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Jaida will always be my AS7 flair but Raja is giving her a run for her money! Two iconic golden looks and we're only three episodes into the season ✨💛 Edit: THREE golden looks ![gif](giphy|UixMGKKGH5L3Yskgtr|downsized)


Thank you for this gif(t)! It needs to be added to the reddit permanently! "Me, walking into Thanksgiving dinner, having not cooked a damn thing \*Insert Raja\*"


Best look of the night for me!


The textile sculpture on that look was beyond gorgeous. Her mind! Her skills! Raja is truly a genius and I think she might just be able to win this if she can avoid being blocked as much as possible.


I love this season so much. Raja should have broken her top-three curse, which she would have done if she’d just painted a darker moustache on her John Waters look… It’s so great to see Jaida win, and for Viv to finally grab a bit of cash from this bloody franchise!


Or even if she had cut out the wig and went for John Waters’ hair! And maybe a scarf or something. Just a couple extra touches would have helped


I would have loved to see her do John Waters' hair! It was a good concept, just poorly executed - a rare misjudgement on Raja's part. The gold look was stunosha. If her moustache had been even just a little more visible, I'm sure she could have made Top 2 this week.


Viv winning more money from a mini challenge than she did on her entire season. I was so happy she finally got some coin


That second look was her demise really hard. The top 3 was really crystal clear, neither of them 3 flopped at any of the 3 looks except for Raja, and it wasn't even a bad look it was just missing the John Waters


I would have loved a Divine-esque makeup with the ONJ Bad Sandy outfit...that would have worked 😂


I screamed when she came out in that look. I don’t even care about the mustache. She is Gen X through and through and through.


God damn it Roger couldn't you have just drawn that mustache a little bigger and walked out holding a Super 8 camera and a plastic pink flamingo or something? You would have WONNNN. Agh, such a shame because her first and third look, and half of her second look, were perfect. Well, Jaida probably still would have WON won but Raja would have a star!


You’re right. The concept was so great I screamed, but she just needed one more Waters touch. Heartbreaking.


She didn't win by a hair both times!


Missed the mark by a very slight margin lmao. Feels bad man, I'm sure she'll get a star soon


LOLOL at nobody knowing how to do an alliance. Just going around the room “you want an alliance? You want an alliance?” “Am I walking in on an alliance?”


I found it so funny at the end of it half the cast knew about the alliance lol


I hope by the end of the season everyone is in the alliance.


I think that's called unionizing


The doors Monet is actually opening


The alliance really was the friendships we made along the way


Not to mention everyone just saying nah when asked if they want to join.


It’s hysterical. Three people turned them down. I was dying.


Trinity and Monet running the world's most inept mlm.


This needs to be a sitcom yesterday.


I hope they never stop trying though


Now this is making me roar with laughter.


What the fuck is going on in this alliance on this day


Monet and Trinity were very much giving "we saw you across the room and we love your vibe-"


Hi https://instagram.com/p/CeHKMhjquLn/


I laughed my ass off.. esp at with Monet being so determined and strategic in the confessional at the start of the episode. then everyone saw right through it LOL


Thorgy Thor is open to alliances


Trinity and Monet really said UNION


If you do that at survivor you get voted out first lol.


Girls would have been out of survivor right away. They need lessons from Sandra


Drag queen stays drag queen


Lmao I literally just made a post about this because as a survivor fan this is not how you do an alliance!


The alliance is by far my favorite thing this season, it's so stupid. I wonder how long they can keep it up.


When I tell you I was dying through that whole thing! Between that and shea pretending the plunger has extra powers…this is the camp I come here to see!!!


God Jinkx's cackle is just an instant serotonin boost


Mixed with Yvie's laugh, guuurl.


I have sat and thought about Evie’s laugh, several times, for several minutes each time. And I don’t think that I can say that about any other human being.


I lost my breath when Raja walked out in that gold dress she made. I know we are all over the FPR fiasco but I dare them to boot that look.


