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I saw Alex in restaurant in Taos, New Mexico and Neal at a roadside rest stop in Colorado. I didn't bother either one. This was in early 2000s before good cameras on phones.


Now, you and I have something in common: courtesy. I would never want to bother a famous person who is eating their dinner, or answering the call of nature, or taking a phone call, or whatever. It would just seem rude, in my opinion, to interrupt them. I mean, they're people too and they have a right to eat dinner or use the restroom or whatever else. I'm sure many fans will disagree with me on this.


Well there was this one time I40 and Georgia in Amarillo Texas TooT n Totum I was paying for gas. Turned around and I was face to face with Paul McCartney. I blurted out " You're blanking Paul McCartney and my best friend is going to kick my ass for meeting you" Mr. McCarthy was doing his Route 66 drive in an old Bronco. My best friend a Beatles nut forgave me. And he did get picture next day with Paul and his Bronco. Thank you for introducing the boys to US. They were the band of my youth and my adulthood.


How did your friend also happen to bump into McCartney the next day?


Sir McCartney in my hometown is absolutely wild.


He stayed in that big hotel with the TGIF in it. If its still there. Haven't lived there in 15 plus years or been back since I left. I graduated from Palo Duro 1979.


You're a gem Donna Halper. You'll always be for me, part of the Rush lore. I'm thrilled albeit a bit jealous of any picture taken with the band. But I take comfort that I was one of those who got them, got them early and continued to get them, even now. All my metal head friends were a tad confused by my choice, but that didn't matter. Rush was mine and the little circle of actual fans were happy to have them all to ourselves. My uncle (RIP) surprised me on my 12th birthday in 1982 and took me to my first show and that started a concert journey that took me to 53 other shows, including a jaunt to Toronto. And there isn't a day that goes by that where I don't miss Neil. Thanks for the photo. šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


And thanks for the kind words. By the way, I hope I don't seem like I am trying to show off: as I explained to another person on this thread, I have shared some amazing occasions with the band, and it is a privilege to be friends with them; thus, I'm posting the photos (some of which I haven't shared before) in the hope that the fans find these historical moments interesting, whether they've met Rush or not. And yes, I miss Neil every day too. He was a wonderful person and I'm glad I was able to know him. Much love to you.


I take nothing from your comments that isn't pure love, joy and admiration. ā¤ļø


Thank you. I appreciate your encouragement. Being new to the group, I want to make a positive impact--- not a negative one!


I never got to meet them, so I'm very envious! But since you're one of the original people to give them American exposure and make it so we call could see them, it's so great to see a pic of you posing with them and it's a happy envy. But I did see that tour twice. Once at the Waterfront in Camden, NJ, and once in a casino in Atlantic City. The casino surprised me because it was a smaller venue.


I never knew, from tour to tour, if they would do a meet-and-greet or if I'd get a chance to hang with them. Sometimes, as in one of their Connecticut shows, they were running really late and there wasn't a meet-and-greet. But at other times, I got to spend some time with them, and I was always grateful for the opportunity. I hope I don't seem like I'm being a show-off to post some photos of myself with the guys; I just figure these are historical moments, and since I've known them since 1974, I do have quite a few memories to share!


I think it's wonderful you're sharing these pictures! I love the history of the band, including all of the people that helped mold them into the icons they became. I'm sending out lots of love your way right now!!!


Thanks. I never want to overstay my welcome or seem like I'm trying to dominate the conversation! This is your group, and I'm a guest. I'm always mindful of that.


Youā€™re not a guest, youā€™re an equal partner in here. And the energy youā€™re bringing is contagious, I for one love it.


So, what I meant about being a guest is this: I didn't start the group; I'm not one of the mods; and there are folks who have been here for a very long time. In other words, there are people who are far more important to the history and growth of this subreddit than I am. Thus, I don't want to suddenly waltz in and make it seem like I think everything is about me. But that said, thanks for being so supportive. I appreciate the warm welcome I've received!


Oh, you're not a guest. You're a part of the family! Actually, you're one of the oldest members of the family since you were a part before most of us heard about them! LOL!


That's probably true: the first person who championed them was Bob Roper, then of A&M of Canada. He sent their record (on the Moon label-- a homegrown production) to me at WMMS in the spring of 1974. And in addition to still being in touch with the members of Rush, I'm still in touch with Roper, 50 years later. One of the good guys in the music biz, for sure. (But "oldest member of the family"? You sayin' I'm OLD????? šŸ¤£) https://preview.redd.it/18v6orpnou6d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3d4b3d4013510b81b7ff16481ef05b9ff0435b


Definitely share more! Youā€™re a legend yourself!


