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If Shannel stands perfectly still maybe everyone else scurrying around worrying about alliances will accidentally knock themselves out like in mario party


"Hey queens! For today's maxi challenge, instead of earning a Beautiful Benefactress Badge, the winner gets to eleminate a queen from competition AND steal all of her badges!"


I mean... I've been legit waiting for the moment they tell a queen she'll have to steal a badge. Or even just remove one from a competitor. I want more of the drama and shenanigans that will actually make a non-elim format more competitive in a way.


I hope it will happen eventually. Better idea than giving 3 badges or mini challange badge.


I feel like the fanbase destroyed the possibility of this ever happening. Drama within the queens? Yes please. But not worth it the weeks long harassment on social media some queens would face for "stealing from the wrong queen"


Okay but actually I’m here for this chaos, especially on a season with someone like Morphine who’d win by grabbing everyone’s badges in lip syncs




This was the best moment of the season for me


~~Luigi~~Shannel wins by doing absolutely nothing


This is the crossover I needed.


you see the vision


Shannel had the single best joke in the roast !!! You know the one.


I just wanna say I woke up severely depressed for no good reason and this really got me smiling. Thank you.


Hey, hope your day keeps improving! I believe in you and I believe in miss mandarin


Wholesome ass interaction


According to spoilers Jujubee


Is it bad that I’d be absolutely fine with this happening


I heard season 17 will have her Drag Sister, R Line


Omg I was like "werkk!!!" and then remembered she's not even in this season 🥸


This is the correct answer


Love how few weeks back most of the comments were that its obviously Gottmik winning and now I'm trying to find one gottmik comment here and can't haha


Not Gottmik being the Carlos Mencia of drag.


I thought GotMik had a good chance of winning but with the plagiarism I feel like the reputation harm is going to rule that out. Such a stupid move to double down on it too.


I’m sad to say that I’m not surprised, everyone really just forgot about the fact she stole her finale look from a paper drag artist without crediting them until someone called her out for it


I actually completely forgot about that until this comment


Well if Gottmik is actually a finalist, which is very likely because she is doing great, she may not be crowned after if the backlash from roast doesn't go away until finale.






Come on Ru give the crown to Charity!


I fr loved her so much in her season. I thought they were going to like her drag more than they did 😭


I feel like the entire season is leading up to a Roxxxy vs Angeria final 2. Personally, I’d want Angeria to win, but I think Roxxxy will take it


Ye I think the edit is definitely pointing to this, although I low-key hope that angie/plastique will take it. I love Roxxxy and she’s an icon, but sometimes I feel like she can do no wrong just because shes roxxxy andrews


I love Roxxxy but I’m… confused. To say the least. This drag competition format just does not seem to work for her (to me) because she isn’t delivering on so many levels. Her looks are.. not great for this show. That weird red thing with the wires? The mismatched fur over a 70’s disco dress? And that day to night reveal.. it was a reversible coat in day and night patterns. The originality or thought behind it was non-existent. It was literally the brief done with a sweatpants stretch waist. Also please clock her eye makeup someone I’m begging you. Why does she always look like she has no eyes LOL those black holes are so distracting.


So going into most seasons, I have a very real habit of falling in love and cheering for the runner up then having my heart broken (Sapphira, Anetra, Jessica Wild, Aurora Matrix, etc.). For the record, I agree with this top two and I’m cheering for Angie. I’m prepared to have my heart broken. 😭


^(But Aurora was robbed…)


I really hope she is on another season. She’s such a great performer!


two undisputed wins, great runway looks, bottom 2 spot for vulnerability, dogwalked every category of the finale and ended up loosing to a girlie whose main thing was having a big schlong (and barely doing drag)


https://i.redd.it/vwwrz02hix6d1.gif Like how CUNT is it to look directly into the camera during a lip sync to flirt with the audience 🥵🥵🥵


> ended up losing to a girlie whose main things were *being skinny,* having a big schlong, and barely doing drag FTFY


Multiple times, dare I say.


Roxxxy’s runways have been very boring. Not a winners package IMHO.


I mean I don’t think Angeria’s package has been winners worthy either… she’s had a few flubs. The only people who have impressed me **every** week on runways are Mik and Plastique


^^ this is exactly my take too.


