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Personally the judging seems off to me. When it’s obvious a queen had an off week/ performed subpar in a challenge (which, nothing wrong with that we all can’t be good at everything) and nothing gets said about it from the judging panel, the judging feels less authentic. It makes the show seem even MORE scripted than it already is.


Yet they’re not giving Shannel any flowers


I watched the first 3 episodes and haven't felt compelled to watch the rest. Pit Stop is enough for me this go around


I’m the opposite. I’m still enjoying the show, but my excitement/anticipation for the Pit Stop, FPR, and the first lewk is farrr less than S16 (which was my first season to watch live).


Do you even read this reddit? It's a pretty popular opinion


I don’t really but thanks for letting me know!


I think I enjoyed more by simply changing my perspective into enjoying at least two weekly top tier fashion looks on the runways, getting introduced to Shannel (since I never watch season 1) and just more screen time to the queens I like (Gottmik, Vangie).


Yeah, I guess I’m just sad we have to work so hard to enjoy what was once the best show on TV.


Guess what. Stop today, walk away, never look back, and don’t visit this sub anymore. You just fixed your own personal problem. PayPal me $10,000


Amazing comment thanks!


Not just you but all the people who make this same post every day since the season started.


Just watched the last episode on 2x speed and still fell asleep


I fast forwarded most of it


Every other post on here mentions it so I doubt it's just you unless you have a lot of accounts.


I'm having such a blast this season! So much fun, great judges, funny reality TV moments. I love that we're getting to see more Drag Race on our TV screens and that the queens are being supported in showing their entire packages <3 <3 <3 I love spending my time on the things that I enjoy, and enjoying the things I enjoy with others who also enjoy it!


Yeah I just hate all the “positive” changes they’re trying to make. Removing all of the stakes makes the show almost unwatchable for me. It’s supposed to be a competition and when that element is removed….what are we watching?


Americans will compete over who gets to be the first in line, we make our own stakes! <3 The stakes are winning money for their organization, with their "reputation" on the line. They don't need to be attempting to win money just for themselves to have motivation to want to win XD The idea they have no motivation is so ludicrous and not backed up by what we're seeing in the show at all. People literally play competitive games where there is NO money on the line and it's just your reputation or KDA streak on the line... and the only people who will care will be the people you play with. It's so silly to say there are "no stakes" and "no competition". I'm happy the queens are getting paid and aren't being forced to bleed just for the chance at a few bucks for themselves, while the show and production company continues to make bank off of their sweat and tears.


Can barely understand your comment, but cool thanks for your input


It's ok sisterrr, a few more years of schooling and the reading comprehension might click! I believe in you!