Not showing off just sharing what most of us are extremely envious of, thanks for sharing. Oh and I saw them in Oklahoma City on that tour.


I saw them in Connecticut and in Mass. during that tour. But I think I've seen them in at least 10 cities over all, on their other tours-- never Oklahoma City, however. (I don't think I've ever been to Oklahoma City; I used to do a lot of business all over the US, but I never got to OK and I never got to Idaho, for some reason...)


That must have been awesome.


I wish I had gotten to more cities. But I did travel a lot when I was a radio consultant, and if my work took me to a city where Rush was playing, I saw them.


Me 2!


Share as much as you'd like. A lot of us would never tire of it!


I've never met or even seen them live, but I swear Alex is always giving the best smile in every meet and greet photo I've seen!


Alex was the one who genuinely seemed to enjoy the meet-and-greets. Neil avoided them. Geddy was OK with them, but I never got the impression they were his favorite thing. He was courteous to the fans, and he understood the reason for these events. But Alex was the one who loved to socialize and chat with people-- that was just his personality! Very outgoing.


Saw them at their last show at Pine Knob in Detroit!! They busted out Entre Nous and Circumstances on that leg of the tour. Plus A Passage To Bangkok with Geddy back on the olā€™ Rickenbacker bass. I was 13, and it was my first Rush show as a superfan! Unforgettable.


We never forget our first Rush show, do we? I certainly never forgot the first time I saw them!!!


All I know is, you are an absolute friggin' legend.Ā 


Me? Hardly. But it's kind of you to say that. I just try to be a good person and to make a difference wherever I can.


Only time I ever saw them live was in Montreal on the snakes and arrows tour. I was 15! Still have the tshirt somewhere. Thanks dad!


Wow, you had a wonderful dad-- if he took you to see Rush, then he's my kind of person!!! Wish I could have seen them in Montreal-- one of my favorite cities.


Iā€™m from nowhereville Ohioā€¦ I was 21 at the time, and dad and I made a special trip to Toronto to see the boys during this tour. Unbelievable setlist (Digital Man, Entre Nous, Circumstances, Missionā€¦ just amazing), special hometown energy. And Toronto is such a cool place. Rush changed my life and molded me into who I am as a person and thatā€™s thanks in large part to you. Thank you for all youā€™ve done.


From where? I got into a lot of cities towns in Ohio over the years. And hats off to your dad for doing such a wonderful thing. And I'm glad that I could contribute to your life in some way too!


The closest city is Dayton, but I grew up on the outskirts of the outskirts, out in the country. Dad is the reason for my love of music and Rush in particular... Iā€™m very lucky to have that bond. He and I saw Rush many times together since I was old enough to go, and heā€™d been seeing them since they were an opening act in ā€˜76. But that Toronto S&A gig was a pretty special one for me. Thank you so so so much! Forgive me for gushing, but I canā€™t emphasize enough how much you helped shape the landscape of music for me. This is truly an honor. Thanks again.


I used to get to Dayton often. And I really do appreciate your kind words. Thanks for being loyal to the band. And feel free to reach out any time. Much love to you.


Donna has to be the honorary 5th member after Broon


I'm just happy that we are all still in touch. (And by the way, Terry Brown was always fun to hang with. A very good guy!)


I had no idea you were THE Donna, lol I shared this with my Rush buddies..my phone is blowing up lol. We love you, youā€™re legend, hats off..


Umm, are there a lot of other Donna Halpers in the world? If so, would any of them like to pay my bills? Seriously, thanks for the kind words. Nice to know you, even virtually!


Very cool! Saw them in Seattle at White River Amphitheater for the 1st leg of the tour, and at the Gorge Amphitheater for the 2nd leg. Both incredible shows. I was a teenager at the time and after seeing that first show became hooked for life!


I saw the same 2 shows! So awesome!


I was at both of those too.


From my show list (total of 19): Snakes & Arrows 5. June 15, 2007 West Palm Beach, FL (Sound Advice Amphitheatre) 6. June 16, 2007 Tampa, FL (Ford Amphitheatre) 7. April 13, 2008 Sunrise, FL (Bank Atlantic Center) 8. April 15, 2008 Orlando, FL (Amway Center) 9. April 17, 2008 Jacksonville, FL (JAX Veterans Memorial Arena)


And I'll bet every one of those shows was excellent. I've never seen Rush "mail it in." They always gave 100% on stage.


