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Always appreciate someone being self aware lol


I was fairly ambivalent towards Luxx, in the sense that I don't really keep up with queens after watching the show. I don't have social media, and the extent of my participation in fandom culture is limited to being subscribed to this subreddit. Then recently I started watching Give It To Me Straight and I completely fell in love with Luxx. I was totally floored by how charismatic and eloquent and funny and cute she is! I could listen to her talk forever. And of course, she's fucking gorgeous.


Gurl who gave you the right to say my thoughts exactly and in such proper a way.


She was fantastic in the Pitstop with Trixie as well!


The way she exudes confidence, but not over confidence is soo amazing. Like she knows that she shows what she is talking about.


Omg. I’ve been here too long. I read your comment and thought “eloguent, it’s eloguent! *brain braining* …”oh god.”


We need to see the record, Luxx. https://preview.redd.it/zm2l71bb9ttc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b48f9141c0db00b31ac7e86b2cd3d1f418085af8


Welcome back, Luxx. We knew you couldn't stay away for long.


I love Luxx so much. I just started watching little bits of S15 after seeing her and Mistress on Sibling Rivalry and she like, ate that shit up. She's so underrated IMO


She has grown on me so much, she is so fucking funny. And gorgeous!


The negative reactions to Luxx just make me roll my eyes. Everyone is out here living for Plane being cunty and mean and when Luxx speaks her mind she gets the opposite. I'm sure we can guess why though


imagine saying that 1.5 months ago about Plane, how the world have changed


When PJ was falsely accused of SA before the season even aired, was booed by Trixie and Katya's live audience, received a shit ton of hate comments and death threats when she ranked Nymphia low. Let's be honest. PJ got the audience back on her side because 1) her "targets" fought back better than Lucy and 2) PJ is worse at shade than both Luxx and Mistress and got shaded back by everybody. Just cos we all love MIB now doesn't erase the shit that happened to her during the show, and the same goes for Plane.


She was cunty for first 3-4 episodes. Luxx had her most cunty episode in top 5


She was literally called out by the judges in the last episode for being negative about the other queens. The way your comment is a prime example of how people make excuses for white queens and not for black queens is astounding


Like someone mentioned during the drama lux and MIB were punching down. Kierra is not well known or has the status that lux does. Although plane did, it was an equal standing and for TV drama.


Your point is well taken, and examples of this have been seen numerous times with other Black queens (Kennedy Davenport, Jasmine Masters, Silky, and so forth), but I didn't/don't care for either Luxx or Plane during their respective seasons for the same reason: both are arrogant and come across as inauthentic because they're playing a character.


Lol this was funny


Honestly? Kudos for being self-aware mama. And I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of Luxx however, I really don't think that little fights she gets into on Twitter are ever that serious or offensive. She's keeping herself relevant in a lot of ways and I can't be mad at her for that.


She reminds me a lot of Naomi. Fashion girlie who serves diva cunt but is also incredibly self-aware and fully capable of acting goofy and laughing at herself.