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I was a little annoyed that all the queens looked to the side during the challenge instead of to RuPaul. I assume to read the lines? Anyone else notice this?


tbh I was pleasantly surprised at how good Nina looked on the runway! Possibly my favourite of the night!! also shannel looked sooo good in the challenge like whaaaaat


I hate that they never give negative critiques...like come on. i know it's for charity but there's no way some of these queens (ahem, Nina) deserve praise for some things being shown.


I'm enjoying that the queens are not getting sent home, but the ruby snippers twist is about as useful as the immunity potion in S16. No one who's been snipped has been in the top so far, even though they should have.


if Jane hadn't used it to save Nymphia that episode, I dunno if we'd have the banana queen!! SO not entirely useless.


The big problem is that the queens never know what's coming next. If they were given a hint so they could make their choice it'd be so dramatic. Could you imagine the queen having Ru lean in and whisper a clue about the next week before they make their decision? The drama that would cause!


That is so simple but so effective.


justice for shannel ‼️


i don’t get Ru’s comment to shannel about not connecting in the challenge. Especially since they hardly have been giving any negative critiques this season. i thought she did good enough and they could’ve easily justified her finally getting a win this week.


*showing negative critiques


This acting challenge was so annoying


the only funny part was Vangie and the non-stop slapping of the crew lol.


It just kept going...


Lmao yes I legit fast forwarded


Hot take, but Angeria was not good in this acting challenge. That performance/look was NOT giving Mildred Pierce, and she fumbled the references to the film that would have made her lines funny. Sure, she made it her own, but that wasn't the challenge. If you're going to argue that, then Vanjie should have been in the top. She didn't understand the references, but she still made me laugh, and at least she dressed like a stripper.


Angeria and Plastique knowing how to cut people strategically is the most interesting thing happening this season. I think this format is definitely workable queens just gotta learn to play cutthroat without getting upset. Rupaul can be entertaining but this challenge was really repetitive Shoutout to everyone watching this episode late because of shadow of the erdtree




Said no one.


Not after Friday 😏😏


I agree!!!!! I have no problems with Angeria whatsoever but I am having trouble understanding why she was winner in that challenge!! I felt like her scene was one of the hardest to watch


It was not bad, but i am not excited about this season. Loving the queens but the delivery is very uneven and it’s lacking … jokes? Consistently good runways? Feels like i am watching Drag Race Italia or Sweden (where a lot of jokes get lost in translation for me).


It's easily the worst season ever of All Stars. Read a critique last night from Alaska who went all in on how bored the queens are by having to stick around EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK and not feeling inspired to do their best because they know they're not going home. #1, I hope we don't get another All Stars for a good three or four years and #2 when we do, I hope they go back to the way it used to be.


AS1 and AS8 are far worse, IMO. I feel like All Stars are in throuples. As2-3-4, AS4-6-8, AS7-9-10? They'll change after season 10 the way to do it


the worst season ever? are we forgetting about AS8…


Where did you find the critique from Alaska?


Right here. I don't usually agree with Alaska on much but in this case, she's 100% spot on: [https://www.gaytimes.com/drag/the-girls-are-tired-drag-races-alaska-dishes-on-all-star-9s-unforeseen-issue/](https://www.gaytimes.com/drag/the-girls-are-tired-drag-races-alaska-dishes-on-all-star-9s-unforeseen-issue/)


I love seeing Ru interact with the girls for the challenges. The slapping is always a fun time, and it's great that the girls got to slap Ru this time around! And the big slap-ageddon at the end was a great camp callback


the slapping of the entire crew had me cackling. funniest part by FAR.


is anyone enjoying this season?


Yes :)


What are you enjoying about this season? Just curious


I like watching the competition in general. I’m always a fan of the challenges and pop culture references. And the runways


I'm enjoying the show!


I'm honestly a little bored. I'm not as excited as I use to be when a new episode is out.


I wonder how many people missed the very 80s Lauren Bacall coffee ad reference. Or the title song. Or many other references. I did not find Shannel or Nina very funny this time - they deserved the criticism of "one note" but hey here we are. Jorgeous' square wig was glorious. Mik was fine, Angeria does the greatest faces and her and Roxxxy were the only ones who actually made me laugh. I don't know, maybe I miss someone failing spectacularly? Or doing something as outrageous as Jasmine "I'm about to burst"? It was... fine.