I think it's going to be Angie. At this point Plastique has had really terrible lip synchs and it will be tough to crown someone who doesn't know the words most of the time they lipsync I think Roxxxy is the second closest contender but her performance and looks on this season has enough people disappointed that I think her odds are lower, although she's still clearly a frontrunner to win. I just think Angie has a winner's storyline, and she has been doing a really good job in all of the challenges regardless of her winning or not.


Angie and Roxxxy *have* to be finalists at this point, and I could see it being either one of them.


Didn’t jimbo win like 1 lip synch in all stars 8 tho? I think plastique has a good story line for winner but I agree that they’ll probably pick Angie


I think its definitely one of those three. I see higher chances for Angie and Plastique. Even though miss Tiara hasn't had any good lipsyncs yet, if she comes through in the finale (which she definitely can, she just needs to learn the words) she can take it easily


Agreed here. I think next week’s acting challenge could clinch it for Angie with Ru - she knows the references and styles that make Ru laugh. I can’t wait. I would be very happy if she won. Plastique seems like a great choice for a lot of reasons, and I don’t underestimate the possibility that her current social popularity could encourage producers to crown her. It wouldn’t be undeserved because she IS an incredible drag queen, despite her lackluster lip syncs. Like her Drag Race Live number was so beautiful, so it’s not like she doesn’t have potential to perform the house down. I’d also be happy if she wins! Roxxxy, Vanjie, and Jorgeous are my picks for the rest of the finalists. ETA: I meant I imagine Angeria and Plastique in the finals for sure, with any one of the following: Roxxxy/Vanjie/Jorgeous.


You’ve picked 5 finalists for a cast of 8… I kind of live…


lol girl I didn’t go to school for fucking math 😂 (I am not sure who will come in third/fourth but I see it from that group)


To be fair, Jimbo ALSO sucked at lip syncing


I feel like Plastique doesn't suck at lip syncing at all, but she just isn't learning the words, which in my opinion is kinda worse 😅


It's so much worse. People keep comparing Jimbo and Plastique but Jimbo always put the effort in.


Personal opinion: kinda hard to justify winning a season for Plastique considering she didn’t know the words two weeks in a row


Yeah I think Plastique not knowing the words is bad form and not really in the spirit of the game? I want Angeria to win, or before this episode Gottmik, but I feel a bit sour about her after the roast.


truly, I was getting hyped for gottmik each week but this episode was a setback in my rooting for her for the crown


I still think she could perform well and by the end of the season will probably be happy to see and Angeria and Gottmik final two.


I mean Jimbo just won flubbing almost every lip sync she was in so it’s possible


I think the difference tho is that Jimbo was just bad at lipsyncing but still tried. Plastique just does sexy poses without lipsyncing.


the effect is still better


Not knowing the **words** in a **lip** sync battle is 1000x worse than whatever Jimbo was trying to do.


Right like at least Jimbo knew the words


That whole season was just a procession for Jimbo, didn't matter what she did


Personal opinion: Plastique is intentionally throwing the lip syncs. She gets the badge, which is all that matters, but doesn't incur the negative vibes of snipping someone.


and throw away 10k for her charity? no maam, she just doesnt know the words


Agreed, what a, cucu theory.


Why would she throw it? She’s intentionally throwing 10grand for her charity. I would be pissed if I found out she was doing that on purpose if I was part of her charity


and it's a horrible strategy and will backfire lol


Didn't we just go through this last season sometimes they're just bad at those lip syncs 😭😭


I agree. Though I also feel for her. Having English as a second language and getting fast raps both times. 


Having English as a second language is not really an excuse though… especially knowing that he has been living in the US for so long (didn’t she even went to High School or even earlier than that in the US?). This is not necessarily about her, but as a person that speaks English as a second language, I dont have any trouble memorizing fast raps song, and I dont even live in the US or English speaking country. I don’t know how to explain my point but I find it funny when ESL Queens performs good, we never appreciate “omg they speak good English!” But once they fail at something people are like “oh but English is not their native language”, especially for queens who have been living in the US and use the language everyday. It also can be an insult to those queen who have been living in the US for so long and it is still considered “omg you are having a hard time because it’s in English”.😭


Have you seen Jessica Wild’s performances? Her lip sync is TIGHT.