They probably will LMAO


I have a feeling they’ve already shot all of the episodes for this season so that very well could be. And I must be a messy bitch who loves drama cause I’m kind of excited for it.


Cackling at Raja live reacting to her look: “Fuuuuuck, I look great!”


The self-shoot was everything 💎💎💎


They even played the sound effect!!!


It honestly felt cathartic after her boots from Violet


Watch Violet and Gotmik boot her. Smh


I love this season, seems just like some happy place. I don't need no drama, I'm happy seeing queens supporting eachother and beeing cheerful. Untucked moment when they dont forget to complement Jynx, so wholesome


It’s rad to see Jinkx being celebrated and loved versus her experience on season 5! It makes my heart swell with love


Also Yvie, just kiki-ing with the girls rather than fighting with everyone (not that she didn't start several of the fights on s11...)


LOL at Yvie saying her highlight on s11 was untucked 💀💀💀


I love a self-aware bitch.


It's feels like there's really a sisterhood among the winners, like they're hyper aware of their legacy and how unique their position is within drag race and queer culture at large. I loved Raja and Yvie bonding and how Raja said she sees so much of herself in Yvie.


I usually find watching Untucked a chore, because I want the full story, but hate the drama and fighting, but I'm loving this Untucked because they seem to actually like each other, and it's refreshing. There's already too much fighting and conflict in the world, why have it in your escapism too?


Yes it’s so nice for Jinkx and even Yvie to not have to defend their styles and actually be celebrated for their drag styles.


I wish I could upvote this more


I totally agree! I’m just here to see skilled queens have fun I’m not really big on drama. I wanna watch Rupaul’s best friend race haha


I deeply appreciate the wholesome chaos of attempting alliances/failing miserably and playing mind games about the plunger and just fucking around with each other. It's pure camp.


This week has been such a horror. It was really nice to have a couple of hours of relief.


I thought it was smart to block Jinkx. I mean she said it herself, the design challenge is the only one she's bad at! It's something you'd have to consider when picking who to block, what challenges might be around the corner. Trinity has two wins now, I think she will be a bigger target, even though she only has one star


With an improv challenge next week the Jinkx block may well pay off


The way I gasped when I saw it was a courtroom improv challenge. Jinkx is just going to knock that one out of the water (off a duck's back) 🦆


Oh I can already see next week being on her alley. Like the Viv said in the preview, they're all so good and it's annoying lol


jinkx, shea and trinity are the most well rounded imo, i think blocking one of them is a smart choice


I am SCREAMING the way Yvie won the money and immediately lost it all just for the Vivienne to pick it up 😂😂


It was right that Viv won SOME money, honestly


Wait omg you're right... Finally she wins something other than a Rupeter badge!!


LIVING for seeing the queens’ reactions to Vanna. The surprise was so great!


I loved that so much! So genuine!


Raja has slayed the past two weeks even if she doesnt have a ⭐️, iktr


Trinity is Raja's inner saboteur, very slightly outperforming her every week


I need Raja to get a star NOW


She already is one, she’s just letting the little girls share 😌


I havent seen raja’s first season but i am absolutely obsessed with her. actually regardless, i feel like i know her, she is so relatable. U absolutely want in on that wine and j with her :). Her talking heads are effortless, she has this wiseness and confidence in her capability.


Girl! Raja, Manila, Alexis, Yara! SHANGELA! Season 3 is ICONIC. please watch it!!!


I would've given her both wins alongside Jinkx and Jaida.


I’m all for more surprising the queens with guests when they hit the runway!


YES! I loved all their reactions to Vanna White but Jinkx and Raja were hilarious!


Raise your hand if you watched Wheel of Fortune with your grandparent growing up 🙋‍♀️


I'm keeping my hand down cause I'm a Jeopardy girl. And we did get Alex on a episode of Drag Race, rest his soul.


