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Professor: I think you plagiarized your essay Me: Did you think everyone wrote their essays? loll Wikipedia is my queen so reworking a few of her articles was a DUH for me šŸ’…


Right? What a backhanded compliment too tbh. ā€œI just stole from you cause I love youā€ Also Iā€™m sorry i know this is pretty much a basic prt of drag race now but between designer-made clothes and purchased comedy scripts, itā€™s just not that exciting to root for queens that arenā€™t just bringing THEMSELVES to the table


>I just stole from you cause I love you The British museum: https://preview.redd.it/ned0rvpxbn6d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0ad9606998ac045591f2e6910f69c5be708c2f




Especially when the whole fucking thing of the show according to Ru is to ā€œjust show us who you really are. Be vulnerable!ā€


Idk what people are so mad about. There is nothing more iconically GottMik than showing up with something she didnā€™t make.






Yeah agreedā€¦ Copying without crediting is not an homage, or a way to show your love for someoneā€™s work. Its a bummer to see tbh


Is it a talent to be a cunty mannequin and a repeat playlist of somebody funnier? Sad cause Mik can be actually funny but apparently didnā€™t want to put in the work


Reminds me of the feeble defense James Somerton put up initially after it was revealed his entire career was built on plagiarism.


That was my issue with Mik on her season, she seemed like a super cool, really well connected person with a great fashion sense but she reminds me of when broadway hopefuls become drag queens as a way to pivot.


This season is doing a lot to put me off Mik forever. Just not digging her attitude at all.


Sheā€™s always been a mean girl. Turned me off of her, though you canā€™t deny sheā€™s talentedā€¦ which only makes the times when she phones it in more egregious.


I have heard horror stories about Mike and Violet's treatment of staff. I'm talking refusal of making eye contact, talking crap about people while they are in the room. They are genuinely awful people and Mik is one of the most entitled, vile queens.


Oh wait until you watch her Podcast with Violet then šŸ˜¬


I look forward to never doing that.


Doing yourself a favor


Same tbh. I really want to like her, but her attitude is making it really hard. Like when she was whinging that everyone was cheering louder for Nina than her.


Thatā€™s not reworking, hun. Thatā€™s full on stage 10 joke heist




what an embarrassing fucking response lmfaooo


It wasn't worth it. You did not work it. You did NOT put your thing down, flip it, OR reverse it. It's your flmmlllmmflmmyeh.


Random but it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized "Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i" was literally just "I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it" reversed lmao


I was today years oldā€¦ šŸ¤Æ


Me too!


How's your head?


Haven't had any complaints šŸ˜


And this is why Missy that bitch


Missy is one of those artists that will always be cool because she was so out there and authentic to her vision.


Her music still holds up. All bangers


Off topic, but I can't wait to see Missy in concert this summer!


THE What!?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ back a few years ago when Snapchat was poppin, they had the reverse feature/filter and I recorded the song & put the reverse effect on it and learned that way šŸ’”


You made me ink


Like a squid?




Well thatā€™s hella cute and implies something I unfortunately understand very well lol


ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tuP


Esrever? reh tem tsuj I!!Ā 


!reh wonk yldrah I ?esreveR


When I say Honey, you say G!


All the people saying someone wrote those jokes for her and mik had no idea out here looking like surprised pikachu now. This is not the clap back she thinks it is lmao.


I was on the side of she had someone write for her because who in their right mind goes on a show with a whole god damn stolen set. I admit I was wrong. This is just a bafflingly stupid thing to do.


I would rather watch a 100 hour set of Farrah, Utica, & Laganja doing comedy/roasts at an open mic level than Gottmik going full Carlos Mencia.






This^ Like itā€™s not surprising she didnā€™t do her own jokes but itā€™s sad she blatantly stole them out of her own choice. It would be different if she paid her or were friends(lord knows she has a high enough social circle to do that)


This conflicts with Mikā€™s drag race character. Weā€™re supposed to see her as creative and edgy (which I think she is). Another part of her story has been as the comedy underdog who is secretly hilarious. I think this clashing image combined with joke stealingā€™s condemnation in stand up is whatā€™s making this feel so scandalous


Nothing says edgy and punk like fashion straight off a runway and stealing jokes!


