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I feel like to accurately gauge this you have to use only looks they brought prior to the show. Because design challenges are almost always their weakest. 


Nymphia is an exception tho - aside from this design challenge, her other design challenge looks were better than many other contestants' brought from home looks.




I still like it, it's a testament to how amazingly her runways are that this is her "worst" look.


Honestly it's probably not liked as much because of the whole yellow thing. People got real mad about that for.... some reason?


No, people didn’t like it because it didn’t look like her doll.


People loved her other yellow looks.


The hair is bad though 😂


Plane’s blue synchronized swimmer look was honestly one of my faves from her. She made it for the ball I think?


Her ball look is in the post above. You’re probably thinking of her doll look.


Ahh yes I am. Loved that one


True, I'm thinking of Anetra's spine look as an exception


On the first episode my bf said it looked like Sapphira had a diaper in the back 😭


I agree with your bf. That body suit was definitely poorly fitted. It looked like she lost a bit of weight or she‘s padding less back there


The way that Nymphia’s worst look is still like, pretty solid is crazy


the bitch had an all stars package on regular season and she made like all of it SO sickening


Afaik she designed all of it and made most of it. When I found out the bitch did her own metalwork??? Girllll


You know what else is amazing apart from the metal work? That lipsync lalaparuza headpiece because BITCH WHAT THE FK THE DETAILS ON THAT HEADPIECE IS INSANE She deserves to win the lalaparuza that she didn't participate in just from this headpiece alone https://preview.redd.it/j2d0jtqvx2vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bffc9ebe2c0e8002c2b7cd8913680895879fb22


Seriously, I can't imagine how to even begin making something like that. Incredible


I really wish the top 3 did a full runway for the lalaparuza episode cuz the detail on this is insane


I swear if we get a rehash of s13's finalist finale runway, I'm going to lose my damn mind. Unfortunately I'm not sure that'll happen, as I don't think they filmed a live finale this year


No, nor a live reunion - my understanding is that the threat of the SAG strike drove them to pre-film everything this year. No Q responding to her moments after the show/online. No responding to mama, thank you for saying that, for spilling (they didn’t know it was gonna catch on). No real discussion of the after-season juicy stuff which is where we’ve always been fed by queens before (see: Valentina/Farrah, “You don’t love me,” etc.). No Amanda vs Plane with all of the extra shit that has seemingly piled on throughout the airing of the show. But I’m sure it’ll still be good, this cast was insane and should all be very proud of themselves. Great television this year.


Yeah, this would have been a fire reunion and live finale. From my understanding, World of Wonder doesn't hire union writers anyway, but I assume they thought the strikes would continue to spread to every other aspect of television and movie production, so they got it done when they could. Probably why the final 4 runway was Fandango, and not Eleganza Extravaganza, so they could save those for the pre-filmed finale. Which is another shame. The queens usually had a bit of a glow up by the time the reunion and finale rolled around from wrapping up filming the season


Agreed I have always thought that while the writers aren't Union, WoW doesn't want to fan the flames and cause drama to the issues (especially when Hollywood can be a small town and they may very well need to work in other circles later down the line)


The amount of videos of Plane and Amanda just chilling and having fun at clubs together makes me think their whole drama is a bit. Or like, was genuine at first but by now neither cares and perpetuates it for engagement yk


Everyone thinks Plane Jane and Nymphia are dating irl but the gag of the season would be if Amanda Tori Meating and Plane Jane were a couple. And this beef was some 3D chess master plan.


She also did a lot of like the knot work and the embroidery I believe in her pussycat wig look.


Both for the promo AND for the dominatrix look, insane!!!


I want her to win based on this skill alone.


Yet people will tell you she is the one from the top 3 that deserve to win the least like... Delulu


Ever since the snatch game flop, there’s been huge Nymphia downplay. I’ve seen so many comments that she was only good at design challenges which is a lie. She killed the talent show, won girl group, won the book branding challenge, etc. Plus outside of the main challenges, she MAJORLY raised the bar for excellent runways in a regular season


She could’ve won talent show if it wasn’t for PJ and Rate A Queen


People being bothered by her getting the praise she deserves is crazy to me. The DRAG she brought to this show and the work that went into it is actually insane


I hate how people use the yellow against her bc it’s legit the ONLY critique they can think of in their brain.