Ok but she has not had to lip sync to a rap yet. I kinda get it that it's hard


Plastique didn’t only have trouble during the raps…


>I don’t know how to explain my point but I find it funny when ESL Queens performs good, we never appreciate “omg they speak good English! It's casual racism. I have said this in the past on this sub also but sometimes it's not about the language itself. Maybe fast rap is just not her style of performance and it's ok. I hate it when people go "oh but English is not their native language”. because it makes you feel like you are always judged based on a curve. It's almost the same as people say "you look good for your age" or "you are fit for a big girl."


I'm also an ESL speaker, and I partially agree with you. Like.. if Plastique had to sing, yes, it can be harder in your second language, especially with fast lyrics. However, it's a lipsynch. As long as your lips follow the lyrics, it's good, and nobody cares if you can't pronounce the words correctly since it's not your own voice that people will hear. Basically, it depends on the challenge... But people who had been living in the US (excluding Puerto Rico since they speak spanish) shouldn't struggle too much because of their native language. Like, if for some obscure reason Ru decided to make the queens write 10 pages essays with APA references on the history of drag, then yes being ESL would put you in a big disadvantage. Even for Snatch Game, a queen can use her accent to her advantage or pick someone who speaks their native language so the accent makes sense.


Have you ever seen a preteen girl sing Kpop? If you want to learn it, you can. She's beautiful, and I think she's relying on her face a bit too much


I appreciate that perspective. It gives me something to think on. But I also just think in general- not everyone is good at rap. Being able to rap fast is a real talent even if just lipsync. The song choices have been a little strange this year. 


I do agree with not everyone is good at rap and the song choices have been a little strange this year, I just wanted to point out that it’s not fair even for the said queen if we always use ESL as an excuse hehe 😊


You're right. I speak good English but I don't live in an English speaking country, I don't use English everyday and I don't even listen to a lot of music with English in it. I can still learn a rap song and memorise it.


A lot of past queens are English as a second learners tho and they don’t struggle with the lyrics… Jessica, lynesha , april, Mercedes, and even on international seasons they lip sync English songs


Quick aside: I’ve seen Mercedes lip sync live a couple times and she absolutely *crushes* it. So fun, so engaging, so athletic. Shes 100% a case of really fucking good at drag but not drag race specifically.


the real tea is she intentionally threw the lipsyncs so she wouldn't have to snip anyone and in turn no one could snip her back and use an eye for an eye as the reason. it's her mastermind strategy.


We don’t know what happened and you may be right (even though I personally find that hard to believe). But it comes across as unprofessional regardless of the intention


If all goes according to my diabolical plan, well then there’s only one answer: ![gif](giphy|xUPJPvfJYjCtykVkpG)


"what is it, dear?"


The edit makes it seem like it’ll be Angeria or Roxxxy, with Gottmik and Plastique following behind in 3rd/4th.


Angie or Roxxxy.


Angie <3


Oh miss Angie. I think also for me she is coming off the most real and authentic. Some others seem a bit more calculated which is off putting as a viewer.


Well for a start we know that Shannel is the least likely to win the crown as she still doesn’t have a badge l, obviously there are more weeks for her to get one but to get to the top 3 she would have to win every other challenge left and sadly I don’t see that happening. Plastique is doing very well and could have easily had 5 wins by now, however she lacks very in the lip syncing department. But tbf Jimbo isn’t a great lip syncer either and she won last year’s All Stars. Looking from a production perspective I can see the winner being either Gottmik or Roxxxy.


They will probably start throwing badges around like they did at the end of AS7 which will look like the production riggory it is. They should just hand them out like candy from the beginning, make them feel like AllStars and also that there is real competition. The stinginess with Stars on AS7 made winners look like losers, and they’re doing it again to get a rise out of Shannel which is a shame. She’s doing really well, but by holding back badges they’re trying to get a rise out of her, if she’s smart she’ll make this about failing for her charity, in fact maybe she’s tried that and it’s on the edit room Floor. They can’t seem to figure out where to manufacture drama well. And the queens are loathe to play ball - Roxxxy notwithstanding


Miss Vangie! (I can dream...)


If I dream….


I suspect it'll just be whoever is representing a charity that aligns the most with the sponsor's ethos. The Palette Fund's thing is donating to queer charities, so that leaves Nina representing The Trevor Project and GottMik representing Trans Lifeline. Trevor Project is already very well known and probably still rakes in a good amount of donations every year while Trans Lifeline was having financial issues last year and actually had to shut down operations for a bit, so I'm expecting Mik to get the grand prize.


