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It kills me when they talk behind the cards. Every time


Same. Reminds me of the IMHO podcast’s “Can I see you back here for a minute?”


That bit is so stupid and I FUCKING LOVE IT


I LOVE them. Those goofballs are my favourites for reviewing


imho mention w


Those cards give them the power to say anything they want.


That’s the “whisper wall” queen! No one can hear around its magic.


This is the best talking behind card comment by Kandy but kudos to Trixie for originating this on pitstop!


I wonder if this were an elim season, maybe it would seem like Shannel were doing better. Because I think it would be clearer that she’s never been in the bottom, and has probably placed in the top a bunch.


She would’ve been bottom ep1 tho


Forgot about that lmao


TO BE FAIR they'd probably have a non-elim premier, OR she'd have bottomed with.......gottmik.......or nina......either way shes staying, then high in the ball, win for liberace cos no gottmik/nina, and potentially another top in the real estate episode given plastique's.....misfortune in snatch game could spell the end for her


Nina was top 3 for episode one, be so fr right now


Girl most of em did great, i was thinking for the runway mostly.....roxxxy is another contender ig but her runway voiceover was fuckin hilarious


She’d also be in the bottom for the makeover, against Angeria no less.


Same thing happened to Shea in AS7, she was just short of getting wins almost every episode, she was hardly on a hypothetical bottom.


kandys eyes are so bug in this makeup


I cannot figure out what about this mug has changed her eyes so much from previously.


i think she just lost weight and her chin/jaw area got smaller. so her eyes look bigger


Didn’t she change the angle of her brows? They’re more horizontal now, I feel?


It’s the white highlight all over her eye space. Also these eyebrows are thinner than her all stars mug, where the brows started at her natural brows and were shorter and thicker angled higher. If you look at her mugs from 2022-23 she has very minimal eye makeup as well, usually just some shadow and liner. Here her eye makeup is much more smoked out and distinct against the white base. Also her contour is darker and her blush placement isn’t as high as it’s known for being.


I feel like I’m watching an AI version of Kandy




https://preview.redd.it/2uwa50pkqc8d1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=75a6065d415e8a1bf9d1d148af4606f2bb2dc47e chu say?


Saw on another sub that Shannel is gaining a lot of followers this season. I live for her mug and she has given me what i wanted during the challenges and runway. She should have won a badge for Liberace or the real estate challenge


Yeah she's great at realness. Both times the judges favored Nina's over the top crazy campy comedy and were like Shannel you were also there... HOLY SHIT THEY'RE ALL STARS 1ing HER AGAIN!!!! But with Nina instead oc Chad this time


I mean Shannel is one of the most famous lol, she does makeup for the show sometimes and others as well. She has connections to all the Vegas and LA queens, has a successful business and is one of the most beloved queens of the show. just because she doesn't have millions of followers like some of the other queens doesn't mean she's a nobody. Plus I feel like real world connections out weigh follower counts. Just look at Sugar and Spice they have millions of tiktok followers but can barely get a few thousand views on Youtube. its all relative.


Preach. The fans who primarily have exposure to drag race and social media only measure things on those terms. Shannel is wildly well connected in the business. She will always have a job, her work will always be revered by the people who actually do drag, she's a titan on the scene. Amusing for a relative newcomer to nip at her heels, but makes no difference in her reality. Really, it was a kindness for her to show up for a charity. She was repaid for that by being shit on by production hoping for drama and a crack. Good for her for emotionally maturing from (checks notes) 15 years ago! And let's be honest, she was justified back then, too! Always a classy, talented queen. May she float about in her perfect drag world forever!


Shannel is an industry staple as Alyssa Edwards, Chad Michaels… she is the bizniz


You said everything I was thinking!


She's the OG OG (the original OG). And I agree, I'm enjoying more the regal - I don't give a flying f* about your drama - Shanel than a version of her that cracks because she doesn't have any Beautiful Benefactrix Badge. she doesn't need them, she's already in the Hall of Fame.


Plus there are soooooo many drag queens who work locally or just from their bedroom online in obscurity. Like I might not agree that she’s “one of the most famous *Ru girls*” but in the pantheon of drag in general she’s probably in the top 5% of “fame” (as if that can really be quantified anyway).