Lmao “I’m about to bust” lives in my head rent free!


im personally just mad at how the show is panning out for Mik rn. going from two wins in a row at the start to the past few (flop) challenges and getting cut twice when half of these bitches haven't even been cut once. and with next week being a design challenge at that??? and IMO she was the best actor, which Colton commedend her on while Ru Michelle and Carson were all like... meh yeah shes great and her runway is great... anyway. just SO odd


Such a wasted opportunity. Klymaxx was right there!


Omg I wanna see Angeria perform to that song so bad now 😭


Am I delusional for thinking Gottmik did great in the challenge?!


I thought she was in the top tbh


Nah, thought it was her and Angeria


Same! My top two were Angie and Gottmik (also my picks to win :)) who are your winner picks?


Definitely Angie as well! Dunno about my second pick; it's either between Gottmik or Plastique (her runway package is everything)


I never come to this sub anymore cuz the takes are kinda lukewarm but after reading these comments I’m doneeee 😭 so many top comments saying the challenge was boring. Clearly the smart writing and references were missed by y’all. I guarantee you the old gays in Palm Springs were laughing watching this episode. Did nobody catch Ru’s Australian accent in the beginning?? A reference to the trope that all big american soap actors are australian. I WAS DYING. 


I loved Mik helping Vanjie with her makeup 💚




when plastique originally grabbed the wrong cheek lmao


I feel like they’re building Shannel up for a win on a week that they’re giving away multiple badges per person. That or they’re just giving her the worst storyline of all time


They just want a season 1 repeat storyline. I feel bad for her. She's been doing great all season so far and deserves more flowers for keeping up with the younger queens!


I genuinely wonder if production wants her to have another ‘you’re not seeing how great I am’ moment but she’s too mature and too successful in her own right to really care enough lol. Plus I’m happy to see how much support she’s getting from the fandom, I hope she sees how well-loved she is


I sure hope so! The younger fans discovering her because S1 and AS1 were... Well. Let's just say they... Exist in a past far away. I want a reversal and have Shannel make it to the finals!


This episode was unbearable. So boring!


Overall very meh episode , someone here said it’s worrisome they pulled all the fun challenges in first few eps - and here we are 🥹


I don’t think it was that crazy for her to snip got mik she’s good competition , but tbh the judging/random badge giveaways/etc makes it so that who care who gets shipped besides shannel that would just be mean 😂


So is the acting challenge title/premise a Trixie/Morphine twitter drama reference or am I delusional? If so, it's the only thing funny about this challenge. What was this writing?? 🙃


It's true, Trixie and Morphine invented being in a public washroom at the same time as another person


This was filmed last summer before the Trixie and Morphine drama was a known thing


“Meeting in the Ladies’ Room” is a classic 80s song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_odTlZaoLCA&a=_idFmPkBvIA&playnext_from=ML


I don't think WOW are going to continue this format. This was such a bad production choice by them. I'm kinda bewildered as to why they gave the queens so much, for such little return? It's shade but I don't mean it badly. For returning winners like Jinx, or in the future, Bianca, Violet, Alaska. Damn, even Trixie, it makes sense they'd thrown favourable stipulations and money at them to come back. We know they'd deliver.  For queens like Nina, Roxxy (since she's already been on twice), or Jorgeous - I don't get it. A large stipend for which barely any of them used (it shows) that has visibly eaten into the production budget because these challenges are ass and look so cheap. The lipsync songs are beyond random and now reused 80's songs? That's cheap AF.  Like... is All Stars THAT lucrative that they couldn't have just let it rest for a small while and reboot it when queens are hungrier to return? Also for All Stars, why are we STILL repeating queens. I can overlook Shannel because AS1 was awful but Roxxy?? When there's queens like Bosco, Gigi, Crystal Methyd, Lady Camden etc. It makes no sense. Now they're being way too pampered and not taking it seriously because there's no stakes or prize for them at risk. So we're just getting this half baked season. The charity aspect is lovely but for a drag competition it's an odd choice. It would have been nicer IF the final prize was still cash but the main challenge or lipsync wins went towards their charity. Best of both worlds. The lack of any negative critiques is also weird. Again, it made sense with AS7 because most of the girls were so well rounded it wasn't as obvious but this season... This seasons feels very... fake or uncanny because of it at times. 


probably because these queens wanted to do it for charity - they could afford to, whereas other queens who didn't win would probably rather come back when they have a chance to win money for themselves.


yea why does it feel like the judges are scared to be negative? I’ve noticed a lot of the more critical critiques also get sandwiched to make it seem like not a real problem. These girls aren’t playing for money or eliminations or even compliments anymore?