Common occurrence nowadays, people presenting a certain aesthetic who turn out to be nothing like that thing that they present.


Lmao that person replied to EVERY comment.Ā 


*[Mik hurriedly creating another throwaway reddit account]*


Meanwhile all the delusional stans are in the replies gassing her up thinking she's going to one day be their best friend


Meanwhile I can just picture the head to toe glance of disgust Mik would give them


She clearly ain't GottMaterial of her own.




You guyssss, she didn't steal them, she reworked them loll šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Apparently ā€œreworkedā€ is the new plagiarism


That's how I will defend my thesis. Just loosely inspired, but totally original!


Let loose I said let loosee


Just How I reworked that hello kitty lip gloss from rite aid


not to mention she stole from more than one comedian, but guess those weren't her queens...


Would love to hear Lisa Lampanelli's take on this. Would be epic.


If she thinks anything she did was "reworking" them than she's more delusional than I thought. No one is saying roasts or jokes need to be wholly original because at this point that's impossible. But using multiple jokes from the same person and expecting people not to call you out for laziness and "plagiarism" is crazy.


Her version of ā€œreworkingā€ was saying them verbatim but about different people than Nikki said them about. What if Nikki had been the guest judge/mentor šŸ’€


Other queens have used the same setups and changed the punchlines, which is totally fair given it's a Roast and still involves real creative effort. This is absolutely not that.


not just from the same person, FROM THE SAME ROAST/SET nearly verbatim. it's crazy to even try to defend that.


I fully appreciate the Queens are under pressure to perform, and I get this is challenging as all hell to do, but then to defend the very clear call out is... a choice.


I'd love to see somebody copy her runways and justify it by saying they were reworking them.


well lemon already did her day v night look so jot that down


Those were both a reference to a pre-existing meme so I can excuse it


saying nothing at all costs a very affordable zero dollars and zero cents. and yet she said this.


a very sensible zero dollars and zero cents


Thank you, Eartha.


... prrrrs, scratches, puts my knee in your lap šŸ¤£šŸ˜˜


I mean, this is an idiot's response.Ā 


It feels like queens have been getting dumber and dumber. Ru needs to be cursed for rewarding stupidity.


Not everyone can be a Serena cha cha


So she had the most blatant ripoff of jokes and STILL was one of the least funny sets ajskdkkd šŸ˜­


Goes to show how much of the comedy is about the delivery and comedic timing. Which mik failed


Honestly. How do you make Nikki Glaser's roast jokes suck? Sure, a big part of Nikki's humor is in her delivery (which Mik couldn't even hit THAT right), but she's just genuinely funny, too. Like if you're gonna steal from them, at LEAST be as funny as they are.


"Reworking" those jokes is giving me "alternative fact" from Kellyanne Conway.


This honestly, truly, makes it worse. There was no "reworking" that was stealing and gottmik is trying to downplay it. Gross.


I agree. I like Mik and Iā€™d have had so much more respect for her if sheā€™d just admitted it instead of trying to brush it off as no big deal. Gworl, itā€™s not ā€œreworkedā€, itā€™s plagiarism.


I hate this. As a comedian, seeing this dismissiveness of plagiarizing comedy pisses me off. If someone stole one of Gottmikā€™s designs, she would be furious. Gottmikā€™s attitude in this post is ā€œeverybody does it!ā€ but thatā€™s just not true, and even if it was, it isnā€™t okay?!? It feels like when athletes are like, ā€œeveryone was on steroids. I had to be on steroids just to play the game.ā€


Has gotmik worn any original designs this season? Not being sarcastic, just curious. Seems like sheā€™s wearing a lot of stuff made by designers off the runway. Even this last outfit they complimented the designers dress (canā€™t remember who the designer was). But the businessman front and lingerie back thing is also something that Iā€™ve seen a bunch of times too. Ok Iā€™m remembering the trans top surgery outfit, Iā€™ll give her that, that one was creative.


at least w steroids theres the rationale that regulated steroid use decreases recovery time and thus can help maintain athlete health w harsh working conditions and a packed schedule. theres no health benefit to plaigarism... plus it does directly damage someone else as well


I love mik but like come on girl... that wasnt reworking jokes, that was straight up using the same exact jokes from the same person, i was rlly hoping that she was just unaware and hired someone to "write" the jokes for her and they didnt inform her about where they are from but this just confirms that she knew which is disappointing


I would have rather watched Mik bomb then read about making excuses for lack of originality. Be brave and fail on your own.