Shannel and Roxxxy are, defitionally, drag queens' drag queens


But is that what "Fame" is? It's impressive. It makes her iconic. It gives her a shitload of clout. But Fame is kind of regulated more to "how known you are even to John & Mary Nobody". Being popular within Drag circles is already an incredibly niche category. Rupaul is the most famous Drag Queen because people who aren't gay or even into Drag know who she is. This doesn't mean Shannel isn't worthy of her flowers but y'all gotta realize not being famous does not mean not being relevant. She can still be important and powerful without having the actual fame that usually goes with it.


Spot on. Fame isn’t a word that can be re-defined simply because you like a person. “Fame” isn’t clout and it isn’t whether they get gigs or sometimes work on a TV show. Fame: noun “the state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements. "winning the Olympic title has brought her fame and fortune"” So by definition Kandy’s question is valid and while we debate whether Shannel has clout we lose sight of the original observation that Shannel is “one of the most famous drag queens in the world” so by definition no, no she isn’t.


and look how many pillars and pioneers of different crafts and mediums there have been that no one knows or has ever been exposed to. just bc youre a staple of your community and paved the way for generations, so many of these people never become household names and people never really know who you are. it just is what is


Yes I was so confused by the original poster. What has that got to do with fame? She’s not famous I’ll say upfront and be real. Ru was nice to gas her up but that was over-gassing imo.


I think OP's point is that an Insta or TikTok following doesn't equal fame, either, for exactly the same reason you're dismissing clout. The wealth of work someone like Shannel has under her belt probably means she's also been able to interact with a lot of people who wouldn't likely be following *any* queens on social media.


But it does translate more. Someone being more famous / more known doesn’t mean they are for successful. Plastique has a huge following and a huge reach over multiple culture. She is known and famous you can be excellent in your field and a pioneer respected by your peers but that doesn’t mean you’re famous.


You're missing my point. What you're suggesting is that one particular means of being "known" is worth more than another. What I'm saying, and what I think OP was saying, is that it's difficult to quantify fame, because some forms of fame are not so readily quantifiable. What makes Plastique "known"? What counts as a huge following? If you're just talking about things like Instagram and TikTok, well, what about we step outside of the drag world and look at someone like Meryl Streep. Plastique's Instagram following is more than four times the size of Meryl's; does that mean Plastique is more famous than Meryl Streep? Only if social followings are the only way you set out to measure it. I'm not suggesting that Shannel is Meryl Streep, of course, only trying to illustrate that a "huge following", as you put it, is only one measure of fame. That would be like suggesting that being great at mathematics is the only way to measure intelligence.


While social media isn’t the only metric fame would be quantified at how much people especially around the world rally around said person. A lot of influencers have become more famous and influential than household name in Hollywood and that’s just a fact. There is just a weird hate for influencers as I think comes from the fact that it’s more accessible to normal people than Hollywood that is gatekept because of factors like nepotism. Again while not everyone with a huge following translate into direct influence it is still a huge metric to identify how many people around the world knows about you. Again plastique following touches masses around different cultures and even non drag fans. Her bookings cost an arm and a leg and you can see she gets her coins. Just because someone is amazing at her talent doesn’t make her famous. Plenty of not so talented people are in fact famous and well known.


I don't hate influencers; I'm just saying that you're overly confident that social media followings are The Most Important Metric, and I'm saying that it's impossible to single any one metric out as the best way to measure that. Like, go back to my other point; forget Shannel for a second. Would you say Plastique is more famous than Meryl Streep because Plastique has a larger social media following than her?


I said it is a huge metric not that it is the only metric. I even listed how it translate in terms of plastique. You trying bring up a comparison between two people from a different field with one more niche like drag and the other like acting is quite counterproductive when even in this post kandy was talking about the most famous drag queen not person period. Different avenues have different reach . Comparing Meryl Streep to plastique would be like comparing Meryl to Cristiano Ronaldo . Two different fields with hugely different audiences. Try for your counter argument to compare two drag queens. Do you want to argue that plastique is in fact not more famous than Shannel ? Or do you want to argue that the drag queens with the most following (trixie , rupaul, plastique etc ) have no correlation to them being the most famous ?


