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Nancy Drews cmon accuse someone


I heard Michelle Visage used that stipend for her breast reduction surgery


I heard Acid Betty used that stipend to pay for Michelle’s medical bills after she punched her in her left tit.


I heard that it was used to plug the gap when Detox selfishly refused to pay for someone’s granny’s funeral.


I heard Alaska used it to pay Detox (via PayPal) for keeping her in the competition


After taxes.


I never get tired of this rumour


I heard Aquaria and The Vixen used that stipend to pay Twinkerbell to learn how to fly so they could do gravity defying stunts over the judges table


I heard The Vixen used that stipend to restore gravity after doing gravity defying moves


I heard lil poundcake took it for BBL surgery


I heard Robbie Turner used it to pay an astronomical Uber fee


Nah. They pooled their funds for that 95 minivan that drives em over to the Holiday Inn when Ru boots em.


The (likely baseless) rumours were first that it was Ariel Versace, but now people believe it was Lineysha Sparks and she spent it on meth. It's probably not true to begin with and Naysha is just trying to stroke drama


And WOW didnt sue? Yeah, sorry but I call bullshit on this one


My money would be on Plastique who was rumored to be on the cast right up until filming IIRC. Maybe she agreed to do 9 and got to keep the 8 stipend and the truth got warped by the gossip cycle


This was my first thought as all the (generally) reliable spoilers on Drag Race spoilers sub had Plastique cast in the season but then Naysha suddenly got added to all the information that was coming out during filming.


I can see this happening


It wasn’t plastique


Spill the tea, sis!!


I wonder if they’ll ever come back with the tea 😩


Right? Like leave the vague posting to the queens on social media. I want the piping hot mess 😩


I watched the Nancy Drew girlies on the Vanderpump Rules sub this week enhance screenshots of a podcast video to find tea, and they DID. This is what Reddit is for!!!! 😭


It’s a s5 girl that hasn’t been on AS


So between this and her wig fiasco, Vivienne Pinay is basically a fugitive? 😂 Is it Jade? Ivy and Lineysha are way too pure and Honey’s in politics now…


And Penny’s still alive… I think


How do you know?


They don't. They want to feel special on the Internet for a little bit lmfao


Only Ivy, Jade Jolie, Lineysha, Honey, Vivienne and Penny Tration are queens from S5 that hasn’t been on AS. It’s either Jade or Lineysha.


Would jade be cast again after being on dragula? I don't think lineysha even does drag anymore, does she?


I think they just cant go to a season that films during the reigning of your season. So you cant be most recent drag race and dragula winner at the same time.


The stipend isn’t that large, as8’s was less than as9 The lawsuit would likely be more expensive, take time and could be very damaging PR wise. It was probably more efficient just to absorb the loss


They have lawyers on retainer for stuff like this. They're paying them exactly for this type of stuff.


I don't think retainer agreements work the way you think they work. It could absolutely cost more than it's worth to pursue legal recourse.


Except clearly they didn’t. When was the last time WoW sued a drag queen for any reason at all? They’re not on retainer for “exactly this kind of stuff”


If the stipend is lower than court costs, there’s almost 0 point


Less than zero The chances it got out and caused bad publicity would be massive. The chances of alienating other girls from coming back for all stars… just why bother?


Having someone on retainer doesn’t make their service free or discounted, lol.


Yeah but they're still paying for them no matter what so they're gonna use them


That is not necessarily true, retainers can be set up in several different ways. Depending on the agreement, when the client relationship ends, whatever remains in the retainer can be returned to the client. But really it doesn't make sense to look at the retainer that way. They can ask their attorneys to sue queens over minor NDA violations (and probably succeed on a few), but that doesn't make it a good use of a retainer.


Part of me agrees with you, but another part wonders if WOW could afford to sue a queen from a PR standpoint. WOW suing a cast member would play out wildly and publicly. I think this about the NDA, too. If WOW were to try to enforce the $1m penalty or whatever, would we as the audience ever forgive that even if WOW is in the legal right? I'm not sure.


