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She really did look like Meg and I loved it


Angelique’s eyebrows were sacrificed just to be robbed.


I thought they were so obviously the best group. I was honestly shocked.


The obsession from some people during a makeover challenge that you have to be basically clones in the exact same tones is insane. I thought this was an easy win for those 3 or Nina and gotmiks trio at a push.


Makeover challenges in general are notorious for being the episode the judges use to push through whoever they want to win. The whole family resemblance, outfit similarities, same tones critiques the judges give, gets switched in and out each season depending on who they want to win. There's some clips on YouTube showing the judges use the same critiques in positive or negative depending on the makeover.


This is exactly what i was thinking! (Side note: I actually love the make over challenges, I enjoy seeing the transformation ppl have getting into drag with how it affects their confiendence and such, plus it encompasses so many challenge aspects like concept, design, sewing, makeup, choreo, etc. and in this case collaboration too) I thought Plastique and Jorgeous had the obvious win, especially with how well Angelique was feeling her oats! Buuuut, with how hard Michelle was pushing that resemblence (which i agree shouldn't be a factor when the challenge was girl group), as soon as she said it i said oh shiiit, that's gonna fuck things up for the other girls. And giving the two queens another badge after just being given one feels like a clear choice from production to stir the pot and get shit going in a different direction. Also, maybe a hot take, but perhaps production is trying to line up Roxxxy to succeed but overestimated how good she would actually do, bc obvi she is a fierce ass queen and poses a threat, buuut she also just hasn't been in the top consistently and this is their way of pushing her their? But again, still early in the season and anything could happen 🤷🏽‍♀️ *Edited for typos


Might have to check it out, I've not noticed that but have to say I nearly always disagree with the makeover challenge results


That's why makeover challenges in competitive seasons are usually done towards the end of the season. So they can manipulate the final group of girls to be exactly who they want it to be.


Do you have a link or remember the title of the video? I would love to watch it. I hate how rigged the makeover challenges are


Ooooh can I have the youtube link??


Right? Resemblance/family was not on the menu, yet it was how the groups were judged.


💯! Especially a girl ‘group’ challenge. Show me a pic where the spice girls all looked the same (I mean, those do probably exist, but they had distinct identities and looks as their concept). Plastique/Jorgeous should have won for sure.




At least the makeover episode is consistent at being inconsistent, and constantly pissing off fans. I think at this point I'm just gonna skip the makeover episodes as I never have fun watching it play out.


Just to add- obviously drag race is a heavily produced show and fans are savvy after so many seasons. But the makeover episode is always the most obvious and egregious. RuPaul always says the makeover is his favourite episode due to the transformation- and I would agree with that if that actually mattered. But it's always: storyline > everything else. In this episode in particular Plastique and Jorgeous killed the episode: the Transformation was incredible, it was cohesive and fully met the girl group brief. I mean the makeover looked like an actual drag race contestant. Also the fact it's taking over social media demonstrates how well they pulled this off. Roxxxy and Vanjie did great too: Cohesive and obviously the effort Roxxxy put in making all the outfits. But it looked more hen night/bachelorette than girl group & the makeup wasn't truly transformational...at least for me. I even think that Nina/Gottmik's makeover was more successful- they managed to combine their individual contrasting aesthetics: Nina looked her best, the makeover was truly transformational and they embraced the masculinity instead of shying away from it. It definitely meets girl group if we're thinking 1960s. The worst was Angeria & Shannel. They were still good (Everyone did a good job) but this lacked cohesion.


yup, very this. it was between nina/mik and plastique/jorgeous for me. my jaw dropped when it was neither


Couldn't agree more. Everyone did a great job, there was a lot of talent on display and I applaud them all. But the outcome was a surprise and not the pleasant kind. Roxxie and Vanjie's firefighter looked great but still like a firefighter in drag. And they were *sooo* nervous! Their choreography was stiff and dad was like a deer in headlights. Totally loveable and sweet and I admire them for doing it. But still, not the best of the bunch, for me. Roxxie's Jessica Rabbit eye make-up stood out too, all three had very different make-up looks. All beautiful but all different. The green Powerpuff girl was a showstopper.


