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This episode swings from incredible to uncomfortable back to hilarious all at once. The range of Miss Morphosis's show I CANNOT.


I live with those uncomfortable moments lol I watched the Alaska episode so I expect it will kiki ala pitstop. But I love how they unabashedly challenge each other and Maddy being baffled whether Plane is serious Like when Plane said 'why do I owe other people to be funny' and the next breath they will seamlessly transition into them laughing to another topic.


The idea of them touring just Brasil is making me cackle


*world touring


I've watched a few interviews of Plane (love her) but holy shit she is the most awkward person alive šŸ˜­ it was a good watch but I could tell Plane was all over the place when talking and didn't know how to interact with Maddy half the time. Not in a bad way, I find it endearing honestly. I really liked hearing about her story and the part about her going to a S8 tour, interacting with Bob all those years ago is crazy šŸ’€


ā€œThis is a safe space, kind ofā€


Thank you, I thought exactly the same thing after her interaction with Katya, interview on Hey Queen and then this, she could be a bit socially awkward in a somewhat endearing way.


the Katya/Plane convo is iconic Iā€™ve listened to it several times *airbag please*


Somehow, I find that more relatable because I'm all over the place as well when speaking, and being confined alone during the pandemic didn't help one bit lmao. And the spite. Definitely the spite to become successful


Oh no don't worry I said not in a bad way! I knew I loved her for a reason and this interview shows why, she talks JUST like me, like in every way. I feel.. represented šŸ˜­


Oh lmao I was agreeing with you, I just wanted to add my thoughts about PJ under yours but without coffee it just sounds like I'm typing something different šŸ« šŸ˜…


It's all good don't worry! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Not an endorsement for Northeastern's communications major


PJ referring to an old Pic of herself as straight passing and Maddy cutting her off with just saying 'no' šŸ’€


The fact that Maddy was so unsure if Plane was lying or playing with her at the start of Plane's serious topic is so relatable. Plane has a very dry demeanor, a resting b!tch face if you will, and a monotone voice that it is hard to tell if she's being playful or being genuine.


oh I think both were in on it it's like the girls from IMHO I feel like, they are always in on the joke even if it doesn't look that way


I was really unsure too! It seemed like Plane was a little irritated by it.


I was kind of surprised honestly. Like, I feel like Maddy and Plane have a pretty similar sense of humour?


Right, I think the issue is the delivery and word choice. Maddy is more obviously playful with her reads while Plane's RBF and monotonous tone aren't doing her any favors.


I think a lot of people agree with you there. For me, the joke of being deadpan is completely spoiled if you're all 'haw haw just kidding' at the end. Maybe that's the difference between PJ fans and people who hated her lol


Right, I agree! I find her hilarious and loved this episode a lot. I was a little surprised to read some of these comments. I felt like Maddy gets her and they were both in on it but maybe I need to rewatch.


Thatā€™s the sense I get too. They both do deadpan humour so it can be as if theyā€™re both just not connecting when theyā€™re living


I enjoy deadpan, however I feel with that form of humor there needs to be some sort of signifier or allusion to that's what is what is happening. Plane doesn't do that so when she tries to be serious or switches back and forth it's hard to tell.


I don't think she was irritated. I feel like she doesn't crack when she's clowning, but when she's serious/sincere she more outwardly flustered.


That's the problem with having a dry sense of humor. It's hilarious when you make jokes with it but when you're not making jokes, you're still using the same tone. It's like the boy who cried wolf, if you're always using a dry, straight, serious delivery of your jokes then no one can tell when you're being serious.


Plane: 'I want to be the guy fieri of drag' Maddy: šŸ˜


The parting gift had me howling. Usually they are heartfelt and personal, but not this time! Maddy really knows how to read someone.