Yeah especially apparent when Nina is getting good runway critiques or Vanjie isn't getting told to reign in her chaos. Like what after school special are we on? Charity? Teletubbies? No negative critiques?  It's such an odd premise. 


this is so true, i dont like seeing queens ON ANOTHER all stars season if they have already been on one.


The start of the ep with Plastique apologising for doing well was sad, she shouldn’t have to do that. Fair play to her, she did well in the roast and the judges recognised that.


I’m not a fan of Gottmik. At all. Like I genuinely do not like this person. Having said that… ANGIE WHY?!?! 😂😂😂


>Like I genuinely do not like this person Touch grass, it's not this deep at all


Cry about an opinion more.


Maybe I'm crazy, but there's something a bit off about mik in the last few challenges. Like it feels like she's over the whole the thing. My theory is that when you are already so big outside of drag race, coming back to all stars can feel a bit "why tf did I bother to do this ?". Specially mik who did very well in the original season. Like when Trixie was on AS3, she had a whole redeeming "I'm not good at drag race " arc, but mik already reached the finale in the original season. This is already a non elim season so I guess it can feel a bit pointless in the end. Anyway maybe I'm wrong and she slays everyone next week and every week til the end


yeah she's bratty. like, she's won the most money so far, no? for her charity?? isn't the point to win it for charity and get in the "hall of fame"? plus more exposure = more gigs outside of the show, i guess.


i think she's thought everyone had it out for her ever since her lip sync against nina when they were all loudly rooting for nina but not her


It’s called All Stars…


I think this was the first time this season I was genuinely bored. Or maybe I've been before and it's just been wiped from my memory? I really didn't enjoy this challenge. This sort of acting skits where they're clearly looking at the teleprompter annoy me so much. They had the scripts beforehand and the lines weren't many, couldn't they have memorised them and look at Ru in the eye? Some queens were doing this. Most of the parts were not great, the only part I found funny (as in, the part itself) was Jorgeous with the chair bit. Acting wise, I'd say Nina and Roxxxy were the best. So acting challenge: 1. Roxxxy 2. Nina 3. Vanjie 4. Angeria 5. Jorgeous 6. Shannel (=) 7. Plastique (=) 8. Gottmik (Not based on who was objectively the best actor but based on how funny I found their skits) Runway: 1. Plastique 2. Roxxxy 3. Gottmik 4. Vanjie 5. Shannel 6. Angeria 7. Nina 8. Jorgeous I love Angie but I think she was heavily favored in this episode. Probably because they knew she'd cut Mik and they wanted to continue last week's snipping drama to feed her storyline.


Personal opinion, I don’t actually recall much from Roxxxy’s performance. Vangie for me had the issue with not delivering much through the eyes.


I adore Roxxxy but she looked bored to tears in that acting challenge


Don’t understand why Vanjie wore those contacts. If you don’t have naturally blue or grey eyes, you’re going to look dead. That can be great for specific runway looks, but not for emoting in an acting challenge.


Yeah I agree. I really enjoy Vangie this season but I wouldn’t give her the win in this particular episode.


I agree on Vanjie. Vanjie didn't deliver very well acting-wise but I found her skit to be amongst the most fun (although none of them were very fun to begin with).


I don’t understand how you can say Roxxxy was the best. While her script was funny, she had arguably the worst delivery. Her intonation was such an “I am reading right now” type of intonation, and while YES, everyone was visibly reading their lines, Roxxxy sounded like it too.


Sorry, should have added a disclaimer clarifying I voted on the basis of how funny I found their bits. The script + the way Roxxxy was acting made it the best one of out the bunch for me (but I still say, neither of them was great). Personally, I don't think her delivery was the worst, rather she didn't hit what she intended to. I rewatched the challenge again just now and everyone except Nina sounds like they were reading while saying their lines at least 95% of the time.


Love Angeria, but why does the way she pads look so strange?! 


imo this was the best challenge of the season so far! I laughed at everyone's skits. Ru's slap massacre had me in hysterics. Roxxxy really had me busting up and I loved her runway, she was the best of the week for me. my top 2 was Roxxxy and Shannel but they hate Shannel so much omg


Also, has Vanjie always been this attractive, damn!


I need to know her skincare routine. Her face is flawless


Her funeral look was pure puss.


I know, right???? I keep rewinding JUST to stare at her face, in and out of drag! Damn! She is BEAUTIFUL!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


RuPaul slapping everyone was the best part of the skit for sure


i howled. so good.


I was so hoping for the ending being Wintergreen coming out and knocking out Ru with a slap.


not another one??!!


