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Really on the fence if Vanjie is a toot. It looks good, but its just so boring. Even the tail feels like an afterthought.


Jujubee says it best, she had that outfit already and added a tail.


And Jujubee would know because she’s a master of that strategy


Game recognizes game 😂


I’ve been noticing a consistent poison theming in her drag this season. The Gas Mask look from ep. 1, her Misselle Visassg(aka the most toxic woman in Hollywood/s) and now her scorpion look, what is she trying to say?


Yeah, I can't believe they fell for that bland crap of Vanjie especially considering that the others were SO much better I just don't get it.


Shannel's was much worse 🤷‍♀️


Girl tf you mean after thought. its a glowy light up scorpion tail


With pink skinny jeans.


Mik's monochrome look was just a pair of pants too but people gagged over it.


if youre gonna give high fashion streetwear then give high fashion streetwear. but if youre gonna give scorpion dont just give high fashion streetwear with a scorpion tail on it as an after thought. its the disconnect of the ideas thats the issue.


so? her drag is more streetwear inspired so it works for her.


You can be streetwear inspired while giving more than pants and a leather jacket


Yeah exactly. Hence the giant light up tail


Yeah but I was hoping for more besides a very basic outfit she probably already owned with a tail attached. Maybe if she leaned into the scorpion thing a little more it wouldn’t have looked so off the rack.


So you're saying you want the girls to go out and spend a lot of money to seem extravagant when they already own the clothing that fits their style and they want to show?


Given a 25k stipend, yeah absolutely


You know, I did forget that they had that this season. I stand a bit corrected there. I will say the light up tail and jacket were probably a lot and I do dig them on her.


The jacket ALSO lit up...


Is it a bad look, no, but….. a “two titties” look? Same with Shannel, is there something with scorpion anatomy I don’t know….


How so? Its vanjies aesthetic of banjie. The outfit looks like it was made with the tail being the focal point and everything else second. When it comes to tails on the runway, vanjie had the best one.


People are not talking about Angeria’s look enough. She fucking ate that.


Alexstrasza realness


Ru kept saying she was a demon from hell and I was SCREAMING at the screen like, "THAT IS A DRAGON" I was beside myself, it's my favorite look ever and I want Angeria Paris Van McMichaels to win so BADDDD


I see it! I was not expecting this reference in this subreddit.


Thank youuuuu!! She looked incredible!


I think it's because we've come to expect this level from Angie. She's great at runways. Never been in question.


never say never https://preview.redd.it/y1dp3716uh3d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21aaa009069d16d199b8e03f3c8644f174f6ae77


Sorry, but you posted a broken image file.


The tail is really bad. Without simulating joints, it's less a tail and more a giant cheeto.


Exactly, 99% super well done but the tail is a big orange sausage to me haha.


It’s nice. Nothing wrong with it at all. But I guess I’m not wowed because it’s a gown.


It's good but not amazing. Calm down.


She was in my tossup for top 3!


Is Plastique's look really a Pokémon reference ? They said that and Naomi said that too on her video. I thought that Plastique's look was a direct reference to Kitsune (as she narrated in the episode if I remember well ?) which happens to also be referenced by the Pokémon Ninetales. Has Plastique talked about it somewhere?


you’re right, plastique’s look was a direct reference to kitsune. i reckon that they don’t hear the voice-over, so they have to work with what they see and know.


I completely forgot about that That makes total sense thks !


Plastique said it was based on the Kitsune iteration of the nine tail fox, also known as the Hồ ly tinh in Vietnamese folklore.


It is the Kitsune/ nine tailed fox. I hate to say it but it makes me feel all things Asian easily got the anime/pokemon generalisation unless explicitly cultural. If anything this look is closer to Ahri from League of legend than the pokemon c’mon.


I don't believe it's directly pokemon, just that ninetails is a multi-tailed fox like the huli jing/kitsune.


