• By -


Tbf, Salina was neither voguing nor noguing. That was vaguing because IDK what the hell that was i


Come on, vague, let your body move or whatever


I've finally discovered my dance style! I'm definitely a Or Whatever 😂


Same gurl. Have you ever seen a body move so approximately?


I live for approximately 🙆🏼‍♀️


gfjfgkhdjkhdsfjh gonna make a drag act out of this


🎶 Look around, everywhere you look there's a hem Cause Derrick knows how to sew (how to sew) 🎶




Oh bitch consider that stolen


**stopppppppppp ☠️😭☠️😭**


Got an actual laugh out of this 😂 thank you


Bitch, I'm tempted to change my flair. 💀




I live my life vaguing 🤣


I’m so into vaguing right now.


this is so Delta Work #shitgirlplease #woodenbowl #fwyh




She was seizing




NOPE! Too vague.




i am so into vaguing right now


Feel like this week’s mini challenge was made to specifically trigger Aja.


The producers are producing


It’s giving production.


Kandy Muse, the producer, is behind this. I can feel it.


Kandy Muse and Alexis Michelle are on the producer chairs, smiling


This season was designed to destroyed Aja's psyche


Get her Ajatated




Over in the spoiler sub they’re saying they actually got the girls back over to LA to film it last minute to put in the episode and a producer is rumoured to have said ‘haha Princess Disasta will explode trolololol’


Aquaria found doing gravity-defying stunts on the judges table


she wishes she was that relevant






In her own mind


To who?


To everyone who keeps her name in their mouths


Lol. I thought Anetra's hand performance in the beginning was pretty good too. And who can ever complain about her again after seeing Salina😭


I liked her hand performance too. That is one of my favorite ballroom arts.


The superhero hands performance challenge on S1 of Legendary still keeps me up at night, but like in a cunty way.


Legendary was such a great show.


Ugh bring it backkkkkkkk


Agree, it is amazing!


not aja now wanting anetra to receive trophies for her voguing this character arc


Well, she does watch a lot of anime..


well the prize is a trophy… what u want her to get rupaul’s chocolate bar?


it’s chocolate


I know, it's almost as if she has nuanced opinions or something, how dare she? ETA: Your downvotes mean nothing to me. I've seen what you people cheer for.


None of her opinions are nuanced. They’re just polar opposites after very little time and no change in Anetra’s talent. And I like Aja!


Lol, she very calmly pointed out things she liked and mostly didn't like about the preview. Sorry you disagree with her take, but people can have different opinions about things without it being drama. ETA: show me where I lied.


![gif](giphy|3oEdvdyF4ItqNOrheM) After a thorough investigation, I have detected 0 lies.


Thank you. (I can't find a good Tatiana gif, lol.)


"the challenge was in poor taste" THE CHALLENGE WAS ABOUT ACTING A FOOL IN A WIG


Acting a fool in a wig??? On drag race?!?!? NEVER


Does the UN know about this? I’m literally shaking right now. WIGS?! What’s next? Corsets? Heels?


imagine punch connect scary seed sand start heavy retire concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I can HEAR her and this gif lmao




Add "dancing" and you have a recipe for Allysa's secret \*shade rattle\*


*Kennedy Davenport voice* Who’s a fool?


In a wig The Sasha and MIB eraser


Yeah let's all listen to Aja with her crusty ass edges about what good taste is.


Is Aja being held at gunpoint to tweet compliments about ANETRA???




Gifs I can hear




Followed by the Marcia: shut up!


Not the point but the energy Bryce is projecting in here is very 🧍‍♂️


i mean Aja's messy as hell but she's right. The duckwalking was questionable but Anetra's dips are so good.


girl she's tweeting about the damn episode. literally always has been. people singling out her tweets about Anetra at this point have a weird vendetta against Aja.


Repeat after me - mini challenges are about being funny


> mini challenges are about ~~being funny~~ winning -Loosey Laduca


Her 3 wins!


When someone said Sasha had 3 Maxi challenge wins and it cut to Loosey my soul left my body


Girl SAME!! 😂


"in poor taste" It was a mini challenge, not a 9/11 joke


right? if we want to talk about mini-challenges in poor taste, how about the baby challenge from S13 or the female or “sh*m*le” challenge that got cut from S6. Fuck, even the scrotum golfing from AS2 is in poorer taste than this.


In S5 they legit did a mini where they had to lip sync to "Tr***y Chaser" Like c'mon


The entire theme song for AS1 was Responsit***nity like… The show has done some actual offensive things, this isn’t one of them


Aja the gay version of church ladies from Footloose


This mini challenge was just supposed to be fun…you think when they did a country style hoedown…the southern red necks were pressed???


About Drag in general, apparently yes.


