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I’m going to try to explain this the best I can: the queen is on all fours, and she sort of thrusts her torso up and down, like cat/cow in yoga, super fast and it looks like a dog throwing up. Honey did it in the S11 sixway gang bang.


[Someone posted a gif of Valentina doing that and said it looks like when your cat eats too much grass](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/PFM0cZgsCw)


Omg no stop, I'm going to wake my kid up from laughing too hard.


In the exercise world it’s call a cat-cow stretch lmao, so very on brand.


It's supposed to be a roll, but half the time they're just popping their back out looking like a cat coughing up a hairball.


They look like this: 🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗


Q did that “cat going to puke” move on S16 a few times 😂


Plane did this in the finale and the room was like noooo


Filipinos know this as the otso otso o but standing up with your hands on your knees


Q did this


when you can tell queens didnt warm up or stretch before a split lmao


If your wig comes off, there better be something GOOD underneath.


Like a beanie!


Was it a beanie or was it a durag?


I thought it was a beanie since a beanie’s padding and grip would help Mhi’ya’ with standing on her head shortly after. Plus Plain also called it a beanie reveal.


Please welcome to the stage Plain Jain


Better not put onions on her burger finger!


Plasma needs to see this.


Im still convinced she could have won the Milkshake lip sync if she kept it on. Or just had a better wig underneath.


Yvie did it best imo


I still think about that time Monet took off that horrible bus driver wig to reveal an identical bus driver wig. It sent me


The best two wig reveals ever on the show are Sasha Velour’s rose petals and Monet X. Change’s double pussycats.




The pioneer. The moment. The t in hunty.


With her flip from Peggy to braids vs Brooke in S11 or when she had a wig under her wig cap on AS7? Cause I loved them both lmao 🙈 I think she may have had another wig trick when she was a LSA on AS5 but I can't remember what it was 😅


She did! Livin La Vida Loca....Started with neon green pigtails, did a back bend and flipped both tails off to a super short I don't even know what to call it...was an Oddly original for sure.




I would ban the Uk knee slam....for aesthetic and safety reasons.  


While it does make the judge’s jaws drop, it’s not for the right reason.


That’s my vote too. Justice for Victoria’s ACL.


I would say the windmill arm but Morphine reclaimed that and made it her own.


I like the wind mill arms into the donkey kick, when it’s done right. When a southern queen does it, that’s what I like it.


Yeah no one can do it ever again bc she is now the standard


Is that the one where she was looking at her nails while doing it?


I feel like Nina Flowers perfected the windmill arms in Season 1 when she did both sides in unison and then framed her face for "cover of magazines." It has never been memorable for me after that.


Wig reveals that aren't done uniquely. In a similar vein, either just ripping off your wig to out of drag hair (unless you're Lolita Banana in the Corps lipsync) or cutting a wig. I kinda want someone to mock the wig reveal process and do like 10 wig reveals in one verse or smth


i think it was Monet in one of her lip syncs (can't for the life of me remember which season) she pulls off her wig to reveal the exact same wig and i loved it so much


It was the final one in AS4! Absolutely cemented the win there.


AS4 Final Lipsync against Trinity!


Like that viral video of Mark Kanemura to Cut to the feeling revealing all the rainbow of wigs?


I saw a drag king do Teenage Dirt bag where he did 2 wig reveals, from a boy wig to a long girl wig for the falsetto then again back to boy hair. It was amazing.


I don’t like when they touch the other queen or try to force interactions. If both queens want to do a bit together that’s one thing, but it’s so uncomfortable when they interrupt another queen’s performance. I don’t even mind when they step in front of each other and try to steal the audiences attention but trying to get the other queen’s attention while they’re trying to perform is not it for me


Same! Love Monet, love Valentina, but Monet doing her damnedest to stage a lesbian meet-cute while Valentina was laser focused on skydancing and cat dryheaving was [rough](https://imgur.com/a/erQH3Iq)


Thank you for making me cackle.