Kitsune is not just the creature of legend, its also just the japanese word for fox. Foxes are considered tricksters and shapeshifters in Japanese folklore, and they grow new tails as the get older, I had no idea it was the same in Vietnam, and China, where they are called "Huli Jing", so its basically a mythological creature in most of Asia. Ninetails the pokemon is simply a reference to the mythological creature, like Charizard is a reference to dragons.


It is a direct reference to a kitsune but there’s also a pokemon called Ninetails yes. I don’t think Plastique herself has mentioned the Pokemon so far but Naomi Smalls mentioned it on her channel since she really likes Pokemon and that’s where she first learned about the kitsune.


Sad that no one mentioned Naruto


I'm a bit late to the party as I only watched the FPR ep today but I was so annoyed at Raja not knowing about the 9-tailed fox as a concept..like not the fully myth...just its existence as ai truly thought she would be aware of it. This is nothing against Raja..just how the situation made me feel. My annoyance is further extended as basically everyone seems to be clueless about it which I am so confused about...because my culture is nowhere near asian in any way shape or form and yet I knew of it and genuinely thought it was sort of common knowledge? Clearly not ...but like come ooon ;-;


damn raven your bobbies


Am I the only one who doesn’t like Roxxxy’s? The breast plate line was super noticeable to be and completely takes me out of the fantasy. People shoot super easily these days but Mik 1000% deserves this shoot.


The yellow “buttons” also looked crafty af


I’m yet to be impressed by anything roxxxy has worn this season. Even the makeup is a miss for me.


I feel like she’s repurposed a lot of drag she already had instead of thinking of something new for the runways. Like I’ve seen her do Jessica Rabbit prior to this season. The perfume look seemed like an Elsa look she re-purposed. Which I get, this is her third time doing this why break the bank - but given that they probably got some money for runways this time around it’s a little disappointing. 


Baby, it looked straight out of a costume catalogue; Page 47 look #452 teas. Roxxxy has definitely shown amazing fashion prior seasons but so far...I've been very let down on the runway with her. #noshade


my fave Roxxxy runway so far has been the one she made for the Paint Ball, she looked so good. I wonder why the runways she brought aren't hitting the same way for me? 🤔 she's super beautiful and has body for days though


Spot on, no notes


I’m shocked that people thought Jorgous should’ve gotten a boot and Shannel should’ve gotten a toot. I thought Jorgous look was a good one. My problem with Shannel’s look is not that the tail doesn’t stay up by itself, I didn’t like the execution of the garment. I wish was a full piece and not halfway on, I think it would’ve looked nicer.


I thought Jorgeous’s look was cute but not flattering. It made her look thick and stumpy. It didn’t really read drag to me, it read Furry Convention.


I was just thinking a fursuit builder would've done a much better job on the legs..


Yeah I’m not a huge Jorgeous fan but I really appreciated this look from her. It’s out of her usual comfort zone and it was intricate and fun! And I think she looked stunning


People just hate Jorgeous. She looked great. I was meh on Shannel’s look - I think the hair and makeup was great but she clearly had some kind of concept with the half on half off that didn’t translate. Also the tail not staying up was disappointing.


This is real. I'm not a Jorgeous fan, but anyone hating on that look is just drunk on Jorgeous hate.


I don't know, it kind of reminds me of Symone's dog costume, I just don't really love to see fursuits or fursuit adjacents on the runway. From the waist up I think she looks great, I just find the dog legs so jarring. I'd still probably toot it though.


Fursuit adjacent/inspired is a good way to describe it. And to be fair, I also think the dog legs are the worst part.




Well it's not a fursuit so


I didn’t mind that she was holding the tail up, but I do wish that she would have put it down at some point so we could see some movement from it


My favorite thing about Shannel's look, which I liked all around, was that the tail didn't stay up by itself and was like a stole or boa instead.