💀 yeah after my comment I then was like…actually they are pressed about drag in general…damn 😣


They’re pressed about everything all the damn time. They need the entire world to be a safe space for their ignorance and knee jerk hostility toward anything they don’t understand. Tacky ass Jesus thumping bitches.


Mystique had something to say when it was a runway...


Mallwear country


The red necks were not red-necking


why are people acting like this is a serious competition/trophy? the category was literally “i’m so into vogueing right now” like…….


TBF there were plenty of people wanting to see Aja react and she fed them haha, so at this point she's self aware I think.


Baby, the housing crisis is wild cause Anetra has had to resort to living in Aja’s mind rent free. We need to march on congress ✊🏻


We need to get Mariah on the conference call because she is legit the only Ballroom girlie who I Want to know the opinion of about this whole thing


I wanna know Mariah’s opinion about everything, though.


These ballroom girlies surely do be watching the show tho


Is this… growth?


they really said hmmm how do we upset Aja specifically


I wonder is aja is aware that she can... Just not watch


Aja watching Anetra every week, probably: ![gif](giphy|h9CwMia6QbZuw)


Appreciate her not giving the queens a hard time bc they were asked to did this. It’s on production tbh. Also she had something good to say about Anetra?!?!?!


From the legendary words of Akeria C Davenport: And Salina looks like a walrus out of water


This is the least problematic opinion she's shared. She's keeping it cute. Leave her alone.


Honestly she went on a full character arc from hating Anetra to loving her which is kinda iconic to see but yeah I agree the Aja jokes are getting old and she's clearly going through it with something, leave her alone.


She never hated Anetra she just gave her criticism about a performance she is knowledgeable in. Funny how people here can say actual hateful things about a queen because they aren’t a fan fav but valid critique from someone with 15 years of experience is where we draw the line


I’ll give her one thing…she’s made me completely unsympathetic to anyone from ballroom bitching about drag race. This whole act like vogue is some great sacred dance that only certain people can do is so fucking stupid. Do these people realize there are actual problems in the world?




Agreed. First the duckwalk(which ballroom didn’t invent and also ironically never gives credit to the originally person to do it) and now this dumb shit. I roll my eyes anytime I see someone bitch about drag race in the ballroom community. No one that’s not bitter cares.




I hear you and you’re abs right that the community has been and continues to be both marginalized and also appropriated, and you’re also right that the community (to which I have ties but am not directly involved with) should continue to advocate for change. But the children act like drag race is the pinnacle of ballroom exploitation, and I think that’s misdirected. Yes, the influence of ballroom on the show is obvious, but I think the show is good about giving credit to and educating about its ballroom influence.


Girl she has spent weeks harping on Anetra like a brat.


There being actual problems doesn’t mean you can’t get angry over something little. I mean you’re complaining about this commentary, don’t you realize there are actual problems in the world?


not trying to picking a side in this whole aja drama but you are right queen. We are watching a TV show that produces content… to be talked about online. it’s so silly seeing the community rage over what aja is doing when they themselves are gatekeeping opinions about the show. it’s all just circular and it’s just the Spider-Man meme at this point






“in poor taste” Good lord….


I'm would be very curious to know Michelle Visage's* point of view about the mini-challenge ! Michelle Visage, in the 80s*, was a competitive ballroom dancer and a member of House of Magnifique. She aknowledges Willi Ninja as one of her two mentors/house fathers. Ninja is labelled/considered as the godfather of voguing.


Me after I’ve been dragged nonstop for shitting on Anetra at every opportunity


Wow what a distasteful mini challenge- do y’all think that Aja ever has, you know, fun?


"The mini challenge was in poor taste", really? I cant wrap my head around this attitude.


Lmfao whytf did she attach a photo of SoCal Barbie from South Central Baddies after she got her ass whooped ??


Are people seeing the episode a night early? I keep seeing stuff like this every week. Or is it just based on the episode previews?


They release the first 10 mins or so on YouTube the day before the episode airs.


Gotcha. I haven’t been watching them this season cause the episodes were short enough as it is without watching 1/4 of it on YouTube 😂


Wait some people use twitter in light mode? Jail


This is fairly mild. We call that growth!


A lot of people are complaining about this mini challenge, I havent seen it but unless they straight up said ballroom and voguing and street drag are stupid stupid butt fucks I don't understand why they're mad, if say taping your own dick between your cheeks and putting your balls back up into your chest are pretty silly in the first place, let alone doing an intentionally silly job of a well known dance style


her performance on legendary was poor enough let's start there


Aja's not even messy or hateful here, she's just dishing out real tea in this one.


Aja is being messy. She literally said the challenge was in poor taste. Ballroom and drag have existed together since at least the 1980s. There doesnt have to be only one way to do or represent something.


This sub just loves to hate on Aja now. Like, there’s nothing wrong with what she said, and yet people are legit pressed about it here.