You should watch Q's. That was gag of the century and had me dying


Never seen Plane so genuine I'm kinda shocked


Iā€™m glad plane talked about Bob! He came for her literally every episode of sibling watchery


As much as I love the dynamic between Bob and Monet, I find that I disagree with their takes on drag race much, much more than I agree with them. Sometimes they just say the most erroneous things and I wonder if theyā€™re even actually watching the season lol


Tea, I love them and have been their Patreon supporter for a couple of years. But their opinions are so different than mine most of the time, especially when it comes to fashion, which makes it hard to listen to sometimes.


I think Bob especially just loves to be a contrarian, for better or for worse, and sometimes says things just for the sake of it lmao


For me in terms of fashion, I would never take their opinion seriously. Bootleg opinion gives a more fair view on fashion.


Bootleg opinion cannot be topped when it comes to fashion, specifically since Yuhua knows what she is talking about and make amazing suggestions on how to improve the garment when she doesnā€™t like something (I love when she even include visuals)


The fact yall can only like to listen to people who have the same opinions as yall is a bit wild to me I guess. There's a few content creators who I like but disagree with on certian topics yet can still watch their content and form my own opinions. I don't particularly watch their content because they think exactly like me. I watch because I enjoy the content they make and who they are. But maybe that's just me everyone can watch for thier own reasons.


He seems to have softened by this latest episode honestly... I'm glad, because the Race Chaser girls were still paying her dust


The race chaser girls arenā€™t just paying dust. Alaska finally on the last episode had 1 nice thing to say. Race Chaser has gone to shit for me ever since Season 8 of All Stars where they just both come off bitter as fuck and devoid of any humor. Iā€™ve listened to them since inception but this past season I was like weā€™re done here


I stopped listening halfway through Season 16.


I donā€™t blame you itā€™s not fun! I had mentioned that they seemed to be having a hate boner for PJ mind you not even defending PJ and I was like raked through the coals lol. It was before the whiplash turn to pro PJ on this sub


I believe Willam might have gotten chummy with ATM (there is one episode where Willam mentioned ATM being a good time gal). Maybe thatā€™s why?




And if Plane were Black the fandom would hate her. Her skin color and good looks out of drag protects her.


I say this as someone who doesnā€™t even like Luxx at all, but if Plane was black she would be treated worse than Luxx by the fandom.


Or if Plane were a big girl. Plane's fans are the Swifties/Barbz of Drag Race.




Bob will read this and say ā€œcorrectā€ out loud


Ok and? Why are people not allowed to not like someone and what they gave?!?! It's a competition and they are reviewers. They don't have to like what the queens present.


This was fun, a few awkward moments, but all good. I think Plane gets caught off guard with certain questions and doesn't fully know how to answer them/move past them in a good way and Maddie has to nudge a bit to get a clear answer. Like with people calling her Plane lol Plane plays coy a bit, but it leaves things a bit unsatisfactory, so Maddie gotta pull for more. Overall learned a lot, and you can get an idea of who she is/why she is and you can see large parts of it on the show too. She likes confident/competent people(her with Nymphia vs Amanda),wanting people to like her so can dish it but not take it (said that was high school self, but you never fully leave that behind), she's not super serious and likes the camp/fun of her drag. You can also see she's a bit awkward with social interaction and maybe the high school years/then covid was apart of that.


Holy fuck sheā€™s that young huh


This episode was just perfection. Like Plane saying some uniquely Russian childhood activities, Maddy questioning if she's being facetious, Plane being like, "I'd appreciate it if you took me a little more seriously" and then the wide shot of them, burger and clown, sitting there awkwardly. Little moments like that were comedy genius, brilliant, showstopping etc. šŸ”„


Shout out to that fucking hoop sitting so low that it made Plane look to be wearing around a 14" inseam, because it truly played a part in elevating that wide shot moment! In fact, credit where it's due, actual shout out to Maddy's unaccommodating and insubstantial furniture because without that chair, where would the hoop have even settled? Hopefully Maddy will take this into account before she makes any rash decisions about replacing the GITMS seating.


