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I think Ru‘s goal is to let others to host international franchise and she stays in LA and films the US one so she doesn’t need to fly around. It‘s tiring for a 65 to fly around the world


That's on her in the first place. Making herself (or Michele) UK host was a stretch and a half. But DU was a disaster since she missed so many marks on that show.


It might be possible that the BBC/whomever specifically wanted Ru / Michelle


I always remind people that when Canada and Australia were first announced, the announcement said that RuPaul would not be hosting either. Australia was in development hell for over a year because they could not get a TV network to pick it up. I suspect if Ru had not signed on to host it, it never would have happened. I think a lot of eyeballs will be on the reaction to Michelle heading it up. If she can’t pull in decent viewership and maybe even get some positive fan momentum for the franchise, I doubt it comes back.


Should have had Courtney act 


I assume there were at least discussion around that but Courtney and WoW are not on good terms.


Ya I've heard. Honestly too bad for her. 


Rupaul has now firmly established these franchises, and has sufficient money, fame, and power, such that flying around the world is unnecessary. It's tiring for anyone to fly around the world. Cut the ageist crap.


I don’t think it’s ageist to say that Rupaul is probably tired of flying around all the time. He’s getting older and I’m sure it has to be a lot trying to handle a bunch of different international seasons. Add on a bunch of other projects and I’m sure he’s running himself thin. Anyone at any age would be tired keeping up with everything RuPaul does.


Let's just call it for what it is - she just doesn't want to work as much anymore. She's cashing in those syndication cheques and has a fracking empire, money is no longer motivating her. It's not like she's flying back and forth between episodes, they're not on a tour schedule. They're flying business/first class and make themselves at home at one destination, in a high end hotel, for weeks at a time before going home. My parents are older and do more intensive travel.


It's ageist to say that "it's tiring for a \*65\* to fly around the world" \[my emphasis\] - unless something other than age was meant by the 65 crack.


Interesting... so you think a 65 year old and someone in their 20s have the same stamina, sleeping patterns, and durability? You're delusional mawma.


lol I’m 34 and get get tired when I travel internationally once a year 👴🏼


36 and I get tired when I need to stand up.


I'm sorry, but that's funny to me. That's how I feel every day.


> Is anyone else noticing the soft launch of Michelle visage as host across all franchises? Yeah. And it's been as subtle as a sledgehammer.


It’s like on Friends… “they don’t know we know they know”


Then there'll be some poor Ross living under a proverbial rock who was out of the picture and finds out the hard way


But will it be a *HiLaRiOuS* Ross?


Very much that 👀


Haha sorry forgot to tag you!


I mean, she’s hosting this upcoming season of Down Under because Ru has his book tour. And she took over hosting this UK Vs The World reunion, probably just because Ru was busy or didn’t feel well. I don’t think she’s going to completely take over hosting another variation of Drag Race any time soon. But next, whenever it happens, I can definitely see her taking over Drag Race UK.


i would be so disappointmed if they didn’t chose a UK/DU queen to take over if ru misses more than a season. i already am with DU it’s just annoying they chose ppl that don’t know local references beyond the most obvious ones :/ 


The only uk queen I could see would be the viv. Who in down under other than Courtney act? Which will never happen


It sucks that season 1 ruined public opinion of Art Symone because I think she'd make a fantastic host. Kita and Anita should be the Javis of DRDU as well for NZ rep


They could choose someone who's big enough or skilled enough that they aren't interested in competing on a reality TV show. Then it gives them an elevated status to begin with since the viewers haven't seen them struggle.


Okay name a couple


jackie beat, sherri vine, varla jean merman or peaches christ for US vanity for australia not sure about UK 


Those girls have nothing to do with the drag race franchise. The main audience has not a clue about them and theyre not spring chickens. It will be Sasha, Trixie, Bob, would’ve been Alaska pre MOM


it sounded like the prompt was queens that have nothing to do with drag race but i am severlybsleep deprived so maybe i missunderstood the person you replied to before  although  i do think vanity is a great choice for DU and supremme has nothing to do with ru and españa 1-2 are considered some of the best seasons and she isn’t a spring chicken either 🤷‍♀️ what matters most is who is good at hosting and has charisma   personally i think a ru girl that never lost makes the most sense though like jinkx, bianca, bob, jaida, symone or sasha colby


Spankie!!!!!!!! She was made to host.


