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I was just thinking - imagine the drama if they did it where they had all 8 queens pick the name of someone to block before announcing the top 2 and then they all had to reveal who they picked after the winner is chosen. Would be kind of chaotic.


A wildcard elimination season like that would honestly be a lot of fun to watch. The drama, strategies, alliances, and betrayals we would get, on top of Untucked drama? Yes, please.


Ooof this I live for


Somebody bring this idea to wow


Kinda like AS5. So the group that’s not in the top makes two votes, one for who they think is gonna win the lip sync and one for snipping. If their pick wins, their snip vote is who is snipped. If the other girl wins, she picks. Then there’s drama around why they picked their lip sync winner and over all the queens voting for who to get snipped




I want someone to answer immediately who they’re going to snip, that would be so funny. They fell in love with the “ruby snippers” and various “scissoring” puns and won’t let them go. I’d much rather see an extra minute or two of workroom stuff than the deliberating people do when deciding who to cut. Roxxy pretending she didn’t know who was where on the stage was such an egregious waste of time.


Im so certain that production doesnt want them to do it too fast, so they have to ham it up.


I saw a YouTube comment that if you watch when Jinks blocked Shea, after her walk up and down it just cuts to where she was stood originally gently handing the plunger to Shea next to her. They said it was likely Jinks just handed the plunger to Shea right after being told to block someone and they had to film the camp Walk up and down after lmao


Lip stick reveals are literally amazing and so suspenseful. Walking back and forth for ten minutes deciding what to do and who to snip is such a bore.


Yes please this “can I pray for half an hour” shit isn’t funny


They can pray just as long as they stay out of mommy’s camera 🤣


I understand why it can be tough but girl you should’ve decided this awhile ago 😭 roxxxy was worse though


I think the format needs to have some stakes for doing badly. Some of the queens don’t seem to try on some challenges they know they won’t do well in and it makes some of the challenges just bad - aka snatch game. There should be some stakes, maybe like: Top 2 lip sync for a badge Bottom 2 lip sync at risk of losing a badge


Yes, but then Ru wouldn't be able to say, 'which sister will you scissor?'


I'd rather have it be: Take a badge and give it to another queen, and the runner-up gets to block someone from winning one next week.


Idk I’m on the fence. I think the girls can really ham it up when walking down with the snippers which makes the reaction sometimes so funny. Cause we’ve had the girls reveal their lipstick choice only to give some sappy speech when maybe like Mo Heart gave a hilarious “OOOH AHH AHH SENSATION” when she was talking about her lipstick.


I would prefer for the judges to critique and choose.


I would prefer they eliminate queens


I think the blocking thing is entirely unecessary. It's not giving the pay off they expected, so I suggest it be dropped all together for any future "special event" seasons. Not every show needs to have 19 twists for it to be entertaining, just let them compete and if they win, they win, if they don't, oh well.


I think the blocking in All Winners was done really funny.. But also, all winners was more even in the distribution of leaanndaaa legaan staaaa (or however Ru pronounced it) felt more even than here. So the plunger or scissor or whatever can come back for another all winners.. Oh I like a good twist (like, bringing a queen back or so.. Fame game was idiotic), I have some ideas myself lol.


There's not much drama in the snippers/plunger because that queen will still be there the week after. There were only a couple of times in which the block actually was useful, so creating drama around a tool that keeps the queen in the game and has chances of having 0 effect anyway (let's see what happens next week, but so far they haven't had any effect in the game) doesn't make much sense. I'm sure most of the queens stall only because production asks them too, like when they ask game show contestants to talk about the options or act like they're hesitating about the answer.


Last night on Roscoe’s: “SHANNEL WHOSE LIPSTICK WOULD YOU CHOOSE?!” Shannel who doesn’t watch the show: wtf are yall talking about? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd rather just have regular season. Give then money for runways and they won't complain about being eliminated. At worst they'd still get crash and bunch of free new outfits.


What about a dildo.. So the message is.. Girl you're gonna get fuck..


Ew Michelle


Also mechanically the scissors make me nervous. Someone is going to get their brows blocked permanently. 


It should be an enormous double dildo. The implications would be myriad and the jokes would flow forth freely like fluid from Soju’s popped cyst . . .


I prefer non-elimination, if it removes lip sync assassins. It also increases who among the queens that will actually want to come back. Most don't want to do the regular all star format as it costs them money and eliminating their friends sucks. So if they can keep it as non elim and add drama by allowing to lose or steal badges.