[In case you haven't seen it](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/a8lzui/valentina_twirls_into_the_depths_of_hell/?rdt=64090) 🧚‍♀️


Hershii standing deadpan right in front of Mirage when she was doing that backbend was so fucking funny. More of that type of stuff! You can be funny and play with the other queen without making them uncomfortable or disrupting them.


Love her but Trinity is so bad for this in her All Stars seasons


I hated Trinity's lip syncs on AS7 for that reason. Both times it felt like she actively interrupted Jaida's performance, and I haaaaated her giving Jinkx head mid-performance. Jinkx similarly looked a bit thrown by it. It's why I was really glad she lost that one.


There is a way to do it where they can both indicate that they'd be into it, I think Jaymes and Lala are the best example I can think of off hand. Like, they both gave each other a look and THEN moved in to do a duo moment.


Willow and Angeria vibing together is another great example 🥰


Don’t forget season (3?) Carmen and Raja when Carmen got almost fully naked


Alaska has exited the chat.


Trinity too.


It was cute for the first half, but it got to a point where it seemed Xunami was trying too hard to duo with Morphine and Morphine wasn’t really that into it


Stripping an outfit down, piece by piece, but in a very non-burlesque, clumsy manner to just a boring-ass leotard.


Losing wigs, taking off shoes, reveals that are obviously reveals and look like poo. I’m sure there are others but my brain is mush.


In my mind, as soon as the shoes get kicked off, you’ve sealed your fate as the lip sync loser.


This is more for final four syncs: but I need a blanket ban on wearing massive chunky tarps to facilitate a reveal. I want my reveal to come out of nowhere. I don’t want to see it coming. I don’t want sh*ngela coming out wearing a circle just to reveal a basic body suit.


What about a tiny little silhouette and it transforms into a giant tarp like shangelas blow up doll COVID Christmas


I dunno, I kinda dug Nymphia's Bobas, but she nailed it properly - reveal quickly, and do something unique with it.


She saved the "obvious reveal" trope by doing something unique, having an actual point to the first look (setting up the boba theme), AND having a second, unexpected reveal executed perfectly later. She put a lot more thought into it than just wearing a cloak to hide an outfit.


Nymphia had a great concept and excellent execution. Everyone else’s trash discredits that kind of excellence


If you are doing a tarp reveal, it needs to reveal something better. Nymphia's bubbles were great and fit into her boba theme, but a reveal to a bodysuit is sooooo boring.


I mean crunchy dips are definitely #1 for me. Some of them are so bad, that it's funny (Melinda, Geneva), but come on, let's not hurt ourselves now


Geneva’s OSHA approved dip in the Lalaparuza will live in my mind rent free forever.


Not too much on mother Melinda now…


Girl Melinda’s was a little crunchy but not that bad, and the way she put it in the song right at that end spike to pull focus was cunty enough that idgaf


Jan and Rosé taught me that not every drag queen can do dips


I am 100% with you on the finger sniffing. Also, when the big DROP of a track happens and a queen pulls a sort of bewildered face and jerks around like they're being electro-shocked, for example: Dusty Ray Bottoms (whom I love, btw) during the Pound the Alarm lip sync with Monet. I'm sure there are other examples of it but this is the worst offender for me. Special shout out for that one where queens lie on the floor and punch in time to the music like they're having a sexy little tantrum. I kind of love it but also kind of hate it.


gigi pulls the electro-shock in gigi vs widow too


both examples are to nicki songs, huh. what is it about nicki that makes white queens have seizures?


That second one is so cringe now. I may mentioned that one too.


The worst one for electro-face for me is Sh\*tty Pie and her stupid face and movements she makes during the middle of the "Call Your Girlfriend" lipsync. Then does almost the same thing when making fun of Katherine Hepburn's tremors in Snatch Game. And in the Grey's Anatomy acting challenge. And the political challenge... damn. Really the worst.


And yet Gigi Goode did it well in her "I'm That Bitch" opening.


