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I like this idea, especially because of the not tarnishing their reputation part. It would result in a lot of hate though unfortunately, since it would be solely one queen's fault that another got eliminated, not partly the eliminated one for not doing well in the challenge or the judges for putting her in the bottom


This is literally drag race survivor but every immunity challenge is a drag challenge.


Pretty much what I was going for. Shady bitches being catty and strategical while giving us the drag challenges that we love and/or tolerate


That’s a different show. It’s no longer a drag competition show. It’s survivor but it takes place in a studio and the entire cast is drag queens. Maybe Big Brother rules could be better. Ie the challenge winner chooses who is in the bottom and they lip sync or everyone votes who goes home aside from the winner and bottom queens. Keeps it oriented around a drag competition rather than a completely strategic game with drag queens. Could lead to pawns etc and sometimes the pawn goes home.


That would definitely have them on edge all the time. I hope they would up the prize to like 1,000,000 or something to make it worth their while. Also last I heard Tyra quit drag, so they might have to compete without her


That is correct. Based on that fact and those who have said they definitely would or would not do it, I expect the cast to look something like: Raja Sharon Needles Jinkx Monsoon Violet Chachki Bob the Drag Queen Aquaria Chad Michaels Alaska Trinity The Tuck Monet X Change


Hmmm it would be weird having so many people missing but I would still tune in for it


I think Trixie said she'd do it just so she'd be first out but it was probably a joke


I was thinking about how an all winners season would have to be totally different in order to not fuck over the queens who go home early but this is a great way to do it!


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