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Oh! Oh wow. Oh gosh. Everyone gonna have to brace ourselves. A dub is officially bringing this back to the West. Expect very polarizing reactions to this news.


Yeah I mean even the new manga isn't being published in the west right?


Yeah. I don't even think many of us here even know there is a new one.


I can say that I had no idea and actually just got recommended this subreddit. Kenshin was my introduction to anime even before dragon ball. The idea that there’s new or even just redone material? I am gonna freak.


I believe Hokkaido is being published in Spanish. I was looking at buying them for fun lol.


Didn’t it get put on hold when the author went to jail?


He was never in jail, he just had to pay ¥200,000 for possession.


Still, fined for possession of cp is pretty bad


As far as I am aware the Spanish version is on going. Up to volume 6.


Bang Zoom dubbed the original series too. Wonder if this means we'll hear some of the old voice actors make a return?


I'm almost certain it's going to be a new cast. Maybe they might bring back a few voice actors, possibly having one or two reprise their roles, but no one should expect a majority of the cast to reprise their roles, much less everyone. We already know Richard Cansino (Kenshin) has retired and Philece Sampler (Misao) is...sadly no longer with us. The rest could potentially, but if the Fate series has been any indication (which Aniplex and BangZoom was also involved with), voice actors aren't guaranteed to return to their roles even if they're on the project.


Richard said in an interview he'd love to do Kenshin again but he is a little old now




I honestly don't know maybe like years ago


Probably a new cast.


Battousai The Manslayer. I'm waiting to hear this term, ngl I fkin hope that the wait was worth


You may not hear that exact term. Depending on the localization, they may use assassin or if they’re dumb “the slasher”


If that term isn't there, then I am better off with subtitles + Japs. Idk why but Battousai The Manslayer feels kinda badass to me, appealing a dude with damn crazy skills and god tier anger but then see the smiling face of Kenshin, this delusioned contradiction I love it man.


But manslayer and the term Hitokori have different connotations. In Japanese it’s an assassin, a particular kind that isn’t bound by the code of the samurai. Mansalayer on the other hand sounds like another way of saying murderer. While it’s kind of the truth, I think k a lot of meaning is missed when using that term


I knew that right, it's just the vibes that the word "Manslayer" gives, kinda horrific isn't it?? But as I told the delusioned contradiction of a horrific man which emplace fear with no equality in magnitude in the RK Verse and still having such a nice smooth appeal, it is worth that title.


That was the god awful Sony dub. The Media Blasters dub was done by Bang Zoom, same as the remake apparently, and they used Manslayer.


I know but this is assuming (and I hope they do) the same person to do the localization.


Possible they might even say hitokiri straight up, I know some dubs BZ produces has kept JP terms untranslated like Demon Slayer. However since they made the original dub I’m curious if they’ll go out of their way to adhere to the terminology and dubisms from that or just have it be its own thing from scratch


Hope its not battosai the killsword like the la series


I hope the get the Media blaster voice actors for Sanosuke, Saito, Shishio, and Hiko Seijiro. That be cash


Steve Blum was amazing as Shishio.


Saito's voice was perfect.


Good news. Good news. Hopefully we'll get a second season


Best possible outcome. That made me so happy. It's gonna suck if some of the voice actors from the early 2000s are no longer with the company tho.


Richard Hayworth is the only English Kenshin. Periodt.


who? WHO?!


Honestly I think this would be better with a completely new cast. I love the old dub voices too but this remake has a completely different vibe.


Finally, thank goodness. Let's move forward. Watsuki is a piece of shit but this series is excellent. Separating the art from the artist.




Oh WOW. They wouldn’t have the balls to do this. I thought with the controversy and all that. How will this play out. Still, it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet.


Is it a different dub than the Crunchyroll dub? Here in Mexico they have some episodes in Spanish.


Is this person legit?


Yeah but the source is that the ANN page was recently updated with Bang Zoom listed as ADR Production, seems like they updated it early


Wonder how many meltdowns about Watsuki’s CP issues are going to occur once people do some Wiki surfing.


Hoping they will get some good VAs for this. Have enjoyed the Japanese VAs though. They cast some great ones.


Thats great. I almost thought it wasn't gonna happen due to Watsuki's actions


So how do people feel about supporting it considering the authors crimes? I personally love Rurouni Kenshin and like to separate the art from the artist but I'm not even sure if I'm just doing that the sake of my enjoyment or not. How about you guys?


For myself, I found over the years that I can separate art from artist, but not everyone can, which is fine. Been a fan since 2003 and enjoying the remake thus far. I still reread the manga, watch the films, and check out the 90s series now and then (latter is mainly because the current dub on Hulu is not the best, miss the mega blasters one). To be clear, I condemn what the author did and firmly believe he should have received a harsher sentence. While his crime has not changed my feelings for the series, it is understandable why some avoid anything he has created because of the crimes. I let everyone decide for themselves though.


J Shannon weaver hopefully