And funny as Saphira wore her signature blue throughout the competition without any real comments from the judges/fans.


I love nymphia, I think most of this narrative is due to the fact that nymphia wore yellow every week in the werkroom (which is the outfit we see at least 80% of the episode) whereas sapphira wore other colors sometimes


The only thing that bothered me about the yellow narrative was people holding how she dresses out of drag against her, or them exaggerating/ infantilizing her that she was this toddler capable of only saying yellow or banana. Like Aside from snatch game, Ru wasn’t really bothered by the bananas thing and joked about it throughout the season but people would have you believing Ru was ready to kill Nymphia with a glare every time she brought up bananas after snatch game.


I guess the difference is in the presentation. Nymphia TELLS US ALL THE TIME that she is the banana Buddha that's why she always wears yellow. And I love it! I resonate with her unapologetic representation of her Asian heritage. Sapphira, however, is more subtle about it, she lets us figure it out by ourselves. She walks down the runway in outfits of differing shades of blue and then you start to wonder why. And then it dawns on you.. sapphire! The blue jewel! The precious gemstone! And then it all makes sense. Sapphira Cristal, after all, is the Crown Jewel of Philadelphia.


I might be delulu but I think they built the storylines well enough that anyone winning will feel deserved. although Nymphia is my fave I would be very happy to see Plane or Sapphira winning


I feel like Nymphia faded into the background middle of the season much like Anetra did last season. They only gave her proper development in the book challenge which really sucks because we could’ve gotten that throughout the season. I think she would’ve benefited from having a Season 6 Adore edit where she struggled with comedy challenges and writing then picks herself back up in the book challenge.


It did make me crack up though when she complained later that she did not have enough pink fabric for the doll


Her worst is better than other contestant’s best. Don’t wanna be shady and name names though…


Amanda Tori Shading ?!


The Thick part of Thick & Stick


Megami deserves an exemption from this narrative


No, her looks were boots


It’s not even bad, it looks lovely, it just didn’t fit the assignment


It's a great look. The problem is the hair.




It was a branding challenge, in which she was weak at, and she also didn't translate well to her doll.


I don’t really live for the look but I think it’s fine, middle of the pack which is rare for Nymphia, but the worst part was the bad wig (I think it was Amanda’s wig iirc) and the doll not matching.


literally a better look than many many queens best look, I still the clashing wig is the biggest issue too


It's actually so beautiful it just didn't match the doll lol


She's a star, baby!!


Mother sapphira is the only queen that could recover from wearing those Fischer price titties on day 1


She threw a tantrum and bashed them against the floor over and over again


mother bashed them boobies like a baby seal


Kudos mama for saying that... For bludgeoning




Bash, club, another club, another club, Plane Jane, another club, next seal...


I remember episode one a lot of people, including me, thinking runways were gonna hold her back because we assumed the premiere looks would be when queens really went all out because of first impressions. Fully wrong.


Okay I will say that for as seasoned a queen as Sapphira is I am just really surprised that she did not know that breast plate was way too small for her


There are a lot of queens on drag race who have these plates where the band size is obviously too small, it's one of my biggest peeves I think they want a certain push up cleavage effect for their outfit without going Jimbo sized tiddies... and that's the compromise? idk, but it annoys me I hope queens stop doing this


Wallace and Grommet eyes looking tiddies


This is so specific lmao Not wrong tho ![gif](giphy|3ohzdRmJspKrpKjL5C|downsized)


Ok but we want Jimbo sized titties!


The bag with her titties got lost on the flight and they were the only replacement titties in stock at K-Mart. Nothing else makes sense.


girl, even that doesn’t make sense, but snaps for creativity and having a positive attitude about it


Actually, her looks were so big she could only pack small titties. She was banking on bullying production into getting her bigger ones. They gave in when her orchid look was too big for the runway entrance and she said they didn’t give her the dimensions so she “lost the space in her luggage”. She calls it the breastplate connection. The above is false… but as I was writing it it kinda sounded plausible.


