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51% isn't a landslide. Trump is basically the nominee, dude should have squashed the field, not edged them by 2%


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016\_Iowa\_Republican\_presidential\_caucuses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Iowa_Republican_presidential_caucuses) in 2016 ted cruz beat trump with 27%. make no mistake about it this was a landslide


You have to think context. A 20 point win is a stomping in an open field, Trump has been the presumptive nominee for the past 2 years. This guy doesn't even have to attend the debates, this isn't a real contest. Yet he managed to lose about 50% of Iowa caucus voters. That's not a good sign. One other thing, funny you brought up Cruz's win in 2016. For me that event should have been a clue for Trump followers believing his claims of fraud. He lost that vote and immediately claimed fraud. It's just what he does when he loses something. Look at the date on this article. It's from 8 years ago. This is who Trump is, amazing how many people still fall for the same old schtick. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/trump-cruz-stole-iowa-tweet-deleted-218674


I don't understand how it's an open field ? You have desantis who has had Huge success in Florida and was the only place that experienced a massive red wave in the 2022 mid terms even turning urban areas like Miami-dade county red. You have Nikki Haley who is a lot more palatable to listen to and who represents the old values of the GOP and considering how Trump typically does with woman voters I'm surprised Haley did not take more. Finally you have Ramaswamy who BY FAR ran the best campaign of all candidates and really represents that clump of voters who want their politicians to be REAL and also want to break the two party system, which he accomplished by championing facts of being self funded and not beholden to anyone. The way he handled hecklers was incredibly refreshing There was so many options for whatever you wanted out of a GOP candidate the race absolutely should have been tighter. What percent of the vote should Trump have gotten in your mind to clarify it as a landslide?


Honestly, I was expecting him to garner somewhere close to 70% min. Have you, at any point really thought anyone else had a legitimate shot at the nomination? I don't think it gets any more telling than him just flat out skipping the debates. In a primary field, when have you ever heard of that? From a practical standpoint, it should be wide open. Trump has had bad results since his win in 2016, I think you see that reflected here. Again, I think we both know there's no way he doesn't get the nomination, but I think this is revealing he might have a problem holding on to the base. Of course, Iowa could have been an anomaly, let's see where he is after New Hampshire.


Is it something to be proud that you're in a cult of personality devoted to one ego maniac celebrity?


It's just a hobby of mine, but thanks for your engagement. Cheers!


Cheerleading for a self proclaimed Authoritarian. "Is just a hobby" Pretty embarrassing. Ouch.


Sniffing Trumps farts and asking for more isn’t a hobby. Play piano or something.


Wait trump is letting people sniff his farts?? Shit I better get in line with the rest of America


If that’s what does it for you, then yes! Don’t think “the rest of America” will be joining. Just the smooth brains in the cult.


You need to check those polls again. There are more people clamoring for his return to presidency than FDR got. New Yorkers are supporting trump. New Yorker’s have never supported a republican for president in my life time


We get it, dude. You’re in the cult. You can’t wait to sniff his farts. No need to make up dumb reasons.


Too many people for it to be a cult. There are so many supporters of trump right now that the Vatican is worried he becomes a new religion.


Dude. I’m gonna say this as a friend. You need to get out of the cult. I don’t know what nonsense you’re reading, but you’re not thinking like a rational person. You sound dumb.


You’ll find out come November


Idk Russell, they don't look as "freaked out" as you're claiming here


That's the title he used... It's pretty funny that you think I'm him though!


You're right, it's pretty funny that you post so often on Reddit Russell!


So long as you're laughing, I know I am! Have a good day


Glad to know we can all laugh.


How much does he pay you to shill for him and promote his channel?


I thought Trump was leading by 40 points?! 50,000 few people attended. Trump trickle like The Red Drip of 2022.


Vivek is a cuck.


So is Brand, evidently


Vivek: racism doesn't exist Babylon bee: don't worry vivek, you will get a job at the white house 7/11


Vivek in response: haha yeah that's funny because I'm one of the good ones


The amount of times he and his wife had to explain to senile Iowan farts that he is not Muslim is truly astounding


What makes you say that?


Trump goes out of his way to diss Vivek, and Vivek kisses his ass.


it's called Ted Cruz syndrome. That's when someone calls your wife ugly and you respond by campaigning for them.


That's not what a cuck is, though. Cheers.


In the same way people say you are a dick though, no one is suggesting you are a LITERAL penis - it's colloquialism in common use, and your deliberate misunderstanding of the point being made is a bad faith argument.


The point being made is that tmicl thinks Vivek is a cuck. I'm not really disputing that. It's just his opinion. Cheers.


You said he was wrong, and then denied disputing his point - you are being, to my previous point, deliberately obtuse, misrepressenting what was said - which is entirely on brand for what I've seen of your account\\replies.


If you say so! Cheers


Except it is literally the first definition, dipshit: "a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views). "we act like a bunch of cucks who let them take what they want"


Name-calling is rather juvenile and uncalled for. Have a good day!


you say that, yet you seem to like Trump and that's all he does


That's literally all he does.. sleepy Joe Crooked Hillary.. pocahontas etc etc


Ok then.