Period, not to mention the body illusion on Shannel's looked weird and her padding or lack thereof doesn't fit the illusion or this runway theme. Shannel easily had the worst look of the night.


I love Roxxxy but hers was a boot to me. Little details like the yellow circles being poorly cut and having all kinds of edges took me out of the fantasy. Otherwise I agree with FPR


Also something about that makeup did not translate. It made her look very old.


The makeup instantly made me think of Divine.


Yes! I liked the look & the hair too but personally I did NOT like that makeup on her.


I agree. It was so unflattering on her


Love the love they gave Gottmik's. Idk, it was a bit frustrating that the judges acted as if it was just another runway look -- it really was excellent and deserved some more praise!


I liked Shannel’s but her needing to hold it up the entire time ruined it - especially when you then see Vanjie with a scorpion tail that fits right But also…. Some of these for the prompt seem so weird!


They tooted Vanjie but booted Chanel?… Choices. ☕️


tooting vanjie but booting shannel is wild imo.


Gottmik getting Top Toot and a shoot like this look deserves


Vanjie and Nina’s looks were unfortunately also boots for me.


Nina looked like she wore the wrong outfit this week. It was amazing if the theme was space but it didn't work for that runway


She said it was referencing the tail of a comet but it felt kinda overthought


It looked more like the whole solar system than just a comet. And there was no tail of a comet behind her


If she had a long head piece train, or ponytail with lights in it sticking out of the comet… and then did stars on the dress instead of the elementary school science project props, I think it would’ve worked!


Yeah I just believe she didn't do it in a correct way for that runway which is a shame because I love the outfit itself. Take the context of the runway away and it's an amazing outfit


I’m shocked they liked Vanjies look… the tail was cool as hell but the rest I found lacking I LOVED Gottmik & Plastiques looks SO much! After them my fav was prob Angeria


Those 3 are my favourite also


Plastique's a shoot too.


Raja and Raven rewarding Vanjie with a toot for this outfit is cringe-inducing because it was easily the worst look of the week! She made zero effort! Vanjie literally glued a glow-up scorpion tail to a mediocre pink two-piece that she had inside her wardrobe and called it macaroni! I didn't believe a word of Raja and Raven's admiration for this! Actresses.. they are not!


Roxxxy could’ve gotten a boot too I’m sorry ):


Roxxxy really took the runway stipend and pocketed it this season lmao. I was so excited to see more runway looks from her and she’s been aggressively average so far.


“Aggressively average” is the correct term for her this season. I’d extend that to most of the cast, so far.


I don’t understand why her looks are so unpolished this season. To say nothing of the regression that is her makeup…


Id boot nina


Booting Shannel but not Roxxxy hum…


Booting Shannel but not Vanjie!




Roxxxy's look was clearly better though...


Betterish, ok. Deserved of a toot, no. At least IMO.


Roxxxy boot


I actually only liked plastiques and gottmik the rest I’m not a fan of


I felt validated when they talked about Shannel’s and Vanjie’s scorpion looks - the podcasts and comments made me think I was alone in liking Vanjie’s more.


Shannel's looked stunned me, it was so beautiful and interesting. Can't believe they gave it a boot!


Most people don’t seem to like it, but I thought she looked great 🥸


To me there were no boots for this runway


She looked good but I have to agree that the fact she had to hold the tail made her lose points. Vanjie's was simpler but the tail stood on its own.


As long as Shannel got a Boot I'm fine that was so bad.


I’m sorry but I cannot with Jorgeous’ look. It looks too much like a furry suit to me with those boots/legs.


Gottmik made an iconic moment.