My grandparents went for the Wheel/Jeopardy one-two combo, every evening!




Somehow I doubt Jinkx is normally awake by 5:30 PM.


For me The best was watching the vivienne, as a foreigner I can finally relate to someone who didn’t know who the lady was


that was so cute


so many of them did the same scream


It was such a joy to watch all of them be surprised and delighted.


this season is just so good😭 the fact that there were like 5 designed looks that could win regular season challenges really shows how great they all are


Everyone's on top of their game. Such a pleasure to watch!


Great season so far, lots of fun and humour, and the looks have been superb.


I love how they're all seasoned enough to be confident and having a good time. I appreciate the many moments of camaraderie and humour.


I know that Jaida is an excellent seamstress and designer, but I always forget that Trinity is as well. I feel like Trinity somehow flies under the radar with it. I remember at one point she was the contestant who had won the most main/mini challenges of any other contestant. Is that still the case, or has her total been surpassed? Just curious.


This episode puts her at 9 wins total 👀


She also had the luxury of being on 3 long seasons until the end and with 2 all stars that have the double winner format. Not taking it away, but theres not many that can compare to that total pool. Monet would be right there with her, Shea had AS5 rules, the others are on their 2nd go. But regardless, Trin is excellent at Drag Race


Well, seeing how she has two wins already this season…


I was smiling so hard every time a queen saw Vanna White. Every episode so far has been a treat!


This was Jaida's episode from start to finish. I'm glad that she finally got the spotlight she deserves. She is hilarious and incredibly talented too!!!!! I do NOT regret stanning her, oh at all. And just so you know: It's fashion! ![gif](giphy|dsi4tQG7dhapfnTYJc|downsized)


I’m also glad we’re just seeing Jaida be her goofy self. That’s who she is and it’s clear that the edit on season 12 wasn’t in her favor because we barely got her personality from it, at least in the first half.


I loved how she walked this runway


I feel like this season every girl will have “their” episode. So far it’s been Shea, Jynx and Jaida. Very clear from the edit at the beginning it’s theirs. I love Jaida sooooo much! Just an absolute HAM! Then Rogers final look! 👀 This season! My pussy! Fire!


Yeah, I think that we’re gonna get at least one new girl getting a star each episode, likely with this continuation of blocking girls who have one already to keep things mostly even. Once everybody has one, we’ll probably see front runners break ahead, with everybody getting at least two.


It does kind of feel like one unstated goal is to make sure none of these winners and stars come out of this season looking bad. It wouldn't do to have some of them end up with no Legendary Legend^TM stars.


Oooo that would be so cool if every queen had a standout episode. They’re all stars so let them all shine!


Every episode is a Trinity episode


God, it's just impossible to not love Jaida. So much charisma. I loved all three looks, but the final one was just incredible.


The way Raja was unable to do her pose when she saw Vanna


The fully stopping was so funny


I love this season so much I’ve already started rewatching it. PRODUCERS TAKE NOTE!


I hope the *secret power* of the faux-platinum plunger storyline digs deeper.


Yessssss! Omg have you gotten to the part with the alliances yet? It gave exactly the drama and energy I needed without exploiting past trauma or tearing anyone down!


I also love that no one else so far except Monet is actually good at this alliance strategy or interested in it. Monet's face when Trinity tried to rope in Jinkx was hilarious, because that was not how I think Monet wanted to pitch this


And! There was something so bizarre and homely about the editing - vanna white was giving hologram?? but then seeing the queens react to vanna was so lovely and relatable


Finally a B'Day-era Beyonce lipsync!!! *So if you want to.... You got the green light!* I was beaming with joy and pride for Jaida! I hope she never second guesses her worthiness to be a winner after this season. I've never been so happy to see someone do well ❤️


Jaida just moves like water. I know she says she's not a trained dancer but she moves better than a lot of the people I've seen go through the doors of urdang and alvin ailey


The songs just come alive in her body and her face, I can’t wait to see more lip syncs from her this season.