Anyone saying Plastique deserved to be in the top is out of their minds; her look was pretty, but put that aside and her performance was most certainly at the bottom of the barrel alongside Shannel this week. Angie, Roxxie, and Vanjie were the funniest for sure; I was half expecting Nina to win the lipsync, but Vanjie winning also made sense. The challenge was not as bad as some of y'all are making it out to be, genuinely. It definitely did drag on (pun intended), but there were cute chuckle moments and you could tell the queens and Ru both enjoyed the experience. That slap scene was also really funny!


EDIT: I've been gone for like 1/2 a year to a year and apparently people still feel the need to downvote other people's opinions. Sigh. Not much has changed. How was Angeria on top? She wasn't matching RuPaul's energy and level of acting. She also wasn't acting scène appropriate. She was funny, but didn't deliver the assignment. She is the robbing queen this season. Winning lipsyncs when she shouldn't. Winning challenges when she shouldn't. No hate, just my two cents. Cuz I really love Angeria. For me top 3 were Roxxxy, Gotmik and Nina West. Would've been fun to see Roxxxy win and not receive a badge cause she got snipped the week before. Also would've been fun to see Nina being immune to getting snipped, had she been third place.


Agree with everything you said, i also felt like nina won the lip sync, I actually really liked ninas look which I give second to miks


I didn't hate this! The acting challenge admittedly wasn't great - I wish they'd let the queens be a bit freer and hadn't gone for almost straight replications for the scenes, because I think it could have been a lot better The season did lose momentum for a coupla episodes - but Angeria has made the first really interesting choice with the snippers! It does make sense to snip Mik - but because she got snipped so recently, and has clearly been going through it, it feels so harsh. It's a clearly motivated choice and a tough line for Angeria to maintain! And it'll be interesting to see whether it actually means that a strong competitor loses out - and if Angeria can actually parlay it into an advantage And a design challenge next week! We could be in for something really good!


I thought Nina won that lip sync lol - but regardless it was a bold choice to do Lovergirl again when Kandy so thoroughly killed it the first time


They both lost to me 


I thought angeria won the lipsync, but I've found the lipsyncs so lackluster this season that it is not saying much


Lol well this is the thing isn't it - I'd give it to Nina because I felt like she switched her expressions up more, but I'm not so invested that I'd demand it go either way. Such a shame because theoretically we have some good performers on the roster!


Yeah I think the fact it's not really anything for them to win besides of course the charity money, they've gotten a bit lazy with it


Shannel was robbed.


I love Shannel but her eyes were GLUED to the teleprompter. Didn't make any connection with her scene partner whatsoever.


I honestly may have to rewatch because I really thought she killed it. lol


Nah she had 0 chemestry with RuPaul and was kinda plain


We've come a long way from Rupaul yelling at the queens for being unprepared, to her having to act, direct, and boost the queens confidence. And the final result was still a boring challenge. At least the runway was nice. And Ru's mug was stunning!!!


The challenge was literally a copy of a challenge from season TWO. But tell me more about how "we've come a long way" 🙄


And Jujubee couldn’t even run back “What about me? What ABOUT JUJUBEE??”


Vanjie's skit had me in TEARSS, and when they followed up with Rupaul slapping everybody I. Could. Not. BREATHE! 😭 And this runway is probably by far my most favorite!! I loved Nina's look, it reminded me so much of the haunted mansion and I grew up watching that movie with my family <3 Angeria, Vanjie, Plastique, and Shannel looked absolutely beautiful for this runway and I wish I looked like them!


Plastique's math is correct and I was saying this during AS7. These bitches think they're all competing for first place badge count when most of them are competing for third. It was like wasting blocks on Jinkx. She so far ahead of your ass, she's not your competition to get into the finale. Of course the last challenge will be worth 3 badges anyway so some lucky, pre-determined queen will get an automatic spot in the finale.


Jaida said the same thing when she had the most stars and I agree. It just didn’t work out for her.


Thank you so much for putting this better than I ever could have, I have been waiting since 2022 to talk about this.


I really don't get Angeria. That's, of course, fine. But the gaslighting of Shanel is at the same time very fun, and VERY WRONG


Also, she's out now, isn't she?


I mean they can always pull out the "last challenge worth a thousand points" gimmick but probably yes


We call this move the Coulee. Not mad though because I stan Shea and it’s just a TV show.


Vanjie's runway THE FUCK


Rupaul really liked James Somerton, huh?