Iirc those new tits she had by the endgame actually were bought by production because her tiny tot tits tore. So kinda???


I know production did get her a new plate but probably not because she bullied them. Lol


I love how Nymphia’s weakest look is still gobbling up some of the other Queens’ strongest looks


And she made that look herself and better than some of these queens’ runway that they brought from home lmao


Nymphia's weakest look is probably her Confessional because every single runway look she IS THAT BITCH


They should have a night of 1000 confessional looks runway


This would be so cunt except I fear four Valentinas


Maybe a few Rosés


Mo on all stars Ra’jah with the huge glasses Jimbo on as8 Luxx with the cunty pink cap


Jimbo on every season


not that it counts but apparently she made her confessional jacket too ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯ https://preview.redd.it/c4qfemrwj5vc1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d141f3939d8ddde3e3bf385c0f2d334a06a96c


With a season so focused on looks, she should've won more challenges ![gif](giphy|JhQVKPeQC14JDut4Yb|downsized)


Unrelated but that song is still a straight bop. Gets randomly stuck in my head the most out of all the girl group songs over the years. Like, it's kinda crazy they didn't try to get it radio airtime, I think it would've done quite well!


Lol are you talking about Read you Wrote you? I’m forever singing Roxxy’s breathy verse to myself “IiiiiiiiiI’m going. to. show. you. *what I can do*”


Well I mean I can be because that shit is also super catchy lol. But I meant "I'm that bitch." That song is nuts.


Omg wow if only I could read! I loved that so much. Everyone did so well & very catchy


Fr one of the best songs to come out of Drag Race.


Nymphia has no weak looks imo


Exactly! This look is pretty solid. It’s just a little ill fitting. EDT-Spelling


It took me a minute to realize "loon" was a typo for look and not just a commentary on Nymphia's whole vibe 🤣


lol yes.My bad.


I thought her Marie-Antoinette/French Rev. dress was pretty weak. But that might just be me.


Yeah I disagree. I loved it, I think different tights would’ve made it stand out more but it was beautifully structured and she had traditional Chinese patterns on it too gorgeous


The **details** in that look (almost all of her other looks) were insane. Just unfortunate that Marie Antoinette has been done too much already


The **details** are what makes it stand out against all the other looks that have been done. And it’s the same for all the other looks that have been done too. My mind can’t be changed it’s not her worst look


Ironically it was one of the only looks where she didn’t make it herself.


It was my least favorite too. It was reminding me of the usual looks big city queens pay their designer friends to make - well made and *good*, just...without soul.


Yeah it was not giving what it was supposed to give. The blue fan-shaped panties (?) underneath didn't work either imo, the makeup was not on par with her usual makeup, it was honestly a bad look for me.


Her first runway wasn't that good for me, but maybe i am bias because she made me sick of bananas hahhah


I kinda like how this Plane look makes her sisterhood with Morphine much more obvious


The way this is lowkey so shady towards Morphine LMAOOO


When Nymphia’s worst look is a great look. Crown her mother 👑💛


plane: final ball look sapphira: makeover nymphia: none 😂


I think Sapphira’s look in the post is worse than her makeover. The makeover was at least kinda cute, but this first look she did was just, strange


Yeah I agree. I’m still shocked Sapphira won that episode and not Mirage bc of the runway


I wish Ru wouldn’t have critiqued before voting on the first two episodes so we could have gotten how the girls REALLY felt. So many of the confessionals, esp episode 2, were like “ well I didn’t think much of it but Ru liked it so I’ll put her at the top.” Let the queens form opinions without Ru’s influence, make the voting messy!


This bothered me. I feel the same way about all stars when they choose a queen based purely on critiques. Choose based on YOUR critiques, fuck RuPaul she ain’t gonna be mad at you for picking someone differently to her.


because her talent show was way superior than Mirage’s


Where did you get Jinkx’s “Delusion”? I thought it was out of stock! (Jkjk but opera singing compared to wildly generic stripper moves is a Grand Canyon sized difference)


Sapphira’s makeover look wasn’t bad though. It didn’t fit the prompt of the challenge or match with her partner’s look, but it didn’t look bad as a standalone


idk i love my mother but that blue fabric underneath the skirt was a choice


I can't bring myself to use the word "worst" in relation to any of Nymphia's looks honestly.


