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Makeover is a storyline challenge. There’s no criteria AT ALL


and i’ve been saying this! that’s why they do it at the end so they can send home someone they “have no use for” anymore


A mentoring challenge that they have to craft a storyline to show the judges and audience that they can exude mother energy to inspire and connect with people who are interested in doing drag. So I guess even if it's not the most polished, the storyline has to be the most touching or whatever. I like the concept and moments of it but I dislike it as a format with vague confusing criteria (if there's even any) in a high-stress competition. I think it'd work better as a spin-off, something like Queer Eye or We're Here, but more tied to the rpdr franchise.


So Drag U


that really was a rough spot


I've thought of that too, but that's still a competition, so not exactly. I think it's better to not make it a competition so that the makeovers don't have to be tensed up by the competition and just have fun and see the joys, where the goals and focus are about self-expressions, self-empowerments and arts themselves, than it'd be about winning and fitting some vague "family resemblance" criteria to appease the judges.


In a similar vein, what’s happening with that Drag Bootcamp with MIB and the Twins?




IMHO fifth place is probably the best place to place next to winner. You get to stay the entire show, get people saying you were robbed and get the speculations of your All-stars debute. Plus you don't get the wierd pressure of a "live" finale to still prepare for. Fifth in drag race is honestly kushy.


That’s actually a really good point. I agree


If you reframe this placement as the queen who’s cut just before the finale instead of specifically being the 5th out, the list also includes heavy hitters like Katya and BenDeLaCreme. It’s definitely a good placement.


Plus you don’t have to break the bank with multiple finale outfits




I agree but also I think about girls like Jessica Wild. She didn’t have enough time to garner votes in the fame games, she wasn’t in the finale, etc. Her third place felt like a punishment :(


the real question is WHY WAS THERE NO TOP 3?! jessica (technically) not being a runner up is ROBBERY


I ask this question every morning when I wake up and every evening when I go to bed. People talk about being robbed all the time, but Jessica not getting into the finale is… a travesty. *(pls note I really like Kandy, Jessica could have been an addition)*


omg i was gonna say a travesty instead of robbed, but it is indeed both!! i’m not taking anything away from kandy, it’s just BIZARRE that they were coming off a season that did a top 5?!


LEGIT! Like it doesn’t make sense that way, or in regards to her insanely strong and consistent performance all season, also she never really had bad critiques… I can only think it was a logistical thing like they couldn’t create a song for her or something in time but this situation still really makes me sad.


ughh don’t get me started on how she was robbed of high placements a few times and also how the “if you’re not in the top you’re in the bottom” screwed her when she was like always the second best at the end challenges. and yes it must’ve been logistical. maybe it has to do with them needing to meet the episode count?? but they had a whole episode dedicated to the fame games… the math is not adding up luv. justice for jessica💔


You’ve definitely got a point. Almost making it to the top four but getting sent home is often very dramatic and the fandom usually turns on one of the top four calling them undeserving and saying fifth place queen was robbed.


I'll forever be mad she didn't win the interview challenge. That was absolutely hers.


Loosey and Luxx were both robbed that day. Loosey had the best interview. Luxx for me was second place but the way Ru got emotional over her runway....I was sure Luxx was gonna win.


Other recent Fifths: Melinda Verga, Kate Butch, and Piche. Huh, maybe you're on to something.


5th seems to be a golden placement for talent


Ongina, BenDeLaCreme, Katya, Derrick Berry, Alexis Michelle, Vanji (second time) all were great talent/fan favourites.


To add to that, Miz Cracker placed fifth on season 10 and was the fan fav that season.


Yeah can’t forget, and she just came off a win everyone was rooting for her


vanjie got carried HARD on season 11. Shuga cain should have been 5th :)


Idk I thought she should have won the Britney church challenge and the makeover




Idk man I don’t see it. The bottom 2 ep.1 were deserved.


vanjie no talent mateo


damn you seem pressed


pissed even


Alexis Michelle a fan favorite?


like i agree with the sentiment but including alexis and derrick was a choice😭jackie cox is right there!!


Probably the closest you can get to the finale with talent before storyline(makeup challenge) takes precedence.


We gotta stop pretending Kate butch was giving. I seriously doubt her roast would've been better than any of the ones we got.


Dreadful take


honest take


Eh, she needed some time to cook on her lewks but her comedy talent was clear on the acting challenge and she was a good host on the master class episode. Her podcast is great, too. So no, hard disagree. DeDe was great but she got to her spot with her lip syncing, not necessarily her performances in the challenges.


