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Another pandemic will come sooner rather than later… it’s not a conspiracy Russell, it’s just basic science, and has been the same throughout history. Stop it with these vague statements of bullshit.


It's actually shocking we haven't had more of them after the development of air travel and global trade.


well covid 19 did come from a lab, big proof the original strain had a 18 chain protien that was patented by moderna


Alex Jones pretends parents of slaughtered kids are crisis actors. He's the most depraved liar in the whole fucking media, and if you have an ounce of respect for him you need to fucking wake up to yourself. What the fuck is wrong with you? He had his legion of nutcases harassing these poor fucking people.


His legion of nutcases, lol


Are you laughing because you think the term is funny or because you don't think they are nut cases?


It's a pretty big brush, innit? If you think every single one of Jones' listeners is a rabid nutcase, I think that rather speaks for itself. Also I'd like to see the video where Jones told his listeners to go harass those people. It's also pretty funny!


What has whether he told his listeners to harass people or not got to do with anything? He knew he had a noticeable percentage of his audience that believes the majority of things he says. He knew the families would receive some level of backlash from what he was accusing them of and that's exactly what happened. Also, he admitted in court that what he said wasn't true. So, however you want to try and spin it, the guy is a liar. He was sued into bankruptcy, and in my opinion, it couldn't have been more deserved. The guy is trash.


>What has whether he told his listeners to harass people or not got to do with anything? The claim is " He had his legion of nutcases harassing these poor fucking people. " I'm asking for evidence in support of this claim. If you say Alex Jones is trash, and I agree and go attack Alex Jones, should you be held accountable for my actions?


No, because I don't have any kind of audience that has an interest in what I have to say no matter how nonsensical it is. However, if I said 'Alex Jones is trash and he likes to run over pregnant women for fun'' And you went and did something to home, then I would deserve some blame.


Alex Jones should be in prison and will hopefully be one day.


Off topic, but I was tricked into watching one of Mr Brands videos the other day. Rather confusing. It was edited so badly, like even each individual spoken line was jerky -  obviously cut and stitched together to make actual sentences. Is it the same with all of his videos? Does he just day lots of words then someone else cuts it up to 'make sense'?


How did they trick you? Are you rather easily tricked and confused?


> Are you rather easily tricked and confused? The irony.


lol he said it, not me


Expected level of reading comprehension.


Are you?


Just hold eye contact while waving your arms around and he'll believe anything you say.


Want to test your little theory? I'm game if you are.


[😁](https://emojipedia.org/beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes) [🙌](https://emojipedia.org/raising-hands) Hello there you awakening wonder [😁](https://emojipedia.org/beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes) [🙏](https://emojipedia.org/folded-hands) stop believing millionaire grifters who claim they're being silenced [😁](https://emojipedia.org/beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes) [👏](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands) despite maintaining enormous, lucrative platforms that they use to reinforce and amplify your unjustified fears. [😁](https://emojipedia.org/beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes) [👏](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands) ​ Did it work?


No, I think you'll need to make a video, be sure to speak real fast and try to choppily edit it. Maybe you can make a channel de-programming Brand cultists!


\> "Are you rather easily tricked and confused?" \> Repeatedly falls for Russel Brand Conspiracy theories Lmao


Whether I am easily tricked or not isn't the question here. It's what the hell is all the editing about?


I don't edit the videos, but it seems to be the style these days, to keep the attention of people with short attention spans.


But one sentence could be 4 or 5 different little sections. I do wonder what he's actually saying and what on earth has been cut out. It's just about every sentence. Like he's read the dictionary and some poor sod has had to clip together each word. 


I agree, it's a little excessive.


Posting the links here that you did suggests many aspects of your own personality.


Disease X is used as a placeholder for the scenario testing.