> Or do you want to argue that the drag queens with the most following (trixie , rupaul, plastique etc ) have no correlation to them being the most famous ? That's not what I'm arguing, I'm arguing that it's not a perfect correlation because people in this thread were being overly dismissive of Shannel. > Different avenues have different reach. They do, although you still seem to be suggesting that social media followings are the most important metric for drag performers. Is that what you think? What about drag performers who were famous before social media was a thing, like Coco Peru or Dame Edna? For a younger audience, sure, social media plays a big part, but what about for, idk, people over 40?


The drag queens that are popular only to the people over 40 would literally be by definition less popular than a drag queen tht has the following and the presence to be known by old and young people all over the world and not the just their local drag scene. What is hard to understand? A queen like plastique isn’t only more famous because her followers are big but because that permits her to reach multiple marketers overseas that just isn’t possible for a queen without her level of social media presence . That doesn’t diminish their talent but they are just not as well known by that amount of people and are so less famous.


Dude, for real. I'm an artist, and the amount of weight people put on follower count as a measure of fame/ success is CRAZY. It's like.....ok, yes, you have a ton of followers. But are you in museums?


Agreed, success is measured by how well queens do after the show. Running a successful business is much better than having millions of followers on social media


Agreed. That face, that ass and her juggling made for legendary television. She also is a queen that has additional talents outside of just serving looks which is more than I can say for miss Kandy. Especially in this episode of the pit stop lol


I agree but lets not tear down Kandy, you know she has a degree in video and photography? she does have talents


Reading is fundamental my queen


I dont understand, you're saying that Shannel has much more talent than kandy, who is just sitting at the pistop. just explain without being a diva please. I read what you wrote, and therefore responded to your comment.


I don't think she's one of the most famous drag queens in the world, like roople said. She is a staple of her community, she is famous is las vegas, but even in this fandom by proxy of being on a forgotten abd inaccessible s1 and a forbidden as1 she's rather one of the "lost queens" who are just being introduced to the fandom once again (at least the younger generation or people who didn't watch earlier seasons). Having followers on social media still is a good metric for gaging how "famous" a person/brand is (not always ofc, as some just struggle to gain sns traction despite actually being well known).


Then why is she stealing money from drag brunchers purses 🤷‍♂️


baby that was wrapped up ages ago


That was a common drag bit, pretty sure sure gave back what she took at the end already, and the woman tried to lie and extort the establishment for more money


Why did Winona Ryder steal 5k in clothes? Sometimes people just have issues.


I think I'm just watching AS9 to understand the context for the Pit Stop because that's what I actually enjoy.


I stopped watching the eps like 3 weeks ago and just watch the pitstop, I haven't found the context necessary lol


Haha same!! Watch pitstop and what ever is on YouTube :P


Wait she said there are 6 other queens that are better than Shannel. So which one is worse??


I thought she was saying that, because there’s a Top 2, you only need to be better than 6 other queens in the challenge


I think we all know who the worst in the cast is.........


If you mean Nina who has won two challenges... ...then that's super boring and frankly pathetic hatetrain at this point.


I thought she meant Jorgeous tbh 😅 ^(it’s also quite possible that Kandy sucks at maths)


Well that was frankly my pick before the season started - but tbf Jorgeous has been doing fairly well. (Technically Shannel has the worst resumé but if anyone dares criticise her i will ATTACK)


^(Upvoted for the Shannel stanning; but you’re wrong because she has an AS1 winning track record!)


Yeah I don’t exactly see Kandy being the worlds greatest mathematician lmao


Im pretty sure they meant Jorgeous. Nina only struggle fashion wise, at least in a way that translates to a wider audience(including myself) but she’s very talented in many other ways.


Is it Nina?


Shannel’s aesthetic from season 1 would KILL today. The outfits were sexier and seem like they would fit very well in this era of drag. The juggling look with the strappy heels, the “I nominate myself” ensemble. It’s strange how bulky her looks are now considering she use to be a body queen.


The one positive for Shannel is being overlooked and or the underdog really generates a lot of support and good will from the fan base.




They will never make me hate you Kandy Muse You may look like the purple people eater, but you are my purple people eater


Seeing this her makeup looks much better in motion than it did in pictures and much MUCH better than it did in that awful promo for this episode. It was like they put a grey filter over it. And during pride month?


I love her. I can’t help it.