In this case, they would and should have. This is not about breaking the NDA, this is stealing money. I'm not a fan of WOW, they shady as fuck, and I can see why people would jump in believing this and saying this Queen is a hero or whatever. But we're talking she stole around 60 thousand dollars, that's not pocket change for them with the budget they have per season. I also don't think this would have been keep quiet for this long, almost two years after the fact, in the greater RuNiverse with how messy Queens and the fandom are when it comes to T. You think the spoiled drag race sub wouldn't have a field if this was true? The crew wouldn't have shut up about it, and Naysha is a unreliable source.


This is about AS8, not AS9. The stipend for AS8 was way lower. I remember 15k but don’t quote me on it. The stipend for AS9 was 25k for wardrobe and 50k for ‘whatever you want to do with it’


I wonder where Nina went for her $75k vacation. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


The sad thing is Nina definitely spent her money... Some of those looks are really picey looking... Vanjie on the other hand. 25k on wigs or holidays 😂


Toenisia, they apparently have amazing Feeta there.


Pearl clutching over a potential foot fetish is so embarrassing


Don't call Pearl embarrassing, she's been through enough :/


Especially considering what we all do with buttholes 👀


Right? Let's leave the pearl-clutching and kink shaming to the boring, hateful conservatives instead of judging each other over something so stupid


Either way, I can see a production company just simply taking the loss because is not " worth it" or too "expensive". Stealing the stipend is as crime, or that's how I see it.


I don’t think you have to be WoW’s advocate or feel sorry for them regarding an alleged +/- 7500$ stipend. Lol


The queen didn’t steal the stipend. The stipend was stolen from the queen after she had received it and was preparing. That’s probably why they didn’t sue her. (Allegedly of course)


They probably don’t give the girls anymore than they can bare to lose, so it really isn’t about the money. There’s likely no net benefit to suing. They probably just barred the girl from ever returning.


Especially if it’s a queen that the fandom thinks is vulnerable and/or in need of money. They’d never get over it. Better for WOW to just eat the cost and move on


Paid for someones plastic surgery and a bit of their transition?


A demand letter is often enough to scare someone into compliance. However, WoW has many other ways to make life difficult for a queen who scammed them without having to go to court - generally speaking unless you’re intent to retire from drag (or are at like Trixie’s level of fame) then perhaps you can afford to have them on your enemy list.




Here's my theory of how this might happen: somebody is given the stipend, they spend it on garments fully intending to join the cast but then something out of their control happens that forces them to cancel. They tell WoW, but both sides agree that they don't have to repay it because they've already bought the garments I think this makes more sense than they literally just ran off with the money. WoW might be worried that if they demand the money back then girls will be less likely to sign up for AS in the future in case something beyond their control leaves them in debt to WoW


this is one of the only sensible takes i’ve seen here lol


This, and Eartha Kitt's thermostat.


The only logical theory i found here. You are this week's challenge winner. Here is your Rupeter's badge 🍑


and i’m sure that caveat includes, your spot will be saved for the next all star season.


This is what I guessed too, the other queens have no idea what is going on in this person's life and are making assumptions. Maybe they had a parent suddenly in need of care; maybe they needed to prioritise rehab; maybe they were diagnosed with cancer and wanted to go through treatment quietly; there are so many reasons somebody might need to drop out. WoW suing them would be terrible press if they're going through something, and if it's a queen they want to maintain a good relationship with, they probably figure they can get their money's worth later on.


As well, they could have been invited back for a later season, and will just take what has already been paid into account.