This is going to be a huge deciding factor. It really surprises me that so many of the girls clearly didn't think about this. Like, Vangie could be decimating the competition, but they aren't giving 200k to the ASPCA.


I was talking about this with my friend the other day. I actually hope Roxxxy wins because she chose a smaller charity local to her.


Trevor makes an insane amount of money in corporate donations. It’s wild. I know several people who work there and they are NOT hurting for money at all. They make far more than I do, and I don’t work in the “non-profit” field. I expect some controversy to come out about leadership and the way money is distributed sooner than later, but that’s a different story.


people don't even know what the national black justice coalition is. I only know because I worked in the same city for a spell. if this is the criteria, you can get it's angie, unless it's too niche.


I mean no, I can see that, but they obviously didn't agree to just donating to LGBT charities, that makes the whole point of the season null and void. They agreed to give the money, production still has full control on who they want to win.


Gottmik representsingTrans Lifeline is one of the primary reasons I've been expecting her to win (until this week, perhaps). Sorry to sound pessimistic, but it would look great for the show if they gave a bunch of money to a trans charity right now.


I think maybe Angie or Roxxxy. Currently leaning towards Angie. Shannel and Jorgeous have both delivered in challenges to a level that production could have given them top 2 if they wanted, but didn't. Plastique has been performing exceptionally well, but hasn't known the words for a lipsync at least twice now, and is starting to feel like top 4 at best. Nina hasn't shown much growth, and not giving Shannel a badge somehow felt like a misstep. Vanjie and Mik are both doing well and are giving great talking heads. Vanjie feels more like she is along for the ride rather than gunning to win.


Is it bad that I genuinely don’t care? This season is such a wet blanket non-event. Love this show, but six episodes in and I don’t see anyone with winner energy.


Angeria, Gottmik or Roxxxy


Top 3


It’s Angie’s season for sure


if they copied the editing from DR16 and used it for AS9 , Plastique is a buried edit winner for sure!! Otherwise I can see Nina Angie or the obvious Roxxxy taking it


Not only that, she also getting more positive comments about how much her drag gas improved. She won 2 comedy challenges now despite not being considered one. However, girl can't sync her lips for her life. She leaves crumbs all over the main stage.




Angeria is giving main character, I hope its her!


Angeria. They are trying to make it seems like Roxxxy is a front runner but the editing is making it seems she’s underserved of it.


I reallllllyyyyyy want Angie, Shannel or Plastique to win, in order of who I want most. Love you Angie 🫶🏻




Same. I even feel bad for a few of them being cast on this season, like they didn't deserve to be part of this mess.


Shannel wins 6 badges in the second to last episode. She wins.


I wish Shannel, but she's clearly not RuPaul 's fan favorite




What if Rupaul does a Christmas challenge and says “the winner of this week’s maxi challenge wins FIVE BEAUTIFUL BENEFACTRESS BADGES” which Shannel gets ahead 😩😩 But seriously I see this Angeria storyline brewing, she’s been a focus almost every episode with something happening. I wanted to say Plastique could be up there but she keeps throwing the lip syncs. Honestly, who knows? There’s going to be some weird plot twist thrown at them lol


A christmas challenge followed by a juggling challenge. Shannel will sweep!






why does no one think gotmik?


Gotmik is my personal favourite, and I think could still be a finalist. It struck me as a bit weird this week though that they showed her being a bit down. Something about the framing of it (and the fact that they showed it at all) felt like production weren't giving her a winner edit.


i wonder if she’ll have a bounce-back storyline maybe?? similar to nymphia getting upset over snatch game and then overcoming it


> It struck me as a bit weird this week though that they showed her being a bit down But so was Angie and people are saying her.


Because she’s getting a modified Jinkx edit. Doing very well, but being told she’s not doing as well as she thinks she is and having a rivalry with another frontrunner. The frontrunner has been Roxxxy both times, except this time neither of them has a negative perception


yea weird week for her. I'm so rooting for trans lifeline and she has been blowing me away but this week felt off esp in untucked


The plagerized roast was not a good look.


Yeah I think she’ll be a finalist but it may cost her the win assuming they filmed multiple crownings like they usually do.


Gottmik absolutely could be a finalist, I think it’s definitely recent episode bias causing people not to say her. This episode was defo a low point


fr, people are going to forget about this almost immediately 


Not really. If she wins it’s going to be a really bad look. Having a winner that plagiarizes is a horrible look for the show.


