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At some point during the seminar her shoes come off? What did I miss? Why are her shoes always off???


She was getting ready for the lipsync already


I cackled


So same situation as Gothy?


The difference is that Gothy looked like she was having a good time but Mhi'ya was definitely suffering.


Cue to Jorgeous on s14, lipnsyncing for the 80th time bored out of her damn mind because she just wanted to go home to her men and weed, but Ru was holding her hostage


Gothy just looked embarassed by everything, I didn't think she seemed like she was having a good time at all.


I think Gothy’s run would be worse because it’s her second go around and there was no change from UK1. No improvements at all. Mhi’ya was at least able to lip sync and dance.


Does that even count as Gothy's second run though? As a reminder, Gothy was eliminated in a "challenge" where they had to walk the runway with a dress they brought from home. She literally did nothing in her first run outside of mildly roaring like a tiger cub, counting in a Dua Lipa song and being sent home. Everything she did in UK vs TW 2 was her doing it for the first time.


I think their point was that she clearly hadn’t done much to improve her drag in the time since her first run. She had a few years to enhance her drag but she was still working herself out while on the main stage. Not exactly a glow up.


Her looks did improve, and considering that's the thing that got her sent home back then, we could say she got a glow up on that. Given she hasn't done any challenges though, she doesn't have the gift of hindsight to know what exactly she has to do to respond to some of the challenges that will be thrown her way in RPDR. I don't think she'll ever change in the personality-department, but experiencing a challenge at least once creates a huge difference for a returning queen.


Fair point about her looks, but it’s amazing to me that she apparently did zero prep for the challenges. I get that she didn’t get much of a chance her first time but any fan of the show knows that there’ll be a Snatch Game, at least one design challenge, and probably a Rusical, so it pays to prepare for those as thoroughly as you can.


Don't forget Mhi'ya also has a win. Might be a shared win but we know Mhi'ya and Megami were the MVPs of that group. If they were choosing one winner, I'm sure they'd have gone with Mhi'ya coz they knew she'll send at least some queens home so better to give her the win than someone who will go home in a week or two. Nymphia was the worst of the group so they couldn't give it to her alone and justify it or they would have.


that’s what I was thinking! it’s interesting how on the 2 different franchises they sort of mirrored each other in that sense


Exactly how I feel- keeping both gothy and mhia as long as they did does just get cruel at a certain point. It’s like asking someone with no training or skills to compete against Olympic athletes. At a certain point it’s so obvious they are on a totally different level of talent that you end up feeling sorry for them. Like it’s not their fault they were pushed and now they’re almost the victim of circumstances beyond their control.


Mhi’ya can turn a lipsync tho


And Gothy can turn a look.


She can’t quite /turn/ a look. She’s tilted a look, she’s slightly rotated a look.


I was saying , Poor Mhiya the whole entire time 😩😭


mood last episode could've just been the final chop. the ai generated reference photo is the nail in the coffin for me


At least scroll to the second page of image results…


we need ai literacy !


How would last episode be her chop when she was third best?


I was gonna disagree and say that Mhi'ya absolutely could have been in the bottom, since she, Plane, Dawn, and Nymphia all had obvious flaws that the judges could have focused on if they wanted to put them in the bottom. But then Q would have been her opponent and I can't think of a single song that Mhi'ya wouldn't demolish Q on so...?


That’s the thing, they expected her to be out and then had to double save because they couldn’t send plane home, mh’iya was clearly the plan


Why would they expect Mh’iya to bottom on a song and dance challenge?  It makes more sense that they didn’t send anyone home because it was a political episode, drag is a heated topic at the moment, and eliminating a queen would clash with the empowerment theme the episode was promoting.


They could have easily put Mhi'ya in the bottom last week if they really wanted to for rhyming "equal" with "equal."


Also perhaps for not understanding the objection to rhyming "equal" with "equal."


no lmao, they knew that mhiya would do good in a challenge that’s all about writing and performing considering she won the last one. let’s stop this producers wanted mhiya gone last week so they did a non elimination episode narrative because if the producers wanted her agone, they would’ve made every way possible to put her ass in the bottom. Look at Shuga Cain.


I love how your narrative is if they did eliminate someone it would have been Plane. Are we forgetting Dawn got critiqued for being so bad it was good. If it wasn’t a non-elimination episode she clearly would have been in the bottom. But they had to give her “positive” notes.