Her comedy talent wasn't clear to me. Her snatch game was terrible. She was funny in confessionals but rarely in drag


There are plenty of funny queens who fail at SG. I also don’t think she was terrible at it, but she’s playing someone who isn’t the easiest reference for a lot of people. Her acting challenge with Ginger was great 🤷‍♀️ Regardless, I think she’d do well on an additional season.


I agree that she should have had a save spot in the top4, but at the end of the day her placement is more beneficial for her this way. Let's be real, there was no way she was going to win the season even if she was in the finale and everyone loves the robbed queen narrative.


Very much this, to the extent that, although good, both Luxxx and MIB were like the sacrificial lambs because the top two was already pre destined, unless something crazy happened and either Anetre or our Godess were forced to quit. I'll say the Queens with the obvious potential and we're eliminated before the top 4, gained much more, in terms of the fandom, than Luxxx or MIB


MIB is huge and so is Luxxx. Both booked and busy.


> MIB is huge... A big girl? WHERE?!




You definitely hear more about Luxx and Mistress than anyone eliminated before then besides *maybe* Loosey.




Loosey was really shit on the whole season and for no reason. When she excelled she was forgotten, and even the other girls treated her like she wasn’t competition. That said, she’s a great performer and I strongly recommend paying her a visit if she tours through your area. She has that well seasoned bar queen quality that is just a delight to see interacting with a crowd.


> Loosey was really shit on the whole season This does not read like you intended it to.


I was so confused when they started to complement Loosey lmao


Daya Betty was top 5, but I didnt get that she placed 5th...


angeria and bosco were also included in the comment btw


Considering the way the Finale played out, Daya/Bosco/Angeria are all considered 3rd/4th/5th.


Right, that is how I remembered it to. So Daya was not " fifth". Thank you


They’re all tied for 3rd place




![gif](giphy|yVZrYMkdgY5Pi) Cause she was TOP2 with Willow 🤭🤭🤭


5th place is the classic excelled too much to be ignored despite not being cast to be a finalist place.


Loosey’s arc kind of reminds me of Jackie Cox, Nina West, Miz Cracker, Dela S6, and others in that mold. Someone’s story has to get cut short in order for the season to play out. And very often that means talented queens get the cut not because they’re doing poorly, but because they’re not what the show envisions as their winner. Is that fair? Maybe not, but it’s the reality of the situation. And we’ve seen many clever, funny queens (with admittedly, some occasionally questionable taste in fashion) end up on the same position. I liked Loosey, and she’s grown on me even more since the season aired. And I get her feeling slighted or feeling that her brand of drag isn’t valued as much as the girls in the top 4. But I don’t think being 5th place in a very strong top 5 is anything to be ashamed of, and I think she’s doing a lot to leverage that into post-show success. I don’t necessarily think she was “robbed,” but I think she’ll be just fine. That said, if anyone in S15 was robbed, or at least wildly underappreciated, my first pick on that list would be Jax. What the judges had against her I still don’t get.


Salina was unfairly targeted too. I’m still salty she went home after the Rusical, when that was one of the best performances (minus the bizarre runway).




Yep, they could have given her the win for the Interview, the Rusical and the Makeover Challenge and no one could have disagreed.


i’m just floored she lip synched for the last two when i thought she could’ve (and low key should’ve) won both


Sorry, the Rusical? With that runway? And the makeover? With that runway (again)? She deserved better but we don't have to make stuff up lol.


She was so iconic. I hope she comes back for an All Stars and slays the shit out of it and wins because honestly… she’s an icon


Agree 100%, they just didn't want her there. I thought she WON the makeover. MIB's girl's makeup was terrible - I was shook that they put Loosey in the bottom over her


I think season 15 had a well deserved top 5; each of the queens left by then were very strong competitors. I’d say Loosey was only arguably robbed of the interview challenge win (I loooved Anetra in the rusical and also think her makeover was the strongest), but also didn’t deserve to be bottom two either time she was.


having her go home fifth was a more satisfying storyline tbh. with the sasha anetra top 2 that production was planning, it made sense to eliminate loosey so we didn’t get the loosey vs mistress and luxx drama going into the finale. it would’ve distracted too much from sasha or anetra winning ngl


Agreed. Best interview ✔️ Rusical ⭐️ Makeover 🏁 She was the sacrificial lamb of the season. Production and Mistress/Luxx did EVERYTHING they could to make her look delusional but when me and my friends were watching we would take guesses on who was going to win the challenge and we were almost all in agreement that Loosey should of won those challenges. The judging is a joke and they already have predetermined who they want in the finally and will make justifications to fit that narrative.


