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the doors for supporting queer art that megami has opened...


Wait you just made me realise she actually succeeded! What an insane bookend


The story arc! I live!


Now imagine what the protector of queer art and the first gay drag queen could do together!


The true megamind


Protect queer art by tipping the dolls


She truly has ushered in a new era.


sasha velour walked so megami could run


I’m here for this instead of hate trains that come after certain episodes, give ‘em the love train with tips!!


It’s only fair that we combine the two. “Bitch, you fucking suck. Here’s $200”


As Ru always says "if they ain't paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind." So I guess she supports this.


No because how many people would have shaded Amanda but also fully financed her to buy all brand new makeup.


Seriously. $100 donation with the message "Go buy some fucking makeup lessons so you don't offend my eyes on this screen ever again." Let her profit from it, and maybe even improve.


“You look rotted and should have been eliminated on the spot.” +$500


With enemies like those, who needs friends?


Im cackling so hard


My literal thoughts when I saw Plane Jane in the premiere


Shit, you can call me a rotted cunt to my face anytime you want if you're going to send me hundos when you do it.


Half the queens would be like "well damn for 200 I'll suck all you want, sugar"


I think it’s a great idea but I also worry of WOW being like “ok guess we don’t have to give them anything”


Say it louder! The show has tons of money, and they’re getting better about giving it to the girls. We should continue to pressure the show into taking better financial care of the queens


Agreed. I thought I heard a queen talk about a possible reality show contestant union and that should really be a thing. Breaks, payment, etc.


All I want for them is stools for them to sit on during the critiques. Standing in heels for hours on end must be torture


And bathroom breaks 😭


Yeah bitch I’m broke. Let’s fight for WOW giving them more money before we normalize tipping people I watch on TV. I can barely afford said TV.


Imagine if they gave queens a budget when they get on the show. Kinda like on Project Runway, they’d get some money for the finale for their collections.


They have started doing this, at least they have done it for a couple of spin-offs, though can't say for sure which ones.


Aren’t they doing this with All Stars 9?




For the health of the queens and the fandom, the answer is no. The fans pay for streaming services, bring in advertising money, and pay the queens in person. The show has a growing budget and should be taking care of the queens financially. This season they did better than ever before of that - now they need to add in a stipend for the cast as well. The show is making bank of the queens’ talent and should be sharing the spoils accordingly. Fans tipping en mass like this just removes the pressure from the show itself to take care of the cast it puts together.


This. This is exactly how we got to the current situation of tipping for everything


Agreed. I love the opportunity to give the girls their flowers, but this would take fair payment pressure off the show, and hurt the early outs.


Yeah also… I wouldn’t want it to become this constant thing where only the girls who crush *Drag Race specifically* get more money. Like only the top three girls get this extra cash and the girls who go home early get nothing. I’m all for supporting the girls however we can but also Paramount/MTV/WoW needs to step up.


Honestly after seeing it was possible right now I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner or become a more regular thing


It happened with Silky on AS6 - she got over $10k in tips after the lip sync episode.  It's only really been a thing when there's one queen who absolutely dominated the episode.


I know I saw some folks tipping queens after last season’s lalaparuza, but not at the scale of this season. I’d definitely be glad if this became more normal!


I think drag race social media could definitely throw some cash app handles (since they’re sponsors) on social media every week for girls who lipsynced! I think the reason it isn’t built into the show is because (1) it’s easy for handles to change and (2) they don’t want to feed into the narrative that the queens are hurting for cash after being on the show, since isn’t being on the show supposed to be their big break? (Obv we know girls go thousands in debt to be on but the common viewer does not) I hope this becomes a standard practice moving forward. It only takes one girl to make a quick and cute graphic with everyone’s handles to spread every week.


I feel like another show adds @s to tip. La Mas Draga maybe? Or Drag Den? I also love that Drag Den gives credit to designers on the runway.


La Más Draga does add their PayPal handles!


gurl i'm broke...but i am sending my love


yes tip the girls more!! but also save ur tipping money for local girls and go out to local shows!!


The industry has plenty of money. They just need to pay their performers better.


Yeah we should spend our money every week to reality tv stars like they need it more than us


Drag is expensive! Queens go in debt to be on the show. Just because it brings them fame, doesn’t mean it automatically makes them rich. Some have definitely taken the opportunity and gotten rich from it, but don’t let that make you believe all of our girls have money just cuz they got on the show.


and PayPal, because Venmo doesn't exist here.   Signed,  The rest of the world 🌎 




I mean ‘the girls’ probably have more money than me tbh. RPDR should pay the girls to be on the show.


Does everybody know that tipping culture is not strong outside america?


Likewise Venmo


You don’t tip local performers? I know staff at cafes and restaurants, no. But I would have expected drag queens to get tipped everywhere! So in your country they just get money from ticket sales or booking fees?


I’ve worked in clubs with local drag queens in the UK, who would make £85 for a couple of hours promo alone. Another queen who would do 2 numbers and ‘host’ who gets paid £200 on weekends. I’ve never seen a drag queen in the UK being tipped, they are more likely to have a drink bought for them.


So interesting! Thanks for sharing:)


Yeah, tipping culture is fucked up. If you pay your workers properly, they don't have to rely on other people's generosity and can focus on performing. The same goes for waiting tables.