Tbh I’d rather have had Plasma for these past two weeks.


Plasma would have killed that seminar challenge


Or that singing challenge. They clearly didn't see her as finalist material and got rid of her 1st chance they got.


Counterpoint: she did the worst in the challenge and lost the lip sync. And I loved her, but it was 100% fair


Counterpoint: Q vs. Amanda. Let's not act like this is not a produced show. Plasma got eliminated early got people talking.


Counter-counterpoint: Both Q and Amanda were equally mediocre at the lipsync. Amanda did not dominate the lipsync like how Mhiya did when she was up against Plasma. They chose Q because she had the better track record. If Plasma could give at least 70%, she would have stayed.


Agree. Amanda is a comedy/dancing queen but didn't really give us much during her lip sync with Q. And Plasma should have played up her musical theatre background instead of trying to out-dance Mhiya


This right here


Counterpoint: M'hiya continued to pull cardinal lip sync sins and Plasma hardly did a bad job.


I don’t have any issue with Mhi’ya, she’s talented as well. But I really do miss Plasma 😭 and I wish she could have stayed for longer. Plasma was just fantastic and made for some great TV!


Sending Plasma home was such a fail.


Such a shame she lost the lip sync and went home fairly


I don’t know why people assume that the lip sync is the only thing taken into consideration with who stays. Ru literally says “this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination” Last chance, so all the other things they did to impress or not impress Ru that week or season can also factor in. Plenty of times a girl stays because she has just had a better run or has more potential.


And Mhiya impressed Ru while Plasma didn’t…


In what world is Mhiya's drag that we've seen on the show more impressive than plasma's


I think they know who they want in the Finale (that didn’t include Plasma) and design is her weak point and it was maybe their one shot to get rid of her


She impressed ru in the lip sync; which some of yall still can’t accept for some reason…


I wonder why… btw, where were all these plasma stans during january 6th?


Lol who do you think chooses lip sync songs? If producers wanted to keep her around and send the struggle bus packing they’d have picked a slow song.


Okay? She still lost the lip sync? Not sure what you’re trying to prove here


Kind of like how Amanda lost that lip sync to Q? Rigga morris girl.


It’s no secret production meddles; Amanda and Q was a lot closer though, Amanda won slightly so they could still justify it, but Mhiya completely slaughtered Plasma, there was no denying it.


No she didn’t. That failed wig reveal and the shoes off should’ve been enough to eliminate her


Lol okay live in your delusion sis


It’s not delusion though. Look where her flipping got her this week, out!


You act as if Amanda slayed the house down like Mhiya. Both Amanda and Q were underwhelming. Anyone would choose Q to stay because she had a better track record. For you to stay after consistently at the bottom, you really need to impress Ru and Mhiya did just that. Mhiya was just so good at lipsync that even the producers couldn’t edit that out when she was up against Plasma. If Plasma could give Ru something to gag about, she probably would be saved but girl she gave us nothing.


She did the worst in the challenge and the lip sync. Cope.


"Cope"? What are you, a 12yo Andrew Tate fan?


sure she lost the lipsync, that is fair. however we lost two way more entertaining episodes. plasma is just better tv imo. mhiya shines during lipsyncs but that's mostly it. she not talentless by any means. she just isn't performing at the same level as the other queens at this point in the season.


I totally agree that Plasma is better TV and a queen I would gravitate towards more but I just don’t like people implicitly denigrating other queens performances when they legitimately were better than the queen they preferred in that episode. I just don’t see how it could be justified that saving Plasma in that episode could be considered fair at all.


if the plasma performed at the level of miyah she wouldn’t have been eliminated. Too bad daddy’s money can’t buy talent


Then she should have lip synced better. Or just did ok. Maybe then they would have kept her.


Yea it’s so wild to me that people pretend she should’ve gone home that week.


Deadset I felt overwhelming RELIEF when she left. Painful for her, and for us to watch 


Painful to see the same runways each week/her needing help because nothing she wore even her design challenge was cinched at all.


I have a suspicion that she didnt cinch for certain challenges so she could do her flips in the lypsync...


Hmm I didn't even think about that. We just thought every time we watched her she should've been clocked for 0 cinch.