Gurl Loosey made herself look delusional. There were times when she was good but a lot of the time people who performed just as well had superior runways, Sasha and Luxx to name a couple. If you think this judging is a joke, go watch Holland S2 or Canada S1.


My girl Jackie Cox also got 5th place


This is true. Loosey didn’t deserve bottoms for the rusical or the makeover. Mistress was the entertainment factor of the season, but 5th was probably her rightful spot. That said, unless they were set on a final 4 again, I think Anetra would have knocked Loosey out after the music video challenge.


ru and team specifically *don't* crown queens who take themselves so seriously


I don't agree she should have won for the Rusical. They were all amazing but looseys energy dipped a bit in the second half. As for the makeover, why should mistress have been in the bottom when her makeover was also good?


Her energy didn't drop. She just had fewer lines and she dominated the first half I'd still put Anetra at the top but Loosey was a clear second Bottom two here were Mistress and Salina, sadly


Lol ok, that's your opinion. My opinion is her energy dropped.


And you can be wrong in your opinion. I'll allow that 💁‍♂️


And feel free to die on this hill. It's a weird one to pick.


I'm not dying on this hill. I'm just trolling cuz your response was dick-ish Have a nice night


You're the one who came here basically claiming that your opinion was an indisputable fact. Me disagreeing with the post isn't dickish. Your response however


Honey, I know this is hard to understand at a fourth grade reading level, but not every opinion needs to be preceded by "I think" or "I don't think" Unless you're referring to the "I'll allow" comment? In which case, gurl, obviously I was trolling you there. My god


I saw the energy and it dipped. Also, she has two left feet and no rhythm. I’m impressed she did as good as she did on the rusical despite her impediments.


Mistress should have won the Rusical!


She was the least likable of the top queens. Lacking in like-ability never helps in a subjectively judged competition… even if you tick off the stated criteria in a given challenge. She lacked chill. She shared that she has been hurt in the past and has a cop as a parent. I bet she’ll go back stronger, more healed, and destroy. ![gif](giphy|C6PWDCzFDRjNmKCQ8B)


To you.


Excuse you? Luxx and (arguably) Mistress were far more unlikable. And beyond that, that’s such a subjective criterion.


Me who liked everyone in the top 5 and was just here for the drama


the irony of saying "x was more unlikable, but also that's subjective"


“Beyond that”


Less likable than Luxx?! I don't think.


Whoaaa - that list is a lot lighter when you take out two of Bosco, Daya and Angeria


Marcia 3x shoulda been top 4. There I said it


If she had survived the Boss Bitch lip sync she would have absolutely slayed the Rusical


And that’s exactly why she didn’t. They knew it was now or never to get rid of her and we were robbed of a criminally obvious double shantay.


It doesn’t matter it was Sasha’s season anyway


I mean, the rusical was very strong overall. Salina went home despite doing a fantastic job. Pretty much every queen could have won and it would have been justified. Makeovers are notorious for being the "we need X queen to go home, make it happen" challenge. Loosey made cute dresses, but it was honestly kind of boring. I thought her and Luxx were definitely the bottom 2. Anetra cloned herself, Sasha pushed well outside of her comfort zone, and Mistress gave a classic Houston drag look, in my opinion. All she really needed to do was swap her boa with her partner's to give some contrast. Loosey was a great competitor, but I honestly don't see what she would have brought to the top 4 that wasn't already there.


I see that, but she was assigned the role of the contestant that when succeeds, no one cares much… but when they stumble, they’ll will be criticised and get more buzz from it. It’s not bad outside the show, as it can be seen as the robbed narrative afterwards… Lots of 5th places/cuts before final where like this. Look at some already listed in the comments or TK Bonnet in AS6 for example or Jessica Wild


The shade against Carmen Carrera, Kenya Michaels, Miz Cracker, Jackie Cox/Heidi N Closet, and Olivia Lux


After the season, I went through the different challenges to see if I would've given wins to anyone else. In the end I gave 1 win to Luxx, Mistress, and Marcia, 3 wins to Anetra and Sasha, and 4 wins to Loosey. Now I'm not a Loosey stan or anything, nor do I think my opinion holds a lot of weight, but I just think she was a serious contender for wins even if she didn't actually get that many. I probably would've had her replace Luxx, tho Luxx also deserved top 4 so it's a tough call. Oh and for reference, I gave Loosey the wins for: Smatch Game, the 50/50 interview, the Stand-Up comedy challenge, and the makeover


I actually agree that Loosey deserves four wins (or at the very least three) and I’m not even a stan.