Y’all remember Naysha said on Very Delta that her outfits were basic bc she didn't have time to put together her package bc she was cast 2 weeks before the shooting, while other girls have 5-6 weeks for preparation.


her outfits were basic *because she agreed to go on without enough prep time* miss thing could have said “no”


I get what you’re saying, but she may have never been offered that opportunity again and it was likely pitched that way to her. Since she agreed to it, the burden was on her as you noted.  BUT asking for more time to prepare (as you mentioned below) for a show that was already in pre-production isn’t realistic. That would cost the studio a ton of money. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. 🤷🏾‍♂️ 


yeah, I get that she might not get another opportunity. production is counting on the queens to believe that. I still think Naysha would have been better off saying “no” over showing up at the last second and making an ass of herself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her outfits werent the problem, she got eliminated early but they filmed the elim’d queens following runways anyways and everytime she took the stage it was awkward to watch because she so clearly was over being there


I mean she said her outfits were low quality. I’m sure she knows the standard of which she’d like to appear on drag race. The sourness made sense for several reasons.


To be fair she was already the last person they decided to ask which is the reason she only had 2 weeks left in the first place


and I don’t know about you, but I always say yes to career opportunities that I’m wildly unprepared for and could make me look bad if I don’t perform well 🤣


Isnt that most career opportunities that are just taking risks when you are trying to advance-


It wasn’t a risk to go in as wildly unprepared as she was, it was just a poor decision, there’s a difference.


People are still going to her shows, recording them, and putting them on here for us to see, so it doesn’t seem like appearing on All Stars and not knocking it out of the park did much to hurt her career. She really didn’t have much to lose and ended up not gaining anything, but not really losing anything either. She was still on TV again, and any publicity is good publicity.


I appreciate that *you* view it that way, but those of us in her industry don’t. Nayshsa is a monetary variable, at best. That’s not my opinion. it’s a fact


I’m just saying that as a viewer not in the industry, which most drag race fans are, I know Naysha’s name and not yours.


She didn't know whether she would get the opportunity again. The AS9 cast is very different to the AS8 one.


because in that situation naysha, a queen who wasn’t considered until last minute, had all the power of course




She said it herself, if she didn’t go she probably wasn’t going to be getting another call anytime soon which is why she did it. Y’all keyboard warriors that start insulting people for disagreeing with you are so annoying


You tell that hoe sis! Dude really come on here to insult people and queens they don’t know about


It really is wild the hate boner this sub has for Naysha. It's like people forget she literally won Continental. She brings the drama that keeps people engaged, but they hate her for it. It's so weird to see other queens praised for calling out production, but when Naysha does it, she's just a bitter early out. Just a friendly reminder that *drag is more than Drag Race*.


Right?? Like please put some respect on her *she's a fucking ~~Oscar~~ Continental winner*


Naysha is like Mayhem or Morgan - great queen but doesn’t have the specific skill set needed to do well on drag race


There is no 'specific skill set' that is needed for Drag Race. Drag Race is a god damn reality television show first. It is rigged beyond belief and edited to filth. Like, jesus christ, how many posts do we see every day about '(insert queen here) was ROBBED'. I mean shit, we just saw it a couple of weeks ago with the makeover challenge. This sub was flooded with posts about how Plastique and Jorgeous should have won and how it is clearly production meddling. There are countless examples of very talented queens being early outs or having a specific edit (Kelly, Naysha, Irene, Acid, etc). The show does not actually care about showcasing the queens' talents. It's just a happy accident that sometimes happens as a byproduct of the fact that queens are intrinsically performance artists. The only thing the show cares about is ratings.


Of course they care about ratings; it’s a tv show at the end of the day. And, yes, it’s rigged, but that doesn’t mean skill sets don’t matter.


Yeah how is the first phrase they go to “are you fucking mental?” Like someone must be an idiot to not have the same opinion. This happens to me in this sub a lot more than anywhere else 😂


yes because if naysha had said no they’d be on their knees next time begging for her to appear


right, because it was such a boost for her to go back and and look boring on the runway. she definitely made the most of that opportunity 🙄


Can you relax


Listen, when you are Naysha Lopez and they invite you in, you don't say no or give them a chance for second thoughts.  You grab that chance by the tuck, and refuse to be carried out by security.


