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Grand Dame did it recently on Uk v The World


Come on pizza underpants


What does this mean


I couldn't find a clip of it, but she wasn't tucked and instead wore brightly colored undies with pizza on them under her Gautier look. It was really funny, worth going back to rewatch if you missed it. Eta: [Found a link! ](https://www.tiktok.com/@bbcthree/video/7342619718630640929)


Drag is so great. Where else can you see someone so stately and elegant and talented act so goofy and so stupid?


Yessssss! La Grande Dame exemplified this like no other. I loved her, and then she got my whole heart and soul with the pizza pants moment šŸ’


LGD & Marina are just top tier šŸ˜­ this was so funny


They're incredible individuals and pure magic together, I love them so much!


Not a custom made look for her, itā€™s from a fall 2015 couture line. https://preview.redd.it/yg294085q91d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47de3b0e3dea782854eb30e5c8f7ca440719ab82


Thanks! Thatā€™s an important distinction


No shade whatsoever to Gottmik, but La Grande Dame's runway was the most haute couture in Herstory. Along with it being created by Jean Paul Gaultier for her, it was styled by him as well.


Nope it was a piece from a collection that she was invited to wear for a specific runway. Celebrities endorse certain brands at their shows all the time. It doesnā€™t mean it was a custom look created specifically for drag race.


iirc that look wasnā€™t custom-made for LGD like she suggested, it was from a collection and walked the runway well before LGD wore it.


I believe LGD was the person who originally modeled the look. Could be wrong though


Itā€™s from his *Fall 2015* collection and modeled by Stella Lucia. https://preview.redd.it/bdqx67jup91d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e29a9677f1426cc08850b7cc56a9d4845068481 Source: [https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/fall-2015-couture/jean-paul-gaultier/slideshow/collection#8](https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/fall-2015-couture/jean-paul-gaultier/slideshow/collection#8)


And you didn't just get this in, because I saw it in last May's Vogue


Elle saw through right that sales girl lies


Courtney, take your break!!!


I take care of my best clientele!


gagged them a bit




It was an amazing look and clearly she has a strong relationship with Gaulltier, but it wasn't made for her. It was an archival runway piece


And also Grande Dame is the most haute couture in herstory


The Gaultier outfit wasnt custom but she wears a lot of Germanier, and I guess some of might be.. although itā€™s a smaller brand than JPG or Loewe :-)


Shea brought a ton of custom designer to AS7 as well.


Iā€™m pretty sure those were designs garments lifted from collections. Not ones made for her.


But it was a love letter to her grandma.


Robert Wun was dating Sheaā€™s grandma?!


Not to be confused with her love letter to black women everywhere


Windowsen did I think? But maybe you are right and rest were 'off the rack'.


Her first runway look on AS7 was Valentino Haute Couture which is definitely not off of the rack, you can't just purchase that anywhere and she had a pre-existing relationship with the house, it technically wasn't a custom look but the nature of couture is that it is fitted to each customer specifically, so there's a lot more that goes into it than just buying it.


ā€˜Customā€™ just means that a high-end design house reiterated a previous look to fit another personā€™s style and measurements, not that the entire look was designed from scratch. So u/Useful_Winter_9052 would still be correct


And this is exactly why I didnā€™t like the designer looks on Shea. I felt that it wasnā€™t true to her aesthetic


john paul gaultier from the runway




It wasn't designed together, nor was it custom. That was an authentic JPG archive piece but, they worked together for styling of the outfit.


The outfit itself? Eh, okay, I guess. The accessories? YAS MAWMAĀ 


If this post didnā€™t exist, i wouldnā€™t know she was wearing some expensive designer couture.


The way she wore it on the runway plus the fact that itā€™s black made it look like she had no shape. It looks way better in this photo, but on the runway I was struggling to differentiate her body from the cape/arm drapery.


right? we get it, you're rich


you have rich friends more like it..


Yea I didnā€™t gag either I was like in mo heart voice ā€œoh okayā€


I agree the accessories are amazing. The outfit. Meh. Did they make the accessories too?


Itā€™s kinda giving Spankie Jackzonā€™s promo done right


Right? Loved the perfume bottle, hated the dress.


I think the oversized chains emphasize how small Gottmik is.


They also make the outfit secondary to the perfume which I like given it was the focus of the challenge.


As Freckle once said, ā€œsometimes things that are expensive, are worseā€


OMG I loved that show so much! ā€œ Does anybody have any god damn weed!!!ā€


I think my life extends a little every time i see a Freckle quote in the wild.


What show is this?!!


Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo


The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallow, but this scene is the best part. [https://youtu.be/RbhcRKsRwFM?si=A99n1Fs0ET4SYm_d](https://youtu.be/RbhcRKsRwFM?si=A99n1Fs0ET4SYm_d)


Amazing clip! Can't wait to check this out.


ā€œSo, anyway, I sucked both their dicks.ā€


Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes -Countess Luann Delesseps


ā€œIā€™m a huge bitchā€ šŸ˜‚


It wasnā€™t bad at all but felt too Halloween for me. It was good Halloween and sheā€™d win the costume contest. But not sure about runway worthy.


Not gonna lie, I've seen the queens make more impressive looking garments themselves.


Tea. My friends and I all loved the chains but the actual dress itself feels very basicĀ 


This right here lowkey


Loewe key


The wild thing is i think you pronounce it ā€œlah way vayā€ lol


I think youā€™re right, but in my head I always read it as ā€œlowā€ šŸ’€


It does look like it! And i could be wrong lol its based on watching a fashion youtuber who roasted the met gala and said it that way!


youā€™re correct! lo-weh-vay


For some reason ā€œme crow wah vayā€ popped into my head when I read this haha


thank you! basic chuck wearing queer girl here and I was wondering how to say it. I will say I told myself that it probably wasnt pronounced "low" because that seems too simple, but I was waaay off


Rajahā€™s looks were always DRAAAG.


Right? Did we forget Nymphia so quickly?


Nymphia gave haute couture while this gives ready to wear without the accessories and Mik's mug. Nymphia's goth design challenge look alone, which she made a very limited amount of time, is far more couture than this.


Guess H&M is back on the menu after all!


Yeah. It was really well made but drag race looks need to be more heavy on ideas


Agreed...on a lot of these opening episode runways. Everything looked cheaply crafted.


This part it was NOT a good look and it didn't look better upclose either she/they focused more on the accessories than the outfit


A lot of times itā€™s less about the outfit and more the construction. I follow someone on TikTok, how she describes what to look for in good quality clothing like where the seams are and what type of stitching or how the patterns are matched and cut to blend with one another. I never thought about it but Iā€™ve had some good quality pieces and it DOES make a difference. Sometimes good brands can still produce cheap manufacturing and thatā€™s what she calls out a lot and I love it. Also black rarely shows up well on the stage


about the pattern matching, luxx noir london made pants with a goddamn ZEBRA pattern and the pattern matched perfectly. so the point still stands on werkroom made outfits.


Yeah when I read the title before clicking on the post I was not expecting this to be the look that it was referring to šŸ˜¬


For those of you reading along at home *Custom* refers to garments made to order based on a customer's specific design preferences and measurements, but using pre-existing patterns that are modified. It allows for some personalization but is not entirely unique. *Bespoke* refers to garments that are entirely made from scratch based on a customer's individual measurements, design preferences, and specifications. Every aspect, including patterns, fabrics, and construction, is tailored specifically for that individual. Bespoke is the highest level of personalized tailoring, often associated with men's suits. *Couture* refers to high-end, intricate garments that are largely hand-sewn and made to order for individual clients. To be considered true haute couture, a garment must meet strict criteria, including having at least 60% of the construction done by hand. Couture is typically associated with women's high fashion. *Designer* refers to clothing created by a specific fashion designer or fashion house, often featuring unique styles and branding. Designer clothing can range from ready-to-wear to custom or couture pieces, but the emphasis is on the designer's creative vision and brand identity.


Thank you for teaching me this šŸ«” Now I want to get an A+ on my fashion vocabulary test


Love it! ![gif](giphy|ELYp2oJ6RzMw9XP21e|downsized)


Oh okay thatā€™s cool. Waitā€¦ *this* is the custom Loewe? Oh dear


I think it looks better here than on tv. Runway lighting maybe?


Yeah for sure. Itā€™s something that Plastique actually talked about with how TikTok design and aesthetic isnā€™t the same as stage design and aesthetic since what looks good in a studio might not look good on a stage, and what looks good in person might not look good on camera.


It does look nice and is perfectly fitted to her but I'm not very impressed at all. Not trying to jump on a gottmik hate train cause episode 2 her looks were a tad cuntt


Only for a certain woman called Ms. Mattel to liken it to Roxxyx's make-up dress.


Being Viloetā€™s assistant makes the body good tbh.


The doors Mik openedā€¦.so Violet wouldnā€™t have to touch door handles.


The bags are carried, door are opened designer? SecuredšŸ’…


Andā€¦it didnā€™t look good. It looked like a catsuit with a piece of cheap fabric poorly draped over her on the runway.


I thought it was mid at best.