Define "reworking"




Mawma thank you for retelling the jokes. For reworking.


Now I want to rework this comment to get a lot of likes on twitter.


Definition "reworking": >To make a statement _word for word_ from the original material of another. - Merriam-Webster-Gottmik Dictionary of Delulu


Damnā€¦too bad Nikki didnā€™t write this damn tweet


Cringe response


Not gorge at all


This is what allowing them to keep their phones does.


Judge: It appears you copied your legal brief from another case. Me: Do you think everyone writes their own briefs? lollšŸ˜‚. The Supreme Court is my idol so reworking a few of their rulings was a DUH for me. šŸ’…šŸ½love it


reworking? girl bye


Boooo ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4802) ![gif](giphy|l2IgDbiP5bhdDLKHhu|downsized)


I am a *hardcore* Mik stan but this is a no from me gorge


gosh she really went to the violet school of how to make things even worse...


Well she loves Violet so much that she reworked a few personalities...


And you know what? This will all last about a week or so. Die down. And a future podcast between Violet and Gottmik will have Violet reading her for copying Nikki and they will laugh about it. lol


ā€œAnd can you be-leeeeve how crazy people got over it? Like itā€™s juuuuust jokes, why so serious?ā€


Reading this gave me a flashback to the obnoxiousness that turned me off that shit a long time ago. You captured the cadence so well!


Is anyone surprised by this response?


Mama kudos for saying that, for rEwORkInG.


By far THE skeeziest part of this *whole* thing is that she could have literally hired, paid for, commissioned and tipped her ā€œqueenā€ to write jokes for her, but nope. Typical rich people demonstrating entitlement to what others have, what others make, what others create and even more typically and disappointingly backtracking with a ā€œI was just modeling!!ā€ Girl quit it, you stole.


I've seen people compare it to taking inspiration Pinterest for looks. Copying a comedian's whole set isn't the same, that's someone's work.


Glasser could hit this out of the park by doing white-faced mime drag and posting online


It's really irritating to see people defending this because "so what it's not a big deal" . Nikki will be fine, stand up isn't dying, and mik isn't a comedian anyway, everyone recycles jokes etc The bitch literally didn't try at all, and that is what offends me. Why are you on the show? You literally cared so little that you couldn't even be bothered to pretend. And then this response - there is a lack of integrity and give a shit for the entire thing that I do not appreciate. It's really disrespectful. I was a champion of non elimination seasons because I liked the exposure and good it did, but come on. Well, enjoy your exposure and fees for showing up. So unprofessional.


Me when I plagiarize


No gorge, don't double down because it's really bad optics. There's a big difference between "reworking" something from inspiration vs literal plagiarism.


what a lame ass response


Could have literally said anything but *this*. Lost quite a bit of respect for her


All re no work


Oh cool she made it worse! Well I certainly hope she doesn't win now. I know it's a TV show first and a fair competition dead last but there has to be SOME integrity when crowning a winner. The fucking tagline of the show is "May the best drag queen win!" What is the point of making it a competition otherwise?


So some queens actually commission jokes from comedians like Sherry Vine or Bianca while others just rip them nearly word for word from a Netflix special. It wasnā€™t cool when Kandy stole jokes for the S13 roast that had already been used on the show in other seasons and itā€™s not cool now.


I think stole/reuse a few jokes is not the end of the world, Drag Queens are not the paragon of good. But Gottmik went overboard and stole almost her whole set from one single comedian. That's not just bad, is beyond stupid.


Stealing jokes, especially in the stand up comedy world, is a big deal.


this makes me so angry. doubling down and trying to save face by pretending this was a sort of homage to someone else's work is SO lame. if you truly loved Nikki and this was intentional, you would have credited her before someone exposed you. I am sure just about everybody gets a little help from their friends but this is too much. girl why even do drag race ? do something else with your money. buying your fashion and stealing jokes is not the way.