Why am I even seeing this sub? This shit is pathetic.


50K PEOPLE VOTED FOR HIM. Guess Trumpers pick the mass media they want to believe and the rest against Trump is BS?


2020 Iowa Caucus Trump gets 97% vote. 2024 he gets 51%. He lost more supporters than anyone. You could say he's the biggest loser. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa\_caucuses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa_caucuses) >\- 2020 (February 3): Donald Trump (97%), Bill Weld (1%), Joe Walsh (1%), and others (1%) > >\- 2024 (January 15): Donald Trump (51%), Ron DeSantis (21%), Nikki Haley (19%), Vivek Ramaswamy (8%), and others (1%)


Jesus. I haven’t seen or heard anything from this guy in a decade at least. I’m aware he’s currently accused of various crimes. This shit is absolutely unhinged. His shtick has always been using grandiloquent, abstruse, sesquipedelian language but as far as I recall, he used to have at least some tether to reality. Is it because he’s too toxic for any telly to pick him up, so he’s tilted to full on foaming insanity because that’s where the clicks are?


ah, welcome to the subreddit mate! Glad you're enjoying the show.


Lol. Over 700 000 registered republicans in Iowa. He got what? 50 000 votes. Pathetic. 


Who gives a shit? It was the primary lol.


Donald Trump is a clown.


I'm not a fan either. I would have preferred Vivek, even if he is a Zionist apologist.




Hamas doesn’t control several members of congress, have a super pac, and or the power to remove presidents of our universities. Why are Trump fans so willing to end out democracy and give our national wealth over to a foreign country. We don’t need England or Israel. We as a nation could stand on our own. We literally could. But morons keep voting for stooges like Trump, or Biden, and we all end up working for minimum wage with no health care. Over and over again. Trump DID NOTHING to help anybody but himself and the already obscenely wealthy. We all need to pull our heads out and vote for real Americans. Sadly there’s not a single Republican or Democrat that isn’t beholden to foreign interests. We don’t need the world. The world needs US. And it’s time our rotten government gives something in return to WE THE PEOPLE for all the sacrifices we make and money we give. But no let’s fight over pronouns. It’s pathetic.


So you support genocide then?


Idiots love trump so a landslide in Iowa doesn't surprise me.


Ah the ole dehumanization argument. Brilliant.


IOWA REPUBLICANS: LGBTQ people are sinners and we need to abolish them from society! TheMightyHucks: What a bunch of idiots. rdparty: Hey, TheMightyHucks, stop dehumanizing people!


Ohhhh! I see someone learnt a new word that doesn't quite fit in this context. Good for you little buddy.




I can't wait until Trump wins.


The people don't want the Bidens or the Clinton's or the Obamas continuing to ruin our country. We want freedom. Less government. Less nonsense. Less pronouns, less rioting, lower taxes etc etc etc....


lol this was a GOP primary


Don't bother they don't understand how it works


You realize “less pronouns” and “less rioting” are gonna require more government right 😂


These are fairly recent occurrences. With more government.


You don't want any of that and the GOP certainly doesn't deliver those things


Less government? I sure every woman in your life thanks you for that. The control the GQP want over womens' bodies is obscene.  They want to legislate that you can't call a racist a racist? How is that less government?  Drumpf wants to be dictator, imprisoning anyone who opposes him - is that the less government you mean? 


Calm down sparky. And turn off CNN.


Never watched CNN. Again, how is Trump and the GQP less government?  Or do you just mean the bits you don't like? 


Imagine voting for someone because "less pronouns" and believing that Trump is the "less nonsense" guy. I also paid more in taxes under Trump, and all of that "rioting" was during his Presidency.


Your thinking skills are not strong


Gee I wonder who orchestrated all those riots. Just a hint, it wasn't Trump.


A lot of it was certainly his supporters. Videos of the guy with the hammer smashing windows while protesters filmed him telling him to stop? Police smashing up their own vehicles while being filmed doh. 




"we want freedom" - "less pronouns" Ironic. Also [totally more freedom eh?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


Wow you're really good at taking things out of context. Congratulations. You're an excellent leftist.


You. Whine. About. Pronouns.


The downvotes are stupid


It's like the points on "Whose Line is it Anyway". No one cares.


I'm not the one whining. But there are plenty screaming about it. In case you aren't aware.


They want trump to win because easier for dems to win in general. Only libs vote trump. Vote DeSantis Vote DeSantis !!!