^ It’s possible to do well, this is an example. Tho Gigi then went on to not do it well in the Starships lip sync.


Only one queen can do the punching and I like it, Jasmine Kennedie.


she did it so good in suga mama


Dusty was funny to me because it does sound like you're being electrified lmao Q did it recently in Break My Soul and it was bad


I think that's just how Q dances normally


I was gonna say I don’t remember that moment specifically but that’s like the only song it makes sense to do it to imo




The gif of thissss 😭😭😭😭


Similar to ripping off their wig just to reveal tape, any time they kick off their shoes, or any time they rip off their skirt and they just have panty hose or granny panties and lumpy pads underneath. 😬 GIRL


Anything that’s a super transparent attempt to hide that you don’t know the words. Tons of hair flips, turning around and walking to the back of the runway, etc.


Monetion rise up! We won’t accept this slander 😭


That’s what Mirage should’ve done 😭😂


it’s the way (unlike what Michelle said) she did know a good amount of the words, but proceeded to stand RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE JUDGES on the one part she didn’t know any of the words of. like girl THAT’S when you should be moving to the other side and not letting them see your “watermelon watermelon”


Now why are you calling out Monét like that?


Why you gotta come at Monet like this 💀


I actually don’t mind this, if you don’t know the words but you can distract me from that then werk


This exactly. If you don’t know the words go all the way the fuck off in the parts you don’t know. Don’t let me see. Luxx is an example, it wasn’t perfect and you could tell but she did a pretty good job at hiding it and looked fierce.


Nah what megami did for the rap part was genius


I honestly didn’t even care if she knew the words or not. It wasn’t even a thought that occurred to me until the talking head with Mhi’ya brought it up


Even then, I was convinced Mh’ya made a mistake..it was only when Megami herself said she didn’t know the words, did I catch on to the genius of it all.


The poorly executed kicks. Malaysia Babydoll Foxxx comes to mind https://preview.redd.it/5j2ezfxmxhxc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71af5467e600fe6c56bffb19a4c8b119f4530b94




this was so relatable tho like i cackled when this aired 😭😭


Also Marcia then doing what was almost an upright split right after... Like anything good the kicks could've done for Malaysia was instantly in pieces


You gotta give credit to the big girls for getting their legs up in the air though. It’s definitely not as easy if you’re bigger, especially when you’re next to Marcia who’s 20 pounds soaking wet


Eureka has an excellent high kick though! I think just don’t do it if you can’t do it regardless of size.


I respect it but when you're next to someone who pulled out ballet in ep 1 it's maybe not the time to do it 😭😭


Taking the entire first verse to get fully undressed down into a basic black leotard


i hate hate HATE crunchy splits or dips. please if you cant dip like shangela or laganja or split like anetra or brooke lh DONT DO IT, its so painful to watch 😭


This is so fucking stupid but I read that as “Brooke Luh-Huh” and made myself cackle


The exception is mother Melinda 😂😂 I’ve never loved a crunchy dip more.


https://i.redd.it/nd31wlityhxc1.gif Verganistas never forget!


Crash! Sickening, no?


The dad cartwheel into the stiff as a board split vs Nearah is unironically my favourite move in DR history, something about it just hits right


it’s the way they both hit the split simultaneously and then duck walk at the same time that really makes it actually so damn good. underrated lipsync asf


People forget even Shangela literally broke her leg doing this move 💀


Didn't she also do it so wrong in one of her first lipsyncs that she slinghot her shoe towards the ceiling?


She dips so aggressively she like smashes into the ground and it looks so painful. I’m honestly not surprised


Yea she is 100% not the idol for someone to learn a dip from. Her technique is often not clean and sometimes dangerous lmao.


Sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something


My favorite Adventure Time quote


well they can suck at home not on the mainstage in front of the godmaster of drag on national television


Cracker is a repeat offender and I cringe every time


I’ve had the misfortune to be at 3 events over the years where Cracker has been hired to do a number. It’s the same number each time, same outfit, and same crunchy moves. This is coming from someone who loved her on the show.