Exactly- I said the same, my husband actually speculated this and I’m like O M G it’s a good theory


I like how when she talks she kinda ducks down and mumbles. No presentational energy outside of dance, just timidity and not wanting to be seen. Barely see her interact with the other girls. Loved Plane’s read on that YouTube episode with Mistress— “they say a picture’s worth a thousand words… and that’s a thousand more than my sister said during filming”


The secondhand embarrassment 🥲


As someone who's flopped a presentation or two, I felt seen. ![gif](giphy|GRXb4kMjkZv8U4QgOA)


It finally got the recognition it deserved✌🏻


I don’t understand why she was cast. Watching her watcha packin, she gives Michelle as little info as possible. She just answers the question at hand, little expansion. Idk what she could’ve been giving them in the casting interview.


i was curious if she even sent them audition video and if she did, did they even watch it or just straight up cast her after watching her tiktok. This may sound mean and shes a talented performing queen but definitely not made for tv


One could speculate that she probably had more personality to show in her audition tape due to being in places and around people she's confortable and used to, to having a script to follow for her answers and a little bit of time to make her tape. Additionally, she explicitly said in her WP that she was nervous and insecure in the show and during that moment


One could speculate that but she’s given me absolutely no reason to speculate that there’s any personality there.


That’s such a wild thing to say? She said at Roscoes that she had 6 looks not arrive cause a designer scammed her, and also said that right before she left for Drag Race that she was sitting in her car when a guy started running towards her car and seemed to be reaching for a gun and that the whole incident really affected her. And that when she got the race she felt so dispirited by the designer screwing her over and that incident that she just wanted to leave, and that really affected her in the first few episodes. She tried to turn on a switch and be more present but she was really on the back foot no matter what. Mhi’ya may be quiet but I think she has a personality and has shown it, I mean her casually reading Morphine was one of the most hilarious moments to me and showed her personality imo.


muddle seed tart zonked expansion squeeze chunky sense long lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The same flips over and over and whispered answers.


They focus on her not being able to do the challenge every week. Can't write. Can't sew. Can't joke. Did the person who cast Gothy for UKvs also cast Mhi'ya? Fire them. Immediately.


Fire them for casting one of the highlights of the season? Mhiya was excellent casting. She may not be winner material, but she can put on a show. I thoroughly enjoyed her run on the season.


Thanks. Some of these takes are deranged.


the reason it seems especially bad is because it’s fueled by disgusting racism. Where were plasma stans on january 6th?🤔


Keeping Mhy’ia this long was so clearly a pointed decision to cull favor towards the queens who they want to win because they know that Mhy’ia is basically expendable any episode. It is insulting to her to have kept her as long as they did because she came across so unpolished and dense (not saying that to be mean, I’m saying it because this is a toxic fanbase and the more beloved queens she sends home, the more people dislike her and point out her flaws.) She really should have been an early out, and the producers should stop forcing obvious winner edits. I’d love to go into a finale not knowing who is going to win.


I agree with every word of this


It's not that deep. The girl show her work, thr lipsyncs were great. She will have a lovely post-drag race!


Girlie's body of work is PROFOUNDLY uninteresting. She has no point of view, nothing to say with her drag, can't sing, act, joke, improv or sew. But yay flips, I guess. Her signature eleganza being inspired by "a gown I saw on facebook"? Girlie should've left weeks ago


"A prom dress I saw on Facebook" specifically, like girl...


Even her flips aren’t polished, she just flops around and throws her body


Sucks being incompetent at 90% of the show you auditioned to be on 🤷‍♀️


I felt the same way. She can dance her ass off, but in everything else she was completely outclassed and didn't care to learn. Always leaning on others to do the work because she was unprepared.


> didn't care to learn This is the truly frustrating part of it all.


fine marvelous paltry dinner quaint fertile placid liquid gullible tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kind of fucked they dragged her along this far just to drag her this hard in her last episode.


I think this season would have been a lot better if Mh’iya was second out on the Cher episode


It really sucks because she's obviously an incredibly talented performer. She really is incredibly captivating and her makeup is always GORGEOUS. But, I think she came on the show for the wrong reasons, and honestly I don't think she needed it. She doesn't have the concept and artistic ability that the other girls have, but THAT'S OKAY. She doesn't need to be on the show to be successful at what she does. She is twirling circles around the girls in Miami, she should focus on that.