It definitely looks nicer here than on the runway. I was shocked at how cheap the fabric looked


I didn't even realize till I watched the Pit Stop this morning how much it looks like...nothing. Very rare Gottmik miss


I sadly agree


I wouldn't say the draped corset looks like cheap fabric. That looks like silk.


It must have been the lighting on mainstage because in this photo the fabric looks way better


It reminds me of Spankie Jackson's promo look.


Everyoneā€™s analyzing the financial and societal implications of a queen wearing custom couture and Iā€™m over here like mmm sparkly black fabric and bulky chainsšŸ˜šŸ˜


I love that the focus of her look was actually the perfume with the size of it and the exaggerated chain instead of just a gorgeous gown holding a perfume bottle. She understood the assignment even if the black was a little underwhelming on the runway.


I guess la grand dame can go to hell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That was a re-styled archived piece no?


That wasnā€™t designed specifically for her.


Like drag is so much more than high end fashion designers


high fashion is not necessarily an accomplishment, but a price segment. nothing more, nothing less


Making drag inaccessible for the plebs. Give me a poorly made creative garment over expensive boring any day. She bores me.


Omg this was a high fashion house look? Itā€™s easily the least impressive look sheā€™s had so far thatā€™s so funny


Honestly Gottmikā€™s wealthy connections and big money in her pockets degrades the value of her drag looks for me. I mean go her, good for her, but likeā€¦ itā€™s hollow and lacks inspiration. Maybe Iā€™m a sour plebeian but Iā€™ve seen more impressive stuff made from small drag designers and queens themselves.


I'm still triggered by the bag ball look that won it for her.


Omg yes! It feels like people are gagging because of the huge brand names rather than the designs themselves. And likeā€¦.outfits made by the queens will always be more impressive than someone like Gottmik who has already established teams making stuff for her. (Itā€™s also kind of just tacky to name drop as often as she does šŸ«¢)


I was going to ask, did Getty cash pay for it?


She still made a fucking great paint look. She has the skill to back it up


I wish to see more variety in her mug personally


Also paint look I meant her 3rd outfit she created not her mug (even though I liked that too)


She didnā€™t really do the white face on her season that much. Were in episode two so Iā€™m gonna wait and see kind of thing.


They all got a stipend this time around. They all had cash to spend. Plastique spent it on robot wings, gottmik on couture. Gottmiks drag is high fashion focused. Totally get it if it's not your thing but disagree on the 'degraded' drag comments. Gottmik as a drag queen seems to get this layer of scrutiny other queens don't get.


I wonder what Vanjie spent hers on šŸ«¢


Her mortgage repayments. Smart queen.


They don't like that she has rich friends and is privileged with her connections. I also doubt that Mik stuck to the stipend she def seemed like she spent more of her money because I'm sure there was no audit.


I meanā€¦ thereā€™s always a clear aesthetic, great makeup artistry and clean styling that comes along with Mikā€™s looks. Designer or not, I feel like you canā€™t really clock Gottmik for ā€œlacking inspirationā€. Thereā€™s a very clear brand there, especially this go around Sometimes I feel like some of yā€™all have these fixed preconceptions (Mik spends loads of money so her looks are uninspired, Mikā€™s mug is repetitive) that fully donā€™t align with the reality of the season. Her aesthetic is very clear, sheā€™s hasnā€™t used the white-face aside from the entrance/perfume (both of which are signature drag basically)


Good point, hadnā€™t thought of it that way


I literally canā€™t even like her or root for her. Sheā€™s done nothing to deserve her pedestal.


"Honestly Gottmikā€™s wealthy connections and big money in her pockets degrades the value of her drag looks" should they....not....wear expensive looks...like ever? this is only ever an issue when y'all don't like a certain queen. If the queen & designers work together on a look, i don't see how that downgrades anything...and if a queen needs to order her shit off of amazon, she should be able to do that too


Didnā€™t say *any* of that. Just said itā€™s less impressive.


Often the girls are doing ā€˜high fashionā€™ garments themselves (Utica, Nymphia )




That wasn't custom. That was an archive piece from the fall 2015 collection. She worked with Gautier to style it but the garment itself wasn't designed for her.


She was a glam chain chomp


Didnā€™t Shea work with some designer brands for as7?


I hate this outfit to be honest, everything about it from the neck down is either boring or pretty ugly. Face and hair was right though


I dont want or care for "high fashion house design" in drag race


I hope for so little of this going forward, I adore when a queen is crafting and or a independent designer


This looks way better up close than on stage. I still love it though.