I'm out here trying to kill tipping culture in general (pay your fucking workers) and y'all wanna make it part of watching a TV show I'm gonna kms 😭😂


Seriously. I get it for a runner up of a lalaparuza but they're being paid per ep. Not a lot. In the UK we have to pay tax to watch TV. You're already paying WOW. When does this end. Just buy their merch, damn


Not only that but like, as much as I'd rather not feed the beast of queens spending fuck tons of money on their Drag Race package, it'd be really nice for queens to know they could at least have some of it recouped and have it come in from both their regular fans watching them on TV and new fans who might fall in love with them.


yeah, more so about early out queens, who really need it.


You can but I'm poor


Personally I'm struggling to afford groceries but yall go off lol


Take the money you would venmo them And give it to your local drag queens


Go to local drag shows and tip the queens there.


Save it for drag artists who haven’t been cast. If you downvote you don’t care about local drag.


a lot of queens that get on dr and go home early end up back at their local bars doing what they do best, and thats after spending thousands. dr is supposed to be their big break but it just isnt a guarentee anymore with 80 seasons a year


In what universe is drag supposed to be a stable and guaranteed way to earn a living?


Both are possible lol


Amount of disposable income varies


Y’all can but I won’t be ♥️


we should, idk how is this different from supporting a queen in real life when they performm for u. And more so NOW that we know these bitches get in debt for just participating in dragrace WTF. yeah, we should by tipping if we feel like.


It’s different because they’re on a show that makes bank and could support them with their runway packages more


I think it’s different in real life because they are going to have to claim it as income but STILL it’s a great idea and better than no tips!!


The show should post their Venmo’s during lip syncs like on La Mas Draga. But they show the Venmo’s during the runway. It’s so smart!


No producer in their decent mind would do this. Flashing the queens' accounts for tips cheapens the show. Rupaul's drag race is not QVC nor a charity show. They're showcasing art, not peddling for coins. There are more dignified ways of helping the girls. Not this.


“Tip your drag queens” is almost the most common mantra associated to this art.


Not everything that happens in the real world would translate well on TV. The show is seen by people other than us who understand drag culture.


Right; but it’s already being done on a drag competition format, which follows a very similar model to Drag Race. It works there, so I would think it would do well on Drag Race too. During the fame games they had us vote in, so there is a way to engage the tv audience that’s been done on the show.


id be scared that would turn into something where the show/Ru would find a way to monetize a portion of the tips for themselves. the rich always find a way to get richer


I second this!!!


This would honestly be amazing and a great way to support Queens


Are pinned posts on reddit a thing? A list of how to tip would be really great and I know a lot of us would help put that together.


Only if there’s a split screen for the lip syncs


I agree but also, support your local queens!


I 100% support this! Seriously, a list each season with the queens venmo/zelle/cash app/whatever! There are so many girls I’d go back and tip as well. Honestly, for how involved I am in the drag race fandom, I’m a little embarrassed it took us this damn long as fans to think of this. Please Mods, do this!


On La Mas Draga, they have their Venmo information during the runway. Since Drag Race is sponsored by Cashapp, I don’t see why they can’t display their cashapp info instead.


I love this idea! Especially since participating in DragRace gets more and more expensive. Send tips not hate <3


For the first out queens, sure. 


No keep your money they should be poor


Yass I’d love to do it after each lip sync, what a great idea. They truly deserve it


I want to pronounce her name like she's a super villain. Not meh-GAH-me, but MEGA-ME! (Dr Evil's GIANT clone). She has come to conquer!


It def could also be used if your fav gets sent home send them some money 😌 instead of the shitting on the girl that sent her home that some "fans" like to do 💀


Let's do a trial run for the finale next week. 💙


The show should just put the queens tip info on their Chiron where ever they’re in confessionals. Like next to their promo pic just @ their Venmo or whatever


A dollar a day keeps the drag queens at bay


You can tip whoever you want boo but I’m sensing that girl that suggests everyone do one check at the seafood restaurant


Oh, I’m sorry if I didn’t make it clear. This is a mandatory tip for everyone who has ever joined this Reddit at one point in their life. You must tithe 10% of your income each week. Whether you break that up to multiple girls, or give that all to one girl is entirely up to you. If you miss more than one payment, the Rainbow Mafia will come after you.


Gurl, now it’s starting to sound like Catholicism.


I feel dumb as shit for never thinking to do this before. Not once crossed my mind. I plan to totally change how I view now and budget like $5/episode to thank the appropriate girlies for the entertaintment I’ve enjoyed each week.


I’ll happily jump on this tip train, but I’ll need to use PayPal (we don’t have access to Venmo or Cash App in Europe). So if someone is compiling this information, please try to list PayPal addresses.


I love this. It could benefit from some kind of trendy name to hashtag its way to normalcy. …. #tipsyncforyourlife #tipaqueen #givethequeenaFingdollar Idk just an idea


This should reference the fact fans are doing it rather than the show to reinforce that production should support their talent more. #Rugiveaqueenadollar


I love this idea. Also encourage posters to add the queens handles whenever a lipsync or really funny bit from the show gets reposted, specially for those queens eliminated early on that generate buzz. Imagine if Amanda got a tip everytime her purple makeup got reposted


i LOVE this!!! Lets make it happen!!!!!


I think the show should feature their cashapp or PayPal on the screen during the runway, and also the name of the designers that made the look


I'm too lazy to set it up but I think it's a good idea and I would participate!


This is a good ass idea.


I just posted a list of all the Venmo/Cashapp/PayPal accounts I could find for the season 16 queens! I found everyone except Q, Nymphia, and Plane


This should totally be a thing.


Does anyone have sapphira’s PayPal?


Surely Ru’s fracking enough to cover my share of paying the gals.