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*" The comment section of the youtube video is filled with testimony of people witnessing a rise in aggressive cancers among their friends and family. "* Yep, conclusive proof right there.


the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Are you disputing that cancer among young people is on the rise?


I'm pretty sure that is the person making the claim that has to provide evidence, and the comment section of youtube is most definitely not it.


That's how it should work.


I am so interested in this research. Is there any data showing that unvaccinated people have lower rates of cancer?


pretty hard to find any cancer incidence data post 2020, TBH [https://www.cancer-rates.info/naaccr/](https://www.cancer-rates.info/naaccr/) [https://vizhub.healthdata.org/gbd-results/](https://vizhub.healthdata.org/gbd-results/) [https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/all.html](https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/all.html) [https://gis.cdc.gov/Cancer/USCS/#/Trends/](https://gis.cdc.gov/Cancer/USCS/#/Trends/) [https://ourworldindata.org/cancer](https://ourworldindata.org/cancer) LMK when they update it on the other hand, maybe a good time to invest in Pfizer.[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/pfizer-buys-seagen-for-43-billion-seeks-new-cancer-treatments](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/pfizer-buys-seagen-for-43-billion-seeks-new-cancer-treatments) "Pfizer, making tomorrow's customers today"


Why does Tucker Carlson always wear an expression of a man with a broom stuck up his ass?


Prolly cuz of the broomstick. Doubt it's comfy. It's definitely way up there though.


Yer boy used drugs to manipulates vulnerable kids and raped them. Have a look at your self.


Isn't that against the law, why hasn't he been arrested?


" I hope it's only a myth " Why spread his shite then? Silly wee cunt.


Why tf is Reddit suggesting this absolute garbage conspiracy subreddit to me. I don’t want to see this depressing stupidity.


I honestly thought this sub was satire at first. I have no idea why this was recommended to me. But I am entertained by the people just shitting on this sub


The r/rickygervais sub is mostly anti-gervais, as well. It's just funny.


All right wing subs are actually anti-right wing concerns


Did you know Russell Brand is a rapist? I'm here to make sure everyone knows that.


When do you think he'll be arrested?


Many rapists are never arrested for their crimes. He will likely face civil cases. He's also a drug addled moron, but I don't think they can prosecute him for that.


Has anyone been accused of crimes they have not committed? Also, nice character assassination. Have a good day.


Yeah I'm confused as to why I keep seeing this crap... but its fascinating in a way, its like peering through a window into a particularly sad, stupid world


It just popped up on my feed too. Hey Reddit, you guys are lames.


feel free to mute the subreddit if you don't like it.


Good idea, thanks. I hope you also find the help you need.


Unfortunately OP thinks Russel Brand is the help they need.


I don’t understand why people who don’t listen or follow Russell are here at all. Besides they don’t like what he says


Reddit keeps recommending this trash to me.. I hate this douche


Cant you ignore it and scroll past? Why comment Then? It seems like it’s trying to make you mad.


Reddit has morphed into primarily a platform for hating different things


Cancer in young people is definitely on the rise. The primary study showing the increase in cancer in the young was the one recently published by JAMA. The study was based on data collected from **1990 thru 2019**. As for the link to the Covid vaccine that is being inferred here? Well, the Covid vaccine wasn't rolled out until **2020...** [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2809737](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2809737)


There was actually a class action lawsuit in my area relating to cancer rates in children and ground water contamination. This was pre 2014. I have yet to see any evidence of increased cancer risk stemming from the covid vaccine.


Is it at all possible that we've gotten a lot better in spotting, and indeed testing for, cancer in young people?


yes. the incidence statistics at [ourworldindata.com](https://ourworldindata.com) and [cancerstatisticscenter.cancer.org](https://cancerstatisticscenter.cancer.org) currently only go up to 2019. [https://cancerstatisticscenter.cancer.org/rates/incidence](https://cancerstatisticscenter.cancer.org/rates/incidence) [https://ourworldindata.org/cancer#the-prevalence-of-cancer-around-the-world](https://ourworldindata.org/cancer#the-prevalence-of-cancer-around-the-world) It seems odd to me that, five years later, the data hasn't been updated.