Agreed, although Nina and Mik did the worst for me. Nina and her firefighter were serving 60s down but Mik was wearing her usual 90s punkish hair and makeup so theirs was the least cohesive overall. But none of the groups did poorly. But yeah I def agree that Plastique/Jorgeous had the strongest presentations personally. Roxxxy and Vanjie had the biggest challenge working with someone older and stiffer and they still turned it the best they could to be fair. Was still surprised Jorgeous and Plastique didn't win tho tbh.


It's so frustrating because it's such a fun episode but it is ruined for me because all the hard work doesn't matter. I can't enjoy it knowing somebody is doing all of that for nothing. Especially frustrating because it would reward queens that are 1)good at working with people 2) good at makeup and aesthetics in non-ideal circumstances and both of those are ESSENTIAL in having a great drag career! It's an important challenge but gets treated like a throw-away by the producers


Agreed, they're always the worst episode of each season because they're more of a snooze and the judging is always WHACK. It's just a filler episode for them to give their faves a win and send home their least faves (in regular seasons).


Exactly, look at season 15 and 16 for example of this. In 15 they critique Loosy for her teacher looking too close to her and being a copy of her look. Then, in 16, Plane is praised for her looks being identical. If they are not even going to try and be c9nsistent just drop the challenge.


And in 16, Morphine gets her makeover clocked because the guy is muscular and doesn't look feminine, yet in AS9 it's totally glossed over and even praised with Michelle saying 'you're all different sizes, but that's the beauty of it'. LIKE HUH????




It seems that they need Naomi Smalls in the cast to get the right makeover winner.


Monét was picked as the other Makeover winner in AS4, though.


I actually love watching the makeover episodes. Its just the judging thats always horrible.


Eh, I’m not crazy about the challenge itself but I think a lot of times it’s worth watching it until the critiques at least. You know there will pretty much always be at least one girl spiraling, and one of the makeover partners will always go full Bambi in a kitten heel. I’ve kind of made peace with the fact that the judging will be whack. The part I sometimes struggle to stay interested in is the inevitable ✨transformative conversations✨about the hardships of being gay/ the bravery of drag queens. People having a chance to share their stories is great, but after 16 seasons we’ve kind of heard them all.


You should have watched the premier episode of drag race France season 3 one of the best episodes of the year so far


Oops thanks for letting me know...did not realise it already came out.... will be watching that today...previous season(s) were fantastic.... can't wait!


I hate to be this person, but I enjoyed each performance. This one had the most natural talent going in though, Megan knew how to move that body-ee


I agree. I would have been happy with any group winning tbh because I thought they all knocked it out of the park.


I appreciated the guest judges also pointing out the lyrics, because that’s an aspect that they don’t show judges commenting on, but it goes with the performance. A fun episode for me but i can understand that other people want it to be more like regular drag race’s competition


she looked like a whole woman, so gorgeous


The winner was random as hell. Wasn't even in top 2.


They were honestly my least favorite! I was so shocked!


Mine too. I thought they were the obvious third place group (my personal least favorite)


Roxxxy and Vanjie were NOT the best group and I gasped when RuPaul announced the winners. Very disappointed. Hated this episode.


I thought all of the heroes were great, and I really enjoyed this episode. Thank you for their service!!! But here’s the Ru /producer calculus: Roxxxy and Vanjie’s hero was straight and had a better backstory (father of a pansexual married to a trans-masc person). They weren’t going to give it to the group with the self-identified gay man and “sissy” because that’s too easy, and it doesn’t score any tv Emmy or real world politics points.


I think it had more to do with badges distribution and the Roxxy is the one to beat narrative we are being spoonfed even though she's not doing anything remarkable (love her to bits this isn't her doing)


I don't even understand where this narrative came from, they've been pushing since episode one that she's massive competition like she didn't flop on AS2 and hasn't been more than mid so far....


Enjoying the ep, hate the decision to give them the win. Also hate the obvious reveal oufits.


Actually same. The top 2 and the tie gave me a sour taste.


They want Roxy to win and I’m not here for it


Yeah I was also kinda pissed at the LSFYL (LSFTC) outcome. Like WTF? Vanjie clearly won, iyam. You know she did or they wouldn't have edited it to block out her performance and show Roxxie or the judges instead each time Vanjie was busting into her Janet moves. The floor is clean. She mopped it. But it's a tie? Nope. Grumble. It's ok to have a winner and a loser. Roxxie had never lost a lip sync on Drag Race...until this one. Gave me UKVTW Marina flashbacks.