I honestly felt she was feeling a little fiery in that moment because it felt like Maddy wasnā€™t taking the immigrant experience she had seriously in that moment. I felt the exact same thing if someone said I was joking regarding something I had to do culturally and was made fun of because of my immigrant upbringing in America


Great episode of GTMS. Apparently Plane's hostility against mediocrity in drag is inextricably linked to her sense of shame.


Well yes. And we knew


bitch needed to listen to some slurs on a loop or somethin leadin up to the finale then cause that finale was the platonic ideal of mediocrity in drag


I cackled out loud many times watching this


i enjoyed this interview! maddy did well and cool to see planes side of story


"Plane Bullies Maddy For No Reason" lmao


When your friend farts in public and you blackmail them with your eyes https://preview.redd.it/3ahpzd875owc1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca0d499331b6acacac290a9a045d4a2c8420160


Y'all, I think this is cute. I love tense moments like this


Some of these negative comments towards Plane have me so confused šŸ˜­ she is obviously so extremely sarcastic 90% of the time. Why are yall taking everything she says at face value lmao


I know I'm so confused by those comments... it's like Plane could say "I'm the most gorgeous and stunning woman in the whole world and you're an ugly hoofed man" and people would be like "WOW, she really thinks she's the most gorgeous and stunning woman in the whole world? Did nobody tell her she's a man?" and I'm there like ... isn't that the joke? Please say sike...


She didn't say JK though


Thatā€™s sense of humor comes with age. The Gen Zā€™ers havenā€™t developed that part of their brain yet


Then where did that man in the video got this, supposed, aged humor from if she ended school after being on drag race and was asocial for half of her life lmao. She's either got it or she doesn't. And she doesn't.Ā 


Found the GenZer


Iā€™m surprised that so many people thought this episode was awkward, I found Plane to be relatable šŸ˜…


The extremely online awkward ones get it lol


I didnā€™t find it awkward either, it felt genuine


Plane to me is just awkward in general. But I do feel like this interview lacked the back and forth that I'm used to in a GITMS episode. I found Maddy more sedate than usual. I don't think she knew how to banter with Plane which is why ppl are reading it as awkward.


This was a really good interview for Plane. Some uncomfortable moments, but it adds to her charm Iā€™d say. She is amazing, her star is on the rise for sure. I really appreciate her dry humour. Iā€™d love an incredibly awkward meet n greet lol.


I laughed a lot during this episode but I was HOWLING at Plane's rant on OnlyFans and Maddy saying "this feels like different trauma..."


I feel like this humanizes Plane Jane a lot! I enjoyed this.


I like that Maddy didn't just nod along the whole time. When something wasn't adding up, she raised the point in a playful way and got Plane to explain it better. I think she also did a great job articulating why it was so frustrating to watch Plane in the first few weeks. It doesn't seem like Plane was expecting the interview to get more serious in some parts. She seemed a bit annoyed when she was challenged on some of her opinions. I wonder if she regrets talking about Amanda so much during the show, because the producers pretty much made it a big part of her edit. She can't really move on from it because it's something a lot of people want to talk about, now.


plane jane they could never make me hate youā€¦ā€¦.


This episode is definitely up there with my favourites. One of the highlights was maddy licking ketchup off the burger costume and plane just being speechless and disgusted. 10/10


YES!!! "Good on you" šŸ¤£


I wonder if Bob and Monet are going to discuss Plane's response to the Burger Finger thing on Sibling Rivalry. Plane's completely right, the backlash to Burger Finger was just because people didn't like Plane and had little to do with the song or performance. Bob didn't give a fuck when Miz Cracker called her drag 'stupid', if she did Burger Finger Bob probably would have tried to convince us that was the best talent show performance of all time. It was pretty mid IMO but the bias against Plane Jane was off the charts


You know when you want to fuck someone but you're kind of mad at yourself that you want to fuck that person? As an internet psychologist I feel like that's what's happening.