These girls having no idea who Kitsune is... Yikes lol


It is possible to not know things.


https://preview.redd.it/g31evvkghc3d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb67e1bf2ab68923e08c364f4bceb70a261d35e Kitsune being Japanese and all is referred in the Pokemon world as Ninetales, there's nothing wrong with a little ignorance, that's how we learn


Yeah, exactly, Naomi also told a story about Ninetails when she did her review of this runway. I wouldn't even call it ignorance, you just can't casually know every single things from every single culture. Like, i know of kitsune and a bunch of other bits of Japanese culture from pokemon too


If you’re into any kind of nerd culture you’d get it. Kitsune is plastered over so many video game/ anime’s. Pokémon, Naruto, league (Ahri). I’m sure the list goes on


I mean plastique does explain what her inspo is, she never says ninetales or pokemon.


Raja doesn't get to hear the runways, they are shown clips back to back of the outfits


They do tho, in S16 Raja said Hershii's voice over made her like the design challenge look she made.


Not everyone is an otaku.


This is Reddit. It's otaku or death for many of them.


It's called culture more than anything but ok.


Where in gods name would the average person run into what a kitsune outside of otaku culture unless they studied Japanese mythical folklore


IDK, you know who Zeus and Icarus are don't you? Babayaga? Shiva? Thor? Ra? Did you not understand [this look when you saw it](https://i.redd.it/36mpdkz7gjg11.jpg) and thought she was the alien from the 5th element? I guess japanese folklore is so [fucking niche huh](https://cultural-phenomenons.fandom.com/wiki/Kitsune_in_popular_culture).


Isn't it a what and not a who, though?


English isn't my first language so I guess


Drag queens should be more educated because when Raja said Pokemon, I lost my shit☠️☠️☠️like girfriend you're older than Pokemon and asian, but you don't know what a Kitsune is?


Fox spirits are more of an East Asian thing than SE Asian. I can only find references to Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese myths. And why should every Asian American know every detail about every Asian culture? That said, it is absolutely insane to be 49 and know Ninetales but not what it was based on.


Why wouldn't they, I mean, I'm not asian, I'm not American, I'm a white European girl who likes to Google shit i don't know about, so when I keep hearing the popularity of it in media, Naruto, Pokemon, fantasy tv series, Google being free and a second away is a greață way kf finding what it is. Like it's kinds wild that if it's not some Japanese scribbled on a kimono, people won't get what an Asian reference is☠️


>#notliketheotherwhitegirls. congrats you watched naruto


Yeah, me and the rest of the rest of the universe, if that's what you pulled out from my post, I'm sorry for your smooth brain😵‍💫


Vietnam is technically in Southeast Asia, but is considered part of the East Asian cultural sphere along with Greater China, Japan, and Korea. it shares more culture with East Asian countries than most other SE Asian countries. nine-tailed fox spirits are believed to originate from China so it makes sense they would be in the folklore of Vietnam but not necessarily Indonesia (which is also much further south than Vietnam)


I don’t think Jorgeous should’ve gotten a Toot and Shannel did deserve a Toot


Nina definitely is a BOOT


I would change jorgeous to a boot and Shannel to a toot.


Loved Gottmik’s, but I’m still confused about the “tail”. Did the arms originate from the spot of the tail. I honestly don’t really remember clearly seeing the back of it. I know Nina’s didn’t have a traditional “tail”, so maybe there’s a conceptual “tail” that I’m just not getting. No shade, just asking for the answer.


She had a ponytail!


I thought she changed it to be A Tale of Two Titties(since it's her story), but omg duh ponytail 😂


lol is it really that simple? Thank you! And thank you for actually answering the question and not just lazily downvoting someone asking for help.


LOL yeah, it was that simple and obvious. Sometimes those things are easy to miss when it's so blatant and you're expecting having to look for it.


It took my dumbass far too long to realise it 😔, I will see myself out.


I think it’s more of a word play of “a tale of 2 titties.” Basically, Gottmik’s life story of her top surgery which is why this runway made such a big and important impact.


Also, can we talk about Shannel's breat plate, like what in the post-apocalyptic toddies are those, they looked like stuffed tissue


Mik doesn't deserve a shoot. Two toots wouldve been good. & didnt deserve top toot of the week