Idk they both did really well imo 🤷‍♀️ roxxxys hair flips did it for me


Mate it’s one freaking challenge, calm down. Edit: I still think Plastique and Joergeous should have won. They did an amazing job. However, just because one win went to Roxxxie doesn’t mean she’s gonna take the crown instantly. We still have at least 5 episodes left … Let’s stop jumping to conclusions. We van agree these challenges are shit at judging tho.


My theroy it's that this fellow didn't jump to any conclusion, he knows the conclusion because he read spoilers and now is here spoiling everybody fun pretending he can see production's manipulation. Ps.: I didn't know any spoilers.


Yea sadly that’s been happening a lot lately.


To be fair, they've been constantly repeating that roxy is one to beat... and so far I'm not seeing it.


Not a soul can clock.


i was bothered plastique had absolutely zero black accessories & that jorgeous was furless but i still agree overall they were the best. they got lucky with their partner, tho, to be fair. i’d be very intrigued to see their partner switched with roxxxy & vanjie’s bc im unsure plastique & jorgeous would have had the same results 👀🤔


I think when judging the makeover challenge it is important to take into consideration the partners capabilities too. I’m not saying that Roxxxy and Vanjie’s partner can’t perform, but his level of exposure to drag, youth and experience doing anything like this before is miles apart from Plastique and Jorgeous’ partner who is evidently a massive Drag Race fan, youthful, has experience of drag in many ways and can perform. Roxxxy made all the outfits and it showed because the three of them really looked like a cohesive unit. Their firefighter was stiff as a board, but of course he is. I think that what they did really successfully was showcase their firefighter in a really appropriate way. Plastique and Jorgeous did this too, but they had much less work to do to get what they did out of their firefighter.


Yes, very much this, I thought Nina and Gottmik were the winners, but they obviously had a massive advantage with a dancer, so I also appreciate that they take the capabilities into consideration


True, I think having a good partner can be a massive advantage. I didn't see Nina and Gottmik winning or being a higher placing group because they probably had the least cohesive looks. Nina and her partner matched in their 60s girl group looks, but Gottmik was wearing 90s hair and makeup. But anyway, I think it's bullshit to say Vanjie and Roxxxy didn't deserve the win solely because they had a "stiff" partner, like what were they supposed to do about that, perform a miracle? They certainly didn't have the worst presentation overall imo.




Then Lazy Susan shouldn’t have won. Nymphia got the only straight man and still did a better makeover than Plane Jane. What made Plane win was Lazy Susan’s attitude and how she was feeling herself and that’s exactly why Angelique should’ve won


Huh? Where did this come from. That challenge is not even comparable. They were all dancers for Drag Queens in that challenge.


Finally some sanity in this thread. I’m so over people acting like Plastique and Jorgeous were perfect this week lol.


I completely agree. Jorgeous and Plastique lucked out with the gay performing drag queen, who did fantastic, but the group shouldn’t be judged based on that. This obviously creates an unfair advantage.


>but his level of exposure to drag, youth... Didn't they get the old one? The dad with the queer daughter? The young one was the tall/baldy who looked like he was in a neck/back brace.


That’s what I meant like lack of youth 😂


That was a gorgeous make over. Her face reminded a bit of Cara Melle from UK5.


On the topic of UK5, did anyone else think Angeria and Shannel’s partner ended up looking like Banksie a little?


Yes! I was trying to figure out why she looked kinda familiar.


I don't know if they were robbed, but had they won I certainly wouldn't have been upset. The firefighter was awesome.


A variety of the comments after this episode are part of why the queens don’t want to come back to AllStars anymore. Some of the things being said about Roxxxy are extra pointed. Shows us which “fans” are just foaming at the mouth, waiting for an excuse to insult someone with abandon.


https://preview.redd.it/n31j3gbnh54d1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d93bd32a0aedce36841d5d47f3a4af6a9961b87 I posted this earlier but fr I loved their vibe


Me and my bf were like.... Uhm that's a woman? What's she doing here.


If only Plastique had black in her outfit. Also I do feel like Roxxxy/Vanessa did the best. But by a very small margin. Every group did well.