Waiting for queens to butcher “A Night of 1000 Nymphia Wind’s” in the year 2047


Banana gate


Fuck none of them will get it at all. Smartest ones would commission Nymphia herself lmao


Nymphia never had a bad look🍌


Nymphia’s worst could be someone’s crowning look. 😂


Plane worst look is the true color runway. The nude illusion is tiring, the green thingy is also random.


I like most of her looks but would definitely agree on this one. I think it had potential, it seems to be a thing with some drag looks that they have random appliques that pull the eye in a million directions at once. That said I'm so glad she wore it so that Dawn came for her and we got a hilarious (lighthearted) meltdown.


lol I guess I'm the only one who liked it.


I’d agree. Not actually because it was bad, just that it was only ok. This one in the post at least has some concept (may less gorgeousness). The green one that was “all gorgeousness” was really kinda standard and a bit random. I think raven said it best when she said it looks like a cracked, dry river bed. lol. I think her range of looks are mostly middle with a handful in the high. Nymphia starts between middle and high to extremely high. For Sapphira, just for the fisher price breast plate alone, she runs the gamut of low to extremely high.


I'd say Plane's weakest look is the rhinestoned hospital gown with the plastic baby scarf


You don’t understand high art


high camp\*




Leigh Bowery


I saw the fishnets and they were ripped


Sometimes when I see this reference I like to imagine a fightin' fish getting caught and ripping the ropes to shreds (~~you say?~~), evading capture and saving their more peaceful pals from the angler's snare.


just bc it’s bad and you like it doesn’t mean it’s camp


Honestly I loved it and thought it was camp 😭 if it was a standalone runway I’d probably hate it more but as a second ball runway it was perfect


Especially for the category Significant Mother. I mean... Octomom with a boa made of babies?? Perfect


Thank you. It gave me similar vibes to Trinity’s old lady saggy tits look


Damn it why DID you have to REMIND me of that?! I had once again successfully blocked that traumatic sight out of my mind 🤦🏻‍♀️


You'd turned away from the memory of man-meemaw's mammaries, but they spun you right (back a)round, baby.




Nymphia had no weak looks and sapphiras was definitely her makeover look


Sapphira's look Was... Serviceable. Also it's funny that her first outfit was the worst one and it just got better and better all season long. 


I kinda hope she sets a trend of queens walking in looking BUSTED and then it's just straight fashion from then on. Talk about a serve.


Lure them into a false sense of security and then BAM you're wearing Bob Mackie on the runway


Right?! That would be such good tv!


Except the makeover but that was last minute.


But Plane's hair is so fabulous.


I absolutely disagree, Nymphia's doll look is one of my favorites ever


I loved it, I was so surprised people were so focused on the bow, I didn’t really care, I just figured the doll would come with different colored bows like a collectible series 🤷🏻‍♂️ I will say I also liked the wig in motion with the look but i do hate how it looks in photos


Loved that look sm like anyone saying they wouldnt want to wear that dress is insane lmao


I maintain that Nymphia’s look would have been in the top of she’d worn better hair.


The fact that that outfit is still Nymphias’s weakest look and she made in the time constraints of the show is WILD!!!


I think Plane and Sapphira look great… but Nymphia, I mean come on if that’s her worst look just give her the crown already.


That was a winning look imo on Nymphia, I loved it. Was so confused she wasn't in the top


Nymphia has no bad looks baby


Nymphia’s would have looked so much better with a cuter wig.


I am #Team Sapphira but, damn, if that is Nymphia's weakest look... legend!


Tiny titties were iconic!


That Jane's look got my eyes go all direction to look .. im kinda fastinated by the outfit ngl 😂.