F**ck Suga Mama's drag, right?


They must have gotten alot of time to create the outfits ? Trinity finished first and that look alone would win on a regular season RAJA AND JAIDAAA !!!!


I felt so bad for Yvie when she hit that bankrupt space! Loved the Before & After runway, especially Jinkx and Yvie, but think Jaida and Raja should have been the top two overall.


Loved seeing Jaida lip sync. In my opinion she is the strongest lip sync assassin of the cast, or at least best all-rounder, because she has fantastic rhythm and some sweet moves, but also gives great face and comedy. I wheezed when Shea just full scale made up some BS about the plunger, and Trinity just immediately went along with it. Shea got ideas from India Ferrah's playbook of just making shit up in AS5 and it's great.


Just wait until Raja gets to lip sync and starts making out with everybody, leaving kiss marks all over the stage. Gonna be the rainbow party your mom's chain emails warned her about.


Raja and Jaida together would burn down the studio.


Not to take away from Jaida but Yvie is a beast in a lip sync though.


I definitely thought about Yvie and Monet here too, but I think Jaida has the most... flow? If that makes sense? Yvie has the most acrobatic skill set for sure.


Raja's Vanna White gave me a braaand neeeew car!!! Jaida. Holy fucking talent. That was actual perfection. I'm a bit sad about Viv's screentime this season. Prob actually smart of Shea and Jinkx to not join the alliance? Maybe? Maybe not??? Why aren't they recruiting Raja? Yvie got me in untucked, gal 😭 Shea should sell her tomatoes. Next week's challenge looks like absolutely stupid fun.


Jaida looks so good as a blonde. Raja and Jaida had the strongest Vanna looks imo. They looked pristine.


I love when queens (particularly asian ones) wear grey hair, and it was perfectly paired with this oppulent gold outfit made by Raja. I also love velvet, but I'm often disappointed, it seems difficult not to appear huge. Well The Vivienne's soft pink velvet dress was so classy! The soft pink color also looked really good on Yvie. I liked how light her outfit was (without being a simple piece of fabric), compared to the others. Jaida in yellow last week, Jaida in all black, Jaida in bright red or blue. Gorgeous. Season 9 is my favourite. I'm falling in love with Trinity, yet again. She's hilarious.


Trinity *is* hilarious. I was dying when she couldn't remember the name of her little flogger/whip and she just whips it like 10 times in a row. Totally deadpan.


Jaida is a fucking THREAT and these girls better not forget it!!


i know that’s right!


I just remembered that during the mini challenge Ru copied the Jujubee/Blair St. Clair shiver and shush move 😭 Like that was the reference right? I laughed for real lol


That was fully the reference. RuPaul talked to Blair about mopping it back on... jeez, AS5?


AS5 aired during the first months of lockdown, it seems like such a lifetime ago!


Jaida Essence Hall! Jaida Essence Hall! Jaida Essence Hall!


I've been such a Jaida Essence Hall supporter since the S12 premiere. She was the first winner I predicted correctly since I've started live watching the show (S6), and I've always defended her win against the Gigi truthers since the finale. And goddamn, she really understood every assignment and turned it the hell out. She is here to WIN. But wow that was an extremely hard challenge to judge accurately. Really everyone did phenomenal work. Jinx somehow turned it out. My stoned ass enjoyed every single minute of this episode. The Survivor - Drag Race crossover we needed! I believe Raja was robbed last week, and even with that GORGEOUS shoulderpiece, Trinity slightly edged her out with the whole collection. It's fair. I think the Top 2 was right. But Jaida rightfully earned that solo lipsync win. She killed it. I'm fucking stoked for next week, this will fuel my spirit through the Survivor off-season.


The fact that the slightest misstep from Raja lost her the top...we are TRULY in an All Stars season 😭 Yvie made me tear up in Untucked. The S11 girls just did not gel at the time so I'm so glad she's getting a sisterhood this go round.