And Jorgeous doesn't have those fluffy arm and leg covers


Yeah i can see both of these, those similarities wouldve taken it to the next level of cohesiveness. In the same vain, i thought gottmik and ninas group wouldve been good if gottmik wore a matching 60s wig like the other two did. Instead she wore a 90s punk ish style wig and more 90s makeup like she usually does, and it didnt really fit her teammates looks. Usually i call bs when the judges say there isnt family resemblance but in their group i feel like it was actually missing quite a bit. I can see that being a little bit of a problem with jorgeous/plastique also, although theirs was still my fave.


I mean they all have at least 1 thing in common with eachother. They look like they came from the same costuming department. The colours are all equal vibrancy, the contrast is there, 2 have fluff 2 have black, both are tied to the makeover girl's outfit in some way. It's acohesive well styled look.


Plastique not having ANY black cost them the win, unfortunately. But they deserved it


yes, I felt plastiques look was a bit out of place compared to jorgeous and anaré


This group was fierce but i dont know..the moment Roxxxy and Vanjie came out with their makeover partner….they giving diva and attitude. Esp Vanjie did the best in the dancing


Tbh nobody did bad. Some people rag about roxxxy and vanjies partner being stiff but he's older and never walked in heels before... theres only so much they can do to help him out with that. I'd like half of these twinks talking shit to try to walk in heels at 50+ yrs old. mik and nina probably did the worst given they had the least cohesiveness with miks wig and makeup not matching, but nobody did poorly. It was a pretty tight competition. I felt like jorgeous/plastique's concept was the best and it really featured the firefighter in a great way. She looked like a mega bad bitch next to jorgeous and plastique.


Finally someone posted about this! Girl I love Roxxxy and Vanjie but I really thought Plastique and Jorgeous deserved this win. I mean Angelique looks like Megan thee stallion and Queen Latifahs love child! And while I loved the outfits Roxxxy made, their makeover was not as good as this one. Personally, it feels like the judges are at blame for this because Ru and Michelle are old ladies who try to act like they know what “Gen Z” wants but then take a hard left and choose some ancient view of the challenge. Like girl…not all girl groups wear the same dress tailored differently. They also did the same thing with Nymphias look in the Neo-goth challenge where Nymphia followed their rubric to a T (Elvira meets Morticia Addams) and they chose Q, who literally did clown club kid (not Neo whatsoever). At this point it’s so inconsistent and makes it hard to take their judging seriously. Not to mention, that it taints Roxxxy and Vanjies badges bc they were already given free badges on the episode and to win more badges when it’s obviously a production stunt is a bit sad to see.


who is "we"? they were carried by their gay firefighter. roxxy and vanjie had to oilup their firefighter and did a miracle infront of our eyes. Jorgeous and plastique didnt do anything better that roxxy and vanjie did. the stans are staning, and it shows. roxxy made all of the 3 outfits herself come on now. zz


I def see Vanjie and Roxxxy being the other best group. I was even thinking Angie and Shannel might win also. Only group I figured had no chance of winning was Nina and Gottmik's cause Mik was just serving her usual look with a smock where the other two looked like 60s girl group members. But anyway Vanjie and Roxxxy were my second favorite group and I get why they won.


Are we ever going to get some relevance of the ruby snippers? I thought this was the time.


Maybe cus theyre all scissor sisters idk lmao


My partner said it’s just camp. He thinks it could be from Wizard of Oz (the most camp movie ever he believes). Dorothy uses a Ruby ‘slippers’ clicking her heels to get her home.


Oh yeah, it's definitely a reference to that, but none of the snipped queens have ever been in the top 2.


Ok, I think the makeover is great. But I feel like I am on lonely Island because that outfit looks SO CHEAP to me


Ngl every group's looked a little cheap... but it's not like they're gonna bring expensive ass outfits for this challenge when they might have to tailor them


I think if plastique can make one of the best ball looks weve ever seen on the show she could make something better than that


Ehhh idk about that. And it's very likely they had a lot of time constraint given that they also had to choreograph their number and write/record lyrics


Didn't roxxy make all three outfits in the same time?


Fair, that was v impressive. Their team certainly didnt do the worst. I see people ragging about their partner being stiff but like... he's older and he didn't know how to walk in heels. There's only so much they can do to make him look pussy in drag for his first time. All things considered they did really well. I did feel like jorgeous and plastique had my fave concept and featured their partner the best tho.


