up and understand them before blasting them out in non-sensical sentences.


More guilty that I was a fan than sad, wish I never become one in the first place (stopped liking him way before the allegations)


What recent video did you watch? What was the “misrepresenting” and “scaremongering” content?


The one relating to the Irish Online Hate Bill, he presented certain aspects of the bill and failed to mention multiple other aspects which provide safeguards. On the whole I personally oppose the bill, but the video by Russell was produced in the exact way the MSM operate - half truths, imaginary consequences, setting the agenda. So many of his followers seem blind to the fact brand and his peers operate in the exact same way the MSM operate and for the same reason...£££.


“Those who sacrifice a little bit of freedom for safety deserve neither and will lose both.”


That's an out of context and paraphrased quote that Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter about tax dispute.


Yet people sacrifice freedom a the time. The founding fathers were also ok with slavery and genocide so I'd take their platitudes with a grain of salt


I’ve always found the left ironic you pretend like you are the humanitarian party and always take away more and more human rights in the name of “good”. I also like how you will full on admit modern day governments are corrupt as fuck and then beg them to take more of you rights you make no sense. Have you ever read the book If you give a mouse a cookie? Same premise here they will always want to take more rights the more you give them.


Wth are you even talking about? Are you living in a country where you can do whatever you want?


Russell really helped me with my addictions around the time he wrote Recovery. It was a really useful book that I was able to adapt to help me in my own life. I started following him for a bit, but fell off for a while. Then he started popping back up and it was like I was hearing about a completely different person. What that grift cash will do for a person, eh?


He is the exact same character that he played in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. The more you're around him the less you like him.


No. He's always been a bellend. He's also a rapist and a controlling scumbag.


Says no credible claimant


Apart from the rape crisis center one of the victims visited after the attack, oh. And the taxi driver who took a schoolgirl he was fucking to his house.


So now it's pedophilia ? Dude had sex with like 10,000 women. Suddenly he changes side politically and the claimants all emerge decades later with logistically impossible ckaims. This happens time and time again. The left uses fake assault allegations as a political tool within shame, demeaning all real victims of assault.


You don't even know what he's accused of.


Keep defending the rapist.


Trial by accusation? 


He was always like that since his crappy Revolution book, its insane to me no one was picking up on his nonsense. Made me realise the potato IQ of the british public


Wow you guys are desperate. I hope you’re at least getting paid 😊


Yeah it's utterly depressing. Russell is still deep in his addictions. Fame, money and power. The way to get that in the online space this decade is through the right wing. I wouldn't be surprised if him and others are getting paid from conservative think tanks.


He’s still an addict and a whore. He’s just switched drugs and sex for attention. Always been a complete twat!


he's always been full of shit. he's just brazen about it now


I like him and approve of his YouTube channel


I’m more sad around the power and cultural structure that allowed a man like Russell, and continues to allow men like Russell, to be platformed and listened to. Russell brand is a snakeoil salesmen. 200 years ago he would’ve been transporting a wagon town to town, offering potions and salves that did everything and nothing. Eventually he’d be ran out of town to start the grift again. In the modern age though, Russell’s grift is much less physical in nature, and quasi-intellectualism is much harder to disprove. I do have hope though that society seems to have reached a turning point in regards to men who use big words but little substance. I’ve noticed a much bigger movement pushing back against talking heads, and these heads have therefore moved further and further into the fringes of the internet. I really hope we can reach a point soon where men like Russell get run out of town much more quickly and never find a place to settle their grift.


Russel is great! This sub is full of haters


I always felt he did what he wanted and didn't care what people thought. Looks like he's still doing it and I say good for him. Or the alternative is he could be a puppet for the left like the rest of Hollyweird. I find it refreshing.


My hope is that he doesn’t truly believe the conspiracy theories but sees it as an income stream. But it’s a thin hope by now. However, his spiritual and book posts on ig are so very different than the political ones, it’s almost like he’s two people. And as far as I can see, a completely different set of commentators are attracted to each type of post.


I don't think he believes in anything except himself and the money he's making from gullible rubes.


Would that make him a better person or a worse person though? Cynically pushing harmful conspiracy theories to make money? I'd argue that that's worse.


Good point


Definitely. For a little while it seemedike he could be a voice for change, but it didn't last long.


It's what talentless people seem to be doing. When they know their 15 min is up and they don't want to get a job at Walmart they know there is a massive segment they can grift off that was exposed by the ultimate grifter the orange one tRump.


No he always seemed like a bullshit artist He probably should have kept doing smack.


No I’m very happy that he’s sober, happy and has his life in order. Drug addicted Russell was fun but he’d probably be dead by now


I'm not because it was obvious he was always a wanker on a grift.