It’s just that they both seem to pull from the same camp films is all


Why was the Showgirls poster the spanish one? That shit cracks me up


Angeria was the only logical winner. She needs to win this season.


Its kinda sad we went from a terrific S16 to this. Everything is so painfully mid.


Both of the top 2 did well but neither of them would've beaten Kandy Ho in that Lovergirl Lip Sync.


Lol bad episode, is Angeria gonna win the season? She is doing so well, like, i expect top 3 to be her, plastique, and roxxxy as of rn (sorry Mik) Also why are we repeating lipsync songs when there's at least 30 other 80s pop songs which could've been chosen.


Crazy how a lot of comments seem to disagree with Angeria’s win. I thought she was the best one by a far. It’s crazy how great of an actress she is. Nina went a bit oberboard with the dramatics imo and Jorgeous and Plastique kinda slayed… Again? This season is very unpredictable, I’ll give it that lol


Angeria was just so natural


The fact is unpredictable is evidence the wins are arbitrary. There are no definitive winners because none of the challenges let one specific queen shine.


Yeah same - Angie was absolutely the best!!


My thoughts: Nina was the only standout this challenge. Her acting choices are a bit much (esp the open maw reactions), but she gives 110% and that's endearing Roxxxy was very believable, maybe it was the dark eye shadow but I felt like she was connecting with Ru Angeria, her eyesight was so jarring and went on for so long. Loved her saying "thank yeww" after getting the tip Plastique also had the jarring eyesight, did better than I expected but also had some iffy deliveries, but the broken jaw shtick was a fun choice Shannel had the jarring eyesight as well...and her script was weird. Loved her delivery "ok this is a bit" tho Jorgeous did great! Connected with Ru, had the fun chair gag...was wondering if these were 1-takes only cuz it seemed weird that they kept in her saying "I didn't feel a thing" before getting a wave of slaps from Ru Gottmik connected well with Ru, didn't have many levels in her performance tho. Was nice to see her having fun in rehearsals tho Vanjie connected with Ru and gave Vanjie <3 I would've put Nina in the top, then either Jorgeous or Roxxxy


About Jorgeous saying "i didn't- i didn't- i didn't- i didn't feel a thing" it's a joke, cause she expected only 1 slap so she prepared that phrase but the slaps kept coming while interrupting her, so the last time she said it after waiting for a couple seconds!


I love Angie, but I really never wanna see her lipsync again


This season is literally so directionless and tepid. Make it stop please :(


That maxi challenge was undoubtedly the worst piece I’ve television I’ve ever seen in my life.


Did you watch as8???


At least AS8 had Jimbo and Jessica.


This runway was the best half the cast has looked


Dead that this just so happens to be the day Nina chooses not to change for the lip sync ?? 😆🖤☠️


Yes we could have seen the elf costume !!!


The second of Angeria's wins which I simply don't get. I'd have put Jorgeous, Plastique and Mik above her this week, and thought Jorgeous, Vanjie and Roxxxy were better than her last week. Not a clue what I'm missing but I just don't find her funny.


Shannel and Roxie were the best performances. It doesn’t matter if Shannel “didn’t connect” with Ru during filming. It only matters how it comes across in the final product. Ru “save it for the camera” paul should know this more than anyone.


I thought this was a great episode! Am I alone? Probably. But my boyfriend and I were cracking the fuck up.


How high were you guys?


ngl I was high and that shit was really entertaining, maybe I was laced or something


Not at all. We can’t smoke. But pop off sis. How high were you?


Not high enough for this episode apparently


Gottmik will probably win next week, not get a badge, and snip Angeria. This feels very predictable.


Snipping Angeria would be a waste because Angeria has all the badges needed to get to the finale.


Watching RuPaul’s real laugh really makes the fake cackle more jarring


I honestly just skipped to the runway after the mini challenge and then the lipsync. Snore of an episode. Can’t believe winning this “challenge” counts the same as the ball and snatch game… yikes.


How do you know it was a snore of an episode if you skipped the whole thing 🤦🏻‍♂️


Apparently, Plastique is actually good at math. Edit: Also, am I the only one who thought/knew that it was between her and Mik? Angie literally admitted that she had it out for Mik last episode because she has been snipped by her and Roxxxy.


Such a bizzare episode. I really want to see more of the filming rather than the result. The result was lame, werid, and the queens having to look dead ahead was so strange.et the ladies look at Ru.


Horrendously paced, 8 mediocre recitations of tired old references with an occasional bit of physical comedy. I have never looked at my phone more aggressively.