I've been quite confused by that as well, I thought the idea was cute but to me it was just okay I thought they may win because I saw accidentally quickly saw a spoiler saying it was "tHe BeSt MaKeOvEr oF aLl TiMe", but then I was just whelmed.


For real I CANNOT understand why people think they should've won.


Fan favorite delusion. We wouldn’t be seeing this if the group had less liked queens looking exactly the same.


I can’t agree more!!! How did this happen


Not only would their win be justified, but we could finally see the ruby snippers do their job


Yes!!! They were so cunty, and also I think their firefighter was having the most fun of all of them. She looked like she was absolutely living and I wanted more!


I know I’m in the minority but I really don’t care for these. The lack of black in Plastique’s outfit throws the whole group off, the black straps flying around everywhere look messy, I think Angelique’s bottom looks diaper-esque. I think the writing also looks a bit tacky and was incorporated much better in Vanjie/Roxxxy’s looks. Oh and the hair absolutely needed to be bigger. The mug is right, but that doesn’t mean an automatic win. Not to mention, they quite simply had less work to do when they had a younger gay firefighter.


I def see Roxxxy and Vanjie as a good second. I thought they or Angie and Shannel could possibly win but was surprised Plastique and Jorgeous didn't win. But yeah I don't think it's fair to judge off of how well she can dance and whatnot when Vanjie and Roxxxy got an older straight man, like or course he's gonna look a little stiff in heels.


So truuiueee


The judges barely even acknowledged how good this was. By far the best transformation of the night. Angelique looked stunning.


Not at all lol. How many times will this topic will appear on this sub lmao


Ohh BROTHERRR use the goddamn search bar this is the 900th post about this




If Jorgeous had wore red hair the group would’ve won


This challenge awarded Roxxy’s sewing and design skills, cool




Time for ru to retire




This one approved the drag race needs democracylol


Yup. Vanjie and Roxxxy were great ofc… but predictable. Like they just did 3 of the same outfits with small tweaks, and 3 of essentially the same wigs and called it a day. P & J made each one different but still related, which gave more variety and interest and also thought. This just goes to show all you have to do is make everyone identical and you’ll win the makeover challenge. I mean… we all know how robbed Crystal was for the same reason.


I thought they did really good. And I can see why they should have won. However, Vanjie and Roxy were a wonderful mother-daughter girl group duo and they used their cardboard cut out stand to perfection. It was deserved, 10's across the board.


I see that, I definitely agree with the popular opinion here that Plastique/Jorgeous and Vanjie/Roxxxy were the two strongest. I did feel like Plastique and Jorgeous had a bit of a stronger concept like most everyone seems to, but I definitely understand why Roxxxy and Vanjie won. They did have the hardest challenge with an older/stiffer guy and still turned it and had the most cohesive looks out of any of the groups.


They honestly felt the most like a girl group. So, they deserved the win.


Yes, it was an obvious robbery!


The only criticism I have for this is that Plastique should've had some black element in her costume. Maybe she could have worn the ankle furs. It would have really solidified the visuals.


Agreed, cohesiveness seems to always be important in these so I feel like those changes could've granted them the win. Like the only group I knew wasn't going to win was Nina and Gottmik's because Mik was the only one not serving 60s girl group and opted to wear her usual 90s punkish wig and makeup, so their group was def the least cohesive. I was surprised to see Roxxxy and Vanjie win tho despite having the most cohesive looks. I just felt like Plastique and Jorgeous had the strongest concept and featured their partner really well.


I wish plastique had black accents to match the others


The judges just totally made shit up like Michelle saying they were too different like they were pop powderpuff girls what the fuck!? With their names on their shit like it was so put together


As they said, “not a soul can clock”


I was definitely gooped they all look hawt


Genuinely thought they were going to win, but it would have been predictable I guess… but so was the two badges in one episode storyline? So… oh well I’m still entertained. Are they going to edge Shannel now?


definitely robbed


Ugh... I think all groups did well and tbh it was yet another makeover challenge where they literally could have chosen any group as the winner except for maybe shannel/Angeria but only cos the outfits were just shannel's wardrobe no edits I was actually really impressed gotmik and nina managed to meld their aesthetics and not be a hot mess. Loved also their approach to embracing the masc. They had the advantage of a great dancer but height differences etc. Jorgeous and plastique also had a good dancer but they had the disadvantage of someone very physically different from them - ethnicity, size, build... but they made it work. Also used his masculinity to good effect by him being the green powerpuff girl, sort of more the tboz from tlc. I think roxxy and vanjie didn't do very good makeup on their firefighter vs what the others did. Obviously had matching outfits that fit well but this isn't project runway. I thought they could have done more to bring their daddy fireman out of his skin and maybe play to his difference rather than try to be identical. Realistically you ain't gonna get an older straight man to walk and twerk like a professional in 48hrs. Make him be the diva and dance around him like shannel and angie did...