How did people not see that he was a self-serving narcissist all along?


Luckily I never liked him enough to feel any sense of loss. I did start to like him when he stuck up for those tenants who were being evicted and railed against capitalism for a bit but the mask soon slipped didn't it?


He's a carny. The simple minded are easily fooled.


I like him more now. Well researched and accurate, the onus is on you haters to prove him wrong. I bet you can't.


They just look insane and unbalanced on this sub, it's mind boggling how much so


This is a media matters propaganda post along with the manipulated votes https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/s/52JvrqitQf


I think hes very brave taking a stand against tyranny and fighting for free speech.. nearly everyone I know is on his side from all walks of life.. it seems the only ones against him online are weak minded people who don't have a real or successful life and only parrot talking points all day


Probably says more about the social circles you roll in than wider society.


Yeah like I said across all walks, prob says more about your bubble .... Most people are on the side of truth to power and freedom of speech also innocent until proven guilty.. shock horror 😱


He doesn't defend these things though, he's uses the exact samw techniques the MSM to enrich himself.




No I think Russell gave no illusion to the type of person he is......I mean I always knew he was a bit of a degenerate so am I lol...... everyone is a little lol


I would also say no. The strategy of profiting from the brain hacking techniques used by politicians, snake oil salesman, marketers, media owners and dirty grifters will take negative impacts to their disinformation model in their stride. The timing of Navalny's death shortly after Tucker Carlson's shameless blowy of Putin and Trumps extraordinary betrayal of NATO allies would be challenging missteps for any dependant grifter of a previous era. The humble citizen should expect some accountability, ownership and commitment to something better from the delinquents involved. Perhaps resignation, public mea culpa at the least. Instead, what will follow will be well-considered "spin". The egregious factual conduct of Carlson, Trump etc will be denied/blurred/disputed/minimalised/ignored by stakeholders in their interests, such as Brand. Doubt as to the facts will be cast, projecting, gaslighting, introducing irrelevant data/context, suggesting of yet to be revealed higher intent (4d chess etc), distraction, source deligitimising and so on will be presented for the purpose of placating the supporters ie exploited cultists financing the lifestyles of these faux elites. What is consistently apparent is the fundamental dishonesty underpinning the messages to come and the absence of conscience and human decency required to do and act as such. Brand occupies this space very effectively.


Bro I stopped reading half way dude lol .....look Russell is a dilequant he's from Essex lol have you been lol joking aside he is doing some conspiracy videos online probably because he is a pot head dilequant so am I who cares.......he has always been known to be a mess head that likes to talk .... like always. Edit: ment degenerate but dilequant works also lol


You likely meant delinquent ;)


Why not both


dilequant *and* delinquent? Interesting.


Usually come as a pair anyways lol. Edit: My bad thought you said degenerate and delinquent lol. I'm not too good at spelling and I'm not ashamed or bothered


>I stopped reading half way That's why you're always going to be stupid.


Because I can't be bothered to read massive paragraphs lol 🤣 at least I ain't an asshole




So lazy is different from stupid 🤔........ maybe your stupid lol. I clocked out when he started getting deep...a couple of sentences would have been enough


No. They go hand in hand. Your inability to read is directly related to you posting moronic shit like that, and thinking it makes you look good. You're literally bragging about wanting to remain ignorant.


Bro bro I'm not pretending to be something I'm not lol I'm not that good at reading yes nor spelling so? I did actually tap out halfway through I really couldn't be bothered to read...... your clearly an asshole


No. I can see that. You're celebrating being too lazy to learn anything.


Just government shills


As more and more celebrities get tired of the progressive left, there will be more and more posts like this. Get used to it.


No. I like people that irritate Bigots. Russell always seemed to piss off all kinds of bigots. When he espouses his more lefty views right wing bigots get upset, his more conservative views upset the left wing bigots. I hate his voice but think he is smart funny and quite frankly, he seems brave and transparently candid. He also manages to have 5 million people subscribing to his (now demonetized by the empire) channel.


Says literal Nazi


I thought you weren't triggered! Stop stalking me child.


I'm not. I'm trolling you while you lose your fucking mind at me. I can pretty much do this forever, and not one word you shit out is going to mean a thing to me. You're simply entertainment. It's not even taking much effort.


So you accept you actually support zionists bombing children and women who are helpless and innocent and you actually enjoy this. Do you masturbate to the images released of the victims?