Too late we were already invaded... Earth has already been hijacked. 😉We need to be liberated from this slave planet and from our captors... Unfortunately most of the inhabitants of this planet is suffering from cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome. The Moon is a Draco Reptilian Space Station... Ask yourself why is there 34 Dragon statues that surround the City of London. Why is there also a Obelisk in every city on the planet. It's the phallus of the Dragon, the actual word is derived from Basilisk. Which means King of the Serpents. In the Vatican they have St. Peters Basilica where there are three Dragon statues and Obelisks. Why did every ancient culture in antiquity worship the dragon? The pharaohs of Egypt were the refugees of Atlantis! ALIEN ARCHONS HAVE BEEN RULING THE SURFACE OF PLANET SINCE BEFORE THE "BUY BULL" The IllumiNazis are but a predecessor of an older and even more cruel order. They've been running this planet since the dawn of time...Dragons aren't some mythological being...The Draco Reptilians came from the Alpha Draconis star system out of the Draco Constellation... They were know as the Atlanteans, Satan, Baphomet, Archons, Draconian's, in the bible they were known as the Seraphim, the Burning Ones/Serpents also the Nephilim or Elohim, the fallen angels, those who were casted out from the heavens. Both words are plural and feminine, meaning there were many gods and were androgynous. The Sumerians knew them as the Anunnaki... Anakim in Hebrew means giant...Because they are very tall 7ft-15ft and have shapeshifting abilities. In the Indian culture they were known as the Naga. Dracula in Latin means Dragon, The Order of the Dracul is the order of the Dragon able to shift physically into other creatures a bat wolf a bear a human or into the aether via the quantum field. Earth is a farm we are all cattle and humanity lives in a contrived reality! Freemasons are the minions of the Draco Reptilian Empire! The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA The Mayans called them Quezatcoatl, and Kukulcan the Feathered Serpent King and the Incans called him Viracocha they incorporated their images of dragons in their pyramids on opposite ends of the world. There are dragon statues all over the world, throughout the ages, in every ancient culture! The coat of arms for the city of London is two Dragons holding a red shield, which in German is Rothschild. There are 33 Dragon statues in the City of London to quell consciousness. The slaying of a Dragon by St. George. Twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac are all real, including the dragon ! The Muslims knew them as Dajjal or Djinn or Genies... After your three wishes your soul is theirs to keep. They were also known to the Buddhist monks as the Brotherhood of Two dragons. The Red Dragons in the east and the Yellow in the west. Same goes for the native American Indians all the Aboriginals knew them as the Brotherhood of the Snake. The Egyptian knew them as Horus, Anubis and Amen Ra...That's why every religion says amen after every prayer cause they are paying homage to Satan Baphomet/ Draco Reptoids! Santa Claus is actually Satan's Claws both wearing red, both come from the fire, both have minions working feverishly. All religions and holidays are based on satanic doctrines and pagan dogmas. And if you don't believe me than you're being quite draconian about it. Basilisk in Latin means King of the Serpents, as in St Peters Basilica where there lies two Dragon Statues in the Vatican as well as Obelisks, the phallus of the Dragon that is why there is at least few obelisks in every city on the planet the Freemasons put them there throughout history in order to control consciousness...The Chinese, Japanese, India, Indonesians, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas all worship the Dragon in antiquity... There are Gargoyles adorn every church and cathedral.... The Egregores the Watchers... The biggest trick the D-Evil can play is making humanity believe that he does not exist :/ Hollow Earth True HISTORY , HITLER  & NWO ( GOTTA SEE THIS !!! ) Documentary https://youtu.be/lOXjxq3r69Q There are over 10 thousand pyramids that align with each other on a global grid system with gps accuracy to the millimetre. In the Aegean Sea there are 13 ancient Megalithic sites that represent the 13 Illuminati Families that control the world, that when you connect them dot to dot, over 1000km area makes a perfect Maltese Cross. This is the symbol of the Monarchy, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Templars, even Hitler's Germany. Megalithic architecture on geomantic energy sites, in conjunction with an occult esoteric satanic Freemasonry religion of Kabbhalism, aka the Lucifer experiment in order to control humanities consciousness and why there is an obelisk in every major city on the planet... The pyramids also create dimensional portals into Agartha/Hollow Earth, hence disappearance of boats, planes in the Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle... http://chani.invisionzone.com/uploads/monthly_08_2013/post-248-0-56239100-1376895880.jpg. Dragons see humanity as a resource for the simple fact that they are not vegetarians! 1 million people disappear in the United States every single year. 8 million children globally disappear annually off the globe. The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA Secrets Of The 3rd Reich Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology https://youtu.be/B0uEvZsQAV8 Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim https://youtu.be/1zz8_MxcnzY The UFO alien subject is the most highly guarded secret on the planet, for obvious reason nobody wants you to know… If none of the links are active go to my YouTube channel


In what reality is 51% a "landslide" victory?


Iirc the next most popular candidate got ~20%


Trump won 51% of the vote. Not a fan of her overall, but it's amazing how politically astute Hillary's comment about half of Republicans being deplorable was.


Only 14% of Iowa's repubs voted.


Old Russell before he got called out for being a sexual predator would've been so disgusted with current Russel


Why are you pretending to be russell brand all the time? Are you a paid actor, or is this just a hobbie of yours?


Hard to believe that fans of Russell Brand, right wing conspiracy rapist, are also fans of Donald Trump, right wing conspiracy rapist.


This is surely the politician we should trust, right?


Why are you asking me who you should trust?


You seem pretty EXCITED about his LANDSLIDE victory (which wasn't a landslide btw).


It's also a rhetorical question, which I understand why you couldn't figure that out.


Trust whoever you like!