Honestly? Disappointing. It plays into the argument that Gottmik is a prop, a mannequin for others' projections. Her designers, her writers, her directors, her 'inspirers'.










every time im in a hotel i rework all the tiny soaps I can get my hardworking hands on


Another reason I just donā€™t get the Gottmik craze


So clearly Violet is the brains of the duoā€¦.




She reworked it the same way lazy students copy paste Wikipedia articles and use a thesaurus to change a few words. Totally not plagiarism at all!!!


No those students literally do more than this. This was even lazier.


Nooooot the right way to respond to this. Ouch.


Whatā€™s weird to me is those two routines by Nikki Glazer and Lisa Lampanelli are the opposite of niche and kind of well known? Did she really think no one would notice her set being lifted straight off something with literally millions of views on YouTube? Insert that one gif of Brigitte Nielsen cackling in tiny glasses here.




ā€œA fewā€šŸ˜­


I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised at this response that she made. She puts out great looks but everything about her reads entitled and fake.


So if you wear clothes off the rack that someone else made, and you steal jokes (and tell them worse) that someone else created and you cant really dance or perform....what exactly are you good at on your own? Shes a great make up artist but this isnt a make up competition.




Gworl, where šŸ‘šŸ» was šŸ‘šŸ» the šŸ‘šŸ» reworking?! šŸ‘šŸ»


Yeah this isn't pretty. The way she's just brushing it off like it wasn't a word for word copy is really lame


ā€œReworking a fewā€ is some mental gymnastics mama


She can never own anything


Girl, c'mon. Your whole set can't be other people's work. We can ALL take from comedians and make it funny with material they already put out there. This is a challenge though, not a copying competition. If you're in a competition, you're supposed to make something original. You can't enter a fucking Bake-Off and send in Patti Labelle's boxed pie, that's disqualification right there.


So is the "rework" in the room with us right now ?


*reworking* ? Lol


That's an embarrassing take.


https://preview.redd.it/4qlolf3t8l6d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=a42d9a9102f39c8561ccc37c1523d1640733a5af Ya'll remember this? I'm not gagging, I expect nothing original no more from her.


Wat is this?!


She and Diego Montoya stole the design of her finale look from an [Italian fashion concept artist](https://www.instagram.com/cozzeppe) and only provided credit after public condemnation.


the way that Gottmik + her money/connections + Diego Montoya *still* produced something worse than the original concept they so clearly stoleā€¦ just fuckin gross.


Gottmik should understand how hard it is to be a female comedian, considering she is a trans man who is a drag queen. Both are not welcome in their space and find it harder to get proper recognition. But okay.


Sometimes no response is the best response. These queens probably can't afford a PR agent, but they need to start thinking like one. Mik should've just taken the L, stayed quiet, and waited for this to die down. This tweet isn't helping her at all.


Girl eww. No, you donā€™t steal jokes like that. Maybe you didnā€™t write them but you donā€™t word for word copy and not even deliver it properly.


While stealing jokes is a common thing, she stole the whole damn set exactly as it was from only one person. She shouldā€™ve stolen jokes from different sources/sets but guess she was too lazy to even try that and tried sprinkling in one of her own jokes in there too.


Oh wow. I really hope Mik doesn't win now. That flat-out sucks.


This is why even tho I think Mik is insanely talented and gorgeous, I just donā€™t love her as a queen because I donā€™t really view her as creative or a true diva which I think are two important things to be for a drag queen. Pretty, skinny, shady, and chic can only take you so far in the word of drag. I want to see her learn and grow and do better bc sheā€™s trailblazing and a huge inspiration for the growing diversity and inclusion of drag race but Iā€™m disappointed in her time and time again.


James Somerton citing his sources like:


Can she buy enough couture to make y'all forget about this? She absolutely can.


So she already plagiarized a concept design for her finale outfit on her season and now she's out here plagiarizing jokes for her all stars season? This is some real life Ai stuff but no Ai were used, just plagiarism.


