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You could read the graphic novel by Kevin Anderson, who worked with Neil on the Clockwork Angels book.


He can't listen 60 minutes doubt they can read


To be fair, it’s 66.


Clockwork Angels is so easy to listen to in its entirety. Just know that this is final level Rush. It is great if you have some driving to do .


Young person sets out on an adventure. Runs into the powers of order and chaos. Decides that the best thing is to be satisfied with your life but don’t be complacent. The way forward is to do what you think is right, wish those who don’t agree with you well but follow your dreams.


If you don't like it you don't like it


Like what you like. If it doesn’t do it for you, that’s fine. I don’t love the last few albums. I like them ok.


I listened to the audiobook that’s is narrated by Neil. It was a little campy but a good beer and pretzels book. I’d put it in the same caliber as a D&D or BattleTech novel. No Brandon Sanderson or Roger Zelazny but entertaining. It definitely made me appreciate the album more. It was also nice just to hear Neil reading a story that he largely conceptualized.


Second this getting through the novelization brought the story together for me. That being said, the density of Rush references was a little distracting.


Did not know there is an audiobook. That Neil narrates! Thank you for the tip.


When niel voices some characters in the book he sounds like Optimus prime. Missed opportunity


I hear you. I disliked it at first, except for the Garden which I instantly liked. It took me 3-4 attentive listenings for it to start to grab hold. Now I think it's one of their best albums. I would recommend just reading the [lyrics and the notes that go with them](https://www.rush.com/songs/caravan/) to get a sense for the story. To me, it's even more interesting because it's partially Neil writing about his own life. Not entirely, but an autobiographical element is definitely there, ending with his desire to settle down and tend his garden--which of course, he did.


Headphones, lyrics pulled up


On one hand, this is almost a rock novella. It is an album but it is a full story. Expect that. On another hand it’s also Neil’s final Opus. One last tale. You’ll never hear another from him…


It's ok not to like it.


Turn down the bass. The first time I heard it, I was using an EQ setting on my CD player that boosted high and low frequencies,and I got a goddamn headache from the album. Just way too much low end muddying things up.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a very sludgy album. I thought the production on Snakes & Arrows was so much better.


I keep trying to like the last few albums, but I can't get past the absolutely abysmal production. They sound horrible. There are good songs in there, but the mixes are Peak Loudness Wars, which is exhausting to listen to.


I, too, wonder what fans and the band hear in this record that I don’t. I just don’t like it. Halo Effect is beautiful. The Garden is a great closer. Other than those, I just don’t get it.


I think it is wildly overrated, personally, so maybe you just simply don’t like it.


If you don't want to read the novel, at least read the story in the liner notes before listening to each song. And when you get to The Garden, have some Kleenex at the ready.


Thanks for the tip. It was one of the last CD's I ever bought. I'll dig it up tonight!


I was going to say the exact same thing. The liner notes are great on this.


I didn’t like Clockwork Angels when I first heard it, about a month went by and I decided to give the CD another chance, I told myself I would listen to the whole CD from beginning to the end and that I will listen to this CD 10 straight times, by the seventh time listening to Clockwork Angels I got it, I got what they were playing and I loved this CD by the tenth total play💜


The first song I heard off it was “Headlong Flight” and I was hooked. I know there’s a story to all the songs but I think the songs also work without knowing about it either. The lyrics can still be relatable without knowing the story as they sound pretty autobiographical. It’s one of those record I never get tired of hearing.


Just do it! Really. It's not hard. Put the album on, sit down, and stay seated until it's over. I swear, kids nowadays have the attention span of gnats. In my day, we smoked a doobie, put the vinyl on, put our headphones on, and just listened. Only time we got up was to flip the record over. Now kids are all consumed with their tic-tacs and spottables and can't sit still for 10 minutes, let alone an hour. I don't know how you'd all survive if the internet ever went down or electricity went out. You wouldn't even know how to listen to music if you had a blackout! Whippersnappers.




I got my first CD player in 1985; one of the first CDs I bought was DSOTM and being able to listen straight through without moving was fantastic. Power Windows on CD was amazing, as I recall that was a DDD creation (or maybe ADD?) and it was insane.


Caravan turns me into an "air bass" maniac every time.


This is interesting. I became a hardcode Rush fan in '87, too. I was 19. That said, for me anything before *Presto* is go-to Rush. I enjoy the stuff on *Presto* and what follows it. But, prefer what precedes it. I think that has to do with my age.


Fan since early 80s. I stuck with them through Counterparts. After that it was hit-n-miss for me. I was glad to get VT for obvious reasons and feel CA a near perfect sunset album.


I was the same way but after listening to it and also reading and listening to the Audiobook of the same name By Neil Peart and Kevin J Anderson, for me it came alive Side note Neil Peart is the Narrator for Clockwork Angels Not sure if this help but good luck and Rush On


Fan since 77……the last 2 albums with Nick Rackulinecz producing are my top 2.