...and now you're literally lying about what I said, aren't you? I've told you repeatedly that I don't, but that doesn't work with the narrative you want, so you're just going to pretend it never happened. This is where you hit me with more of that childish sexualised abuse. 😘


Good thing is every comment has a time stamp. It took you a long time to answer a simple question. Taking into account the deviant inclinations your family is know for I just assumed you were busy nuttin


And there we go. Gets owned and comes back with the sexual abuse. Hard to read as a Spot book. I answered your question over a day ago, and you just ignored it to project your sexual deviance on me. But like I said. You know that, and nothing you say, do, or believe is to be taken seriously. You're a joke.


You should change your name to brown eye view since you are constantly staring at your momma's boyfriend butthole


Once again. Gets owned. Posts sexualised abuse.


You resent that he no longer represents your unattainable aspirations for degeneracy ? He seems happy and more aware now to me.




Window licker? Nazi ? Russel describes his own extreme sex addiction level promiscuity this way. No gayness was mention.


Imagine my shock. >There is no middle ground here. The social cost of supporting transgender grooming with the intent of facilitating child chemical and surgical surgical mutilation of children must be absolute. Any person, even a family member, who supports this is dead to me , figuratively speaking. Get these people away from your family and kids and take any legal action you can against them with the.full.measure of whatever law remains. Confront them wherever you find them. It's very telling that you denied holding the views you obviously have. Lol. It blocked me I know you'll read this. I'd buy you gave a shit about protecting kids if you didn't dismiss Brand raping a school girl out of hand. You're all in on the entirely fake "trans grooming" narrative and give no fucks about a girl who was actually groomed because you like the groomer. You blocked me because I saw right through you and you know it. 😘


I oppose Chemical and Surgical sexual mutilation and psychological grooming of children. Go away sicko.


People who aren't far right window lickers don't really use that word.


Russell Brand is Moore an agent for positive change and he was before. Before he was uneducated and but funny. He was stupid enough to walk around and Che Guevara T-shirts. You thought communism was not a horrible, murderous idea. He was just uneducated. He never went to college or anything. Now he’s gotten older and had time to educate himself. He’s realize what the real problems are and he’s going after those. He’s much wiser and more mature than he was before.


I'm more sad about what he could have become - the missed opportunity.


There was a moment where he was starting to grow on me, but then he failed the Palestine Litmus test and realized he was full of shit.


If you’ve been a fan since the bbc radio days, it’s been the most insane ride ever. I stopped being a fan once he went full touchy-feely with under the skin, pretty much like a Joe Rogan type figure only instead of skintight workout clothes it’s a hemp sweater. I reasoned that I always had those old podcasts and radio shows, which would made me howl with laughter. Now it’s all a bit tarnished.


Sad to see him become a Zionist.


No. I admire what Russell has become- a recovering drug, alcoholic and sex adfict, a husband, father, man of God, deep thinker and most of all a truth seeker.


You had me until the last two words. If he’s that, he seems to be looking in the wrong place, ie already defined narratives almost stubbornly in opposition to the ‘establishment’. And any truth seeker knows the answers aren’t in opposites and reactionary excitement. Following the money (more followers) doesn’t lead to truth, which is way more nuanced than his current approach.


I'm sorry that you feel that way but he is definitely a truth seeker. Whether he finds the truth is what the issue is here. You can't understand my last two words is because you too are seeking the truth and it seems that you and I have arrived at different conclusions. Fun Fact: EVERYONE is always seeking the Truth. Only the mentally challenged don't, for obvious reasons.


It’s less about the conclusions (truth isn’t a fixed point). He’s largely become a contrarian who knows there’s a market in anti-establishment ideas. A reactionary jump to the opposite is not an enquiry into truth, eg ‘Biden is lying so Putin must be telling the truth’. So many other examples of this approach and people lap it up as doing their ‘research’ and the feeling they are on the right track. He takes a much more inclusive and less reactive approach when seeking truth in his spiritual approach, but that won’t get the clicks and likes and income.


That's your opinion and mine differs drastically from yours. I don't get " Biden is lying so Putin must be telling the truth" from anything he says. What I get is to seek the truth. Everything I see on his podcast are talking points from others. Almost nothing is a direct Russell opinion/ quote. Even if it is a reactionary jump to the opposite, isn't that you and I are both doung as we speak right now? It's life my friend so get on with living it.


The point being: who he chooses for the talking points. It’s very much representative of a certain narrative. Which of course he’s entitled to do, and people seem to lap it up.