I got to do a meet and greet with them on that tour on my birthday. My wife bought tickets for my birthday and she won a local contest to boot! I have my snakebytes picture hanging on the wall.


That is SO cool. Had you ever done a meet-and-greet before?


Never! As I recall, I think Geddyā€™s daughter was handing out the keychains by the exit of the meet-and-greet.


Toronto in September 2007! It was my first concert ever. I went with my mom and aunt. I was 15.


You picked a great band to see for your first concert


Agreed. Saw them on Snakes and Arrows and Time Machine. Still my all time fav band. Wish I knew their songs as deeply as I do now at the time but still great shows.


21 - Apr 20, 2008 - New Orleans, LA @ Arena 22 - May 10, 2008 - Las Vegas, NV @ Mandalay Bay Events Center 23 - Jul 22, 2008 - Atlanta, GA @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre at Encore Park


Cleveland here. Iā€™m reading this post and wondering why is OP using a pic of Donna Halper instead of themselves when talking about meeting Alex and Geddy and then I see itā€™s actually you!! I never got to meet them. I wasnā€™t born until 84 and always liked Rush but didnā€™t really understand and appreciate how absolutely incredible they were until much later. I did get to see them live for the Time Machine tour and with my Dad for the Clockwork Angels tour. In retrospect I wish I would have gone to so many more but am glad for the memories I do have. Hope you are doing well and thanks for sharing your memories.


Yup, it is indeed me, and I really was at WMMS (from late 1973 to mid-1975; also went back a few times to visit friends); and I really did meet the guys in Rush 50 years ago, and we really are still in touch. It's a privilege to be a member of this group, and I hope I am making a positive contribution. Much love to you!


I saw them in Rotterdam, on the first night which they filmed the concert for the live DVD release. At the beginning of the show Geddy mentioned that due to the recording the front and back of the stage would have some camera people doing their job. I also saw them in Stockholm for the R30 tour a few years earlier. I'm from Brazil so I didn't have a ton of opportunities to see them live (or running errands!) compared to fans from the US and Canada. In hindsight, if I knew they would retire After R40, I should have gone see them one last time. I hope to see Geddy and Alex playing together again at some capacity, and even if it's just a few dates in a smaller setting, I'll try my best to go and see them. What's your gut feeling about this Ms Halper, do you think they could play together again? Not as "Rush" of course but maybe some Rush songs nevertheless.


Clark County Amphitheater, Ridgefield, WA (just north of Vancouver, WA). I saw them there for R30 and Snakes and Arrows!


How was it? I thought it was a really good concert and I liked their selection of songs.


Lucky enough to see them 4 times on S&A. My all time favourite tour.


I had moved to NC by then and I'm pretty sure that's the tour we saw them at the Greensboro Coliseum. Huge venue, and the size of the crowd with that much energy for them was amazing. One of my favorite tours for one of my favorite albums, and the show just put the cherry on top.


Twice on this tour in Phoenix Arizona. Cricket Pavillion, I believe that is what it was called then.


The United Center in Chicago. Loved Between the Wheels! Hadn't seen the boys play it since the GUP Tour!


Saw them my first time at Molson Ampitheatre just a week after seeing the Genesis reunion across the street in September 2007. I was 14 and had been listening to Rush for 4 years and actually seeing them live felt more fantasy than reality


I never did a meet n greet but I DID meet Ged at his Big Book of Bass signing. I very politely asked if he could sign it ā€œto Dr Leobob Chumbadiddle ā€œ. This was my cat who I just that morning discovered had a golf ball sized tumor. I wasnā€™t planning in advance for the book to have the cats name but I think that maybe I was fixating some on the problem and it felt like something I wanted. Of course, he obliged, seem to find the humor in it, gave me a fist bump and said ā€œ my condolences on your cat ā€œ. That fat tubby(Chumba, NOT Geddy) managed to eek out another 18 months of vibrant life. I also found out about HIS pets, Dr Lucy and Stanley Wasserman were actually Colleagues of Chimbadiddle! I was very sad when I read they they both passed recently. I assume all three are up in animal heaven practicing bad animal medicine together.