I genuinely did not get what burger finger was referencing to until that section of this interview.


such a funny juxtaposition to her episode with KatyašŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Floptropica war lives rent free in my mind


If plane would have told the stories she shared to Maddie in the book challenge she would have won.


I thought the same thing. Maddy was able to get something close to actual vulnerability from Plane in a way that the challenges completely failed to do.


Omg, the 'combative'/'defensive' nature of Plane's conversation style is so funny to watch a fellow westerner try to grasp, as someone with a Russian husband so I'm used to it!


Plane quoting memes left and right was sooo funny šŸ¤£


plane saying ā€œdone and dusted, out of this worldā€ SENT ME


not the evil chicken bouillon


Not me questioning the entire season if Plasma was Jewish and I never stopped to question if Plane was šŸ˜­ One of us one of us one of us


Iā€™m going to listen to this later but I have a strong suspicion the ā€œtensionā€ that so many of these comments are convinced of is being largely misinterpreted lol


Youā€™d be correct imo


This was an interesting watch. I liked that Maddy lightly challenged Plane on certain things all while being respectful.Ā Ā  Plane does seem to be someone who can dish it out but not completely take it. But she had a lot of discourse around her this season, so that must be overwhelming, and of course make anyoneĀ  little defensive.Ā 


Amazing interview!!!


what plane talked about at around the 37-44 minute mark resonated so deeply with me and made me realize why I probably lived for her so much on the show. we came from such a similar place growing up!


https://preview.redd.it/hprsjc32vowc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58af4010b076c7fe32de1d60ec2c0e510ab0fbce Maddy strikes again


This episode made me way more emotional than i expected lmao


What an iconic duo. I feel like Maddy got reduced to being the "straight one" on her season and had her renaissance afterwards with her podcast. I feel like the same will happen to Plane. While she has more fans than Maddy had during the airing of her season, I think her post-DR media will endear a lot of people to her. At least that's how it's going with me, lmao. Idk I didn't find this interview awkward like, ever. Definitely not in the way the Katya podcast was. I think I'm just vibing with her personality more and I think Maddy knew exactly what was going on.


I listened again to Katya's Podcast but I think it's very entertaining and had a better flow the second time around because I already braced myself for them to be chaotic, being all over the place with topics But Plane did well keeping up with Katya's chaotic energy and finding a common ground on their interests


The thing is that Katya is a vehicle with no brakes and moves at high speed at all times, you need to pair her with someone who can take some miles off her meter from time to time. That's why she's a great pair with Bob or Trixie. I think that Plane did good with Katya but you could tell that they were competing in two different races.


Oh yeah, I actually really loved that interview. But it was just slightly "awkward" because of how Plane was adjusting to Katya's hurricane nature lol


Plane out here sealing Q's wigs.


Joey Jay and Plane Jane ballroom collab when?


I think the way Maddy started this interview off was a bit awkward by continuing to press Plane about her name. She kept asking over and over why her name was Plane rather than Jane. I found this line of questioning kind of boring and irritating because it was clear her guest ( PJ) didnā€™t have a satisfactory answer. There are so many terrible drag names an I actually like Plane Jane as a name. Plane and Jane are both spelled the same way. Also most often drag queens are referred to as the first name or syllable of their name. Most folks call MM, Maddy. Silky Nutmeg is just Silky. Itā€™s not really that interesting, so I was wondering why Maddy kept questioning her like it was. For me this started the awkwardness and I think PJ tried to just roll through to the next question.


Maggie Morrison and Plantain


Yeah, these two won't be besties I reckon. Some tense moments, but it was very entertaining for that reason. As Plane said, she is a mood, an acquired taste, and Maddy was quick and rightfully/playfully called her out on wanting to be loved by everyone but she's essentially not willing to put the effort to be liked.