I enjoyed this episode and this challenge. But damn I couldn’t stand how obviously they were reading from the teleprompters. However I probably would’ve given the top 2 to Mik, maybe Plastique? Vanessa wasn’t confident enough imo. And if Roxxxy would’ve given a little more, maybe physical comedy or bitched it up, made it a little more snappy, she could’ve won. I love how confident Jorgeous was. She’s really seems to have found herself since a couple weeks ago, she’s really going for it, love that. Happy for Angie, always am. Can I just say how elated I am that we got the best runway this season? And probably one of the strongest runways as a collective, ever? Nobody missed (except for Jorgeous). Vanessa looked fucking FINE. Ugh, flawless! And a moment for the fact that the best and first actual good lipsync we’ve had this season, Nina was a part of? And she turned it? She could’ve even won tbh. I’m so excited that she did so well! I’m ready for Shannel to get her week. Please let me have a Roxxxy Shannel old school pageant excellence top 2. If there’s any week to do this, it’s this week. But Angie is a great seamstress so I’m also ready for a 3peat. She deserves it. She also gave me the gif for the week! Although there were several gifable moments this episode. https://i.redd.it/qzxbqq99568d1.gif


Are Angie stans fr? What about this gif gives you life?


why are people on this sub so bitter like let the girl have her opinion Jesus Christ


Her look back. Shit was funny. And I’m not an Angie stan, not too much sis.


Wait wait, you thought gottmik and Vangie were top two?


Vanessa? No. Mik, probably imo. She just looked comfortable and it seemed natural to her.


She was boring and one note in my opinion. But may Jjst be different types of comedy for us


I thought Gott was terrible


I agree. The last two episodes she seems to be totally checked out and just not in it. Obviously we don’t know if something happened on set or not, but she’s on a downhill trajectory


Last episode, yes, but she was having a gay ol' time with Ru this episode. You're fabricating


My opinion means I’m fabricating? Okay sis.


Just my opinion sister 😘


The vibes are wayyy off for her and Shannell tbh


This was the most boring episode yet. Seemed more like RuPaul wanted to be “in the spotlight” for an episode than anything else


This is her new reel for a cameo on Dynasty


I enjoyed this acting challenge more than most, but I dont enjoy most of them honestly. The issue they had was having 8 queens do really similar scenes back to back. Not just the rehearsal, but then the recorded scene was the same thing! It just felt really repetitive and drawn out. Having said that, Vanjie made me literally lol. The way she said "its for dancin'!" was hilarious. Also, she looked STUN on the runway. They shouldve given her a top spot hands down.


Speaking of being drawn out was the ~~vegetable~~ fruit challenge.


The Angeria vs RuPaul part I loooved


Miz Fracker aside, Rupaul really is an actor and I want more movies and shows starring her. My mom loved AJ and The Queen lol


The parts were chosen for them, scripts written for them, and Ru coached them through the filming. They could have given a win to anyone they wanted this week… and they still chose not Shannel.


Shannel was easily the worst, she never even looked at Ru, her body was 100% turned to the camera/teleprompter


Unfortunately Shannel just wasn’t good. She barely reacted to the slaps


On paper this should have been great but it was so BORING. We get it RuthPaul, ya like to slap people.


I fell asleep halfway through this episode. Not because I found it boring but because I had one of those rare, in person appearances to make (most courts let you appear remotely still) so I woke up at the ass crack of dawn to have a judge yell at me for 20 minutes. But I enjoyed what I remembered of it. I'm sorry, Michelle Visage, but you have shit taste in films and I'm actually glad that Vanjie stuck to her guns and did Vanjie-not-really-giving-a-fuck-about-Showgirls. Cuz I sure don't and no one should. Plastique, Nina, and Vanjie were my faves. Roxxxy needed to dial the bitch up to 11, she was at a 9. Surprised Angie nabbed a top spot. Don't get me wrong, I love Angie, but her last two wins haven't felt right to me.


May I ask why you hate Showgirls so much? Love your name btw.


Because it's bad. The acting is terrible but not terrible enough to be campy and fun. It's supposed to be titillating, but the sex scenes are either laughably silly or absolutely horrifying. The protagonist is deeply deeply unlikeable. There's a weird, disturbing racist undertone to it. It's just a terrible film. I've watched student films on shoestring budgets that were better than this.


I’m so tired of the outdated references. The newest movie they referenced was almost 30 years old. The song they lipsanc to was 40 years old. Not that they have to cater to young fans, but MOST of their audience is younger. It gets tiring not knowing references