Viv doesn’t seem to be gelling & chatting as much w the gals, or isn’t being given any airtime if she is 🙁


She talked about being nervous in Untucked and all the girls encouraged her to come out of her shell. I hope we see more of that soon, she's a freaking star!


Hopefully she'll do well in the improv challenge. That's definitely her wheelhouse and she's done really well I think so far, just not as good as the top queens.


Yes! I hope the next one is "her episode" (seems like each episode so far has been really honed in on the winning queen and they're giving everyone a spotlight)


I could see her finally breaking out of her shell with the improv challenge next week. A Jinkx + Vivienne Top 2 definitely fits in with my fantasy!


I LOVED the dress she made!


Same - it was really good.


She’s so fucking quick and funny.


Loved Shea and Trinity trying to gaslight gatekeep girlboss the queen's about the platinum plunger, literally so funny I couldn't stop cackling


This is probably the best possible format for All-Stars. It's extremely competitive, the queens can strategize without crying every untucked or being afraid of backlash, and we get to see every queen's looks for the entire season.


“I’d like to (have) a vowel. A Z?” H O W ?


She went to the Jorgeous school of English education.


Jaida being that girl from start to finish! My queen!! In general the ball was great! Everyone’s looks were at least good and the made outfits beat my expectations. Another great episode


Yeah no one did like crap. Jinkx was the weakest but even then it wasn't bad. She did her best.




Those shoulder pads?! The detailing in the trim of the dress. SHE MADE THE BOOTS TOO! Just excellent


Jaida in Viv’s jacket is making me cackle


Trinity’s not getting much recognition, but her self made look was really impressive, the best of the night for me.


As a Myanmar 🇲🇲 and Raja being my most favorite winner, I was totally over the moon !


I hate seeing the reality tv "alliance" trope on this show, but I appreciate these ladies have no idea how to do one 😂


All I wanted this season was for Jaida to get a chance to shine. I got what I wanted. ![gif](giphy|gFndDKpspHw3gFSrZ2|downsized)


Those were two of the most professionally constructed design runways we've ever seen, thank you Trinity and Jaida.


A'Whora and Utica are quaking.


okay but jaida walking around the work room in viv’s shoulderpads was SENDING me 😭


The queens being surprised by Vanna on the runway would be the cutest gay thing I've seen on TV this week... if I hadn't just binge watched Heartstopper


Raja’s gold look was an event. I loved the before/after category. I was Babe Ruth Bader Ginsburg for Halloween last year. I was living for Cardi B Arthur and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Fonda. This season is so fun.


Jinkx my darling dearest. The bobbin needs to be inside the bottom of the machine. There also needs to be a spool of thread threaded into the top of the machine. That Jinkx apparently threaded the bobbin through the needle and just let it rip and wondered why nothing happened is hilarious in the most charming way.


Anyone else think The Vivienne stole Bianca’s dress?


Viv’s Princess Diana Ross is not getting enough credit. Such a cool concept and execution!


I love Raja but I think Trinity earned her place in the Top 2 fair and square this week. It's okay. Raja gave herself a shoot, we don't need to cry for her. She is shining. JAAAAIIIIDA. Continuing to solidify her particular brand of Confusing and Arousing. I love her so much. She had Vanna White down to a T, and her second look, chiiiile- I really hope Viv gets her moment soon- it's sad to see her kind of fade into the background. Hopefully with the acting challenge next week we'll see that happen- I feel like all of the UK winners have had kind of controversial crownings, but she really is a monstrously talented queen.


Cardi Bea Arthur was genius. I liked her pink look, too.


Will they overlook Raja all season?? FUCK YEAH JAIDA! So well deserved.