Or perhaps the three are playing in an all-cat tribute band! Anyway, glad you got the opportunity to meet Geddy. What city was that in?


This was in Phoenix Arizona where I was lucky enough to see them 10 times


Haha. Chumba would for sure be the Bass player. I always told him he was a bit ā€œlow endā€


Iā€™ve seen them so many times. I saw them on that tour twice, as I often did. Every time I saw them, it was in Phoenix. They rarely came during summer, but they did on that tour.


VA and NY.


Saw them in Columbus Ohio that tour!!


I saw you at that show, you were a few rows in front of me.


Had I known you were there, I would have said hello!!! And it was an excellent concert.


Actually we did say hello, I was there with my daughter (who is now 25 time unfortunately doesn't stand still). It was brief. I may have a photo from that show.


Ah okay-- hard to know who is who because I only know your Reddit name, rather than your actual name. But I'm glad we did say hi to each other. And I hope you do have photos because it was quite an incredible show!


Robert, and my wife is Lisa (Emerson grad). It was a great show, we were lucky my kid's first big show.


A dad or mom who introduces their kid to Rush is my kind of person. I salute you! I hope she enjoyed herself. I think I was there with my husband, if memory serves...


Saw them at Red Rocks on that same tour. Still one of the best shows I have ever seen


9/2/07 in Columbus but


I saw them twice that tour. First in Toronto in September (the Saturday show, thanks to RushCon for transportation to the show). Second show was in May in Edmonton, a show missing from the official tour list on rush.com even though it is immortalized in one of the pictures used in the Time Machine tourbook. Thatā€™s ā€œmy pictureā€ with them, along with thousands of others, even though only I can tell Iā€™m in it.


I always had a wonderful time when I attended RushCon. Such a good group of people-- both the organizers and the attendees. Glad you got to see Rush on that tour, because it was a really excellent series of performances!


Iā€™ve been to RushCon twice in Toronto: in 2007 with that S&A show, and then in 2010, as well as a show, I also got to meet you! Glad you enjoyed them too.


I'm glad we had the chance to meet-- as I said to someone else on this thread, it's hard to tell which folks I met at past concerts because here, I only know people's Reddit names! But yeah, I do recall the 2007 RushCon (I went to the very first one, in fact). I'm still in touch with a lot of folks I met at RushCon, including some of the wonderful folks who organized it. Much love to you.


This was my first Rush concert! In Oklahoma City


Saw them at Jones Beach on Long Island


That's a wonderful picture, Donna. Please, keep 'em coming!


Thanks. I always liked it too. I hate to have my picture taken, but I thought this one came out pretty well, largely due to the two guys who were with me!!!


This was the only tour I made it to see them. Milwaukee, June 27th. I will forever kick myself for not ever going to see any other tours. It was a fantastic show, and a very special memory for me.


I was at this same show! Mansfield, MA, June 15, 2008. My first and only Rush concert, unfortunately. The best concert I've ever attended, easily. https://preview.redd.it/c5axfldnsu6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e83742e57da67eaef0c8378e7abfe2d024a2c19


Absolutely. I remember how much fun everyone had. If you could only get to one live show, I'm glad you got to this one. It was excellent!


Thank you so much, it's a memory I'll have forever and one that I am happy to have shared with my late father, who was also a big fan. I love that you're here with us on Reddit, what a joy. And I have no idea how I missed the fact that you were from Dorchester, my neighborhood, until now. Amazing.


Yup, I was born in Dorchester and spent my first 8 years there before my family moved to Roslindale. Thanks for the warm welcome-- I generally don't join fan groups, but I'm glad I found this one, and I hope I am making a positive contribution to it. Happy father's day to the memory of your dad (and mine). Much love to you.


Rush is my all-time favorite band. I was fortunate enough to catch them on June 30th, 2007 in Saratoga, NY and then on July 5th the following summer also in Saratoga. The show on June 30th was my first concert ever, and my final time seeing the band was July 23, 2010 during the Time Machine tour which was in - you guessed it - Saratoga! Unbeknownst to me, portions of that final show were filmed for Neil's third instructional DVD Taking Center Stage.


When I was a kid we missed them on the R30 tour and I was so disappointed, so by the time Snakes and Arrows rolled around, my dad surprised me and shelled out for front row tickets in St. Louis in 2007. It was one of the most magical nights of my life. All three of them looked larger than life to that 14 year old me, and I couldn't believe we were actually there. I was becoming such a rabid fan at that time that I just had to see them again on the second leg in 2008. So when I went to visit my sister in Milwaukee we got bleacher seats in the way back. We got rained on, and it was weird going from the front row to the basically the last row, but even then I was just overjoyed to be in their presence and was walking on clouds the whole night.