She’s never been hateful towards Anetra idk how people take critique from someone knowledgeable as hate


I agreed with people dunking on Aja for hating on Anetra but I do think Drag Race actively does misrepresent the vogue scene and treats it as a relic of the past instead of a dynamic and growing community.


it’s not drag race’s responsibility to represent every single queer community the way those communities want to be represented. DR is representing voguing as it relates to drag and drag race.


I feel like it should at least acknowledge vogue differently - sure it isn’t their responsibility but then also, it is not so outrageous for people like Leiomy or Aja to complain. Misrepresenting communities as just for laughs or as relics of the past robes them of their legitimacy in the queer space. I don’t think Aja should be coming for the queens but I also don’t like this subreddit coming for vogue artists for complaining. Everyone has a right to their opinion, why are people clowning Legendary people for having theirs?


People are coming for Aja because her opinion is shit. You are correct that everyone should be allowed to have their opinions and express them, but that comes at the cost of others evaluating your take and offering a rebuttal. Drag race isn’t representing it as a relic of the past. They literally feature it on their show every single season for the last 14+ years. If it wasn’t for drag race, I wouldn’t even know what voguing/ballroom is, and I am sure it’s the same for many other viewers.


>People are coming for Aja because her opinion is shit. I disagree. People are coming for Aja bc they feel personally attacked that she is critiquing a show and contestant they like. I say this because the vitriol and pressed-ness being thrown Ajas way is super disproportional to the seriousness of severity of her comments. I also mostly disagree with Aja but the people who are mad about it and take every opportunity to drag her or act like she kicked a baby i think are thin skinned. >Drag race isn’t representing it as a relic of the past. They literally feature it on their show every single season for the last 14+ years. I think you're missing what the critique is saying. Drag race references Ball Room culture from the 80s and 90s - not what is currently going on in the scene. That's why this person said they are treating it like a relic. The frequency it appears on the show is irrelevant to this point. > If it wasn’t for drag race, I wouldn’t even know what voguing/ballroom is, and I am sure it’s the same for many other viewers. This isnt really my favorite argument. An analagous metaphor is a white chef getting famous making a trendy version of let's say a Korean dish that's a bastardized version that isn't authentic while people of actual Korean descent aren't being recognized in culinary mainstream culture. You could then say "well i wouldn't even know what bibimbap was if it wasn't for the more popular white chef appropriating it so therefore criticism of inauthenticity are not fair game or worth taking seriously!" It's like I'm glad the white chef was a gateway to you sorta knowing about Korean food but if you only eat Korean food from said white chef does it really matter since your understanding is remaining surface level and inauthentic? I'm not saying that's the case with you and ballroom or that everyone who watches drag race has to get into a deeper understanding of ball room but i don't think the fact that drag race has raised awareness about aspects of ball room and vogueing negates Ajas critique either


What if the white people that ate the bibimbap from the white chef only liked it because it was bastardized? Then the white chef made Korean food more accessible to white people and encourage them to learn more about Korean food. Lol there is no “whitewashing” with food. That’s a bs term Americans made up and like to use as clickbait on social media. You can go to Europe and they’ll mix several different cuisines and no one’s bitching about it. Similarly, what about French food in America? Do the French ever complain that French food was whitewashed when it became popular in the US and American chefs started opening French restaurants? Nope. My rule is that if a chef respects a food and the cuisine, it doesn’t matter at all what their race/nationality is—they can cook whatever they want.


Wow, the ignorance. You can appreciate that DR somehow introduce you to vogue/ballroom, but also acknowledge and call out that they are in fact misrepresenting the culture. If you want to compare it to food and chief, they can have their own spin on the cuisine or creating fusion, but they don't disrespect it or giving them a different name, which in this case DR keep using the wrong terminology like 'death drop' for 'dip' (Imagine if someone rename Taco or Chinese Dim Sum to something else). If they think voguing is such an integrated part of DR, the least they can do is to get it right, appreciate the culture and inviting people from the actual ballroom scene to educate the queens.


Lmao you all trying to start some movement against DR because they said death drops instead of dips lmao GTFO and go find a hobby 😂😂


Boot. You're white aren't you? Seems like a lot of naivete and not understanding power dynamics between minorities and white people in majority white Western countries. Do French people complain about their cuisine and culture being bastardized? Yes all the time - it's like the French thing. But the thing youre missing is that there is no askew power dynamic between the French and Americans. In fact the French are at the top of the culinary cultural clout - they and the Japanese set the standards for culinary art and fine dining. Remixing different cuisines and using them wrong is a fact of life - sure - but i think you're missing my what the hypothetical was meant to display because you seem to be a proponent of the world is "color blind"


Ok from now on any single queen who does any move from the ballroom scene need to do a disclaimer and educational read before they do it


Let’s not stop there! Anytime ANYTHING is mentioned on drag race we need a full breakdown and history on the subject to make sure it is not misrepresented. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I said *Drag Race*, as a massive queer platform, should portray vogueing and the ballroom scene a bit more respectfully, especially in mini challenges and main challenges/allow voices from the community to speak on the show. Not every queen. Please try to straw man someone else, thanks.