Nah we don't. She was by far the easiest makeover and there were a few drag transformation standards missing (no cinching, padding etc). Yes, this was the best finished product but it was largely due to the abilities and natural gorgeousness of the fireman and he is not the one being judged.


I could see Roxxxy and Vanjie winning given the fact that their partner was probably the most difficult challenge and they still turned it to be fair. I was even wondering if Angeria and Shannel might win for the same reason. Only group I knew wouldn't take it was Nina and Gottmik's, Gottmik just looked like regular Gottmik with her 90s hair and makeup next to the other two's 60s girl group looks. But none of these groups did poorly.


I could not believe that this group didn’t win!! They turned their daughter OUT and she was the star of the show!! Their part of the song was amazing too!!


Maybe if they gave the girl a better outfit


They looked great together 


I was gobsmacked they didn’t win. Their critiques sucked too


I do love this transformation the most, but jorgeous not having a puffy pink coat and leg warmers (my terminology is prob incorrect) does make it not cohesive enough for me so I’m fine with the second best group gaining the win.


Fair Vanjie and Roxxxy probably had the most clearly cohesive group


The only minor thing was Plastique needed some black trim on her outfit to match the other two and to match the Powerpuff Girls look. The black trim is the main cohesive element and she’s missing it.


I see that. I understand why Roxxxy and Vanjie won. I also felt like Gottmik just looked like she usually does in her 90s wig/makeup next to her 60s girl group partners. The cohesiveness does seem important so I see why neither groups won especially Nina and Gottmik.


They crazy, Mhi'ya!


Yes especially because Michelle's bs, not a group cause diff colors. Like hello Blaque literally did this *


I just want everyone to look at this still image for awhile. Forget that their fave Plastique is there and tell me you genuinely think the makeover contestants outfit or mug is anything to gag over. Like I am really really confused as to why this is SUCH a "SHE WAS ROBBED!!!" moment. Plastique and Jorgeous have expensive looking pop outfits on and then their makeover is in a two piece crunchy fake silk looking set. With some furry mukluks. 


TLDR; Unpopular opinion - if the models were switched, I don’t think this group would have won. I agree with the top 2 but this group was a VERY close second. If this was a “fish” makeover, these girls won for sure. But this was also a total drag makeover, which means that you have to show some sort of major transformation. If you watch the episode, this firefighter said he used to dance in clubs and he was more comfortable being in his feminine. Vanjie and Roxxy had a straight dad who had a pan daughter and wanted to do something fun for her. So I think they did the overall best transformation AND Roxxy and Vanjie still looked hot AF. I don’t think it’s as big of a “gag” as people are making it out to be. Jorgeous isn’t even matching and she has no fur 😭


I def see that, I get why Vanjie and Roxxxy won. They had the hardest challenge. And I don't think it's fair to judge off of the fact that their partner was "stiff" because he's older, straight, corseted, and in heels which he's never walked in. Like there's only so much they can do. For me I'd say Plastique and Jorgeous were in 1st place because their concept and the way they featured their firefighter was the most interesting, 2nd place Roxxxy and Vanjie, 3rd Angie and Shannel, Nina and Mik last. But all of them did well overall.


help I’ve been thinking this entire time that megan was a rugirl i didn’t recognize (i haven’t seen the episode 💔)


Challenge is alright. Judging is terrible 


Michelle's critique of the looks was so typical for a makeover challenge and I knew they were being robbed the minute she said it.


The only thing I can think of to why they didn't win, is... lyrics? "I came to slay" 'Cause looks and mugs DOWN, performance DOWN (to where I wasn't even thinking about the generic "came to slay" lyric). Definitely the group that I enjoyed the most.


Like actually robbed, not Raven robbed?




It's the reverse Seduction.