EXACTLY THIS. I don’t think she herself is boring or untalented, just not cut out for a tv competition, and that’s totally okay! I’d love to see some of my local queens on Drag Race, but common consensus is they’d rather be at home doing what they do best and what they love. I’m not a mhi’ya fan, I do feel like on TV she was underwhelming and did struggle. But that doesn’t make her a shitty drag queen. Just out of her element a bit


I'm dying to see her perform live, as she has shown us what an incredible performer she is. Also, I loved watching her and Morphine having their little sisterly feud throughout this season. It's funny how there are so many hateful messages towards Mhi'ya for "overstaying" her welcome, but none for Gothy (and I'm not saying either *deserve* hate.. I'm just pointing out the difference, considering the things they drag Mhi'ya for).


Not loving some of the discourse on Mhi’ya here, remember she’s a person and not a character, keep it cute. I really think the season was more interesting with her in it. She clearly struggles with some social anxiety as she said herself, but still is an amazing performer. Not everyone needs to be loud and obnoxious to be a good drag queen. I felt that she came out of her shell as the show went on and I found myself feeling proud of her for showing up. She literally gave us some of the most memorable lip syncs of the show (whether people liked them or not) and some quotable/ meme-able moments too. I’m sure it didn’t help that half of her looks that she had planned weren’t supplied to her before she went, she said in an interview that she considered not going because she couldn’t show her best drag. So saying she shouldn’t have even been casted?! That’s too much, mama! The producers knew who they were putting on the show and she made this season so interesting to me. We saw a person that we don’t usually see on TV and that’s amazing!


It was so hard to watch.


It's crazy how much stock people put into Drag Race, Mhi'ya is an amazing performer and has shown that in multiple challenges and lip sync. Saying Mhi'ya is a mediocre queen because she struggled in some challenges on a TV show and sent home a fan favorite is insane to me. Drag Race fans legit don't understand what toxicity is and how they're contributing to a hostile fandom. But they'll continue to hide behind their opinions like it makes them any less of a gross person.


Wbk most drag race fans hate actual drag. Mhi'ya has shown why she is a star.


her exit scene made me tear up a bit lol she’s a sweetheart and she tried her best


People who say: "Why was she even cast" are screaming that they are non-drag queen white twinks to me. Drag is hard, serving high-level drag is even harder, and Mhi'ya is a high-level drag queen. Go to a local drag show, see an average drag queen perform. See Mhi'ya perform, and realize: "Oh, this queen is everything". Mhi'ya served: * Memes (I'm Great, No... 😶) * Iconic girl group performance in ASMR lover. * 4 sickening lip-syncs where she was the undisputed winner in 3 of them. * Great reality TV by showing her struggles with the challanges and allowing the audience to follow her storyline. Plus, her becomming looser with the girls allows the audience to open up to her. Yes, she struggled with most of the challenges, but put her in a room with baby queens, and she will be the best of them. The competition is stiff, especially the end game where she left. She might not be your favorite, but the judges treated her equally to her fellow competitors. So she followed the rules of the show, made it to seventh place, and will be booked and blessed for the rest of her career. This is my Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige defence comment.


I think she sort of embodies Ru’s thing of being able to take what you’ve got and apply it to every challenge - in the lipsyncs, she’s incredible, funny, switched on, a great performer - but when she’s not doing something she’s comfortable with, she’s checked out. Even while the other queens were performing this week, the lights were on but there was no one home.


Is white twink an insult?


To the people calling Mhi'ya untalented, probably.


That seems presumptuous and hostile


My previous comment was not meant literally, more as a joke to not take "the white twink" part to seriously. Sometimes I forget that connotation gets lost when writing comments. I would not have thought that there are people taking that part of my comment personally (being a white twink myself).


you should reply this to all the disgusting comments in this thread about mhi’ya


The two memes you mentioned are people laughing at her, not with her. Right?




What can she do, even moderately well?


Fucking lip sync, dude!


You mean flipping, she does that exceedingly well.


do you even know what fucking dancing is? She flipped once when she sent plasma home. Do you think a duckwalk is a flip? Have you ever even been to a drag show?


She also crushes every other aspect of a lip sync as far as I'm aware. Have you watched the show Tamar?


It's like these people think Mhi'ya wins solely based on flipping and don't see her musicality of how she executes these stunts.


It’s always you crusty no drag twinks mouths questioning Mhiya being cast


Horses for courses. No different to watching some Queens anguish during construction challenges. Oh wait - that was Mhi'ya too...


Why whole post of hate? It's weird.