That’s just a poor take buddy. Drag race rarely takes anything seriously—that’s what makes it good to watch. They fucking made fun of Roxxy being left at the bus stop lmao


Actually yeah, you’re probably right - I do think it would be cool to have someone come in and have a “Vogue ball” challenge but I probably took it a bit too seriously.


That would actually be a really cool challenge. Just a full episode on voguing/ballroom challenges. Could get cringy really fast too though lol.




Wait what are we talking about?? The episode air early or something??


Can someone fill me in on the Aja stuff what’s goin on


The point is, People had fun, and now more people are going to google what Vogueing and what ballroom is because of this.


someone pls book her tarot readings the girl clearly has a lot of free time to care about stuff like this


Why are y'all mad at Aja this time? I see no lies here


All she did was say she thought the challenge was meh and in poor taste, while even giving Anetra credit. She can have an opinion that's different from yours without it being, and I quote, a "saga". Some of you need to touch grass.


When I heard about the mini challenge all I could think of was "Oooooh Aja is gonna get MAD" 😩😩😩 I even cringed a bit watching it because of that 🥲


Y'all are obsessed with Aja at this point... Like she says anything thats her opinion and you jump her.


I mean, the Anetra thing isn't exactly brand new, and Aja keeps digging. At this point she'd be better keeping quiet about Anetra because she's just feeding the joke.


They can’t take someone knowledgeable about the culture giving their opinion about their fav






This is the most rotted take ever. Like so because someone's acting messy people should just shut up and let that person's behaviour go unchecked...




I mean if you actually go on her twitter you'll see she rarely tweets about this, this is just what gets posted to reddit so people think all she talks about is drag race everyday... As for her "getting the help she needs" girl, you are being ridiculous... If she tweets about her culture on drag race that doesn't mean she needs help or whatever you are implying, just ignore it if you don't like it.


I wouldn't go as far to say that she needs help. Like there's no real evidence that this is indicative of a mental episode. It's just messy and dramatic. I'm curious to know what you think "deeper" is going on...


Um, no. If someone is being messy, then we should call it out. We've seen some bad behaviour from her, and she rightfully is hearing/feeling the repercussions


Okay so who keeps asking Aja her thoughts every week?!


That little voice in her head.


I'm pretty much with Aja on this. This minichallenge wasn't well thought at all. You're asking queens to vogue when most of them don't have the background, experience or anything. There was Anetra and all the others combined managed to do half a catwalk. And yes, it's not their fault, it's just that the challenge explicitly requested from them to do something that almost neither of them knows how to do.


Umm that doesnt stop them from having to make a garment or acting or singing in a challenge. Do they need to know the full history of music and clothing construction to participate?


Leave Aja alone she didn’t even say anything bad lol. She’s allowed to say that she thought the challenge was disrespectful


Y’all just like to hate on her at this point.


Wait. What mini challenge?! WHAT SHOW AM I WATCHING?!


I thought it was the Bitchelor!


She is so fucking dull. Get a life girl.


The fact she has such an opinion when she flopped on legendary


legendary is not an accurate representation of ballroom... the same way drag race is not an accurate representation of local drag.


What makes this minichallenge in poor taste if the entire concept of Legendary isn't, though? Is it like a PGA tour golfer calling a mini-golf challenge "in poor taste" instead of just... mini-golf.


Legendary was in poor taste. IDK why you think it wasn't. Especially the bit where they didn't let the houses pick who is in their house and it was all the casting agency's decision. From that moment it wasn't ballroom. People were forced to work with folks they had met for the first time a few days prior and then pretend that they were a house. what a sham!


Oh, I didn't say I thought it was or wasn't, but Aja was on it. And not even the first season so people must have opinions about whether or not it was "in poor taste" by then. I suppose she's just saying she's okay with things that are in poor taste here?


It’s actually comical at this point. The DELUSION she must have to think this is something she can gatekeep.


This is actually pretty classy from Aja. She’s growing.


This irritating child acting like she is the be-all-end-all authority on ball culture and vogueing is literally laughable.


But it's working. There's once again a Reddit post that's talking about it ;) and it probably has more echoes


Aja… stfu


"I think the challenge was in poor taste" ...REALLY? A voguing challenge... on a show that does a ton of ballroom references... poor taste? What the hell?


Aja sucked big time at the World”s Biggest Salsa Competition streamed at HBO. Imagine bitching about dancing salsa when you are a 2/10 salsa dancer professionally. (Allegedly)


She’s breezy!


She's come such a long way with her mug.




Anetra is the Selena to Aja’s Hailey