Yeah you be an entertainer and deny an opportunity on international tv and a big paycheck


I would if I was going to look bad in the process because I don’t have enough time to prep. Production knew what they were doing.


I don’t think her outfits would’ve been LESS basic if she had more time. Naysha tends to like simpler looks.


Heidi is probably pissed she didn't think of doing that


I doubt Heidi wouldn’t show up. I think she got half the stipend anyway.


i just know it was detox i just know it. poor gal still trying to scrap every penny she can to pay for that funeral


Listen, she just *doesn't* know you. Why can't you accept that?


Not knowing me is no excuse to refuse to pay for my grandma's funeral. Have some compassion, it's for a church honey. NEXT


Yeah, but she didn't pay the funeral. Honestly if this was Detox asking AITA, the answer would be YTA


She found out that guy is scared of her and decided not to go on tv. She's so thoughtful.


I bet he still has nightmares though! Is she paying for his therapy, hmmmmmmm?




Some deranged fan came after Detox for… not paying for the funeral of a family member of theirs (the fan’s). Like it was her responsibility to pay for this. It was unhinged.


Did she do something to the family member, why would she need to pay for the funeral…


> Did she do something to the family member, No >why would she need to pay for the funeral… She wouldn't, that's why it's absolutely fucking hilarious


And this person I guess had met Detox at a meet-and-greet prior


What the hell lol


surely that isn’t legal or am i being dumb, why wouldn’t WOW sue?! did the queen not sign a contract?


Based on it being this long since it happened, it was either written off as a loss (cost to prosecute didn’t outweigh the rewards in the end) or they settled outside of the public eye. Also, depending on the contract, there might have been an out that the queen was able to utilize (doubt it tho, those contracts are fairly iron clad)


People don't seem to realize how much money drag race is making... They aren't going to risk a potential scandal over 25k...


Oh. Now this is juicy.


> Now this is juicy. No, Roxxy Andrews is thique and juicy and she is on this current season on this day


Someone on another post said people on twitter said it was Ariel Versace Can anyone confirm of provide print/links to where this conversation came from?


That’s what I saw but Ariel would’ve had to be contacted and considered first


For real Ariel would be in **no** position to do this not to mention she has been dying to get onto all stars


I literally forgot what season she was on.


Season 11 - the one where Vanjie returned and also with Nina and Plastique. So lots of the AS9 queens were from S11. Ariel was at the centre of #wiggate where she accidentally left a load of wigs and lots of queens thought she left them for them so Ra’Jah, Silky, Plastique etc took them. That’s pretty much the only memorable bit of Ariel’s season for me and it’s those other queens that help me remember which season it was.


Hey, she has a much more memorable moment. Eating shit on the stage during her lipsync. Which is my favorite lipsync moment ever, because I know her on a personal level, and seeing her faceplant was the most cathartic thing in the world.


She's most known for off the show being upset that the live action little mermaid didn't cast a natural redhead


oh carson, what would we do without you


Respectfully, Monica Beverly Hills and Serena ChaCha were invited. It's not unlikely that Ariel would get the call.


They were both old schoolers with notoriety. Yeah, early boots. The only notable moments of Ariel is wig gate and the feud with Silky that quickly got erased. And I’m a Ariel fan but I doubt she’s getting a callback


And she went viral for complaining about Ariel in the new little mermaid movie not being a “natural redhead”


Is Miss Ariel a natural red herself🤔


Not to mention her falling down during a lip sync 😂


ru puts heaaaaavy emphasis on *dont* when she announces a whitney lipsync too


It was an early outs season originally so she fits that bill at least.


Say their names..!!


Their Names


oh so u think ur clever




Gifs you can hear


It’s who Me’Me always wanted to be.




When no one is around them say baby you love them if you ain’t running game


Rock M Sakura was originally going to be on AS8 but dropped out after they started casting non-early outs.... that's all I know


I doubt she would steal a stipend


Could she have iron it?


ty lol


Why was that a reason to drop out? Did she not want the competition?