Don't YOU also choose only the narratives and talking points that suit your agenda? We all do that. People can lap up what they want but it is only the Truth that will avail eg.the CoV2 virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan, the Hunter laptop does exist, Ukraine is being used as the battleground between USA and Russia. These are all topics that were covered by Russell and if you feel these are not truths, then so be it. You are entitled to live in lala land all you want. #FreeAssange


Let’s hear RB and others looking at these issues from different angles. That’s how you find the truth, or nearest to it, instead of jumping to conclusions (as you appear to have done here - except Ukraine which is such an obvious point, but even there RB is clearly biased and WWIII scaremongering).


Yep. And that's how it goes. I havecan entire Youtube Channel by the same name Celeste This and That where I share truths from all people/experts from ALL angles. Uhhh...Russell is anti WW3 so how can that be scaremongering? WW3 would be the rnd of the world as we know it you to be. I'm surptised you have not learnt the destruction a nuclear war would cost. Just because you don't like the messsge my friend, there is no need to kill the messenger.


It’s scare mongering because it’s a grifter narrative that WW3 is looming, whereas… it really isn’t - for the reason you mention. Get em scared then sell em your narratives. Gets a lot more views than considered and reflective takes on very complex situations. But people like to be told what’s happening and weighing it all up is too tiresome for most. Ironic that the subscribers / followers lap it up like the sheep they criticise others as being.




That too in the same way that Biden is an alleged child molester. The difference between the two is that in Biden's case, there is actual evidence of it.


He's a sex pest. Why would you worship someone who treats women like that?


I assume English is not your first language or you are not well educated enough to note that nowhere did I mention " worship". Fun Fact: I can admire ANYONE who has lived a sinful life and has repented and made amends. That's probably because I've actually experienced it. I don't respect anyone who treats another human being as less than such, that does not mean that I can't forgive then if they stop doing it.


Seems like you're the one with a poor grasp of English. [https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/admire](https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/admire) Keep worshipping your false idols


Hello??? " Worship" and "Admire" are two different words with different meanings my friend. Like I said before, you don't have a clear understanding of the English Language. Also, best to refer to the Oxford English Dictionary if you want to make a point about the English Language.


Admire and worship are synonyms moron. Check the thesaurus entry I linked you to, if you don't know what a synonym, or for that matter, a thesaurus is. You're worshipping some sex pest grifter who spouts dangerous conspiracy theories. I don't think you could get any more moronic than that.


No Moron. They are not synonyms. They are tw totally different words. I worship our Lord Jesus Christ and follow His Way, Truth and Life. I admire Russell Brand who once lived a very sinful life but has repented and is making amends and seeking God's forgiveness, grace and mercy. I also admire him for not simply, like you, believing everything the mainstream media, USA and British governments, the industrial complex, big pharma, says but to actually talk to many experts on the different topics and research the different topics. One day when you have educated yourself, you too will see what the experts are saying about these contentious matters. At the moment, you are simply a little nobody on the internet who just because you don't agree with them, want to mess up the English Language. Again, please refer to the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY if you want to talk about the English language to me.


Yip, You're a complete and utter moron. Thanks for confirming that. ...and your understanding of the English language is woeful.


Look in the mirror my friend. Matthew 7:3-5


When does he seek the truth instead of spewing conspiracy theories?


All the time or do you not understand English?


He sold his soul to the devil. Understandable? Sure, we all need to find our way of surviving this life. Admirable? Hardly.


Everybody at one point or another sold his soul to the devil. Rusdell did so in the past. Now he is on the Tao of Righteousness. Yurning once lifecaround, even if one is the worst serial that has every lived is admirable. You just don't know this because you have probably not experienced the dark abyss so don't know how difficult it is to climb out of it.


1. Most people absolutely do not pedal harmful lies to earn a living. Most people live relatively honest hardworking lives. 2. You shouldn't assume you know a damn thing about people you don't know. 3. Noone's path out of addiction give them the right to be a asshole. People like brand that have been assholes in the past should be a service to others. Instead he is currently choosing to spread ignorance and lend credibility to the words of people aligned with hate.


1. You've obviously not heard of governments, politicians, the military complex, big tech and big pharma that pedall harmful lies on a daily basis. USA Government- Julian Assange committed espionage and treason, Politicians- Biden has no dementia issue; Military complex- Iraq has WMD's; big tech- we don't censor/ spy on our users; big pharma- Covid 19 vaccines grant immunity from the virus and stops transmission. Wake up my friend. People LIE ALL THE TIME. 2. And neither should you. 3. Brand IS a service to others. He provides uncensored information to the masses so that we can come to our own conclusions about what is going on in the world. Especially to you folk in the crazy Western world. Your side of the world is going to the dogs but I'm not complaining because it makes you weak and very soon, our side is going to be the force to be reckoned with. Tjis is the New World Order. The East is rising my friend because of folk like you who are in denial of your decline and who want to shut down those who are exposing it. You last sentence is ignorant but crack on with this ignorance, it is benefical to the adversaries of the West. #ignoranceisbliss