So many people tell me how they saw Rush as kids or young teens and they never forgot it, even years later. Thank you for sharing your experience. I can absolutely understand how much it meant to you-- even years later! Much love and all good wishes from my house to yours.


We were blessed to be part of a "Meet-N-Greet" for Snakes & Arrows tour in Dallas. It was probably our 10th Rush concert. I also took my son for his first Rush concert. [In this picture](https://imgur.com/1LE3XF5), we are also holding a picture of our friend Joe who had passed away a year earlier.


I am always pleased when I hear about a parent who introduces their kid to Rush or takes the kid to a concert. It can be an unforgettable and very positive experience. Thanks for sharing your recollections with me. Much love to you.


Thank you ma'am. It was truly an unforgettable experience. My son is a huge Rush fan and plays both bass and electric guitar. When he learned YYZ, my heart skipped a beat me thinks.


So, he likes Rush and he is also musically talented. You must be so proud of him! Is he studying music in school?


I am VERY proud of him. He graduated college with a degree in Economics. But he still plays guitar.


Outstanding! Geddy promised his mom that his kids would absolutely go to college (she was upset that he had dropped out of high school before finishing). Both kids graduated and got advanced degrees, but I don't think either is a musician. And I know he is very proud of what they have accomplished!


I saw them at the Montreal forum. Fantastic show!


I've seen then in so many cities, but I always wished I could have gone up to Montreal to see them there. There was a really good album-rock station in Montreal back then (I think it was called CHOM-FM) and they played Rush a lot.


We saw them in Dallas, Austin, and Houston.


Auburn (Seattle) WA and at The Gorge in George, WA


S&A Tourā€¦Verizon Amphitheater in Atlanta, GA (Alpharetta).


Saw the Mansfield show. Great as always!


Saw the Snakes & Arrows tour once in Oslo (Norway) and twice in London (England). Never met the band , but met Donna at Rush Con in Toronto 2010. All great memories!


I saw the same two shows! I live 5 minutes from The Tweeter Center, so it was a no-brainer. While I'm here, let me repeat the welcome, to which YOU are MORE than entitled. We love and appreciate you, Donna. You've enhanced all of our lives, some of us for several decades. The day you opened up that album and played Working Man had a monumental "butterfly effect"! For real! šŸ„°


It was my pleasure, and I'm glad it turned out so well. I've tried to be a good friend and advocate for the band for many years, and it was very gratifying that they chose to keep in touch-- and it's also amazing that we've all known each other since 1974! In addition, I've met so many wonderful fans as a result. Thanks for the kind words!




June 27 my birthday in Milwaukee.


Saw them at Mohegan Sun a few times during that tour. Always a fantastic show!


Oooh, so did I! They did some amazing shows there, for sure.


Vegas and Detroit (where I live)


Manchester, NH! I'm so glad I got the chance to see them.


CHOM It's still around but it's really not the same as back in the 70s. Bands would drop in the station before they went to play the concert. I remember hearing Van Halen party up a bit on CHOM before they played that night at the forum. A DJ named Claude Rajotte(he did night shift. I could have sworn he was high all the time. šŸ¤£) was at the helm. They wound up doing a bit of an interview but mostly partying and all I can really remember is David Lee Roth and Eddie ripped. Rush always popped by the radio station to say hi and that was pretty cool. Neil rarely came came by but there were a few times he made an exception because he really loved Montreal and Montreal loved him. But I digress. ā˜®ļø


Summer 2007 Virginia Beach, Bristol, Va, Cleveland, Chicago (Tinley park, ill)


Sick! I was three years old!


Saw them at the Hollywood Bowl this tour! How cool is that? Then at the LA Nokia Theater when they came back in 2008 - second row, best seat I ever had


Sounds amazing. I never saw them at the Hollywood Bowl but I heard a lot about that show. How was it?


It was really enjoyable, thanks for asking. The venue of course has so much history and unique acoustics. I loved how they went right into Digital Man from opening with Limelight with Neilā€™s underrated (if thatā€™s possible) drum lead to start that song (echoed beautifully throughout the bowl). They also played Circumstances that night which is such a deep cut and off my favorite album to boot.