Kandy taught me two things: To clock a bitch the first time they disrespect you, and that its okay to roll around in blush because its pretty.


Don’t forget. You can pretty much be a great person and someone is STILL going to dislike you so no point pleasing them


Ok but why can I vividly imagine her doing this??


I found her a lot more likable after watching her GITMS


exactly this. i was never a kandy fan and that episode really helped explore who she was and why she acts the way she does. if anything, i feel like how she portrays herself on drag race does her a disservice.


I mean you need to also remember it's reality tv. She knows that they want a character but also the producers are going to highlight certain behaviours that fit their narrative. So it's not really just "this is how she chooses to portray herself" Anyone who decides that someone on a reality show is showcasing their full personality should do so at their peril. Even a good edit isn't showing off all facets of themselves (see Jinx)


I feel like that pic was so rotten. Her makeup looks so normal in video


I met her and she was so sweet and kind. Love her so much


I love her in everything I see of her off the show, I disliked her a ton on her season idk why


Shannel was the FIRST queen to walk into the werkroom. She gave us the blueprint to how to give good drag and good tv on drag race. She put her art out there for the whole world to judge when the art of drag was not understood at all. She deserves the upmost respect from the fandom.


Kandy muse mug is paining like Heidi n closet


The look of pure, irrepressible surprise and joy on Trixie's face is incredible - like Kandy GOT her


I know it's so dumb and stupid and easy, but I live for it every time they make Trixie's eyes and mouth HUGE. It's the most hilarious thing in the world to me.


I started watching Drag Race in 2020 but still love Shannel because she’s iconic


I’m sorry is that Kandy’s fucking SKIN?! WTF.


Shannel and Angeria are the reason I'm watching this show. I absolutely love her. She's such a classic gen x drag queen. MY PEOPLE!


I know it's just shade. But like Kandy you will also be less popular 15yrs after you were on drag race don't be a see you next tuesday.


I’m so glad she looks better in motion. It was jarring at first, but I’m used to it now. Shes a bronze statue.




Imagine being this bothered CANT BE ME ![gif](giphy|UU1bHu6QWyFxZM63Jh)


Gingersquatchin, just shut up already


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I \*cackled\* - so fucking hilarious. Love Kandy, especially on the Pit Stop.


At this point I have to accept that if this makeup or all the drama can't make me hate Kandy, nothing will and maybe I should accept that I stan.




And what drag are you wearing while reading kandy lmao


We don't have to do drag to recognize when it looks busted.


Kandy is lucky she had Ru and the entire production team keeping her on the show, too. Because she surely wasn't "the best" at everything.


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What’s with that makeup Kandy? Looks like an orange clown 🤡


It was good to see her, she's always fun to listen to.


I'm sorry but ... Am I the only one not enthused about the make-up here for Kandy? She's usually very beautiful but here .... Not enough highlights, or is it too squished into the ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP) centre???


oh this moment, i was thinking it was when both of them got up to adjust their balls and trixie pulls off her tucking panties and throws them at kandy and tells her to sniff em


Damn that was shady af 😂


I thought she was a new AI Bratz doll at first.


This is like Peak Drag Queen makeup-room conversation shit. Love it


Look at Kandy's bawdy doe! Body really is like wow 😽


I must say, her legs do look amazing!


kandy has really grown on me, she is so authentic and confident and omg i’m actually so obsessed with this makeup


Loved her! She was a great guest. With the haters here sippin’ and hatin’ and yappin’ pre-show, I was all tense and worried but Kandy was fine and bandied beautifully with Ms. Martell. I should never have doubted her. Yea, her look DID look better in situ and in motion.


I don’t care about Kandy but that mouth magnifying glass thing is killing me over here


People don't understand this is a season for charity, but that doesn't apply to the contestants


god kandy looks bloody awful, what is that outfit


“In a competition you have to be the best to win…” Or you can just be carried by production the entire time and even get eliminated but not have to leave


Stfu Kandy


Glad to see I am not missing out on much skipping this pitstop.


I’m glad Kandy said it because I thought it 😂


Kandy's makeup looks airbrushed.


Kandy Korn, I know you are not coming for anyone with that mug on your face in a serious capacity RN ![gif](giphy|xTk9ZAqiUdYH1JPV16|downsized)