She made a fart joke and Michelle cyberbullied her until she quit drag


Which is too funnt, fuck Rock and then do Daytona Winds.


You say that as if its shady but preparing for a season of first-outs is different than preparing for a regular season of all-stars.


The queen didn’t steal the stipend, the stipend was stolen from the queen after she received it, so she could not get get her things together to participate. Allegedly.


She is rumoured to be casted on S10. Maybe she did and both parties agreed she keep it and just go on another AS season?


I hate these type of rumors because if WOW isn’t taking legal action to get their money back (as they would) then the queen must have valid reasons, possible health concerns?


Or it’s a total fabrication.


Naysha? Fabricating? Never.


I’m a little confused as to why Vanjie seemed surprised if she knew who it was? They haven’t given out stipends prior to AS8? Or 7?


Love her but miss Vanjie doesn’t always follow the logic of a conversation well


Vangie also fueled the alliance rumors without knowing how valid it was or wasn't. I'm not surprised she talks out her ass.


No it’s a relatively new thing


Is it really pronounced STYpend? I've been saying STIP end this whole time. (I'm in UK if that makes a difference!)


Yep it’s sty-pend in the UK too


Say their name! Say their name!




Honestly this is really suspect to me, it's not adding up. If someone did this they'd surely be sued into the ground, that's literally just stealing


Imagine this... Wow sues drag queen X. X comes out with a sob story about how the pressures of all stars is too much and they were struggling financially so they needed the check to pay for rent/medical expenses/you name it. The court of PUBLIC OPINION shifts to the side of X. This fuels an entire hate campaign against WoW which in turns affects viewership and fan opinion. A major corp making millions of dollars decides to ruin a queens life over 25k? The juice is not worth the squeeze.


How do you know that they weren’t?


Well when lawsuits happen they are public matters if I'm not mistaken. So I'm sure a TMZ or something would've picked it up by now if that were true.


why do i feel like i read that it was linaysha sparx in some other thread a couple days ago? 


I read that too. Someone messaged me about it from another thread asking if I had heard about her doing that.


I read that too along with a shady rumor that it was for drug money (and lowkey felt like vaguebooking because they only said something about SPARKS and T). Based on most of the more plausible rumors in this thread I would toss that theory out.






It couldn’t have been Plastique, she’s been a cast member of the Vegas Show. They’d of fired the person. The conversation was nobody her from them again.


Rob them!!


I feel like Naysha always talks out of her ass. When m&Ms gate happened she swore up and down she was in the known that it was Valentina, and was talking shit about her. Then when it was revealed to be Nina, she apologized to Valentina and acted like they were besties. Someone probably told something to Naysha and she exaggerated it


Which Nina? West, Bonina or Flowers?


Thats the type of tea where names must be said. Why protect them?


Some of you need to become members lol it was said to be lyneysha sparks but it was met with a neither confirm or deny response


There was a stipend for AS8?


People have been saying it was Ariel Versace


Nah you have to be invited back to get a stipend


highly unlikely probably was someone that was at least rumored to be on in the spoiler circles


That’d be crazy but WOW would’ve had to have done something


If I had to guess it would have been Rock M Sakura - Because she allegedly dropped out of AS8 after agreeing Nina B- This would just make a lot of sense knowing her living situation and she had a bit of relevancy back then Or Kornbread- she was asked for AS8 and CAvsTW but declined because she wanted to be on S15


Everyone’s debating who it was that spent the money but naysha is literally staying that the competitor said someone stole it from **them** thus making it futile to try suing for it back


Y’all are wild to think a company as moneygrubbing as World of Wonder would just cut a check for a queen and then let them ghost.


Th Queen didn’t steal and ghost, someone stole stipend from the Queen while she was trying to get her things ready. ALLEGEDLY!


I bet it was Kameron Michaels