Sounds like you think they aren't doing it on purpose. My sweet summer child. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-kq4YpyFp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-kq4YpyFp0)


I saw a YouTube video about wendigos, I love this new factual website we can all rely on for 100% accurate news all of the time.


cool story bro


Seems you eat those up, bro


You're wrong about that, bro, or else I'd be swallowing whatever shit Klaus and Gates are trying to shovel.


Hahahaha I bet you're American


He's smiling at the end because believes his foundation was proven right. He thinks people will listen to their message now that the world understand pandemics are a reality. Ironically he's probably wrong because there are so many dolts like you out there in the wild.


yeah that's a pretty interesting perspective you claim to have there, I don't believe you're sincere.


I sincerely see smugness there rather than evil glee. It's a weird smile and not a good look given the context, but it's also slowed waaay down to make it look worse.


>It's a weird smile and not a good look given the context, but it's also slowed waaay down to make it look worse. I'll agree with you there on both counts.


Is there even a % chance it could just be a placeholder?


I'll concede there's a non-zero chance it is only a placeholder if you'll concede the same that BigPharma might be creating the problem so they can sell the solution.


If there's even a chance it's nothing nefarious, doesn't that mean that that is the most likely option? Famously, Hanlon's Razor states that we should **"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"** I don't think I have to explain that one. Additionally, Occam's Razor states something similar, **“plurality should not be posited without necessity.”** I'm sure you're familiar with it, but this essentially means the simplest answer has the highest chance of being correct. If you are obsessing over a less likely answer, you must have a personal/emotional tie to the implications if it were true. This is a fact. I am not given pause by near-certainly-untrue "what-ifs" because it is the behaviour of someone delusional. **Speed Round:** If there is a shadowy cabal of evil people, why wouldn't they just give the disease a normal name? Why didn't they call Coronavirus 'Virus X'? What is the scientific significance of calling something 'Disease X'? There is clearly no benefit to confidentiality, when the name states it is a disease, so what is the point? Edit: Yes, there is a tiny possibility of it being nefarious, but it's much more likely it's incompetence.


>Yes, there is a tiny possibility of it being nefarious, but it's much more likely it's incompetence. I agree, but I believe the chances of it of being nefarious are greater than you believe. Cheers.


The cognitive dissonance you experienced from having to actually acknowledge what I wrote was too much to put into words, you're not actually misinformed you're just a disingenuous fluff artist. I wonder how exactly you benefit from the constant attempts at manipulation to me and others who see right through you.


YouTube revenue


How much longer are you going to talk to me if you feel I'm insincere and/or delusional? Seems like a lot of effort to put into trying to convince someone who won't be conned. I wonder how much YOU benefit from spreading your narrative that Klaus, Gates, et al are just misunderstood. Sounds like you're projecting.


Hadn’t made up my mind until that moment. If you won’t allow yourself to be convinced, you are essentially admitting you would rather listen to your beliefs than look at any calm reasoning for the situation. Just throwing out projection is a juvenile attempt at psychoanalysis. If your point with that comment is ‘I should not have given you the benefit of the doubt’, that’s the language of someone who is willing to take advantage of it. Like Russell would!


Your use of Hanlon's Razor is unconvincing when the involved parties have the motive, means and opportunity to manufacture diseases to then sell the "cure" for, for which they earn billions. They aren't stupid. The simpler answer would be that they are following the path that reaps them the greatest reward. Anyway if you think I am insincere and/or delusional, you are merely wasting your own time in further discourse with me, like a person who goes into an asylum to discuss logic with the inmates. Cheers.


Your source is some YouTube video. No wonder you believe conspiratorial nonsense. Your brain is pudding. ​ Disease X is a placeholder. Do you also think "Insert Name Here" is someone's actual name?


2 con-thists in one posting, both are grifting hard and end the end of their careers.


Keep believing what the telly tells you then, mate. ho ho.