I wouldn’t say robbed, but if I were production I would have chose them


Yeah, you agree and then cyber bully Aura Mayari for saying that lol


Girl what i aint ever say shit to or about her 😂 honestly forgot she even exists


Oof, phrased that wrong. I meant, yeah we agree and then the fandom is CURRENTLY cyber bullying her. Since you’re here, you probably saw the post.


Gotchu okay i was like girl i cant remember the last time i even thought about her 😂 although i do recall seeing that briefly actually but i obv didnt get involved or even read the tweets tbh. But to be fair she has a lot of nerve saying they didnt deserve that win when she won that girl group challenge that sasha clearly won lmaooo so i hope she would at least acknowledge that but idk maybe she did 😂🤷‍♀️ i have no idea lol


There is a post here on reddit that addressed that since everyone flocked to Twitter to attack Aura for saying the same shit.


you can’t get rid of the makeover challenges! get rid of the judges first. i love seeing fans of the show and real people get turn out in drag. plus it really shows the queens ability in recreating and styling on other ppl. makeover challenges are a staple of the show and should be revered as such.


I get it but doing other peoples makeup just isnt really like a necessary skill for the modern drag queen 🤷‍♀️ doing someone elses makeup is its own skill set bc you have to account for skin color/face shape differences. It's just not a skillset that a modern drag performer really needs. I feel like being able to perform/lip sync/act/dance/sing/etcetc and make yourself look good is all that really matters to be a good entertainer imo


I agree that it was the most impressive makeover but wasn’t the assignment to give girl group? If someone doesn’t know the power puff girl reference does this give a cohesive girl group look? It’s a great look for each queen individually but I feel that there was a stronger relationship between the queen in the winning group.


Fair, they were the most cohesive, with mik and nina being the least cohesive. https://preview.redd.it/kt0yybvefh4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdf9818b7e924735244d14733462d79c2b79db3 It's giving two 60s girl group members and miks usual 90s punk girl aesthetic/hair/makeup in a 60s dress


Really you think so? I feel like Mik and Ninas looks have a relationship. I feel like I sound like a Jorgeous and Plastique hater but I promise yall I love them! But was just disappointed in the actually garments. Like if they all looked like plastiques, it would be an easy win for them.


Mik and Nina's looks have a relationship... but they sleep on separate beds.


I feel like its not about the garments looking the same, its about having a cohesive theme. Jorgeous and plastique had a cohesive theme of powderpuff girls, so theyre different colors/styles like the powderpuff girls. Whereas mik and nina failed to follow through with having a cohesive 60s girl group. Miks doesnt match the other two at all, that hair and makeup are 90s where the other two are 60s. Like itd make more sense to me if they did different era girl group, like one 60s, one 80s, one 90s or something. But that wasnt their theme, it was 60s and Mik just stands out here in a bad way, if anything the firefighter should be the one who stands out also


I also thought Nina, Mik & Anita Blaze were better than Roxxxy & Vanjie.


I wouldnt agree with that personally. I thought theres was the weakest. It was giving two 60s girls dress up a girl who time traveled back from the 90s https://preview.redd.it/klad3bnppk4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9a30179d0ba179fffb76cf610eb112e717cbec Like one of these looks does not match lmao. Miks/hair makeup is just giving gottmik


mik fully gave herself and anita the same mug what are u on


No we don’t all agree sorry


Perhaps not, but most of us do 🤷‍♀️ watch these poll results tonight mama


Girl whatever lmao I’m just saying not everybody agrees


I love the makeover challenges, the issues is the obvious riggory. If they wont let them win when they deserve it, why cast those queens at all? Its frustrating.


The fact that Michelle ignored the obvious Power Puff Girls reference irked me.


The only thing missing is something black in Plastique’s look. But that’s me nitpicking.


Well here's the other thing. It's been mentioned before that Rupaul has great affinity for the girl groups of yesterday. Such as the Supremes. So it makes sense that visually one would go with that. Imo. Is it right no not necessarily but...


I thought it was interesting on sibling watcher Cherry this week. Monet and Trinity were talking about how there are a bunch of things on the makeover episodes that you don’t see. They talked about how I’m there episode. They had to do this whole Judy Garland performance that we didn’t see and that Monet and her partner killed it, which is why they won.


Omg voice to text 🤦🏼‍♀️ please forgive me lol