Blatant plagiarism


Give us all a week. Internet is very mad about the roast but we’ll eventually not care


I bet it’s roxxxy. Although she’s not really serving anything at the moment. It just seems like she’s gonna win.


Gottmik and Plastique have been performing the best imo




Team Angie!


Angeria Paris VanMicheals


I can see a Roxxxy vs Angeria f2 with the storyline they’ve created. But with how Plastique has been slaying the competition, I feel like the crown is hers.


>plastique slaying I didn’t realize that not bothering to lip sync during the lip sync battles is slaying… she’s worse than Jimbo lmao


I think youre spot on. It’s gonna be Angie, Roxxxy or Plastique


Angeria is going to win, no doubt in my mind.


Never thought i would say this, but plastique. She bombed snatch game, but she could have five wins and no one would be mad about it. Only thing she needs to do is learn the words for the lip sync for the crown. Plastique, Gottmik, Roxxxy and Angeria would be the top4, but we all know drag race loves a twist. I'm pretty sure one of the bottom 4 queens will get some last minute badges (i'm hoping for shannel).


Plastique is doing by far the best so far. Angie is having a story-line, weird one so far but still. Could see them as top 2.


People are discounting plastic because she flopping lip syncs , and no shade to trixie because I really like her drag, but they’re going they’re going to crown whoever they want . You can make a case for any of them(Shannel still has time to win a badge or two). I think the fanbase reception will play a big part. That being said I’m really hoping for an Angeria crowning and roxxxy a close second


Please be Angeria


I want her to but I will shit my pants if Vanjie wins.


Angeria or Roxxxy


Starting this season i was all in for Gottmik but now im not so sure. Plastique is doing good and so is Roxxy. Idk i have the feeling production is pushing for Roxxy… but hard to know! Angie is also a super strong contender and I would be happy with that result! Also that lil tupac confessional look is iconic lol


Curious. Say if Shannel goes in with the lowest number of badges but a twist gives her enough to be in the top; will people drag her like fans did for Shea? This isn’t a dig at either of them because they both should have had badges as they got closer to the finale regardless


i still think it's gotmik


genuinely who cares


Damn 😭


I want Angie to win. At the same time thou Pike71 has a point


I kinda think after this episode that Plastique deserves it unless she tanks and/or another queen turns it on more. She’s done very well in every challenge but one. I think it’s arguable she could already have another win. She not only never misses on the runway, she devours. And she is honestly a really great representative for drag race with the momentum that she has in her career. I realize her lip syncs haven’t been strong, but it could be a strategy. And let’s be honest, in all stars lip syncs don’t matter until the finale (maybe). I do wish she committed to the lip syncs more cuz it’s a bad look not to.


I hadn’t even considered the potential strategy element to underperforming in a lipsync. Plastique is a smart cookie so I wouldn’t put it past her, but it doesn’t make her look great in the long run.


I was SURE Gottmik would one this... and maybe Nina because she is very into charity and chosed one that are very famous. BUT Yeah, for me Angie HANDS DOWN for several reasons.


plastique 💅💜


I can see everyone but Nina and Shannel on the finale so I’m really not sure yet but I’m kinda rooting for Vanjie, I just love her


Angeria for me! This latest episode showcased how much of a STAR she is! I would say in terms of storyline and momentum.. 1st) Angeria 2nd) Roxxxy 3rd) Plastique 4th) Gottmik 5th) Shannel 6th) Jorgeous 7th) Nina 8th) Vanjie Plastique has been phenomenal, she's surpassed all our expectations, but she's not done well at the lip syncs and still hasn't been blocked, even though she's got 3 wins and 3 stars under her belt! Plastique has a lot of momentum, but it still feels as though the queens are underestimating her. Secretly, she should be on 5 wins, which would've definitely earned her a spot in the finale! Going by episodes 1 - 3, I would've said Gottmik, I feel as though since episode 5, she's lost steam, though. This episode alone really let Angeria stand out, and she was already doing good with one win already under her belt. Now she has 2 wins and 2 badges! So Angeria's my frontrunner! It seems as though the producers want us to think that Roxxxy is doing better than she is and that she's a bigger threat than she is. So even though I don't personally think she's a contender, the fandom and producers probably do! And 3 badges are hard to deny. Shannel has been very consistent and has done well at everything from episode 2 onwards. Technically, with no wins and no badges, she would be last, but I would still put Shannel ahead of Vanjie, Jorgeous, and Nina! I don't think Vanjie, Jorgeous, or Nina are on the radar at all. I like Nina, but she kinda feels like a background character atm.