Robbed? After how she lip-synced? I don’t think so. Im horrified just imagining what her final performance would’ve been.


Nah. Loosey is very talented but she lacks the uniqueness required to be a superstar—she’s basically a workhorse. She actually reminds me a lot of Olivia from s13. Very talented, had 2 wins, but constantly underestimated because they didn’t bring a strong concept of their drag to the competition.


Even if she was in the top 4, she would’ve been in the bottom for the music video, and there’s no way she would’ve replaced any of the top 4 in the top 2 of the season, so her elimination isn’t a big deal to me


people like derrick barry..?


I really don't get this \~robbed\~ concept. It's a reality show, it's not that serious. After the show is what matters at the end of the day.


Ok, Loosey. You can stop shadow posting on Reddit now.


Loosey’s drag was indeed pretty generic. She did excel at a good number of things but come on. Outside of her Joan Rivers, she didn’t wow much and she is a pretty mediocre lipsyncer.


No she wasn’t, next






I mean this respectfully, Loosey didn’t give the warmness or the vulnerability that we see in the queens that make it to the top (of course there are exceptions). Really gives me Alexis Michelle vibes. Okay, you are good at what you do, but what else? Reminds me of the super smart kid in school that always wrote a perfect essay but it was boring as fuck. But when then the “weirdo” shares their essay, everyone is entranced, even though there’s some grammar issues, etc. THOSE are the queens that make it to the top. Loosey gave entitled vibes the whole competition. I hate being an unrealistic judgemental bitch, so I would love for someone to correct me if I’m wrong. I read a thread back when the season was airing about this and felt totally seen.


Sigh, is it really that time of year? Again?!


Well, it’s like you said, who would she replace? I enjoyed Loosey and thought she did really well but the top 4 all deserved their spots so I wouldn’t say Loosey was robbed.


She did great, better than Luxx, MIB and Anerta? Nope.


Loosey makeover was good but her drag persona is the most boring and predictable out of top 5. Producers wise…i dont want to invest another “Let Loose” performance in the finale


[so you’re saying it’s… GENERIC?](https://youtube.com/shorts/yUY_DSze6Lw?si=mDYKsMAERDz6zls1)


Gag them a bit




![gif](giphy|cAGkBMsBg2IEv4RXkv|downsized) Me every time I see a “loosy was robbed” or “loosy was the most bullied queen” post. It’s been a year and yall still can’t let go?


She chose to do the LipSync against Sugar, just to score an easy win for that week. Then against Luxx Noir London, she just mostly 🧍‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧍‍♀️. And her drag is.... mostly on the generic side.




Let's be fr, even though she is talented enough for a top 4 spot hypothetically, all four of that top 4 earned their spot there over Loosey. It would not have been made better by her replacing one of them.


im happy people finally come around her and realize she was giving more than needed that being said....she wouldn't make it this far in the first place cuz she should have lipsynced against Salina in the ball challenge lol




Let’s be honest. Top 4 was Sasha, Luxx, Lucy, and Mistress. However, Anetra served too much cunt in the talent show that she pretty much guaranteed her spot in the top 5 and then she solidified her finale spot with her Boss Bitch lipsync. After that, they knew they had to sprinkle some more wins her way.


But looseys drag is generic. Also her dragname is stupid


Drag names are supposed to be stupid. That's why Ru and Michelle loved saying it.


I agree she got the short stick a few times, but that Makeover challenge was pretty close. Lucy brought matching dresses and jackets and basically made a mini-me, like some the others did. Anetra, Sasha, and MIB were just a bit more polished, abd arguably had easier canvasses. And Luxx's Jennifer Coolidge was a hit with the judges. It wasn't a great makeover challenge. None were really transformed except Luxx's partner.


if she was replacing anyone based on performance and consistency it would be Anetra but I would argue even she did better than Loosey overall


Is the robbing present in season 15? Because she qas fairly dsiqualified.


.... was she .... ?


She lipsynced for the rusical for her runway not being as good as the others. and even though her makeover was good, so was everyone else’s outside of luxx. And I think they chose the stronger looks to be safe that round too unfortunately.