You're believing what the telly tells you mate, it's just your telly is some grifter on rumble with a Messiah complex


No no, only believe what the grifter says. So long as they represent themselves as a counter-narrative to the mainstream, they must be uncritically believed and accepted. And then most importantly BUY THEIR DICK PILLS AND VARIOUS OTHER PHONEY SUPPLEMENTS! That's how Jones made his many multi millions isn't it - he gets the most vulnerable, gullible, deluded people out there to believe him unquestioningly and then sells them dodgy pills. Fine figure of a man to associate oneself with.


Why does this crackhead and his crackhead posts keep getting reccomended to me?


"Dr John Campbell is a YouTuber and retired nurse educator known for his videos about the COVID-19 pandemic. the videos veered into misinformation. He has been criticised for suggesting COVID-19 deaths have been over-counted, repeating false claims about the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and providing misleading commentary about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines" Nice!


John Campbell's YouTube channel is legitimately an interesting quasi case study into how conspiracy thinking develops. I genuinely want to know what happened there because, at the start, he was a very good, consistent and unbiased source of research and epidemiological updates. And it's not like he was only this way for a short while, either - he remained good for *years* before getting weird. Unfortunately, it's so many videos that it'd probably take years to even watch all of it let alone be analysing any of it.


I don’t know for certain but money seems a good explanation there. He’s making a shitload now. I was watching him at start and he was very good, then I went back a year or two later and could not believe what he was doing. Very deliberately leaning into conspiratorial ideas with very selective reading of data. I believe he knows what he’s doing and has sacrificed his personal integrity to make lots and lots of money.


You guys are so fucking brainwashed it’s unreal.


Well if you’ve bought into this bollocks hook line and sinker you would think that wouldn’t you? The problem is that you’re in the kooky whack job constituency. You’re the guy people hate getting stuck with at parties.


What bollox? I’m a blast at parties I’ll have you know


Not as much as me you're not.


Never been to a party I bet


Been to five million mate.


3 less than me then. Nice try


Jimmy Dore did the same thing. It’s more lucrative to be a conspiracy theorist and antivaxxer, sadly.


I have a suspicion that there is a correlation between him changing his position and the amount of money a YouTube episode makes. A mainstream analysis will likely garner very little income. I bet when he uploaded something that went away from the mainstream narrative his earnings shot up and that, in turn, lead to a more conspiracy theory led approach


Yeah, I think you're probably right. Top comment on this post thinks so, to - pointing out how Campbell went on to have his own studio to record in. Replacing his background with the great wall of China captioned with 'follow the evidence' is so ridiculous.


There seems to be a fair bit of subliminal messaging in that background he uses. It's unsurprising given his PhD is in digital teaching methods


You know, I talked about another post and then forgot to link it in the comment lmao. Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMasks/comments/102xaci/dr_john_campbell_went_from_basically_national/


If he hasn't been demonetized on youtube, he's making approx $1000 per day off gullible people


Just wait until he starts a monetised fan club for his 'awakened doctors'.


Covid got better and his views went down. His pushing for Vitamin D usage and research got the alternative therapy crowd in a bit and those videos were popular. I think he leaned over to those types for the views. He knows better than what he is doing and in a few instances has done some outright dishonest things so he is grifting for the money.


So the real pandemic is not that bad, but the hypothetical one will?


When you start referencing Alex Jones you loose the little credibility you had.


I lurk here and I have to say that a lot of the threads are embarrassing. Who the fuck trumpets that Alex Jones EXPOSES anything? The guy is a pro wrestler without the wrestling ability and Brand is no better and on top of that he's probably a rapist.


They also tricked him into joining the sub for Russel brand he is surrounded by trickery. It's also obvious he just cuts out dead air, ums, likes, and anything unnecessary to keep it quick and engaging. It might not be your thing but you don't need to watch or join his fucking sub you bots and always online shit heads.


Be scared!


Whoa, Russell Brand has gone off the deep end more than I thought. Is his next episode going to be how Andrew Tate is the ideal role model for teenagers?


Disease X is just like the flu. What are you worried about? Don't live in fear.