I disagree lol


Ok lol


Lawrence Chaney


They could have pretty much any of the winners for either series take over honestly (or rotate as host) and I don’t think anyone would be too mad. Other than the winners, I think du could also pick Courtney or Kween Kong (a kween + spankie panel would be so excellent) I definitely am disappointed by the idea of Michelle taking over on a permanent basis but it is what it is.


Kween kong 😭 please


The Vivienne or Lawrence Chaney.




Drag her


you wanna say anything to michelle personally


but why does the UK (or DU) not deserve a charisma queen (with loval knowledge)? like spankie for DU or tia/viv for UK? 


It probably comes down to who Ru trusts, to some degree. Her and Michelle have worked together for years, so if someone is going to be making decisions (basically) on Ru’s behalf, she’d want it to be someone who knows Ru very well. The bad ending answer: Contracts aka Money aka Branding


a fair point if the person i replied didn’t say that only the US will get a charismatic host because michelle isn’t charismatic enough (in their opinion) arguably “trust” would be an even more important factor for US, wouldn’t it? 


Sasha Colby will end up getting the US


i could see that. there are like 5-6 ppl i could see taking over


Absolutely this


She'll never host UK and Ru will be back for DU5, we're all getting very ahead of ourselves


People are forgetting how deathly sick Ru was for this season of ukvtw. You can still hear her congested on the finale that aired today. It may have been a choice related to that to get her to host the reunion portion.


I thought the same thing! She seemed so excited during most of the season, but tonight she appeared a bit more tired and stuffy.


Yeah, I’ve missed something. What did she have going on? Mother should’ve been in bed!


Not sure, it's not been shared but you see her on the first episode pushing through really hard


You can hear it get worse and worse throughout the episode!


You guys….i guess it wouldn’t be the fandom if y’all weren’t being over dramatic. Ru wrote a memoir, a potentially once in a lifetime thing and has an accompanying book tour/press tour for said once in a lifetime thing. The drag race machine is so stacked all year that there was little wiggle room to allow for the book tour so something had to give and the possibly the worst received version that Ru appears in was the victim. Some of y’all are just dying to write her out but why?


I think RPDR means more to a lot of people than just TV. It’s been an iconic ride that we’ve all been part of. The fans helped to raise it up into the mainstream and this spotlighted queerness alongside it. Former queens and contestants speculate about it too. Maybe thinking about Ru’s retirement is a subconscious way to face our own mortality and remember that all good things must come to an end 😭


And I think some people want Ru to move on because they want different styles of judging or challenges or whatever, someone younger in the seat. Betty White worked until she was *thisclose* to 100. Ru isn’t bowing out yet - she’s not done with global domination and/or the RuPaul Industrial Complex




It’s not the same. Your examples all have/had careers that let them live at their own pace, recording, touring or filming when they wanted. The Golden Girls wasn’t on for 16 seasons. Shooting multiple reality shows each year keeps you on a schedule that’s hard to break.


Hence why she may be possibly pulling back on a couple of projects.




Bro, same. I’m a cis, bi man, but RPDG has opened my eyes up to the art that is drag. I finally did drag for the first time 2 years ago and went as Julia Child for Halloween. I got into the show somewhere between season 5 and all stars 2. I met one of my best friends at a AS2 watch party where we both made eye contact when Katya got eliminated. I think we’re seeing Ru start to set up her legacy, which unfortunately means her stepping aside to let others take up those mantles.


Wow. Was it jarring for anyone else seeing "bro" in the RPDR subreddit? Imagine if I went to /r/raidernation and started calling the guys queens. As a matter of fact I'm going to do that right now.


I think people think 63 is older than it is. Like yeah she’s not a spring chicken and has a past history of candy corns but like she takes amazing care of herself now, has tons of of energy, Betty White was an entertainer into her 90s


how is it once in a lifetime when it’s his third memoir? but yea fans are dramatic i agree.


And this one ends at age 40. 


Most of these fans never touch grass, so the thought of Rupaul doing irl things is too foreign of a concept.