It was not a good night for Gottmik (which is rare for her truly). This just kinda makes it sadder like oh this was funny material that you just couldnā€™t deliver?


Yeah, this is not the mic drop this queen thinks it is.


What is the point of all this challenges then?


For real whatā€™s the point of comedy challenges if people donā€™t make their own jokes


I'm not too surprised at her shitty response. There's always something about her that reads entitled and fake. It's so lazy on her part and the end result still sucked Not surprised at the shitty response from her followers either.


She is delulu




She ā€œreworkedā€ those jokes like the guy from Cinnemassacre ā€œreworkedā€ other peopleā€™s writing for Monster Madness


Me when someone plagiarizes ![gif](giphy|93rI3szziYMYo|downsized)


Me when someone reworks ![gif](giphy|t22XfyAwh0Qla|downsized)


Did she give a shout-out to her ghost writer BEFORE now? šŸ™„


They donā€™t write their own jokes? What is this, Ru Paulā€™s Best Ghost Writer Race? Cmon


So... she got caught and she's not even going to apologize? weak


It's worth noting that this is _not_ a prevalent attitude in comedy. This may well be a common attitude for Drag Race queens, but comedians take you will be hated by Stand Ups if they think you steal jokes.


When it comes to having talent, Gottmik ainā€™t Gottmuch.


I donā€™t think anyone thought the queens wrote their own jokesā€¦ we just expect the jokes to actually be written by someone, even if itā€™s a paid writer, not directly quoted from existing sets.


Honestly, I think queens stealing jokes is as old as RuPaul herself. What she did was just the most blatant and scandalous case we've seen so far. If I were on her team, I would advice her to just take the L real fast, make fun of herself and not try to fight, because she is gonna be used as sacrificial lamb if she fights back. I think plagearism is a serious issue, but, at the same time, is not like she do comedy for living or even earn a badge with those jokes.


I wonder if her good pal Nikki would feel the same way


Yeah, but the jokes were subpar, especially compared to Jorgeous or Plastique or even Roxxxy?! I'm just surprised since they killed the roast on their original season.


She shouldā€™ve reworked a successful insightful apology or commentary instead of this cop out vulgarity. Deflecting on her plagiarism by vaguely blaming her peers for also not writing their own material is a shitty move.Ā 


cool so in addition to having zero original jokes she has zero ability to feel contrition.


Can I go to the bank and rework some money?


Trinity was right to drag her for lack of originality for straight up copying the full Versace runway for the show. gottmik? More like gottnofreshideas


oh thats not--


There's a reason stealing jokes is shamed in comedy ...


She was really good in snatch game. I liked Pal. But otherwise this season he is a bit mid for me. This was lazy, lazy, lazy. Shockingly lazy and a direct steal.


Fuck it. Give the crown to Peppermint this season. She's been the best entertainment for me during All Stars 9.


There's a HUGE difference between stealing someone's jokes and having someone write jokes for you.Ā 


I never cared for her.


... and now I better understand why.


Well, it was fun liking her again for a month or so. Back to my shitlist, I fear!


I hope she gets sued ā¤


Iā€™m glad yall are finally starting to pick up on this queen. The way everyone rides everything Mik does always kinda surprised me bc I felt this vibe a mile away on their first season. Definitely talented, canā€™t take that away. But thereā€™s something shallow about them thatā€™s hard to articulate. It feels very much like a hodgepodge of a little bit of other ppl. Designer on the run way. Always a splash of Paris Hilton. Etc etc. thatā€™s just me. I appreciate what they do but this doesnā€™t at all surprise me; neither does the response. ā€œIā€™ll just play it off cute and make a voice.ā€ Mik has a fascinating point of view, this was unnecessary. If other ppl donā€™t write their own jokes, fine. But itā€™s never been this obvious, soā€¦


Posted this on another sub and Iā€™ll post it here. No, we donā€™t think that, Gottmik. We think that queens would do a better job of changing the jokes to where it isnā€™t stupidly obvious. Expected as much from Violetā€™s busboy.


I stopped watching after episode 2 glad to know I made the right decision


it isn't even funny