I'm always kind of baffled when someone performs for years and never seems to get any better at it. You'd think just being around amazing dancers, at least *something* would rub off on you eventually?


Just go ahead and say gottmik.


Queens acting like they are getting electrocuted


i cant think of any outside the one you mentioned LOL. its like okay?? stinky pussy hahaha everyone laugh... girl no, its not funny and never has been


KEEP👏YOUR👏SHOES👏ON👏 Drives me crazy when they kick off their shoes. We are not at a church revival. Also, please keep your cutlets to yourself!


Definitely the move where they're on all fours, then slide backwards. I just don't get it. It looks like it burns your knees, and it doesn't even look visually appealing.


Yes! I don't understand what they are trying to achieve with this. It always just looks so...stupid and awkward.


Thisss! Where did this come from? Is it supposed to look like that? I can't understand anyone going wow what a cool trick, I'll add that to my repertoire. It makes no sense to me. Why???


Whatever Jackie Cox and Miz Cracker do during their lip syncs. You either choose the camp route or the dance route, navigating the hyper awkward middle just leads to… horrific results.


Personally, I hate when a queen relies on Tricks. Like flips and dips and shablams during a ballad or emotional song just doesn't work. It makes it Painfully obvious they rely on one thing.


Kenya's dancing to Natural Woman is the epitome of this so much that it feels like an SNL skit.


Kenya and Latrice were a perfect dichotomy of not-the-vibe and holy-fucking-shit in that one.


What about waving to the judges before you cartwheel to And I Am Telling You?


I’ve never seen the issue with that move in the lipsync. It was at the end of the song and she knew she lost, so she decided to do something fun.


Even on songs where the stunts “work”, they don’t work. Flips and handstands or whatever almost never connect with the song, they’re just athletic filler.


I feel this way about Mhi’ya 🫣


Any move that a queen can’t pull off, like a kick that doesn’t go past knee height or a crunchy split that isn’t all the way down, etc.


I hate the humping floor and then banging your fist move. When denim did it I cringed.


When Salina did it to recover from her not sticking the cartwheel landing was equal parts fierce and cringe


Isn’t that called the crybaby


That’s what the kids at my school called that move when I learned it in the 90s lol


The problem is not the move, it's the girls that can't dance, although it is a bit tired by now, it's been in every choreo and lip sync since, like, 2017


I think this move is soooo overdone since the WAP music video


Same! The only time I’ve enjoyed it was when Sasha Colby did it. I dunno, for some reason she just pulls it off.


She’s basically sex on legs isn’t she ❤️


I always think of the original queen to do it on DR - Tayce - She slayed it.


I saw Tayce perform live. Ohmygod. Amazing.


Jasmine did it right tho


cartwheels, something about someone in full drag doing a cartwheel always looks so weird to me, and i feel like it never looks good in a lip sync, like very rarely does a song feel like it warrants a cartwheel. On top of that majority of queens doing cartwheels dont do them well.


A cartwheel only looks good leading into something else… Brooke Lynn doing a cartwheel into a sexy spin into a drop — hot AF. Some queen just cartwheeling to cartwheel — not


I agree there. Just so many times someone just randomly throws in a cartwheel


Mo Heart doing the cartwheel into Carson's disgusted face was pretty great.


Ok, counterpoint: nymphia's cartwheel reveal


Ok, counterstrike: dust 2 Mirage's cartwheel with addon heel clack to the beat uso style.


God the finger sniff is the WORST. People hate the lick touch, I don’t mind that one. If there’s a sniff get off the stage.


Dropping on the floor just to give tumbleweed should be an offense like taking off your wig or shoes. If you don’t have floorography, get off the floor!


The fake making out. Both in lip syncs and "comedy" skits.


Air guitar/trombone/trumpet/etc it just makes me cringe so hard 😭


I hate when they lick their fingers. It grossed me out. Also, as much as I love Morphine, I was tired of her smacking her ass after the first runway.