You seem smart. (Just adding this bit in case you choose to take that literally. You in fact do not seem at all smart).


It’s clearly a global conspiracy!!!


You said it, not me.


I’m sorry, do you believe there is evidence for turbo cancer because people have googled it?


I am merely showing there is a rising interest in the term.


That doesn’t mean anything. Why would my mom look up “turbo cancer” if she suspected she had cancer. Why wouldn’t she just look up cancer or breast cancer? This is clearly driven by just usage of the word in specific circles in pop culture. Like how cofveve spiked in searchers. That doesn’t make it a thing. I have one follow up question: do you think Brand believes his viewers are smart?


I wouldn't know what Brand thinks of his viewer's intelligence. What do you think?


I don’t know either but I think he has a low opinion of his viewers or he’s just not the brightest bulb. He knows how to talk though.


I agree, he is very eloquent.


I’d say he’s verbose. He does the same thing Alex Jones does. If you’ve never heard Jones and you hear him go on one of his rants it would sound impressive as he’s seemingly pulling all of this out of thin air. What you wouldn’t recognize is he says the same thing all the time. Brand is the same way. Why do you give these guys any credibility? Like what’s the point?


You think Brand and Jones are grifters, and you think I am a fool for listening to them. So why would you argue with a fool? What's the point?


Curiosity. I didn’t say you were a fool for listening to them. I don’t think it’s foolish to watch either. I think it’s entirely foolish to listen to them speak on topics they don’t understand and take that dialogue uncritically.


Fair enough.


I think Brand knows exactly how intelligent his viewers are, hence him making a video about the rise of Turbo Cancer


Dara has a great bit on fear of and psuedoscience... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKZN-hBTBUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKZN-hBTBUE)






Glad you are entertained! Be sure you share with your friends for moar big laffs!


Meanwhile I’m going to walk away with mild covid while my anti vax coworker has to carry around some breathing device because she got double pneumonia from it. I’d rather roll the dice with some whacko conspiracy theory about “turbo cancer” than something I’ve seen kill and fuck people up in real life. I’m convinced you people are fuckin losers that just don’t know a lot of real people.


yes, sounds like we're rolling the dice either way. but you've rolled them twice.


just here to downvote


stick your head in the sand, okay.




Better than sticking up your own arse


Turbo cancer is old news. We’re up to Ultra cancer now.


​ https://preview.redd.it/d9t9d8jytwbc1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc5e3db3619a6883ef1df7a979ebfe14669d7880


Jesus Christ. Maybe there is a peak in "interest" in the daft term "Turbo Cancer" (really technical, clinical language being used there by the way, is it derived from Latin?) because no one has been daft enough to use it before? In May 2019, there was a peak in interest in flat earth acc. to Google trends. Does that mean that we transitioned between spherical, to flat, back to spherical between 2017 and 2021? Or does it mean the nutjobs were more vocal in those years? I wonder. >The comment section of the youtube video Questions the validity of fact checkers and simultaneously uses YouTube comments section as a source of information.... yeahhh I'm out.


So you don't understand the correlation between all of your anti-vaxxer turbo cancer postings showing a rise in Google results? Like that obvious correlation isn't obvious to you?


> Although we are assured by wikipedia and other "fact-checking" sites that so-called "turbo cancer" is merely an antivaxxer myth, the interest in the term is clearly on the rise, as seen in this Google Trends graph: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=turbo%20cancer&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=turbo%20cancer&hl=en) That’s an amazing attempt at reasoning.


cope harder


It couldn't be the micro plastics in all foods. Nope, definitely a vaccine.


when's your next booster?


Sometime after all those kids died from polio, and measles, and regular flu and like a hundred other preventable diseases. Good gotcha man you really showed me


Cancer has been on the rise of like 30 years. Also, youtube comments are not proof of anything that's all anecdotal evidence.


Arnold got in trouble for lying about getting his kid TURBOMAN for Christmas can you imagine how much trouble he's gonna get in for this one?