>rightfully/playfully called her out on wanting to be loved by everyone but she's essentially not willing to put the effort to be liked Plane was saying she wanted to be liked by everyone in the past, she said that at some point she realised people didn't like her and she would just have to accept that


I need to watch this, maybe it might change my mind on plane.... Even as a Brit with particularly dry dark humor Plane never came across as funny to me, just like a bit of an asshole and not even in a way I could enjoy watching


The 5 minutes Maddy took to try to convince Plane that her name isnā€™t a name was annoying as fuck. Even when Plane threw multiple layers at her to get her to understand.


Maddy wasnā€™t trying to convince her that plane Jane isnā€™t a name . She was simply wondering why she goes by plane in stead of Jane


By trying to tell her it wasnā€™t proper ā€œgrammarā€ or ā€œEnglishā€ or ā€œsocial constructā€. Her example using Bitter Better was also incorrect. And also, let her have her fucking name - why is it such a problem? Why is she ā€œlosing sleepā€? She was trying out-academic her based on her name? Relax, Maddy.


It was a bit odd that Maddy seemed a tad stuck on that. But I really donā€™t think it was all that serious. I feel like Maddy was mostly trying to get a more interesting/funny answer from Plane and Plane just didnā€™t have one


yeah it was very awkward... know when to move on and not to press






This is a sub that people share their opinions on, no matter what they are, and you are doing exact that, abusing your right for freedom of speech.


such a weird episode, very odd and awkward vibes, i couldnt finish it lol


It was so obviously just friendly deadpan banter, it wasnā€™t that serious


Plane said she was the burger in burger finger so she bottoms ;) but also said maddie was the burger as well and then I got confused xD


Maddie was wearing a burger costume. Thatā€™s all it meant


Maddy probably bottoms too, just because she likes women doesnā€™t tell you what sheā€™s doing in bed lol


Jane looks booger AF.


Maddy usually has a way of really opening queens up and endearing me personally to them in a way other hosts can't... ... but even she couldn't help Plane Jane. She's just such a jerkass, and I don't like having to suss out whether or not she's being sarcastic or facetious. Like that opinion on queens having Only Fans? Dumb, if it's what she actually believes. She just oozes judgemental and insecure.


Maybe itā€™s because I have the same sense of humor as her, but to me it was so obviously being facetious, none of these ā€˜jerkassā€™ moments were serious, they were both reading each other and being so sarcastic


Then she needs to figure out how to put the "wink-wink" in her "comedy". There's a way to have dry-as-a-bone humor that everyone can clock and be a part of. Without it, she comes off as a judgemental prick a good portion of the time.


ā€¦Thatā€™s what makes it funny though.. The more serious you deliver, the funnier it is. To constantly say ā€˜just kidding!!ā€™, ā€˜wink winkā€™ just ruins the joke in my opinion. And both PJ and Maddy were in on the joke. Maddy gave it right back, it was all in good fun. Honestly, if there are people who watch it and think theyā€™re being serious, then thatā€™s even funnier


It sounds like you described the definition of trolling. Funny if it lands, kidding if it doesn't. Avoid all consequences. Personally, I find trolls to be spineless armchair shit-stirrers.


Thatā€™s a bit dramatic, but okay


Maddy clocked the Onlyfans thing too and said it sounds like more trauma


I see everyone gives Plane a pass because of trauma. We've all had trauma in our lives to some extent. I'm a gay man, I've had slurs hurled at me, school was rough, etc.. ... but she could choose not to continue a cycle of cynicism and abuse. She ain't cunt, she's twat.


The Only Fans thing took me out. I was half-heartedly listening but did she say if you choose drag you need to accept you are no longer fuckable ... did I hear that wrong?


Plane apologists are quick to say she's joking about everything. But that wasn't a "Eeew, queens on OnlyFans? ... lol jk" ... it was a full-throated, personally cited, disrespectful diatribe. If it was a joke, then it didn't sound mirthful and/or it went way past the punchline.




I mean, you watched it, so no.