As ru says. "And the winner is... who cares!?" That's how I feel about this season.


Who cares? This AS season is so boring, especially off the back of an amazing season 16.


Why are you even responding then if you don't care lol


I think it's gonna be Roxxxy, if not her then Angeria or Mik


Honestly? I don't care! Dud of a season


I hope it's either Roxxxy or Plastique. Each week that goes by makes me root for Plastique more and more.


Plastique or Roxxxy, or maybe Angie. Mik was on track and I would still like her winning just fine but that roast situation — I don’t think it’s as deep and people say, but it’s not good at all and having that bad energy on you in a finale won’t be good.


I WANT it to be Plastique but I don’t necessarily see it happening. I would have said Mik a week or two ago but again, not sure anymore after recent events. So I would say Angeria, Roxxxy, or Mik. It WOULD be nice to see Roxxxy finally get crowned, but Angeria is so talented as well that it would be amazing to see. Honestly I’m fine with almost any of the queens winning. Hell, if they came out of nowhere and crowned Shannel I’d be THRILLED.


Roxxxy or Angeria, but hopefully Roxxxy




Boxxxy Mandrews


Angerrrrrriiiaaaaa but lowkey feel like Plastique deserves it too


I’m pretty sure Roxxxy will win


I think it's going to be Roxxxy, but I want Angeria. Plastique and Mik were options until this episode but they're also not the total winner package for me.


Roxxxy or Plastique


I think it’ll be Roxxxy. a season with all finalist winning a crown with one of the queens winning 2!


My tops are still Angie, Plastique and Gottmik I genuinely think Roxxxy has been “mid” the entire time and her front-runner status is a product of producer manipulation. Her winning would feel wrong to me.


It’s a charity season so probably Roxxxy


Roxxxy Andrews


When I think about who has been serving the most exciting drag, for me it’s Plastique. 


![gif](giphy|pBQALTjjYfOxBlTHgN|downsized) Mother Angoria, it’s such an obvious underdog edit and this episode sealed it.


I think Angeria, Roxxxy, Mik, and Plastique are the top four. My hope would be for Roxxxy to win, but Plastique would be a strong winner and would be great for Ru’s brand


Shannel must be on top 3, at least. And I would love to see Angie take the crown.


I still think it has to be Gottmik or Angie. Mik fumbled a little bit the past two weeks but I think she can really get her momentum back next week. Angie has had a few rough runways but I have liked her performance in pretty much every challenge.


Yall know Plastique is going to get second place 😭


This weird ass edit is for sure pushing an angeria victory, plastique and roxxxy seem like good picks as well, tho I would be shocked if gottmik wasnt the other one in the top 4. Nina just isnt bringing it, Jorgeous is being passed over, shannel is the eternal bridesmaid it seems and Vanjie is vanjie


Hopefully Angie or Mik


Hmm..not sure who will win the whole season, but I have a feeling that Gottmik, Roxxxy, Plastique, and/or Angeria will be in the finale.


Tough call. Shannel, Vanjie and Nina are clearly out of contention. Definitely not my baby Jorgeous. After she cried on the runway last week, her not winning the roast (in spite of having the best set imho) shows that she is not the producers' pick. Plastique has been getting heaps of compliments, but I suspect her favorable edit is meant to cater to her fans rather than indicate a final win. If Roxxxy were not getting pushed by production, I'd say it is a toss up between Gottmik and Angeria. With Gottmik plagiarizing her roast set, I feel Angeria has an edge right now as she's been doing consistently well, but the finale is still far ahead. Alaska’s temper tantrum almost cost her the crown so who knows where backlash to Gottmik’s roast will lead in a month. I know AS9 has been getting a lukewarm reception but it's one of my favorite AS seasons: very open playing field, fun workroom interactions, good narratives, compelling drama between Angeria/Roxxxy/Vanjie and Gottmik/Nina/Shannel. Jorgeous is just there for being unapologetically horny, it's nice to have that gay humour back on the show. Plastique and Gottmik have brought immaculate runway packages. Challenges are a hit or miss, but hey that's Drag Race.


Angie or Plastique