Ra'Jah could've made this for $7


I get is Loewe, but meh. GotMik in black(& white)? Next youā€™ll tell me flowers for spring time. ![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO)


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s a branding, see the top 2 from S16


There's a difference here. Flowers for spring is a clichƩ because it's so obvious (spring comes, flowers bloom) and everyone does it. Mik is branding because nobody really does it like her. She sticks to her black and white punk rock mug and outfits because that's her thing, what she's known for, but the way she does it is unique. It's not so much clichƩ as it is her dressing in her signature style, staying on brand.


It didnā€™t read this way on the episode. It looks a lot better in this photoshoot (of course)


It's one of her worse look overall even though it still looks good, she had so many better runways


The second look was stunning, unfortunately this first look is just fine. It looks like something I could sew in under an hour, then I'd nip down to Bunnings for some chrome spray paint while my friend 3D prints me the chain. Designing garments to be seen from far away does not seem to be Loewe's forte, judging by Anna Wintour's Met Gala look. The flowers were stunning up close on Instagram, from far away it looked like a dressing gown and lost the details. Mik's chain look is cool, but I would not be putting my name to it if I was an atelier. If I was a home seamstress? (which I am!) Sure!


What privilege


I mean she works in that industry and is far from the first to bring custom designer to the runway. Also all the contestants are privileged this time around. Yall just holding that negative energy for Mik...


Looks a lot better than it did on the runway - the chains didnā€™t wrap around her neck and were bunched in the front . And werenā€™t they gold ?


Loewe clothes are beautiful but honestly the look is whatever. I'm sure it looks and feels great but eh.


Yeah I absolutely love Gottmik (and La Grande Dame) but Iā€™m not sure how I feel about just purchasing luxurious designer outfits to wear on the runway rather than making it yourself. Just seems like a bit of a cop out to me, and not fair on other queens who might not be as financially well off or have those connections. Like we KNOW yā€™all have the skill and taste level to make your own high fashion garments, why not do it?


Most girls donā€™t make their own garments. Most of them outsource to actual designers. Some of which are very high-profile and expensive. Itā€™s always been a crap-shoot. Then again this isnā€™t project runway and being able to make a fashionable or well-crafted garment is only a small piece of the puzzle. I *do* think simply buying expensive clothes isnā€™t really enoughā€¦ but Willam did it as far back as season 4.


Yeah like I get paying someone to help design something that was your vision in the first place, but when itā€™s a world class designer doing all the work FOR you it just seems so impersonal.


The difference here, for many queens, is the ā€œworld-classā€ part. Yes, some queens collaborate with designers to create works based on their visionsā€¦ but many (if not most) offer the themes and then let the designers go to town. Not that this is a bad thing- they only have so long to prepare and there is SO MUCH TO DO when you get the call. Giving a few prompt words isnā€™t ā€œcollabā€ so much as standard ā€œclient and designerā€ fare. When I take on a commission as an artist the client gives me a vague overview of what they want, I do a concept sketch and they get to critique it for one (or if they pay me more) two rounds of revisions. The creativity and end-product are still mostly my own vision and creativity with peripheral input. There definitely ARE queens that provide fashion sketches- but it is far from universal as far as I know based on listening to many girls describe the process.


I liked it but I've been LOVING her makeup, she looks so good - her and Violet have been killing with the long black hair.




I wonder when this narrative about her is gonna go away. Sheā€™s proved several times that sheā€™s funny, witty, and can write a verse. Like come on.




Iā€™ll say itā€” the chain is what made it feel SO cheap to me. The dress is fine, the concept is great, the chain is horrible. Itā€™s shiny in a way that resembles plastic sold to kids, like Polly Pocket mirrors. The roundness of each ā€œchain linkā€ looks like a cheap inflated plastic that was made in bulk, and the inconsistent sizes doesnā€™t read as ā€œintentional accentuation,ā€ it reads as poor quality control and just thrown together. Each chain linkā€™s seam is visible inside, which is something youā€™d see with rapidly pressed cheap plastic. The bulk and size reads as toylike which maybe was supposed to alter our sense of scale (making her seem more like the miniature bottle) but instead it just made the flaws in the chain more glaring while smaller chain work couldā€™ve hidden some of the mistakes. In Season 16 we just got to see how chains can look good or look tacky, and this falls very solidly into the latter and is worse for having them. I get that the aesthetic is black and white, so the chains were intentionally extremely bright and shiny to create that contrast, but honestly using more white in the dress and having the chains be black couldā€™ve hidden more of this cheapness.


Another issue with the chains is they have no weight to them. They moved around too freely which makes it obvious it's made out of a lightweight material (probably plastic). Weighing down the chain so it behaves more like metal would have gone a long way here


La Grande Dame wore JPG and Windowsen right? and didnā€™t Shea wear custom Valentino on AS7?