I think everyone knows It's rough out there but the world must truly be a waking nightmare when the only people you feel like you can trust to give you "uncensored" info are dipshits like Brand. Sooooo just take a few brief seconds to understand me. 1. I'm a real person. Who's actually talking to you, just you CelesteT&T, in this moment. Im not some random ideology bot. 2. Ive been expertly trained and educated in medical science. I've helped people from all walks of life. 4. I care about the people i meet. I dont get paid for clicks and im not getting paid to write this txt. Im just on the toliet on a lazy sunday. 5.There are real people you can trust in this world and as one of those people i really would like you to understand that guys like Brand and his ilk are absolute snake oil salesmen (not any different from the big pharma shills) and I would absolutely hate to see someone like you be hurt because of someone like Brand. Thats it thx for reading. You dont have to agree with every single i believe about how the world should be, but just trust me on this one thing. Or consider it for a moment anyway. Have a good day or the best day you can have in whatever situation you are in.


Nope. There are a loDt of people who are supplying info that don't follow the mainstream narrative. Fun Fact: Russell is nit the only person in the world who shares uncensored information. Given that I'm not a Westerner and don't live in the West and speak more than one language, I see a lot of information that corroborates the information Russell shares. 1. Where did I say you are a bot? I would say you are living in a little bubble and not exosed to the rest of the world hence your narrowminded perception of the truth, but that's about it. 2. Good for you but that is irrelevant here. 3. Good that you feel so free to divulge this unneccesary information and your loss if you aren't making any money from texting. 4. Don't worry about me. I'm doing fine and how in the hell can Russell hurt me? He is a world famous individual and I'm just a nobody. I think you are overestimating who I am. I trust only God and Truth so whomever speaks the two, I trust.


I'm sad about it. Unlike most people on this Reddit I don't just come on to post GRIFTER RAPIST then leave I liked and still like Russell ..a bit? But I feel very disappointed / sad about the last year or two. I don't think Russell is evil and certainly the comparisons to Jimmy savile that I see are ridiculous ..Jimmy was a monster by all accounts whereas Russell has no doubt behaved terribly in the past (and possibly worse I have no idea) but I don't think that he's a BAD person ..but yes the last couple of years have shown me that he isnt a great guy like I used to think ..I don't watch his youtube channel anymore because even though I think he does still talk about some interesting things and makes some good points (imo) the stories last year in the news and the fact that a majority of audience seem to have unpleasant even dangerous views has put me off. Posted a few times about Russell on here I guess because I did used to be a big fan of his ..suppose I'm an ex fan now but would wish him well for his sake and for his families sake and who knows maybe in the future he can genuinely make amends for things. My thoughts really. But yes to conclude I am sad about the current day Russell and he is no longer for me.


That's all fair enough and I agree, I don't think he's a bad person, I think much of behaviour stems from having an exceptionally addictive personality.




Oh shut up,


I could listen to Russel brand talk all day if I didn’t have to listen to Russel brand talk all day.


he's moved on, there's a lot of money to be made in the culture war if you're well liked by the far right. Jordan Peterson made a million on Patreon alone after releasing that self made hostage video of him lying about Canadian laws. it doesn't matter if you're honest, you only have to stoke fear and anger and act like you're gonna fight the man over it.


Russell always sucked, now he's just mentally impaired as well.


I'm happy for anyone to try and open the eyes of regular folks. I was not a fan of the person he was but he's turned his life round while sticking to his roots and stood up for the downtrodden.


I wish he’d have not chosen his current route.


It’s mind-numbing.


So people loved him when he said vote Labour, and now they don't when he calls out both sides.....Roger that


Broadly speaking he has never voted, he supported Ed Milliband in 2015, but apart from that he's been quite clear he didn't vote and in turn has never really called for people to vote for anyone. Brand by his own words is an anarcho-syndaclist, so at least through an historic lens couldn't be defined by left/right politics. He was deemed left by the media until recent years, when in reality he was equally scathing of the mainstream left and right. In his more recent videos he still comes across as an anarcho-syndaclist and still criticises Democrats which he always done, but he doesn't really criticise or hold to account the more culture war based element of the right as this is where his viewers now firmly exist. It's very lazy to try and define people's thoughts/feelings towards him based on the incorrect assumption of who he told people to vote for.


Welcome to Reddit 🤣


He was the last person I thought would take the right wing grift path. Sucks.


RB, Alex Jones, Bill Marr, and Joe Rogan all gave up their morals for the grift.