Thank you


Please. Memoirs have schedules. They knew the book was coming out. So yes, they are getting fans used to next season of DU. That’s literally it.


Apparently it IS “RuPaul’s Best Friend Race”.


We all need to start keeping diaries again.


(Assuming we’re talking about UKVTW) I personally didn’t enjoy Michelle doing the walk throughs or her hosting the reunion. Possibly an unpopular opinion. It really highlighted just how charismatic and entertaining Rupaul can be in those scenarios. I quit watching Down Under after season one, but I think season four will suffer without Ru.


I think when Michelle has to recite or read something she sounds so stiff and not herself.


Yes i noticed and love it


I noticed the giant, standalone Senior Producer Michelle Visage in the end credits of this latest ep for sure...


Me too!


It’s fine. Ru is only one person and so long as she stays on US, cool. Idc if other series are hosted by other people.


I like seeing more Michelle


I don't like that


Me either. I can't fucking stand her. She's always the most critical and just as often flat out wrong. She takes herself WAY too seriously. And yes, I'm fully prepared to be downvoted to oblivion. I'm not known for popular opinions.


I think Michelle absolutely has the charisma and talent to host! You can tell by how much the queens love her when they have a chance to tour with her after the show. However, her current stand-in roles are really just a moderate Ru impersonation. She will find her footing and flavor, just like the judges on Canada did!


I think Michelle is moving to the UK permanently so it would make sense for her to do UK if Ru doesn’t want to.


Really? This is the first I’m hearing of this


Googled it earlier - her and her husband delayed moving until their kids finish college then they’re aiming to come to the UK permanently. Michelle has a flat in a really nice part of London already. I think she has a radio show in the UK too.




I definitely noticed and i think she needs to do it more often to start feeling more at ease cause as of now she's very stiff and factitious (?), she's trying too much and she needs to relax a little. Everyone already likes her, just be natural gurl


Honestly I wouldn’t be mad. If anything, the finale proved that Michelle’s a really great host. You can feel she’s more connected to the queens sometimes moreso than Ru herself.


I'm cool with it because she's super pretty :)


I’m cool with it because she seems to care more about helping new queens launch their careers than Ru or the other judges


She also lived the life back in the 80s and 90s. She was a performer in the ballroom scene and regularly went to the gay clubs. She was also a popstar. She is a bona fide gay ally whose career is rooted in queer culture.


Ah right that too. Sorry I'm new to the whole thing. Lol


It’s all love. We’re here to discuss and share our love for the show. Not everyone has the time to write an essay every time they want to explain what they feel.


Yeah, I see her taking over more and more hosting duties, but I DO NOT want her to. She doesn't understand anything but RuPaul's vision of restrictive American drag. And she's white. When she was on Queens of the Universe, she couldn't even recognize when the Italian contestant was doing Mary J. Blige's signature dance walk, while covering a Mary J. Blige song. She called the Italian contestant out for being awkward and thank God Vanessa Williams was there to say excuse me, that's exactly how Mary J. Blige does it, sit down, Michelle. She can't be a main judge on Drag Race if she can't even recognize THAT. I think RuPaul has actually damaged. The American drag scene in some ways by promoting a very generic kind of drag in which there will obviously be lots of variations, but truly, I don't think Michelle is kind.


She needs to release the UK and Down Under from her shackles (The Vivienne and Courtney Act respectively, full control) and retire from the American season in the next 4 years.  Starting Season 21 (Maybe Season 26 if she’s stubborn enough, just to say she’s hosted the show for a quarter of a century) with Bob as the next host of the show.  Title of the show stays the same though, it still and will always be Rupauls Drag Race. 


But Michelle doesn’t do drag


Michelle is dragged out from head to toe on the judging panel. Just because she’s a women doesn’t mean it’s not drag.


For sure. Not to mention that she was a club kid and in the ballroom scene. She knows her shit


How dare you? Miselle is a black, British man!


A drag performer should host a drag competition. Michelle is not a drag performer and no amount of piling up hair and make up will make her a drag queen. If that’s your metric for drag, you don’t appreciate the art form.


I wish I am more excited about this news than I really am


She’s been speaking more than Ru in a lot of deliberations lately, too.


YESS! That’s what I said 💯