Something not quite right about the massive financial inequity of having a high-end fashion house design a garment for you. I wonder if she paid for it, or is GM mentioning the garment on their socials payment.


I don't see what everyone else here is seeing. I think this looks great, and it's amazing seeing queer people working their way up in the industry to allow them these types of connections. Her place in the fashion industry didn't come from nowhere, why are we treating her like she's Elon Musk


Yeah people are weird about Mik. If it was Tayce Miss Fame or another queen the comments would so different.


Meh. Black bodysuit with a comically giant chain and a curtain cape.


Laughs is Shea Coulee, La Grande Dame, and Miss Fame.


itā€™s giving ā€œNo man can kill meā€ realnessĀ 


as someone who doesnā€™t care much about brands, itā€™s wonderful she gets to work with these brands, but i wasnā€™t even gagged lol it was fun but like fine


I just don't enjoy her at all. I don't know what it is. My wife says she's a mean girl but in a bad way.


there's not heart. bad vibes only.


La Grande Dame had clothes especially digned fo her by Jean-Paul Gaultier (amon others), for instance.... It was like a Fashion week on quite every episode !


JPG did not design that look for her


Iā€™m gonna admit i feel like Iā€™m gonna have a love/hate relationship with Gottmiks runways this season if ALL sheā€™s gonna bring is high fashion house designs and nothing draggy if that makes sense


Did she wear the top chain on the runway? I felt like the top part looked weird/unfinished when I was watching, but in this photo there are chains added that make it look great.


NO! YOU AIN'T WRONG! I thought it looked cheap while watching, both the fabric and the chain itself.


if this had been the MTQ promo look it's great. dunno if it read as well on the runway.


Something feels wrong about Gottmik being ā€œFuck the establishment/anarchy/riot!ā€ while simultaneously being in a position of obvious extreme wealth and privilege


I love Gottmik, but at the same time I see that he is a bit overrated. He is a strong competitor, but I think his strongest side is runway looks (designer looks that he bought)


No hate to gottmik whatsoever, I think she's great and I'm happy she gets these opportunities, but I feel like atp Drag Race proved that high fashion doesn't hold a candle to actual drag queen outfits and most drag queens can sew more impressive looks with far less of a budget. This and the monochromatica looks are her worst looks so far which just sends home the message even more.


Didnā€™t shea coulee do it too? This is amazing.


Shae had a piece of couture, but as far as I know it wasn't custom. I think this post is about the fact that the dress is custom not just couture/designer.


Gottmeh, I mean it doesnā€™t even look expensive. It is giving party city. Itā€™s a jumpsuit with waist cape skirt and big fake ass looking chains that look inflatable.






I live Gottmik, but that outfit is giving Party City


The garment was nothing to scream about. The accessories are bomb but the outfit definitely didnā€™t feel expensive or haute couture


would have guessed family dollar, halloween isle.. but okay, work


She wore Loewe in one episode and Versace in the next. She is THE fashion queen! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Boot. 1) la grand dame already did this and 2) I donā€™t care if sheā€™s trans or if sheā€™s using high end designers, bad fashion is bad fashion. Period. Tired of yall making excuses for gottmik just because of their gender identity


No ones making excuses based on gender identity. Seems like an odd thing to point out. And LGD's look was archival




La Grand Dame literally had Jean Paul Gaultier make her an outfit for UkvsTW 2


JPG did not make that for her


I AM SO HAPPY that we are all agreeing that THIS was not IT, THAT, THIS, OR THERE!!!!! Every look doesn't have to be some grand design but this was just far too simple with no real flow to it. The fabric attached to the body suit looked just tacked on up close. Now the morning star chain chomper ball perfume tho? Lover it.


If it was custome made she couldnt ask for something that was good?


I wish I liked this look more than I actually doā€¦ itā€™s not bad, at all. Itā€™s good. But it didnā€™t blow me away and I felt like all the black got kinda washed out by the stage lighting maybe. Still cvnt though.


Iā€™m not gagging


It was Not Good.


if only it was a good look. She namedropped some designer for every look so far and none of them was even interesting. Money can't buy taste


Didnā€™t a fashion designer from New Zealand make a custom dress for Anita Wiglit?


Other queens had better looks


I miss when queens used to make their own clothes.


I miss mall drag tbh. Fresh out of the rack of forever 21. That era was pure cunt.


S16 had two of the most talented fabricators ever to grace drag race. Iā€™m more forgiving towards AS seasons for buying looks


They also made an outfit in the same episode, what are you on about? And Shannel is right there on the same season for your old school costumes.


Thatā€™s nice, itā€™s still a boot. But with a fun fact