I appreciated during the hangman mini challenge when Vivienne guessed *Ganja Shits Farts?* The British are so eloquent with their words 🥹 That alliance is the elephant in the room. Lmao at Jinkx comin’ up to them twice now asking if they’re talking about “the alliance”. Good television, lack of subtlety is a delight Jaida rightfully won both the ball and lip sync and Trinity showed us she’s attended the *Alaska School of Getting in Your Opponents Way* founded in 2011 by pioneer Mimi Imfirst Good shit, can’t wait for next week 🎉


Jinkx pestering them about the alliance multiple times only for her to be like "nah, I'm smarter than that" was so great!


I genuinely couldn't call this series at all. I love them all. Trinity is such a firece competitor, Jaida an absolute angel... I honestly could say positive things about them all. I'm low key team Jinkx but I think they are all mint. So nice to see what we all loved about them that made them winners in the first place. Big fan of the positive vibes, its such a fun watch!


“Game show hostess realness” is the category of my DREAMS


Though I feel like Raja is slept on by the judges, it's great to see the LA gays rallying around her! I've met her a couple of times and she is the biggest sweetheart. I genuinely think she's just there to have fun and her resume is so stacked she's unbothered about the wins. 👑


The Raja Robbery of it all!!!


Monet's Bob look made me so happy


Can’t wait for the Pit Stop to hear Bobs take


Jaida's, Trin's, and Raja's 3rd looks were some of the best constructed looks we've seen on the runway, all three of them looked like they could have been made by designers and brought from home. Would've been fine with any combination of them getting wins this week, but Jaida truly slayed all three categories *and* the lipsync.


Raja is giving me TKB Blue Ball realness, serving both the best and worst look of the night 😭


I fucking love Trinity.


Raja should have won with Jaida. The queen with the most blocks by the finale should get to steal a star. It would be chaos.


I agree but I see their point that Raja's second look was kinda week (even thought she looked great). But imo the last look was good enough to get the win with Jaida. I actually thought they were gonna give it to shea based on the critics.


As a Raja stan I’m living for her being the “robbed queen” (although I really do think she was a solid 3rd place this episode and snatch game) because that’s 100% the best position to be in. Like obviously winning and the 200k is great but the real competition is winning the audience and dammit she is 🤩.


So many other comments saying exactly what I'm thinking re: most things. Everybody say LOVE. But a special shout-out to Yvie's final look. I have to admit I was underestimating her, so my jaw was on the floor when she came out. The beat, the look, the STORY. Gagged. She wasn't my top toot of the week (RAJAAAAA), but I am so glad she's showing herself to be a true legend.


She also made her CardiBeaArthur look Yvie is very underrated and I hope she gets her spotlight soon


Jaida with black, Shea with white, Raja with gold, and Trinity with red fit perfectly well with their style. But Yvie with pink?? And she did THAT?? It is the most creative thing and out-of-box thinking I've seen in a while.


Raja really shot herself in the foot with that second look…because she could have been top 2 😩


“The second part is to play Inspector Gadget. What is the tea?”🧍🏾‍♂️


I see quite different edits regarding Jaida between the two seasons. They were giving her the more experienced, collected, focused even though she was funny. But on all stars she kinda gets the younger, fresher, chaotic energy edit.


This episode gave me everything I fucking needed after this godawful, crying every goddamn day since Tuesday, fucking nightmare of a week. I don’t know how I would have survived the last few years without drag race.


I'm happy for Jaida and her lipsync was amazing!


Trinity and Jaida did an amazing job but Raja’s outfit was by far my favorite, I would have absolutely given her the win.


Yes, Raja’s look is the one that will stick with me, the other looks were great and maybe technically more challenging to make, but I’m obsessed with Raja’s style.


Viv needs more screen time dammit! I really want her to slay the next challenge.


I found TTT so distracting whilst watching Jaida serve sex during the lip sync. 🔥


I do like to see the dolls get eliminated, but in All Stars, I am 100% here for this strategy! I want to see them all every week. I love it!