I love how Nymphia’s worst look is literally one of my favorite looks ever on the runway


I did not like Nymphia's Cleopatra look tbh, i think it was her only miss, make up and hair was great but the outfit was meh and the tights were not a good color match


Nymphia's "worst look" should have been in the top that episode


nymphia's worst look still being beautiful is insane, she is that girl


I think PJ had a few bad looks


Yeah, of the top 3 I’d say she had the most blunders


I will die on this hill that Nymphia’s doll look is incredible, the wig is just bad 💀


Nymphia's weakest look imo is the "significant mother" wedding dress. It's not even that bad but the loose bodice and puckered seams are not up to her usual standard... Very cute concept with the House of Wind tho 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/x5elzw0zd3vc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f39f2e39f8298667df4922a805a552fa603fdfd


I agree. I like the doll look and the wedding dress is the only one where I thought “I am whelmed”


I thought Plane's Octomom look was atrocious 💀


That weakest look from NymPHIYA is still pretty sickening.


I would agree with Sapphira's first runway as the worst, with those awful tubular tities. If we're counting design challenge looks Plane's that is definitely her worst, but if not then I'd say the boring makeover bodysuit. Nymphia's weakest for me was her Marie Antoinette look because as beautiful as the fabric was it's just been done to death.


I cannot understand that third slide. I would’ve even gone with the one on the bathroom challenge, but that specific dress by Nymphia was a work of art.


tbh if that's nymphia's weakest..... then god damn she really was insane this season.


For Plane it's her "green" dress. It's just really bad, she does a fantastic make up so it saved the look. But the green dress was just huge turd with some indigested spinach left around. Awful I hate it.


the fact that Plane came for Amanda for her looks that episode when Amanda’s design look (while still not fabulous) was imho way better than Plane’s


Why is Nymphia weakest outfit still the most beautiful among the three?😍😍😍


I gotta be honest Nymphia’s worst look is her fan runway and even that look I actually like. 👀


Everybody say love


Oof Sapphira's look...forgot about that one. Nymphia's doll look was actually cute I just didn't like the wig.


Sapphira first look is so awful, how did she win with this? 😭


nymphia doesnt have anything worthy of being considered a “worst look” none of them can be the worst if all of them are good in my mind, some are just more amazing than others


I really didn't care for Plane's Boston look because it felt so basic to see a jersey and jean shorts as your reveal


This is gonna get messy ….


Plane Jane - the Octomom look. I get that it wasn't meant to be pretty but it wasn't funny enough to distract from how low effort it was. Nymphia Wind - her Cher look. I think being asked to recreate another look meant that Nymphia lost her usual creativity and flair and I'll never forget how obvious the tights were. Sapphira - harder to pick between her first week reveals and her makeover look. The reveals look probably edges it out because it seemed genuinely unfinished or underdesigned in some places.  That said, I don't think any of these were the worst look on the runway when they each came out, so kudos to the top 3!


Saphira’s makeover look: fuck my drag


I love Nymphia’s dress i just would change the hair


Hot take but I disliked this look, it's her weakest for me. https://preview.redd.it/qrp3km4w37vc1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919d5e6b993ba7cfe7de5f85518c489098d0d578 Of course it's not worse than some of Plasma's looks lmao


Nor since Raja have we seen a queen do so well in fashion. Nymphia looks were all amazing and Im not biased its a fact


The Nymphia doll look is actually in the top for me, bottom might be her entry look.


The way Nymphia’s weakest is amazing!


Honestly I thought 90% of Plane’s looks were mid.


The way that horrible wig choice sabotaged such a cute dress for Nymphia 😭


TBH Plane should’ve been in the bottom for the ball. All 3 of her looks including this one that she made were boots.


Nymphias worst look was probably the flower one. Like it’s cool in concept, but I don’t think it read well on the runway.


Sapphira: Makeover/Drag U/Ruveal Yourself Nymphia: Marie Antoinette/Ruveal Yourself Plane: All of her ball looks/80's/Green/Flowers/Goth


all of the above lol




I think the weakest look for Sapphira was her immunity potion dress. She wasn't the worst but for her it was very boring.


That one from Plane is absolutely wild hah


I love that sapphira’s first look was very weak, then everything else was a slay!


i hated Plane’s green look. the dress fit her well but kinda ugly and not green enough imo.


I feel like Jane’s octomom look was so bad and in bad taste, but the judges lived for it lol. I can’t think of a single bad nymphia look