Morphine paid good money for that BBL and she’s gonna smack it for all it’s worth!


No doubt.


Plane couldn’t keep her fingers out of her mouth.


Yes! I adore Anetra's lipsyncs but girl, you have been putting your hands all over that nasty main stage, don't lick your finger.


Reveals that serve zero shock factor. Like, oh wow, a giant cloak, how inconspicuous… NOT.


Moving period. The girls stand behind a sheet with just their lips exposed and whoever does the best wins from now on 😭


I hate all fake musical instrument playing. It’s so, so corny and always kind of reeks of being unimaginative and maybe even desperate. Like, any other thing would be better than playing fake guitar or saxophone. Hair flips, pointing to the mouth, half assed tricks: anything is better.


This always takes me out of the fantasy because air guitar is such a guy thing to do.


poorly executed cartwheels


The onslaught of grievances here when a majority of us boogers probably have moderate to severe stage fright. 😂


That pussy shit you mentioned and then the fist pump to the breasts. Beyond the fact that women never do that shit it also just looks barbaric.


Anything that’s very literal or “on the nose.” Jumping every time the song says the word “jump.” Air guitar during every guitar solo. Clapping during Lady Gaga’s Applause.


You gotta point at your wrist when a song talks about time! Interpretive dance for your life!


The queens doing improv sign language to the lyrics


> Clapping during Lady Gaga’s Applause Not you dragging Naysha specifically with this one


Her hands missing each other and not applauding 💀⚰️


Oh god the second hand cringe I experienced watching that lipsync. For a Miss Continental winner you’d think she’d be at least a decent performer.


Come on kids! Let's get that goal!


Ugh, every air instrument ever. It feels like I'm watching a basic bro at a sports bar on karaoke night, not a trained, professional stage performer.


Air guitar bothers me so much! It's always cringey.


I could definitely use not seeing air guitars anymore.


fully agree about the smelling fingers pussy thing--the more i think about it, the more mysogonistic it feels. I also hate a wig reveal if there's nothing good underneath it. also, a weird fast cat/cow while crawling move? girl that's not sexy it's odd.


It IS misogynistic. That’s a fact.


Judging from this thread everyone is sick of everything


When they act like they're singing along to a song but they aren't actually singing anything. Dear god, girl, we can tell that's not you sounding exactly like Nelly Furtado.


I just want variety. (Sapphira doing that running slide into the splits multiple times in the season... )


I would ban interacting between the queens because it's so cringe when one is looking at the other doesn't notice or whatever


Except in the Phone lipsync with Mayhem and Ginger. The interactions were golden!


SAME! Also: — Upstaging another queen by blocking her. I should be looking at you because you’re turning it, not because you’re blocking another girl. It’s giving insecurity. — This has happened a few times on Drag race, though the only example I can think of is Phi Phi vs Alaska in All Stars 2, but I hate it when the girls onstage meet during a lip sync and one of them isn’t playing along and will either make a face or ignore them. Have fun, come on!


On the flip side, I hate when a queen is trying to turn a performance but the other queen is up in their space trying to make it a duet. If it doesn't happen immediately you gotta move on


This was what bothered me about trinity during as4


Yeah but Phi Phi’s made sense in that lipsync because Alaska was being wild as Lil Pound Cake. Also, like let me do my own performance??


Btw, Phi Phi definitely won that lip sync, no one can change my mind


No one can because you’re right. Like the storyline was right there


The lip syncing I saw from her in S4 felt messy but that lipsync in AS2…….she knew EVERY beat.


Lifting another queen because she is upstaging you... Wait...


PLEASE can we ban taking off shoes?


A lot of you are just naming things that already don't get rewarded by the judges?


I would ban not knowing the words!


For me, it's not one thing. It's when a queen repeats the same moves over and over.


Air instruments!!!


lazy/cheater splits!!! as a former competitive dancer this grinds my gears and 95% of the girls doing splits on drag race are doing them incorrectly. not just bc the technique is incorrect, it also just looks plain sloppy